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Showing content with the highest reputation on 16/08/13 in all areas

  1. Well done on getting the most out of himself and playing 10 years of AFL. Enjoy retirement.
    10 points
  2. We're a funny bunch... Scully says he wants to be a one club player, avoids the question of his loyaly, lies and eventually leaves - he is crucified by all and sundry Watts says he need to think about his future, is completely transparent in making no promises or guarantees, hides nothing - he is crucified by all and sundry.
    10 points
  3. I have to say, it's a hard gig for all concerned doing a FH dinner with the season we have had. Peter Jackson was blunt and articulate, and comes across as others have previously said as impressive and ruthless. He said something along the lines that we need to rebuild our brand. He made the comment that for too long, we have focused on logos and history as a way to build our brand, and the brand had to be built around nothing but winning games of football and being uncompromising in all decisions we make to ensure that we never compromise winning games of football. He said that we have rested on the laurels of the draft, and thought that early draft picks meant success, but we have to get far more ruthless about player development. I think the quote was that there are 3 key priorities at MFC: 1. Player Development, 2. Player Development, 3. Player Development. PJ also spoke about getting the fabric back into the club, and specifically mentioned Junior. So maybe he will come back! Here's hoping. My other observation is that compared to previous years, the players who are the leaders amongst the boys present as a very professional bunch of driven young men. I am very impressed by the calibre of person we have, having spoken for some time to Bail, Gawn, Frawley, Grimes, Dawes, N Jones and Howe. The final thing I would add is that looking at the donor list, we are very lucky that the board members who recently resigned have been extremely generous towards the club. They are not alone, but just given the stick they cop on here, I thought I should note it. Don McLardy accepted an award for his service, and he just clearly loves the club unconditionally and gives a lot of support. Karen Hayes was also recognised for an immense contribution.
    10 points
  4. Played with courage, which I greatly admire. Any player you've ever run out with will respect you for that very reason. Well done.
    9 points
  5. Did anyone else see that great footage of Neitz they showed when he just went in hard and sat his opponents on there arse. That Luke McCabe hit was just brilliant. Nice to see Neitz in the audience. Something Jack should inspire to be
    8 points
  6. I've been a supporter of Watts to date, although, if the comments he reportedly made on the footy show are accurate, he's lost me. It seems it was a really clever interview from a guy I had thought was smarter than he obviously is. He can't even play the game off the field. It seems we'll potentially go down in history as the only club who stuffed up two number 1 draft picks - and in consecutive years. I still can't get over the Sloane stuff up. Those muppets at the time appear not to have looked at a player's character sufficiently - that's why we have a number of soft players on our list who lack loyalty/character when the going gets tough - on and off the field. Fortunately we now have Todd Viney involved in player recruitment - his four pillars make absolute sense. I can't believe how bloody inept this club has been for most of this millenium - actually for much of the last millenium too.
    7 points
  7. Anybody who donates their hard earned to the club, is a hero. Thank you to all of our foundation heroes.
    7 points
  8. YES! this outdated notion of people having to bleed red and blue is one of the myriad of reasons the club is in a piece. drag yourself out of the '60s Satriconhome. This needs to be a professional organisation where appointments are chosen purely on the basis of them being the best out there. Have a look at the worlds most successful sporting leagues and teams. they go out and headhunt the best to lead their organisation. The AFL isnt a saturday arvo kick in the park anymore.
    6 points
  9. In the Nathan Jones interview on SEN a couple of days ago, in Tim Watson's quick 5 questions "Your favourite Jack at the club?" without hesitation Jones answered "Watts". That's the second strong endorsement of him from a respected team mate. Earlier in the year I heard Jack Grimes talk very genuinely positive of him too, said he's a key to keeping morale high in difficult times.
    6 points
  10. Firstly, I like the fact that Jack Watts was honest. If he was going to stay he would have signed by now or be well advanced in talks, so he didn’t tell us anything we don’t already know. Jack is weighing up his future and he has every right to do so. I still think Watts is a good chance to stay if we can appoint a ‘profile’ coach in the near term. While Jack’s manager is probably advocating a move, I think he is likely to be offered ~$100K per season more at MFC than anywhere else. Moreover, I hope he stays as I cannot see us winning in any trade. I think he will play his best footy as he gets stronger and nobody wants to come to MFC, so the best return is likely to be a draft pick ~#10. Lastly, the anger of MFC supporters should not be directed at Jack if he goes, who, like the rest of us, has been badly let down by the club’s board and previous management, chiefly Schwab, Neeld and Prendegast.
    6 points
  11. Here's my view of Watts: we handled the first couple of years terribly and threw him to the wolves, particularly in his debut against the Pies. However, now he is 22 years old and a lot more talented, skillful and bigger than most of the other guys put on the field, yet he fails to show any kind of appetite for the game. He is lazy, lacks any kind of intensity or aggression. The onus must now be on him as he is no longer a kid - I just don't think he has the drive and is in a similar mould to Sylvia. If he can't find the will in himself to get better and play harder, I'd be happy let him go for the right price. The decider for me was one second Nathan Jones was saying how we have to lift this club from the inside, I want to do that etc, nek minnit Jack comes out and says he'll wait for the coach to see if he wants to stay and tries to hold the club to ransom. Jones is the guy Watts should aspire to be.
    6 points
  12. Nervous 22 year old goes on TV... Demonland reaction:
    6 points
  13. Has anyone thought of the other possibility - that perhaps we're so popular that no matter where you look, our gear is all sold out.
    5 points
  14. They need to do this, Sunday is our last home game, we need to start to see our board take shape, until this happens filling key roles with in the club mainly Coach and Footy Manager can't happen. Would be great for a new President to host the lunch on Sunday,
    5 points
  15. If I had the money I would happily give it, I'm a fool.
    5 points
  16. keep of course. What's the story in Demonland?? Rivers, Moloney, Petterd and Martin should still be playing for Dees. Watts especially is just arriving and will be the biggest force of the game in two more years. Next year he'll be dominant. CRAZY!!..
    5 points
  17. I still believe in him and I'm not going to pull the trigger against him until it is finally announced whether he's staying or going. I would feel pretty shitty if he left but all of this rumour talk and belittling of him is getting us nowhere until we find out exactly what happens in the end. None of you know exactly what the conversations are between him, his manager and the club... lets just wait and see
    5 points
  18. What a pathetic load of flogs you all are. "There's no doubt I love the club and I love the boys." He said that very clearly. It was very clear. He is unsure of his future. He's a 22-year-old with no success, looking down the barrell of another 3-4 years without playing finals. He wants to know that his employer is going to provide the environment necessary for him to thrive. He's 22 for crying out loud. Going by the tone in here I wouldn't blame him if he leaves. He's not leaving. He's just riding the wave and seeing what decisions the club has made moving forward. Ya'all would do the same if you were working at the worst organisation in your field, with no improvement in sight.
    5 points
  19. What I hope from this: The players sit down after training tomorrow night in some sort of leading teams style chat, and players like Jones, Clark, Trengove, Dawes, Garland, Gawn, Clisby, Jones M, Viney, Grimes and others pull Watts up on his attitude. I hope that his team mates point out that if he wants us to improve that he is one of the 40 blokes in the world with the power to do that, and that arguably he has the potential to be in the top 5 of those 40, but unless he makes it happen it never will. This is a perfect leading teams style opportunity, because it doesn't matter what external people say, only what his peers say. I don't think it will happen at Melbourne but it's the only way out of this mess. The players need to stand up and take responsibility and realise that 40 blokes trying their guts out every weekend and every training session is the only way it will work. We have an opportunity in a way; it's very rare for a player to act like this publicly, so it might actually cause some words to be said. We can only hope.
    5 points
  20. I am with Watts that Melbourne was meant to be on the up 3 years ago. Problem I think he has is that he doesn't realize that he was meant to be one if tge guys to lead that transition.
    5 points
  21. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe that last year, the dinner raised a shade under $700k. The result from last night remains outstanding in the circumstances and well done to all the FH's (including myself ) who contributed.
    5 points
  22. I'm pushing 60 , and have been following the Dees probably longer than you've been alive , so it actually bothers me tremendously that we've become an irrelevance .
    4 points
  23. Watts -"You look at the good teams like Geelong and Hawthorn and Fremantle and those kind of things. You've got guys like Selwood, Joel Corey, Stevie Johnson, Sam Mitchell and Jordan Lewis - they stand up and they don't accept that (losing) for their club". Viney - "Ive just become 100 per cent committed to wanting to do things to improve. The contrast in attitudes couldn't be more pronounced.
    4 points
  24. Just get behind him. He is now the President.
    4 points
  25. And if they lose your case you get a free pizza.
    4 points
  26. Congratulations to Glen Bartlett on his appointment as club chairman and best of wishes for a long and fruitful term in the role. Let's hope the entire club gets behind him and his team and that they lead us to a successful future (and don't take long getting us there)!
    4 points
  27. 4 points
  28. 4 points
  29. As long as watts and Roos are happy with this. I'd hate to upset two people who aren't sure if they want to be at the club.
    4 points
  30. Apologies for being blunt, but what a load of waffle. He's 22, that's not a kid. He is accountable for his decisions and actions, and he chose the life of a professional footballer, no-one did it for him. The bulk of the pressure has been a result of being a number 1 pick at a struggling club, not from being mismanaged. He's hardly the first player to be in that position. Most number 1 picks go to struggling clubs, and they each cope with it in their own way. Even that [censored] Scully never had question marks over his attitude towards his football. In some ways he's held himself together well, endearing himself to younger fans etc. But his onfield performances for the most part have been very disappointing, and for that he must take some responsibility. By his own admission he hasn't worked hard enough on and off the training track, and considering the responsibilities that come with being the no.1 pick, someone people will look up to whether you like it or not, that plainly sn't good enough. If he was a a better club, with a better culture, no doubt he'd be twice the player he is. His circumstances have been that he isn't, and it's now up to him if he wants to be part of the solution or go the easier route. I don't think too many will be bowled over if it's the latter. He does have talent, and with his very best years ahead of him, he'll be a loss, but please let's save the "poor little Jacky" routine. Enough.
    4 points
  31. I reckon we should play that lot, could only improve us.
    4 points
  32. Supplied the half time oranges that were perfectly cut in to quarters.
    4 points
  33. Hah. I doubt we'd be able to field a side in the next few years. Each player currently on the list would become irreplaceable.
    4 points
  34. I partly agree with you, I think it shouldn't be an either/or scenario, we should be developing the brand using logos etc, WITH player development and winning games. At the end of the day what he's saying is a kids is not going to choose a team because of a logo, he/she will choose them because they are winning. Well done to all FH, and a special thank you to those outed board members who dug deep. It would be easy for them to hold a grudge but their generosity is inspiring. Maybe some day the club will give all FH reward for digging deep with success.
    4 points
  35. Lenny Hayes is clearly a terrific bloke and role model. But that doesn't necessarily mean he would make a good assistant coach. I don't think the Club can afford to employ any more first timers.
    4 points
  36. Jack Viney today, "“It’s been a really tough year mentally and for some of the boys, they’d be pretty fatigued at the moment. But if we want to be a dominant and ruthless football team, we’ve got to run past the line – not just through it." Does Jack Watts want to run past the line? Jack Viney's credo seems to be, "if it is to be it is up to me". Jack Viney in attitude and intensity is everything Jack Watts is not. Both have talent but only one wants to lead. The other one is a follower. Jack Watts has undoubted talent. Will he ever have the desire needed to get the best out of himself? Guess thats what the incoming coach has to decide. His talent will seduce teams into making him a hot trade property. Is it time to to sell the Jack Watts stock or hold and see if we can help him want to run past that line?
    4 points
  37. He'll never be running amok, he doesn't have it in him. This is what I'd rather people realise before he is 28, has done sweet FA and is effectively Sylvia mk 2.
    3 points
  38. Ahh David Neitz. Now there is a man who played with absolute heart and brought passion to the Melbourne Football Club.
    3 points
  39. BINGO - it makes sense that you target the best people and then use the best methods to get the best people. We've got "good blokes" or "footy people" to make gut-based decisions. We've deserved everything we got. WE are the architects of our own demise - and that can work in reverse, too.
    3 points
  40. Does anyone really think the Suns would trade Swallow for Watts? Come on.
    3 points
  41. Great! It won't be so hard to convince my 3 and 6 year old nieces to support the Dees with 'Tinker' floating around the forward line.
    3 points
  42. 3 points
  43. I don't care if he stays at MFC. In fact in some ways I am happy to see him go as he represents what was a false dawn and a soft attitude that I want to see wiped fom our club. What I do care about is us maximising what we get for him.
    3 points
  44. 100% our club is not the most attractive option for a player, and we have done a woeful job developing Jack, but players who don't put in and don't perform consistently shouldn't have any right to complain about the on field state of our club. Why is it that I never hear Jones or Garland or Grimes or Trengove whinge? Their careers have been screwed by our club just as much, yet they all committed to stay and make a real difference. You want the club to be accountable, yet you don't take any accountability yourself.
    3 points
  45. Believe me when I say my workplace sucks balls, but when I'm in public and I get questioned about it, I endorse the company and our product. It's called professional conduct. Jack Watts is a smart man, and his petulant behaviour tonight was pretty pathetic.
    3 points
  46. Could not believe Watts tonight. Said something along the lines of "We need to start winning...we said three years ago we were on the way up so I need to be sure we're headed in the right direction". Jack, you typify the problem with our playing list. All the talent in the world but happy enough just to be an afl player. Made me sick Watts lapping up his little cheer squad in the audience and then bemoaning how the list aren't coming on. See you Wattsy.
    3 points
  47. If Watts were to go and I say if I would be more filthy then when Scully left. I get why Scully left. If Watts is waiting for a coach to turn him into a good player with a pair dangling between his legs he will forever wait. It's up to YOU Jack. You have more talent and natural skill sets then Nathan Jones but you will never be anywhere near Jones as a player with this attitude.
    3 points
  48. You've probably just got a stress fracture.
    3 points
  49. I read just now that the dinner raised $500,000 If that is correct it is an outstanding effort by the FH Members.
    3 points
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