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P-man last won the day on July 14 2019

P-man had the most liked content!

About P-man

  • Birthday 18/03/1980

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  1. I can’t believe the last couple of weeks gave me hope. What a mug.
  2. I watched this with an Eagles fan. He drank twice as much as I did.
  3. It hurts but I’m gonna focus on the positives. Claz back to resembling something like Claz. Koz lighting it up. JVR ascending. Riv looking the goods in the middle. Viney heroics with Trac out. MOW showing a lot. Mayver providing surety. Contested game was back even if we still feel a mid short. Need more from Sparrow. Ultimately though it’s given us a platform for the rest of the year which many weren’t expecting. Some better game management in the last and umpires who aren’t spineless cheats and it would’ve been a memorable win. Chin up lads and go again.
  4. BT making jokes at the expense of a kid playing in his 8th game. The bloke is a disgrace and an embarrassment. Just go away.
  5. What a sequence. Brilliant footy.
  6. Pressuring every possession. You love to see it.
  7. Me and the like button right now.
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