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Showing content with the highest reputation on 30/09/23 in all areas

  1. No way I would use Petty in the ruck with his foot problem history. Tom Mac looks cooked. We shouldn’t be destroying JVR and risking injury, he should concentrate on his forward craft.
    18 points
  2. I feel sick in my stomach after what happened to Angus and then no penalty. I can still here them chanting while Angus lay unconscious on the ground. May the Lions win by a large margin.
    13 points
  3. Petty's family home is in Wudinna, which is 570km from Adelaide and a 6 hour drive. He was a boarder at a school in Adelaide, but family ties are nowhere near Adelaide. He's contracted until 2025 and I have zero concerns about him leaving.
    12 points
  4. Got a few nice reddies. Yummo 😋
    11 points
  5. Their losing ones have been entertaining 😀.
    10 points
  6. Pretty definitive proof of the giant myth of the key forward and their impact on success Efficiency is King, speed kills, and hopefully our trade & draft period reflect that thinking....!
    9 points
  7. One of the things I liked about today’s game was the booing of Maynard. Those were neutral fans who clearly disagree with the handling of that incident, and it was clear to hear on the broadcast.
    9 points
  8. I feel like in a survey of 100,000 AFL fans who aren’t Collingwood supporters, 90%+ would say they dislike the Pies. Have you ever been to a game against them? I have. Their fans are vile. Their ex president is vile. Their organization supported systemic racism for decades. They applaud thugs like Maynard and Cox and alleged sex offenders like De Goey, while they cheer opposition players laying unconscious on the ground. The only embarrassing nonsense is you trying to convince a forum of Melbourne fans that Collingwood is not a despicable team and that we should somehow be happy they won a premiership?
    9 points
  9. Me when Collingwood has just won a flag and waiting on further trade rumours.
    9 points
  10. Sorry, I didn't mean it to read bad news for us, but rather, not much news for us. Hope I haven't caused any stress.
    9 points
  11. Okay Bali, it's time to pull your head in. Every time anyone disagrees with you you get into the snarky whiny 'ooh, well, aren't you a big boy' talk and it is both bringing down the tone of the forum and crowding the screen space. About ten years ago Demonland slumped badly because a few people were teeing off at each other constantly and derailing whole threads with their petty snarks. Those of us who have been around would have no interest in seeing that tone creeping back in. Like you, those people also mixed in valid points of discussion and had interesting things to say, but I can't remember what any of it was because it was drowned out by just this kind of childish thin-skinned snot-flicking. You're bringing down the vibe.
    9 points
  12. I actually don't know how to feel. I like *something* about Collingwood but I don't know what. They are just superbly coached. McRae is a very special get for them. Everyone here bangs on about our forward line but you cannot convince me they have more talent up forward than we do. It is 100% strategic. They set themselves up to succeed deep and quickly. We win long in defense and hope going to the well enough times will suffice. Never has a team been both so uninspiring yet so inspiring at the same time. They are either gifted wins through the opposition's own choking/incompetence, or they just *find a way*. They are undoubtedly the best in a very tight core of 4-5 teams that encompasses Melbourne, Brisbane, Carlton, Sydney and GWS. I am just shocked that they have won and won the way they did. Just truly shocked. Some here probably don't realise it bit we have absolutely thrown away a premiership this year with our choke in the QF. Good on Collingwood. Once they beat us they absolutely knew it was right there for them.
    8 points
  13. Mihocek is a very underrated player. much better than people give him credit for.
    8 points
  14. I know the popular thing to do is bag the umpiring. But we have so much to learn from that game, and from Collingwood. They just won a GF with Frampton, Mihocek, Cameron and Cox as their tall forwards/rucks. They are relaxed, they balance defence with offence, and their supporters support them no matter what. They were the best side all year and it’s hardly like they didn’t deserve to win today. Brisbane were great, and it will go down as one of the all time best GFs, but rather than trying to tell ourselves they only won due to our poor QF kicking or today’s umpiring, let’s all acknowledge reality - they are the benchmark and they are better than everyone else.
    8 points
  15. Umpires were genuinely atrocious today. That advantage call late in the 4th was a defining moment. I’d be punching walls if I was a Brisbane supporter.
    8 points
  16. Keep reminding yourselves that we were good enough to beat this mob even playing one man short for all but five minutes, until we kicked ourselves out of it. We are still right in the window.
    8 points
  17. This has been one of the worst seasons I can remember and that includes seasons where we were at rock bottom. I’ve never hated the AFL more. I really am struggling to stay invested.
    8 points
  18. Let's face it, if it happened in round 2 he would have got 3-4. They came up with the smothering angle and then said the hit was accidental, as he wasn't bumping and then poorly prosecuted the case. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink. We all know how this works with the AFL favourites. Cripps last year another pathetic example and like Gus, Ah Chee, Cripp's victim, missed the finals. Newman last year got off with a punch to the throat, because they said the charge sheet had the wrong hand named as the striking one, even though they said those technicalities are irrelevant. I think back to Barry Hall the Swans Captain, punching a Saint pretty hard in the guts, 150 meters off the ball, in a PF. Tribunal then found that a Swans player was about to grab the ball 150 meters away and he would would have kicked it forward and then that Hall was in the play and it was deemed not off the ball. Hall was cleared and was one of the best in the Swan's flag. AFL happy. Integrity is a swear word at the AFL.
    8 points
  19. Ok Brisbane over to you. Today please break the hearts of every pies player and supporter. They must start well and take every opportunity they can. Go lions
    8 points
  20. For the life of me I can’t understand why any Melbourne supporter wouldn’t be interested in watching our W matches. There’s a Melbourne team absolutely carving up any and all opposition there for the viewing. A genius game-plan, 100% passion and dogged determination, a team displaying sublime skills and the tightest cohesion under a coach who pretends to be a coach but in reality is a wizard. 😁 All this in our beloved red and blue. Who wouldn’t be keen to come aboard?!?! Seriously, these players aren’t just amazing female players, they’re amazing players. Period.
    8 points
  21. 7 points
  22. I for one am shocked that a contentious umpiring decision at the end of the game helped gift Collingwood a premiership.
    7 points
  23. Is everyone on the streets of Adelaide talking about the McAdam trade? I knew it was a bit boring there but that is a surprise!
    7 points
  24. At least with daylight savings tonight we have one less hour of celebrating this [censored] to endure.
    7 points
  25. And so ends the weakest AFL season in my living memory. The umpiring this season wrongly and unjustly determined the outcomes of multiple games. I’ve never been more disappointed in our game and after nearly 40 years attending matches weekly I’m basically done. I pray we can reload and contend again next year or my love of the sport might have died today. What a sad day it is in this country where we see a pack of sexual predators and thugs celebrated.
    7 points
  26. Richo was right, the players didn't even know there was a free kick, the ball had moved forward 10 metres before whistle blown and umpires assumed advantage was taken. That and all the N Daicos ducking frees and non-call on Maynard's decapitating tackle just defined too many pivotal moments, I feel sorry for Fages, Lions and their supporters, I'm ropeable and it's not even my team.
    7 points
  27. I posted at halftime that the game would likely be decided by umpiring. And so it came to pass. The state of AFL umpiring is killing the game. For all the brilliant play, and players, all the work, dedication and teamwork, umpiring is simply making the game unwatchable. Congrats to Collingwood, but we’ll forever know there’s a huge, ugly umpiring asterisk hanging over this flag.
    7 points
  28. Gotta change the advantage rule. If no advantage accrues bring it back for the free kick
    7 points
  29. Re Daicos, we had to listen to all the experts explaining why Toby Green didn’t get that head high free all week, you know he bent at the knees etc. Then in the first half we have watched Daicos picking up head high frees at will as he drops the knees and leans in to the tackle!
    7 points
  30. Of course we aren’t far away. But we play cagey boring footy and that is not what wins flags. Also, wrong thread for this.
    7 points
  31. Maynard has dead seat had a massive say in Brisbane’s last 2 goals. Brilliant!
    7 points
  32. For a bunch of 70 year olds there doing ok. Much better than Meatloaf.
    7 points
  33. Even kiss with their black and white costumes... it's a bloody conspiracy.
    7 points
  34. I should be on my fifth coffee, third Red Bull and tenth cigarette by now, having not slept a wink last night. This should be a GameDay thread. Dane Zorko- all will be forgiven and forgotten (for making Harry cry) if you do two things: take Maynard down, and get your team on the podium. I’LL GET YOUR FACE TATTOOED ON MY PERSON IF YOU CAN DO THIS!
    7 points
  35. From a long way out I thought this was our year. I was so confident we would be in the GF I booked a city hotel for this weekend. To enjoy the festivities, see the city awash with red and blue and make up for missing the fanfare in 2021. I'm still in disbelief that we aren't at the G today. I truly believe we should be there and my confidence wasn't misplaced; there was no way to predict the impact of thuggery and our appalling goal kicking. As it is now not a Coll vs Carl game I will watch it cosseted as it were at the home of Dees supporting friends. Having to barrack for Daniher and Zorko is rather sickening but there is no other way. Go Roy boys!!!!
    7 points
  36. Geelong have probably put a down-payment on a nice little Bellarine vinyard for Ollie. Look out for the Wines Wine label
    7 points
  37. It's outside the box but i'd be using Joel Smith as our second string ruck/forward, his marking around the ground would be a weapon, he gives us another midfielder at ground level and is just tall enough that with his leap he can compete in the ruck
    7 points
  38. any chance you could not overly dominate and make treads unreadable? sure, make your point, however misguided. You don't have to play the victim and complain if people don't agree Casboult will be 34 by round 1. A terrible option, we would not even consider
    7 points
  39. This is actually factual incorrect. I've had the pleasure of meeting Ollie Wines sister in Maddie about a year or so after he was drafted and she started out as a local journo around the region. We crossed paths at a regional awards function one night and i actually asked this question to her. Melbourne had certainly had Wines in their sights and this was purely because Todd thought GWS were going to pick Toumpas with their early picks. Our recruiting staff thought he was a top 2 genuine talent based off his senior SANFL experience as well as winning a flag at such a young age. They were mostly set on Wines until it was made known fairly soon that GWS were then going to pass Toumpas. Maddie confirmed it was actually Todd Viney who made the decision even though Neeld preferred Wines, but Neeld had enough faith in Viney and the rest of the recruitment. Viney informally Wines family and whilst they were fairly disappointed in the decision they certainly didn't hold it against Todd as they knew it was a professional decision. So yes, unfortunately it was Todd who made the blunder.
    7 points
  40. there's not much nuance on DL its possible to acknowledge the pies were the better team and deserved to win and hate them with a passion. doesn't have to be an either or proposition
    6 points
  41. I really dont like the afl at all. I love the mfc but I have no interest in anything outside of it. It’s a corrupt backwater league. No integrity, corporatised to within an inch of its life. Unaccountable executives have meant I haven’t enjoyed watching it in years.
    6 points
  42. If anybody's looking for me over the next week or so, I'll be in denial.
    6 points
  43. Let's be honest from arc to basic umpiring to brownlows the afl doesn't get much right lately.
    6 points
  44. Lions only themselves to blame. That 50 to Sidebottom turned the game, but they just looked sluggish when they should have dominated around stoppages.
    6 points
  45. Season 2023 can go and just [censored] RIGHT OFF Don’t let the door hit you on the way out Gil you absolute [censored] sucking garbage administrator. And take your ****ty umpiring, MRO and ARC with you.
    6 points
  46. Hodge seems to be the only one who’ll comment like this. The others go silent even though you know they agree with him.
    6 points
  47. Very enjoyable game. momentum swings and plenty of quality. just hope the Lions can get it done in the second half.
    6 points
  48. CARN THE ROYS! 💙💛❤️
    6 points
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