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  1. Port of a 6 day break actually, don't listen to the commentators trying to cover for the blooz.
  2. I reckon he's front of the cue to come back into the team when the chance arises. 24 tackles in a game is insane levels of brutality, which would lift team mates around him.
  3. It's exactly what we need more of in our team. I thought Sparrow was ready to explode this year after his pre season performance against the Blues. 2-3 weeks at Casey might do him some good.
  4. I guarantee if we make finals we will be hearing about this and from our old friend the lawyer.
  5. Why not look at this man for next season. On his way to a Magaery medal in the SANFL. Absolutely killing it in the ruck. Might have been approached but not interested, who knows find out. Jade Rawlings is still his coach, so still has contacts at the Dees.
  6. He would add another dimension to our game from the back half. Can distribute the ball with laser like precision with his prodigious right leg, can win his own ball comfortably and mark above his head soundly. I wouldn't be offering anything more than a future 1st 2025 as we need to us our picks this year.
  7. Agree that they know the players history etc, but in a crucial stage of a final like the Weitering mild concussion case. He had the jelly legs and Smith helped him up, no club doctor is taking him off unless he's out cold. Imagine this scenario in a GF with 5 mins to go no coach is agreeing to taking a player off.
  8. Doctors need to be independent from the clubs. Coaches are always going to rant and rave to keep them on the field. AFL keeping the costs down.
  9. It's definitely cost us a tilt at top 4. Red flags should have been in the air with Mcadam, I thought he would be a great get but not even the great man Darren Burgess couldn't get him on the track consistently.
  10. As soon as I saw him in the pre season against Carlton I immediately just thought he's going to be a next level type operator. Special.
  11. As a Norwood supporter in the SANFL we should have nabbed Boydie he would have been very handy for us during this period. Then again he might not want to play 2nd fiddle either.
  12. They've had it over us for the past 5 years, ruck structures aside we fall for the same 5h it every time we play against them.
  13. Made Corey Wagner look like a superstar today. Fn embarrassing.
  14. What is Gawn doing in Perth? Why would you put him on a plane?
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