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  1. Should have been shown the door after the King Kong comment. He still doesn’t get it
    16 points
  2. Injury has played a part in Tmacs' form slump since 2018 foot problems and a knee injury in 2019 didn't help and the confidence was low. Tom has put in the hard yards over the summer and has come back slim and looking fit which is a good sign. He has his critics and it comes with the package however l rate him and l back him in with confidence. He has a few good years in him yet. Tom coming back in good shape in what he has endured over the trade period means he is ready to prove that he has much to offer our great club. He didn't find a new home during the trade period because it wasn't meant to be. He is a Melbourne boy
    16 points
  3. Great initiative by Gawn and Goodwin. They cop a fair bit both these two for their leadership but this is the kind of stuff that unites clubs and plays a huge factor in club culture and unity. Good to see Mark Williams revving the boys up as well in those videos! As a coach back in his day he would have put in a lot of time and effort into some of those past players he came up against. Once again, well done Goodwin and Max.
    15 points
  4. A typically honest chat with Tom. Leaving no stone unturned to get back to his best, and if he can, it will make us a better side, no matter what position(s) he plays.
    12 points
  5. 11 points
  6. Brad Green is my hero - going all the way to Perth and locking himself in a room to avoid going for a run.
    9 points
  7. As the high profile leader, he should have immediately stepped down when Collingwood received the report back in December - but he didn't. He had a second opportunity after his "proud day" gaff - and again he didn't step down. As a result of the public backlash and his inaction, it is my belief that he has been forced to step down - most likely by the sponsors'. Had he stepped down when the report was received, he would have left with public respect for accepting the blame. Had he stepped down after "proud day" the public would have acknowledged that he does finally "get it" and he would have left with some shred of dignity. Instead he had to be pushed out - so he is now as ex president with his reputation in complete tatters, likely to be forever labelled as a racist (or for condoning racism), and whatever good he did for Collingwood over those 22 years probably now forgotten by most, except perhaps for the die-hard Collingwood fans. I agree - it's a sad, humiliating day for Eddie.
    8 points
  8. A three day practice game should sort out the fitness levels anyway.
    8 points
  9. Melbourne are releasing a behind the scenes footage on last year's draft. Sorta similar to last year? Can't wait to watch it!
    7 points
  10. I hope at our new training complex we build, we get a life member locker room for our mens and womens team so they can stop in and do laps on an oval, access the gym or canteen when in retirement. Speak to a lot of the old boys who retired and the issues they have with depression because there bodies are banged up and the nature of being a part of a group thats so close one day and gone the next is very tough. We should be opening our doors more and as Choco said this is our life.
    7 points
  11. He's not a scapegoat, he's a boofhead who refused to ever accept responsibility or offer a meal culpa for anything. The way he acted in last week's presser was the final straw, a PR debacle. I don't think the findings of the report itself were enough for ed to need to step down, I don't think he's racist and I think he is genuine with some of the work he does supporting some of the marginalised in the community. But he's also an "alpha" personality and acted like a bully on many occasions. He also refused to address issues within the club (not just linked to casual/systemic racism but other player behaviours too) and was on the defense to protect the CFC brand at all times even to its and his own detriment. His lack of awareness and lack of insight into his own behaviour and comments was ultimately his downfall and it was a miracle he lasted that long when he should've been shown the door after the Goodes incident 8 years ago.
    6 points
  12. I think he still doesn't really understand what this is all about. For the record, I am loathe to condemn him; there but for the grace of whoever, I may have been there too. He just happened to become the president of a club which exists in the time warp where only white men rule. It is symbolic, though, and kind of befitting that it was at Victoria Park that Nicky Winmar stood up for his history and his culture, a history and culture which we, at our peril, still know not that much about. There's also a kind of Karma about all this. Eddie, for all of his positive attributes, is trapped in his time warp, yet understands that he needs to 'spin' his way out of it, E.G.' It's a proud day for our club'. Then again, he may have been taking lessons on 'Spin' from Scomeo. Like I say, he doesn't get it. He possibly never will. There are many here among us who feel the same way he does. I'm not one of them!
    6 points
  13. Its understandable that people will come for Eddie, he is a big boy, he is answerable for his mistakes. I Wonder when the people that he has helped, done a lot for, raised money for, made their life better will step up and go into bat for him. Hope they do, because there will be lots of them.
    6 points
  14. They're already reviewing drafts Steve. I've got a bootleg copy
    6 points
  15. My well placed Tigers source said there will be a 6 quarter scratch match vs the Tigers this Thursday at Casey.
    6 points
  16. Watching this clip, it's great to see the boys looking pretty happy together. Just spotted this on Youtube in case no one has seen it. Good to see Clarrie and Trac all smiles.
    5 points
  17. There is a lot more that needs to be done to stamp out entrenched racism The booing of Adam Goodes by a big percentage of fans from most of the other clubs remains a huge low point for football (and Australian society in general) Adam Goodes was hounded out of the game and that was the red flag. Or at least, it should have been seen as such. Maguire's ill-conceived comments at the time seemed to add fuel to the fire And the players from all the other clubs should have done something at the time but didn't. The AFL Commission sat silent. Club Presidents & CEO's did virtually nothing At first I just thought it was harmless booing but in the end it was insidious, relentless and disgusting and said a lot about our mentality. The voice of racism (by the mob) is how I look back and view it now Say No To Racism
    5 points
  18. Every fan of every club dreams of a having president as effective for their club as Eddie. Every fan of every club has nightmares of having a president who embarrasses their club as often and as badly as Eddie. If he'd stepped down 10 or 12 years ago his reputation would have been unimpeachable. He got to close to the subject matter. He was Collingwood and Collingwood was Eddie. His farewell speech today ... the first part sounded like he was explaining why the Collingwood Football Club should be returned to parliament. The second part sounded like he was preparing for the afterlife. Like he was delivering his own eulogy. Hey Eddie ... there's life after Collingwood. "The first time I went to Vic Park, that's the first time in my life I felt a part of a group or a community." (paraphrased). That explains quite a bit. Collingwood meant everything to Eddie. And because of that he hung on too long. And so he goes, with a tarnished reputation. Even as a renowned media performer, he seemed to have lost his mojo. Getting bested in an interview by Tony Jones. Always blowing his stack at the mildest questioning. No, politics was never in his future. He would have lasted as long as Mal Maninga. Vale Eddie McGuire. Good for Collingwood. Not good for football.
    5 points
  19. Absolute witch hunt claims another victim. Don't dare make a mistake or be imperfect. Sad day.
    5 points
  20. And he's gone. What a fantastic day for footy. Good riddance
    5 points
  21. Lumumba has said that he didn't stand up for himself back in those days as he wanted to be accepted. Without further context all this does is prove further that it happened and make it even more dubious that senior figures, including coaches, continue to deny they ever knew about it. This is more sad than it is controversial, although obviously that will vary depending on which lens you choose to view it through.
    5 points
  22. He was excellent at turning around Collingwood and getting them to the top, but terrible when they were already at the top. The two roles need different skills and Eddie showed that he's a far better salesman than he is a manager, cc as shown by his time at Nine. Unfortunately he was the last one to realise it
    4 points
  23. They cut out the bits where SG said “you blokes are clueless f*ing morons”. I’ll be lucky to see past mid season with these classy midgets in my team, I only want ball hungry hacks”. “FMD, Taylor! You should cop a bullet before me!”
    4 points
  24. Whatever the merits of Eddie, he just does not get it. He is still saying the club is not racist despite having a report commissioned by the club (ie. not by Carlton or some other enemy) which specifially says the club is systematically racist.
    4 points
  25. [censored] see ya. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
    4 points
  26. just one...and then another one...and another...and another...and another...
    4 points
  27. Well, at least C'wood now has some chance of developing a culture befitting the 21st century.
    4 points
  28. Let’s grab him, best president out there by a mile.
    4 points
  29. Say what you will about him. When we were on our knees, he gave us the gate takings for Queens Bday for more than 5 years in a row.. But lets never forget his crowning moment!!
    4 points
  30. Superb! This is what it’s all about. For so long, we have had little in the way of relations between past and present. It’s SO important to the DNA of this club, even more so when we don’t yet have our home base yet.
    4 points
  31. Should have gone in 2013 following the King Kong comments. Incredible that he was able to survive as president and continue to have multiple roles in the media following it. The Goodes documentary was last year shown on the BBC meaning it was shown throughout most of Europe. The reaction from most people was of disbelief. The fact that Maguire kept his job confirmed to many that racism was not just condoned but the norm in Australia.
    3 points
  32. My thoughts exactly NC. Was just about to post almost exactly the same comments. As I posted earlier in this thread it is remarkable that for a bloke who's life work has all been about communication he is so poor at it. Is this a more recent phenomenon (ie the ladt 10 years or so) or has it always been tbe case? As you say tbe smart play was to fall on his sword when the report was leaked. Perhaps a smaryrte move still would have been to release it himself and step down. Either way he controls the narrative, leaves on his terms and his 'brand' doesn't take such a god awful shellacking.
    3 points
  33. Perhaps the little bundle of joy called Esme Elizabeth Brown was more important on the day? ? Congratulations to Ben and Hester by the way.
    3 points
  34. Without wanting to speculate too much, pretty sure he had a bit going on, on the home front around that time...could explain a few things.
    3 points
  35. A politician has to be better at spin than Eddie has managed recently
    3 points
  36. Too many mistakes over too many years any one of which would have caused anyone other then Eddie to be sacked. Has cheapened footy with his numerous conflicts of interest as a caller and commentator and his uncontrolled mouth. No loss.
    3 points
  37. Just one little slip-up and everyone piled on. ? Edit: please turn on your sarcasm filter, everyone. I thought the boggly-eyed-tongue-out face would be the giveaway!
    3 points
  38. reckon he'll lead with 'it's a proud day...'?
    3 points
  39. This is what building "culture" looks like. Well, its one of the ingredients anyway. Great initiative by whoever thought of it. The club deserves a pat on the back for this one. Would make a very interesting video for the fans as well. Love it.
    3 points
  40. I found this really interesting. Goody did not seem enthused at all, I'm guessing due to their size, and had to be reassured on their quality. Its good to know that the recruiters aren't easily over ridden though and their research and opinion are respected. Also compared to last year it seems we weren't interested in trading up for any players in particular, although perhaps they just didnt include the footage to keep that intel in house.
    3 points
  41. If this is right can u find out starting time and I may get down and file a report
    3 points
  42. Mark Williams made a similar move in his amateur coaching days on a day when past players were invited to come to a match and were invited to join in the circle when singing the club song after a great victory. After celebrating premierships at the same club this was my best day ever at the footy.
    3 points
  43. I've been a huge critic of Tom's last few seasons, but I'd be absolutely wrapt if he rose from the ashes in 2021. By the look of BB's knee, it looks like we really need Tmac circa 2018 back again.
    3 points
  44. Can that first video, its already loaded! https://www.melbournefc.com.au/video/860177/behind-the-draft?videoId=860177&modal=true&type=video&publishFrom=1612820720001#
    3 points
  45. So you don't believe the numerous people who have backed Lumumba's version of events but you then choose to believe one single person who wasn't even there for most of it... Confirmation bias perhaps?
    3 points
  46. I think the Wiz's connection to the club definitely opened some doors for Kobe to get a chance with us, but it'll be up to him to take that chance and do something with it. So far it sounds like he's doing everything right.
    3 points
  47. Stephen Kernahan managed a very successful AFL career despite never learning to speak English.
    3 points
  48. Word is he’s training the house down. Just imagine the elation when he kicks his ninth against the pies on QB. He’s all but got a spot just working out whether he plays ones or twos come March
    3 points
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