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Showing content with the highest reputation on 19/06/20 in all areas

  1. I was terribly disappointed in how we played last week. The first quarter was fun but really the blues gifted us a fast start with zero pressure. We had 10 inside 50s before their first, which did not come until after half way through the quarter. We should have kicked 8 such was our dominance and opportunities. And the rest of the match was simply terrible. I cannot recall being so disappointed in a performance. Not even in Perth for the preliminary. And not at any point last year, when at least there was the mitigating fact that half our team were injured. We had almost a full list to choose from on Saturday. We were 7 goals up with two and bit quarters of the game to go. Quarters that are 20% shorter than normal so really that is more like a 50 point lead. But unbelievably we should have lost that game. We were lucky the blues did not turn up until the second quarter. And even luckier their kicking was so poor in the last 3. Of great concern was it appeared we ran out of gas. I thought this team was completely dedicated to getting us back from hell and that dedication would show in their fitness levels after the enforced break (and to be fair for it did for some - Harley, Rivers and tracc being stand outs). Maybe the group simply wasn't disciplined enough to work their backsides off when in isolation, without the club tracking their every moment and session. Perhaps Spargo encouraging a a first year player to break the rules and get suspended was evidence of a wider malaise. Maybe despite all the words they simply don't want it enough. Of great concern was the complete lack of on field leadership when we needed it from Brayshaw, Jones, May and worst of all a player who seems to get missed a bit when it comes to public criticism, Melksham. I am over his one handed attempts at marks and too cute by half kicks. The only players who seemed to say we are going to change the direction of this match were Trac, a first gamer in Rivers and Fritter and Hunt, who despite being quiet in the second half pushed themselves to their limits in the last few minutes to run, pressure and tackle. Of great concern was the complete absence of positional moves by Goodwin to stop Carlton's evident momentum. I can't think of one change Goodwin made. What was Richardson doing? Maybe Goody casualness in the press about the Spargo incident (we will look after them and welcome them back blah blah blah) and the Carlton game (learnings shmernings) is evidence of them not been ridden hard enough or the expectations not being high enough (and yes i know he would have had a different message behind closed doors but please, a level of public anger in both instances would have been appropriate). Maybe the song palaver, which seemingly was result of Harmes being too keen to play with his go pro toy he seemed to be giddy to have been given by fox, was symptomatic of a group that does not have its head in the game. Maybe, perhaps. This season is a truly unique situation and as many have correctly pointed out who knows the impact of covid, the break and everything else. Again as many have noted teams as infallible as the tigers look dazed and confused. So i'm going to summon up my normal level of optimism and look forward to Sunday's game with hope and the expectation we will win. I'll even tip us. And i'll do my bit to get us going. Ever since i changed my avatar to the grumpy Garry Baker things have gone from bad to worse for the dees. Injuries, performance, dramas. And then we had bush fires and a pandemic. Coincidence? Maybe. But i'm not willing to that take risk. So happy go lucky, cheerful Garry is back. And so are the dees. And we will back at the g by the end of July. Mark my words Go red leggers
    14 points
  2. Not sure this needs to be said again, but maybe it does: we didn't "get rid of Hogan", and when he wanted to leave we cashed in for what was available and what we needed (a KPD in a year where we'd scored heavily but lost games through a poor defence).
    10 points
  3. Hopefully not including himself...
    8 points
  4. With Heppel’s demise and Ambrose and Fantasia not selected, I’m more confident that Melbourne will win. I originally tipped us to win by a point but now, it’s 2 points.
    8 points
  5. Play him out of the goal square this week with Fritsch and Melksham pushing up to half forward and Kozzie and Hunt buzzing around his feet and Hannan as a second target. If he can't hit the scoreboard or create opportunities for the other guys I'd be considering giving him a stint on the sidelines.
    7 points
  6. Don’t be surprised to see Tomlinson chop out Gawny instead of T-Mac
    7 points
  7. Nothing wrong with earning your spot. If he doesn’t get picked this year, then we have a real big problem on our hands. It’s round 3, so wait and see. Im personally more concerned by Jackson playing. For all of the exciting promise he’s shown so far, he is a long way off a senior footballer.
    7 points
  8. I’ve always liked what I’ve seen from Lockhart, he’s had limited games to under his belt, he’s quick, tough and composed. Might just be me though.....
    6 points
  9. I’d love to see us send Trac forward for longer periods in this one, predominantly as the deepest especially if we are struggling up there. Remember Trac taking Hurley apart a few years ago at the dome with 4 snags.
    6 points
  10. Last chance for Smith I guess to prove his worth. Must play somewhere on the forward line or warm the bench all day. I guess he keeps his spot because of team balance or because he is needed to bash into the opposition or maybe injurer the opposition by .accidentally falling on them. Maybe team moral. or Goody forgot to drop him. or l don't know. I give up.
    6 points
  11. ...and what a poor decision that was. We don't have a problem in the ruck. We have a real problem with finding a key forward. It would have made more sense to get Weid to work on one part of his game....as a forward would be my call. ...but then I'm only a fan, what would I know.
    6 points
  12. Another woefully compiled team. Do our selectors even consider who goes on the team sheet, or do they just throw darts at the wall? One badly out of form key forward, plus a developing ruck / forward who is miles off having an AFL body. We get smashed in the ruck every time Gawn leaves the ground, and smashed up forward because nobody can take a contested mark or bring the ball to ground. One genuine key defender, plus a bloke who is key position size but can't defend like one. How many times does Goodwin need to see Lever & May play together before he decides it is not the answer? One slow as treacle small defender to match up on Essendon's multiple quick small forwards. We all love Jetta but Fantasia & Tippa loom as massive threats. But hey at least we've got ten medium sized forwards in the squad. One of them is bound to kick a couple of goals surely?
    6 points
  13. This is the level of intensity I expected of the Dees this year after all the "Hell And Back" stuff and offseason talk. Let's hope we bring it this week for the first time this year.
    5 points
  14. You’re a cheerful chap aren’t ya?
    5 points
  15. Hardwicks game plan doesn't work. Hes lost the players, they have no system. They just bomb it long to nobody. They cant score. The are out worked and lazy. Get rid of him. Sound familiar
    5 points
  16. I reckon this is a massively overcooked analysis. You've got no idea of any context: what was going on before the clip started? It looks to me as though the blue team had the ball but turned it over, hence Petracca's positioning (he was running to create an option). You say Gawn "let" Bradtke out sprint him. Maybe Gawn was exhausted from having run 100m previously whereas Bradtke had done nothing? Maybe Gawn is conserving energy for the game this weekend whilst Bradtke can leave it all on the track at training? Drawing motherhood conclusions like "Essendon's midfield will have a field day" based on this tiny out of context clip is, IMO, absolutely ridiculous.
    5 points
  17. A brief reminder that last week Hawthorn lost by 10 goals and looked just as bad as Richmond did tonight. Not sure I agree with the "Clarkson is a genius", "Frost is great", "Hawthorn are so good" stuff going on in here. The COVID break means that, I think, we need to see 3-4 weeks of football before we start drawing conclusions on sides. Meanwhile, Richmond tonight looked like us at our worst. Repeat inside 50s but never looked liked scoring, opening up their back half for Hawthorn to cut them open and every time Hawthorn went forward they looked like scoring. See above as to why I wouldn't be prematurely writing them off yet. (PS: if we win on Sunday we'll be above Richmond on the ladder...).
    5 points
  18. Righto I was there for about an hour * TV Crews were there I think is it Clint Stanaway?? I think it was him was there * I just parked the car and walked through open gate!! * Ok one drill consisted of a Defensive positioning player, another player feeding the ball a potential tackle and kick to leading forward * Jack Viney EXCELLED at this drill * So to Mitch Hannan looked very good * I still am mystified that in this drill many players having shots for goal from 30 M Missed!!?? Weeds noticeable * Bennell Silky * Max and Clarry with a Nev Jetta harrasment doing crunch break work in Centre * Vanders looked very good but late was training with magoos crews Oscar, Wagners ET AL * Rivers looked very good * Jones appeared and disappeared at various times I wonder if he is carrying injury? * Interestingly players in centre circle Listening to Goody many on one knee, anyway thats it * Kossy monty for ones! * Weeds trained with a group of senior players after Most had left the track! Thats it
    5 points
  19. The MFC rolled the dice on Tom Mac after his 2018 form, they got rid of Hogan and replaced him with an expensive defender. That’s how confident they were in him. Tmac hasn’t fired a shot since 2018. He looked as agile as cruise ship on Saturday night. He has 1-2 matches to turn it around or he’ll be sitting next to his brother on the sidelines. Play him as a goal square forward with Fritta and Bennell Delivering the ball, that’s his only hope.
    4 points
  20. We had to make a change to the make up with our strong bodied mids who aren’t blessed with level top pace. The pressure’s now on Angus Brayshaw to perform.
    4 points
  21. I think we will be hoping the connection between up field and forwards is exceptional with pinpoint passes. Also one area we need to improve in is pressure on is our forward defensive work. The inclusions will help this. It was very obvious how easy it was for Carlton to get the ball out in the last half. Our forward defensive pressure was non existent. That was the main reason we could not stop their momentum. Glad to see Goody has addressed this. Manic unrelenting forward defensive pressure is one tactic used to maintain momentum or swing lost momentum back. It forces opposition errors.
    4 points
  22. How many minutes did Gawn not ruck for last week? I can recall no more than one small portion but TOG stats on AFL suite aren’t populating? Tomlinson could chop out for the very small portion if required or TMac or Smith or you could go completely unconventional with AVB or Harmes.
    4 points
  23. Rusty, Its encouraging to read a number of posts here that exhibit enthusiasm and passion for all things red and blue. Particularly if framed in a considered, intelligent and positive way. As it has indubitably been expressed here previously by other posters, that Demonland at its best is a 'broad church' that encompasses a wide spectrum of views and opinions from MFC supporters 'somewhat tolerably' (but not on all instances). As an insider one can understand the almost near universal angst here, over what may appear to an untutored outsider, that the club barely escaped a near death experience with last week's result. Simon Goodwin from all reports addressed that immediately after the final siren, by emphasizing to the team, the four points were in the bank despite Carlton's late heroics. Singing the team song twice or thrice? initially without Captain Max. As Steven May stated "a non-issue". As the unique circumstances of the 2020 season have and will unfold, teams, coaches and players best adapted to post Covid-19 changes will survive and eventually flourish. Successful evolution doesn't happen overnight or at the drop of a hat. Those championing a more revolutionary approach, by pillorying the FD, calling for the removal the coach, dropping, retiring or trading out players perceived as under performing, (without fair opportunity) tread a more dangerous path. In response to your post, many here seem to be already invested in the contributions, that a youthful Kysaiah Pickett and Trent Rivers can and will make to the team's success this season. Luke Jackson is also no shrinking violet, physically he appears to be well prepared for the rigours of AFL footy. Which is testament to the training, mentoring and development of young players in the elite pathway to AFL footy. Indeed your statement 'The shortened quarters means much less game time and more than likely favours the player who has a significant athletic burst edge.' nails it. ps. Fully support your call concerning our former captain 'give chunk one more run given it was his first game back > age factor.'
    4 points
  24. Sadly when you see the way they play and you look at selections you realise that there is no stability and therefore not much chance of moulding a good team. It ends up with a lack of cohesion on the field and a lack of confidence in one another. We are held together by a small group of good players and the rest lack the quality needed to blend a team. Cannot see where the improvement is going to come from. There is a gulf between our best and the rest and a gulf in consistency.
    4 points
  25. I'd love to be as optimistic as some here, but fact is we're 6 wins from our past 25 matches with a percentage of under 80. Those 6 wins were mainly stumbling over the line against fellow bottom four teams in Carlton, Gold Coast, Sydney and Freo. It hardly inspires confidence. We're still a bottom four team and unfortunately it doesn't appear we will make significant improvement any time soon. Bombers by 4 goals.
    4 points
  26. Hard to tell on TV...whilst on that. Wouldn't it be nice if the expert commentators told us the things we can't see rather then continually repeating the obvious. It seems Fritsch is being played deep forward and I think this is a mistake of a similar magnitude to playing him in defence most of last season. Fritsch needs to be a floating forward a bit like Tom Lynch has been at Adelaide. Train him for the role and play him there... The deep forward will have to be Tommy or the Weid...my preference is Weid at the moment as I think Tommy is too one dimensional and that dimension is gone.
    4 points
  27. Brown has played 71 games and kicked 68 goals.
    4 points
  28. Many here have commented that Luke Jackson appears not ready for AFL including our good selves (see Joe Boy's 3 word analysis thread June 13th) "needs solid apprenticeship". Admittedly LJ had a rather modest debut both impact wise and statistically, but a closer examination of his contribution does reveal his considerable potential. He appears to read the flight of the ball well, as evident by him presenting for marking contests on multiple occasions and getting his hands on the ball. Only to have the ball slip from his grasp. However later in the match he did catch the Sherrin in a contested marking encounter against an opponent. As an acquired skill, a big grab in a pack situation must be one of the most difficult to master, especially in a fiercely competitive AFL game of footy. With powerfully built, match hardened opponents crashing in. As a previous poster on this thread wrote, LJ was the beneficiary of some free kicks for pack infringements. His very first free kick for goal was from a fair distance out, on the half-forward flank at an angle of approximately 45 degrees. It was a booming, confident kick almost goal post high and not far shy of the full points. Other weapons in his arsenal? His leap is extra-ordinary reminiscent of another youthful enigma with flowing blond locks, whose debut unlike Luke's was a spectacular triumph against the demons of old. Leaving the stratosphere and back on terra firma, LJ appears way more coordinated and graceful, perhaps reminiscent of an older Luke, (both have the basketball background). The best available AFL apprenticeship environment in 2020? "In this post Covid-19 season where the unusual is normal, give our neophyte stars the opportunity to ascend the AFL stage and strut their stuff."
    4 points
  29. We recruited Brown for the same position and after one game where he was not the worst in the side he is dropped for a kid who had not played A game since under 18’s in August. My did we recruit Brown? At the moment our FD leaves me in wonder land.
    4 points
  30. Going to start this by saying I think he still has the goods in him to get back to being a good power forward. Perhaps not the 50+ goal a year forward we need but still capable of 30-40+. Having said that Tom has been poor for a while now. Like others he had injury issues coming into 2019 which made him start slow and aside from the Carlton game which he subsequently got injured, he never really played a game worth noting. Now in 2020, with a full pre-season of fitness under his belt, he has started with two poor games. The question in the title says it all: how long do we wait for him to turn it around? This could potentially tie in with Weiderman and how he isn't being played, where if Tom's poor form continues and maybe if Sam is banging down the door, perhaps Sam takes on the full mantle of the FF role. I have long believed that Tom's form is massively linked to our ability to compete with the best, without a key forward target taking grabs, we look really lost as a team.
    3 points
  31. Ratings will keep dropping if this is what gets served up each week
    3 points
  32. It's called run and pressure. Can understand if a Dees fan isn't familiar with it.
    3 points
  33. Hhhmmmm Harmes off half back is yuck. Brayshaw ain’t anything but a mid. Fwdline looks average to say the least, Smith has to play fwd and I still think we’ve not got enough. A second gamer and 2 blokes who have hardly played in how long.
    3 points
  34. Last chance for McDonald and Melksham, surely. Our worst two last week. Never thought I would say this but ANB very unlucky. Hopefully common sense prevails and Smith plays forward.
    3 points
  35. We've spent so much in draft picks and dollars fixing our backline that we've now got an issue with our forward line. TMac is not really a natural power forward in the same way Hawkins or Lynch are, and while I Still think Weid can come good, we are very light on for KPFs. Richmond might have won a flag with one, but he was a very good one who regularly kicked big numbers of goals.
    3 points
  36. A lot of underdone players going in. Bennell, Vanders and Hannan do not leave me with great confidence of getting thru a full game. Massive call on Jones. Melksham was worse and he isn’t our ex captain and does not have nearly as many credits in the bank. He is on thin ice. Neal Bullen did a lot more than him and yet he is dropped. Seems unfair, although I’m not fan of ANB.
    3 points
  37. Or a weight apparently.... ?
    3 points
  38. Risky strategy IMO. Maybe Smith to the forward line to replace Jackson? But if Smith goes forward, who takes his spot in the back six? If Smith doesn't go forward, I guess we will need to back Fritsch, Hannan and vandenBerg to contest with Hooker and Hurley. That is a big risk IMO. Tomlinson to provide ruck relief (which is only a limited amount of time with shorter quarters)? Jones being dropped is the correct call. I suspect the comments about his minor injuries are designed to help soften the blow. I feel for ANB who has lost his spot despite kicking 2 and starting well, but the reality is there is more upside in Pickett, Melksham, Bennell, Hannan, vandenBerg and Hunt than there is in ANB. We know this from the past few years of evidence. So I'm comfortable with it.
    3 points
  39. 3 points
  40. I look at that side, at near full strength and even knowing my own team, for the life of me I cannot fathom how we can't put ordinary sides away. Imagine Clarkson with a team of May, Lever, Jetta down back, a midfield of Gawn, Viney, Oliver, Brayshaw, Petracca, Langdon, Thomlinson and Bennell for cameos, then a forward line of Tmac, Kozzie, AVB, Melksham, Jackson/Weid, Hannan to choose from. We have the talent, we have the balance. The only concession is the limited experience together for our backline and forward line, but if we can't put it together this season at full strength then we are doomed.
    3 points
  41. That's the problem 'P-man'... It should be Fritsch's role but they are playing him out of position. He is one of our better kicks to position and is wasted playing deep where it is too easy for opposition players to take him off the ball. We saw this with Howe, nice mark but only when he gets a run at it. Howe had to go back to play his best football, Fritsch has the smarts that Jeremy doesn't and he will play his best as that floating/link up forward...
    3 points
  42. It's not just Jackson - if TMac doesn't perform this week he will be well and truly in the gun too.
    3 points
  43. The fact that nobody else does it kind of pointless isn't it? Weideman doesn't. Which means that it is a moot point to look to him for something he doesn't provide. We have a massive weakness in our key position players in that we are always exposed aerially. I hope our free agent focus is on people who can address this weakness while we are in possession of a ball winning midfield. Our "window" will never truly open unless we find players who can grab a contested mark.
    3 points
  44. You do realize that your not suppose to make sense.
    3 points
  45. Rather than gifting games to Jackson maybe he just out trained the Weid over the 3 week block prior to Rnd 2. Perhaps he is given 3-4 games to settle in and find the pace of the game.
    3 points
  46. Frost bashers where are you????? Big big mistake letting him go. A Rolls Royce at the Hawks, didn't miss a target tonight and never got caught holding the ball. What does this say about our coaching group? FML.
    3 points
  47. So the Weid is being made to earn his position in the team. Excellent. We will now find out if he really wants to get better
    3 points
  48. They are saving him for the Cats at the G next week to reprise his 2018 final against them,
    3 points
  49. I'd have zero problems with Norwood joining and playing in a blue jumper with red V as it would align perfectly with my story of becoming a MFC supporter in the first place. My grandmother's family saw the light and migrated from Adelaide to Melbourne during the great depression and following Norwood in the SANFL, naturally migrated their allegiance over the mighty MFC. A very wise move considering the successful era the club had during the 50s and 60s. If Norwood were to have joined the comp instead od say the Crows wanted to wear the red and blue, I would have been all for it, adopted them as a second team and would have actually celebrated a flag in my lifetime! Another reminder of the link to push Eddie's buttons: https://www.change.org/p/allow-port-adelaide-to-wear-its-black-and-white-prison-bar-guernsey-in-afl-showdowns
    3 points
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