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TeamPlayedFine39 last won the day on April 30 2020

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    Jim Stynes, Sean Wight, Allen Jakovich, Paul Prymke, Shane Woewodin, David Schwartz

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  1. From whipping boy to club cult hero! Loved the passion, determination and effort that he brought to us, especially 2017.
  2. They, along with a few others, should have gone hard at Tomlinson a year or two ago. He’d walk into the doggies back six.
  3. Agreed. I still think Disco and Petty would make an excellent defensive duo, with Lever as the third. Can’t really settle them there with May and now TMac playing as they are.
  4. This is the last 10 players taken at Pick 35: Harrison Wigg, Marcus Adams, Josh Prudden, Oscar Clavarino, Bailey William (WC), Flynn Perez, Connor Downie, Paul Curtis, Olli Hotton, Cooper Simpson. Most aren't on an AFL list and I'd only be tempted to have a look at Bailey Williams, though he's a long way off being a star.
  5. We have a log jam of 'just ok' small forwards and you want to get rid of the best of them? Love chandler - tough, hard runner and is team first player. 24 years of age and coming into his prime.
  6. Good player and leader. Just what we need down there. Welcome back Melk!
  7. Would love to hear from seasoned VFL watchers how Jefferson’s last 5 weeks compares to the performances Fritsch was putting on in 2017 to be drafted?
  8. Well done AMW! Very happy to see so many players getting an opportunity this year! We’ve got a glut of players on our list who have served a solid VFL apprenticeship and it’s great to see they’re finally getting their chance. We need a mini-rebuild / refresh of the team and it’s exciting to see who will be part of it going forward.
  9. Thanks for this. I agree with the original poster; we hear so little about Adam’s that I often have to check the injury list. Does he at least stop his opponent? Always a place in the squad for a lock down key defender.
  10. Re-signed him late lat year to the end of 2024.
  11. Last night was an improvement and you could teammates going out of their way to encourage him - clearly a confidence player in very poor form. Makes that great pack mark in the 4th being denied by the umps even more frustrating - could have given him a huge boost! I maintain that if his future is with us, it’s in defence. What makes it difficult is that two of our most consistent performers this year in May and TMac are keeping him out.
  12. Make the finals and win in the first week. That gets the finals monkey off the back and then we reset, refresh and have one more crack next year with Max and May.
  13. I would be shocked to see him back this year. Following Dustin Martin's kidney injury a couple of years ago, it was shocking to see how much weight, fitness and conditioning he lost after such a long hospitalisation and recovery. For a player as big and powerful as Petracca to get back to anything resembling match fitness would be remarkable and may even be asking a bit much from him.
  14. If you read this thread through the lens of a small number of people winding up everyone else is actually a good read! Surely no one seriously wants to bring Jeffo in… There’s player there… just not quite ready yet. His two year extension last year shows the club’s faith and hopefully he’s been reassured to build his game and body in the VFL.
  15. I agree with everything you’ve said but none of this was part of the post/preseason narrative. We choked last year in the finals. Plain and simple. It wasn’t the game plan, selections or strategy. We choked in front of the goals when we had more than enough opportunities to win each final. The fans and the media screamed for gameplan changes; and that’s what we’ve got.
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