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Bay Riffin

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  1. Bevo dropped immediately after the premiership and the dogs have been very up and down since. Goodwin has had top 4 finishes and we've been much more consistent. I think he's better than Bevo.
  2. Goodwin recently said Jefferson is definitely in the mix now. Thing is for him to just keep improving. His debut will come.
  3. we had the most under 22s in the league. It you watch the game it was the younger legs that tired in the last half and we started getting opened right up. Just too many kids compared to the lions. Overall it isnt as bad as some on here think. the old Dees wouldnt have found something especialy with so many young players.
  4. can people stop this key forward narrative like every year we have had the chance to pick a Cameron, Curnow on the market. They are like hens teeth and people are up in arms we can't get one.
  5. Well Hunter was in the 23 permanently prior to injury so thats an interesting call. Jefferson is still an uknown although he's just not getting enought of it. Nobody was talking up Howes even right up to round 1. Nobody. And he's showing that potential now.
  6. interesting. who were the players / incidents ?
  7. or..."You recon all the balls are the same pressure today?" oh you havent touched it 35 times like me. sorry"
  8. he is a good kick normally. Give him some time. Go watch Pettys first game at AFL level, worst kicking you'll ever see. Terrible game too. Let them get some experience and confidence.
  9. well without a high pick what would we accept ?
  10. I think we have a beauty here. great game sense, not overawed, has genuine wheels and knows how to use it (e.g his goal from 50). and probs just as important looks a great decision maker. I thought his coolness under pressure which the commentators pointed out in the last quarter makes him special. Didn't blaze away and made good decisions under enormous pressure. He looks a beauty. The nomination will come. don't worry.
  11. yes the Lewis crowd pump up was embarrasing, he acted like he'd put them in front. they were about 5 goals down.
  12. what did we think of the backline without Lever and May second half ? I thought they were superb with last minute spoils by Howes, Tmac then Trac saving 3 shots on goal. Our defence is really humming so good signs.
  13. he was excellent. Dirty Chol tried to kick him in the head like the May push kick, and he competed well. He gave Max and excellent chop out today.
  14. he said the doctors don't think its too serious. they do pretty emphatic tests for ACL these days.
  15. except for the last 6 years against them.
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