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    Nev & Max

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  1. Could explain the Jed Adams coach talk mentioned in the training thread.
  2. Pup Brown - 6 disposals, 9 tackles, 1 goal in a qtr. Who's number 1 for Frankston? Carrying on like a pork chop while getting no where near it
  3. In the NHL it's called 'Future Considerations'
  4. The idea that we would trade a first round pick just to get his salary off the books is ludicrous. Even when that regularly happens innthe NHL, it's generally a third round pick which equates to pick 100. Imagine trading Oliver and not having a first round pick to bring in to replace him
  5. Just watching the replay. It's obvious the umps gave a bit of leniency early on based on the weather. And we had a number of calls go our way, including TMacs spoil on Langdon. On the weather, it looks like we have finally stopped trying to handball our way in wet weather. The number of times they just hacked it forward off the ground when needed was actually good to see. The kids aren't just alright, they are seriously tough. Melky just wins so many important 1 on 1s. Loved McVee toweling up Stringer, and May getting into him when he tried the don't argue. Langdon's running is unbelievable. Imagine running nearly 16km (🤮) and having a guys say 'Nah, I think I'll run another 2km.'
  6. Especially funny to see Reid pull Max onto himself when on the ground. Only one way that's gonna go with a guy as big as Max
  7. A few had down days based on those stats. Understand Laurie played a half, but Sestan and K Brown didn't get much of it either.
  8. Pretty sure the fact Woey is named on the ground means he won't be sub. My guess is Kolt, and Woey subbed off
  9. If Petty is fit, they'll probably want to see what inserting Melksham into the forward line does before picking Jeffo
  10. Yep, and I think he was expecting McCluggage to put more body on. Smart of Hugh not to.
  11. Billings is not even a good VFL player
  12. I know it's wet, but to be 10 points up with 10 more scoring shots is criminal. Surely Choco moves on at the end of the year
  13. Tommo needs to stay in with an Eagles fwd line of Darling, Allen and Waterman. Lever can't play on either of them, more likely to play on Cripps
  14. No way would you bring Jefferson in to play against Barrass and McGovern. And against a team who showed us up last time we played them
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