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Training - Friday 9th January, 2015

The Devil Inside

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Yay for derailing threads. How about we just agree that we're ALL Heroes?

Personally, I can't get to many training sessions, so I really appreciate the insights from those who do go along and share it with us. The different perspectives give us a great idea of how the team is tracking, and personally I love Saty's little interactions with the players as it gives yet another angle from which to view training. Great work to everyone who keeps turning up and I really hope you don't let the trolls get to you.

Edited by RalphiusMaximus
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I get your opinion......."You hero"....I don't get why you added that....Care to explain why I am a hero?????for having an opinion?.......Wow....

Not having a go at you, mate. Always find your posts well reasoned and insightful. Just playing on Saty's post from before that anyone critiquing a player is a hero unless we go to training and tell them in person. Which is silly.

Arrow, what I am saying is that there are a lot of heroes both on here and sitting at the ground who continually just carp about certain players, if they had the chance to say it to their face they would go to water, I have no respect for anybody that can't say something to somebody's face

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Yay for derailing threads. How about we just agree that we're ALL Heroes?

Personally, I can't get to many training sessions, so I really appreciate the insights from those who do go along and share it with us. The different perspectives give us a great idea of how the team is tracking, and personally I love Saty's little interactions with the players as it gives yet another angle from which to view training. Great work to everyone who keeps turning up and I really hope you don't let the trolls get to you.

Yeah, they are not trolls, or snipers...

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Wonder how many people like Saty it would take before they started having to better protect players from the public. Imagine 500 members all wandering up and giving their opinions to the players in person.

Get off your damn high horse.

Exactly, as if their opinions matter anyway, the fools need to know their place and it's here on demonland
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Oh dear, I thought we sorted this out last year, better repeat it, the only thing I take seriously on this site are my training reports, which I provide for interstate and overseas supporters, as they can't get to training, the conversations I have with the players add a bit of colour, same with the photos on Twitter, that's why for a laugh I can get them to do the guns photos , the players know I post their comments and they don't have a problem, as I said if a question crosses the line, they tell me so, and don't answer it

As for the players avoiding supporters that is just laughable, they enjoy the interaction

The rest of time I am taking the [censored], because I do find some of the blowhard pompous postings risible, it is a public forum, so I take opportunity to [censored] a few balloons, if you don't like my posts don't read them, easy

Edited by The Devil Inside
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Oh dear, I thought we sorted this out last year, better repeat it, the only thing I take seriously on this site are my training reports, which I provide for interstate and overseas supporters, as they can't get to training, the conversations I have with the players add a bit of colour, same with the photos on Twitter, that's why for a laugh I can get them to do the guns photos , the players know I post their comments and they don't have a problem, as I said if a question crosses the line, they tell me so, and don't answer it

As for the players avoiding supporters that is just laughable, they enjoy the interaction

The rest of time I am taking the [censored], because I do find some of the blowhard pompous postings risible, it is a public forum, so I take opportunity to [censored] a few balloons, if you don't like my posts don't read them, easy

Saty keep the reports coming for us interstaters any information colourful or otherwise from someone at training is definetly appreciated.

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I just get a bit bored with the sweeping statements without any foundation, eg McKenzie's disposal efficiency from a couple of days ago

Mckenzie has poor penetration and power in his kicking, he takes the easy option as a result.. regardless of what the DE says. It's not really up for debate.

This is a forum about football, specifically MFC, and the players that play for them. A discussion about how they play football seems fairly relevant to me. Discussing thier sexuality, thier children and partners and other personal topics I would avoid at all costs.

The discussion has been had before, your retorts against anyone who has the temerity to evaluate the game of a player is tiresome and I have had enough.

Edited by jabberwocky
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I don't agree with this. Are you saying that you would be happy with external shareholders in the company you work at rocking up and telling you you are too slow or lack the skills to do the job or that you are paid too much and that because they are shareholders you shpuld listen to them?

As supporters we can say what we think to players and coaches because we as supporters are the reason the club exists. Whether we pay a membership or donate to the club does not make a difference.

Being a shareholder of any company means you can vote on the board and can hold the CEO to account but it in no way affords you any say in operational decisions.

That is exactly right chook. In a listed company, we get the chance to vote for change. I would have no interest in telling a CEO he's useless, nor would I ever say it to his face. It doesn't mean I go to water, it means I'm following the protocols that allow me a say. A football forum is similar in a lot of ways. My say may only make .001% of difference just like my vote but I'm absolutely entitled to say X,Y or Z is pathetic and should be delisted.

Whether anything gets done about it is out of my hands, but it doesn't mean I'm not entitled to discuss it.

Those who feel that because we support them we shouldn't criticize them are absolutely off the mark. If anything we are far more responsible for holding them accountable for their performance.

I look down on those when the criticism goes to a personal level but as long as it is football related for as long as I'm a member of this site I'll give my honest thoughts on every player and I don't care much for people who tell me I shouldnt.

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Oh dear, I thought we sorted this out last year, better repeat it, the only thing I take seriously on this site are my training reports, which I provide for interstate and overseas supporters, as they can't get to training, the conversations I have with the players add a bit of colour, same with the photos on Twitter, that's why for a laugh I can get them to do the guns photos , the players know I post their comments and they don't have a problem, as I said if a question crosses the line, they tell me so, and don't answer it

As for the players avoiding supporters that is just laughable, they enjoy the interaction

The rest of time I am taking the [censored], because I do find some of the blowhard pompous postings risible, it is a public forum, so I take opportunity to [censored] a few balloons, if you don't like my posts don't read them, easy

You were and continue to be the exact type of "pompous blowhard" you have a go at. Righteously defending not being abusive to players, while being abusive to posters, is insightless and self-indulgent. Making only your type of comment 'legitimate' is controlling and self-important.

You disappeared when Neeld went because your righteous scrawl was exposed as the total tosh it was. Your fanboy training reports have not changed in tone or detail despite melbourne being a genuinely terrible team for years. And you certainly do care what others think - you respond with predictable regularity. It aint trolling them, that's for sure.

Get the message, champ.

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Mckenzie has poor penetration and power in his kicking, he takes the easy option as a result.. regardless of what the DE says. It's not really up for debate.

This is a forum about football, specifically MFC, and the players that play for them. A discussion about how they play football seems fairly relevant to me.

Edited by bing181
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Oh dear, I thought we sorted this out last year, better repeat it, the only thing I take seriously on this site are my training reports, which I provide for interstate and overseas supporters, as they can't get to training, the conversations I have with the players add a bit of colour, same with the photos on Twitter, that's why for a laugh I can get them to do the guns photos , the players know I post their comments and they don't have a problem, as I said if a question crosses the line, they tell me so, and don't answer it

As for the players avoiding supporters that is just laughable, they enjoy the interaction

The rest of time I am taking the [censored], because I do find some of the blowhard pompous postings risible, it is a public forum, so I take opportunity to [censored] a few balloons, if you don't like my posts don't read them, easy

That's it Saty, you've crossed the line. What about the country Vic supporters that cannot get to training on a scooter? Don't you care about us?

I think your reports are terrific, I can handle your biases. In my opinion all reporting comes with a bias, we simply learn to deal with it by compensating or ignoring. So keep up the good work, but don't forget country Victorians.

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Oh dear, I thought we sorted this out last year, better repeat it, the only thing I take seriously on this site are my training reports, which I provide for interstate and overseas supporters, as they can't get to training, the conversations I have with the players add a bit of colour, same with the photos on Twitter, that's why for a laugh I can get them to do the guns photos , the players know I post their comments and they don't have a problem, as I said if a question crosses the line, they tell me so, and don't answer it

As for the players avoiding supporters that is just laughable, they enjoy the interaction

The rest of time I am taking the [censored], because I do find some of the blowhard pompous postings risible, it is a public forum, so I take opportunity to [censored] a few balloons, if you don't like my posts don't read them, easy

The only thing to add to TimD's excellent post is to say that this is not a public forum, there is no licence for you to treat posters as you wish - Demonland is privately owned and liable to those selfless few who maintain and moderate it.

So I suggest you start to not treat this site as the cess pool you seem to think it is and have some awareness of your own behaviour.

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lotta thin-skins on here......pity

From a bloke wearing a lycra hat & suit.

We all git a bit precious from time to time. It's a shame that we get personal with our posts. Speaking from a position of sanctity and moral perfection I feel pity for the whingers, whiners and sooks. Toughen up princesses!

PS: The view is fine from up here.

Edited by ManDee
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Thanks for the reports Saty. Noli Illigitimi non carborundum. (Dont let the bastards grind you down)

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Thanks for the reports Saty. Noli Illigitimi non carborundum. (Dont let the bastards grind you down)

You know what - this annoys me just as much. No one is averse to his training reports and 99% of people here are more than happy to read them, even if there are some (including myself) who cringe at some of the interactions he has with the players.

What we get annoyed at is his self indulgent, holier than thou approach to how people discuss this club on a forum site. If he didn't care at all, which he laughably claims he doesn't, then he wouldn't bother posting so much and replying to every minor little comment that's left for him. If he just posted his training reports and responded to questions without getting personal or responding to any form of criticism then we wouldn't be filling each training thread with crap.

Even though I don't bother reading them anymore and will stick to those given by posters like GRRM this idea that he "shouldn't let the bastards grind him down" is ridiculous and mostly made of his own doing.

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The only thing to add to TimD's excellent post is to say that this is not a public forum, there is no licence for you to treat posters as you wish - Demonland is privately owned and liable to those selfless few who maintain and moderate it.

So I suggest you start to not treat this site as the cess pool you seem to think it is and have some awareness of your own behaviour.

I'm about to break my NY resolution of not posting here but there you go, it lasted two weeks.

Frankly I'm not much interested in what drills the players are doing, how vocal Dunny is (leading to the conclusion he's leadership material despite poleaxing his teammates at training), who's flying (Strauss last year was very close to our best on the track - that worked well) and how well organized training is.

I'm interested in who is in rehab, how long they are there for and what's wrong with them (although from a privacy point of view I shouldn't be). I'm interested in what the players say because frankly it's much more relevant and interesting than what most posters here say, particularly the ones who haven't seen training. I'm also interested in who's training in what group and who's struggling and flying in the running drills (purely as a comparison to last year).

Saty's posts address the things I'm interested in more than most others. Thanks.

As far as the players are concerned - if they didn't want to speak to him they will not. They do because they trust him and know him from his presence around the club and the things he does to help. It's why Mission and others will speak to Saty.

Personally I'd much rather read Saty giving it to those who brainlessly criticise him for his contribution that the pompous righteousness of RPFC who continually wants to be the school headmaster of the posters here and set us all straight on things we don't really understand. But that's just me and I actually don't support either approach.

As for those who so boldly say they'd have no problem telling a player to his face what they think of him - well bully for you. It says more about you than anything else.

With free speech comes responsibility, something which is sadly lacking here a lot of the time and why I think this once great site has lost so many of its good posters and been reduced to an occasional read and contribution rather than something to be involved in regularly.

I wonder how long it will be until I break my resolution again.

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Living in Sydney, I look forward to reading all of Saty's training reports including football-related conversations he has with the players.

That said, I agree with Wiseblood - that someone's not prepared to criticise a player to his face doesn't make that criticism unworthy or mean that it should not be stated here.

Joined site yesterday but a viewer of the site for some time I totally endorse Ron's comments.

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I'm interested in who is in rehab, how long they are there for and what's wrong with them (although from a privacy point of view I shouldn't be). I'm interested in what the players say because frankly it's much more relevant and interesting than what most posters here say, particularly the ones who haven't seen training. I'm also interested in who's training in what group and who's struggling and flying in the running drills (purely as a comparison to last year).

Saty's posts address the things I'm interested in more than most others. Thanks.

As far as the players are concerned - if they didn't want to speak to him they will not. They do because they trust him and know him from his presence around the club and the things he does to help. It's why Misson and others will speak to Saty.


The hallmark of a good midfielder is that they are "good in heavy traffic". Don't know why more posters can't be the same - take Saty's reports for the good info they provide, and skip over what they don't like about his fanboy/poster baiting mode. Maybe concentrate on the sausage not the sizzle, the doughnut not the hole…...

Thumbs up for the good info you add, Saty.

Edited by Tim
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Again, it's not the training reports that people take issue with. It's the way he attacks people on here without provocation, simply because they're critical of a player he has a close personal relationship with.

Having been on the receiving end of multiple derogative attacks from Saty, I take issue with his childish behaviour when responding to other posters here.

Doubt you'd be defending him if he called you a pompous blowhard and keyboard warrior just for criticising Jordie's kicking or Grimes' clangers.

Edited by Lamashtu
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Obviously not enough real footy news is seeing some posters going a bit stir crazy. Can't we just accept that some posters add value, others don't and most of us fall somewhere in between. Who cares if someone's a bit precious or gets on their high horse. Let's just worry about what's happening on the park, not they way it's being written about here.

Personally, if I were a moderator, I'd lock this thread now. Nothing new or of value is being added.

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The hallmark of a good midfielder is that they are "good in heavy traffic". Don't know why more posters can't be the same - take Saty's reports for the good info they provide, and skip over what they don't like about his fanboy/poster baiting mode. Maybe concentrate on the sausage not the sizzle, the doughnut not the hole…...

Thumbs up for the good info you add, Saty.

Uh... No... It's because they understand that it's easy to keep feeding basic lines of stock standard sh!t to serial sh!t stirrers with idle hands because they know he's going to turn up tomorrow anyway and its better than getting them offside.

The training reports are sometimes enjoyable and informative, but more frequently are simply as self-indulgent as the username.

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Uh... No... It's because they understand that it's easy to keep feeding basic lines of stock standard [censored] to serial [censored] stirrers with idle hands because they know he's going to turn up tomorrow anyway and its better than getting them offside.

The training reports are sometimes enjoyable and informative, but more frequently are simply as self-indulgent as the username.

Newsflash! Poster on D'land shows self-indulgence! :blink:

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