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Interest Factor in football these days almost dead


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hey dudes while I agree with a lot said and fair enuff to , but gotta realize with no biggies in the forward line blokes like Howie etc are getting the best backmen , no freedom to do there thing , lets just hope that dawes hoges can get in there and take some heat off howe etc , am I dreaming ?

That's not dreaming, it's common sense, if Howe gets the third defender it's a completely different ball game.

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Unfortunately the players who have been around here for a few years have become apathetic and while I'm sure they want to win they don't posses the mental fortitude to do so. They train hard and turn up week in week out but its mainly for the pay cheque...

The blokes that should be steering this playing group that had any experience were moved on way too early and now this group is just treading water going through the motions... Its quite sad.

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I get depressed and jealous watching other teams play now.

I've just turned off the Collingwood and Geelong game despite it being of a high quality I've lot a fair bit of interest.

i watched about 15 minutes, & switched to a light comedy.

can't watch footy anymore these days, & will not/cannot watch collingwood... i'll not patronise those who take the gluttons share of afl timeslots & everything else AFL. the pies can go to hell, & so can the TV stations playing they're games.

I haven't sat thru a whole game off footy on TV for over a year. watched the replay of us in 2 sittings.

I don't like the modern game, with not enough one on one matchups like the old days, when 2 super stars would go one out, head to head.

the game has lost its charm, & its highlights.

Edited by dee-luded
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Apart from my postings overseas, I have seen virtually every game played since 1969. I also saw every game between 1956 - 64 (I seem to recall we were a fair side then, but that might be senility - perhaps we were always awful. No that was just the committee who basically killed one of our greatest coaches.) The committees since haven't, in the main, been much better.

Footy was more fun once, but that could be because I was younger.

I miss the hip and shoulders waiting for the gates at the suburban grounds to open as we'd make our mad dash for seats on the fence in the outer on the wing.

I miss buying food at fair prices at the footy.

I miss Big Carl and Jimmy Durnan's elbows. I miss Rod Grinter and the two Jako's.

Footy is now football - homogenised with vacuous commentary.

I still watch it, but the love affair is over.

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Excluding Melbourne games, I've watched about a total of 1 full game of footy this year. That is lack of interest that is totally unprecedented for me at this time of the season.

Melbourne is actually killing my interest in football. That's how bad it has gotten.

Edited by Chook
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Yep have to agree my interest is about gone, I am still a paid up member but barely watch these days it all started last year, my son is 16 months and I want him to follow the dees and I have got a membership for him but I do at least have a little time on my side however if the dees are not any good by the time he is old enough to start going well he can just choose whatever team he wants to and I will take him to see them. I love the MFC but over the last 2 years my loyalty has been severely tested and they better show something this year, I don't care about wins as I'm used to loosing but they need to show something or I will find it very hard to stay commited and that's very sad for me to say

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I could t for the life of me give an adequate nor rationale reason for why I bother.

Must be born out of some tragic and stubborn hope that maybe...one day...itll change.

As the seasons pass I tend to invest less and care less.

Far more to life.

Ironic ..a thread we all agree in lol

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One of a few things the last few years has taught me is that I'm a Melbourne supporter first and foremost, not a footy supporter. I love the game, but eight years ago I was watching at least four games a weekend. Now I watch the Melbourne game (won't today as I no longer bother with Foxtel and the days of congregating with Dees friends and family to watch interstate games on TV are on hiatus) and don't bother watching any other games over the weekend. I had the last four minutes of Cats-Pies on last night for some background light while I sat with the iPad after watching Tower Heist on PVR. If we ever ended up merging or being thrown out of the comp, I'd obviously be shattered, but would have absolutely no difficulty leaving the sport completely and never watching a game again.

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Apart from the virtually overarching Melbourne factor there are too many games these days that simply don't capture the imagination. Leaving aside last night's MCG game there's a sameness about many of the games and then there's the contrived teams like GCS and GWS built up through rules designed to ensure quick success at the cost of others. Too much dull colourless boring shyte that will be tested this year by the World Cup and even by the cricket next year. Attendances are down, the natives are complaining and the people who run the game believe its in great shape. :wub:

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I agree with this 100%

I am the same, for the first time in 30 years of supporting MFC, I will no longer schedule life around watching MFC games.

I agree with most of what has been said here and I think this line above expresses it it best for me.

Unlike a lot of you I still have interest for the game below AFL level.

I have an interest in two Amos teams that I have friends involved in.

They remind me of the game I grew up with as a child.

You watch the game at close quarters, the Players are there because they love playing the game.

I always feel my team has a chance of winning and I have not left a game in the last 5 years thinking we tossed it in.

I pay my membership to the MFC out of duty and I could not bear to think the lack of my small contribution was the reason they folded.

Passed that my enthusiasm is approaching the end.

I have mentally committed till the end of 2015.

If we are not competitive by then I think the MFC will have left me not the other way round.

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Well I still watch about 4-5 games of footy a week, and the Melbourne game is clearly the most frustrating and upsetting to watch.

But I do believe we will turn it around, and when we do, it will be &@*#ing glorious, and all the more glorious for the pain we feel now!

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went to local footy yesterday,the club isnt any good atm,so the coach played 6 kids under 17 yo.

they interchanged with smiles on their faces,they chased hard,they enjoyed the footy and ran out the game well.

we just dont have a champion at our club any more,just average,no champ whatsoever.

other clubs have young players who look great and run around like a madman for a couple of years until maturity.

every club has these players that we watch and think,wow hes gonna be great one day.

i know losing mitch has been a kick in the arse for us,but we still dont have a champ and we dont have a racehorse running around like a madman , learning the game and giving us hope for the future.its very bleak.

time to get dangerfeild,or at least put a top offer to him and become live in the current football market.

when clubs try to poach top class players and miss,other managers all of a sudden put feelers out to the club about their player.

we desperately need a gun player ,a champ .

most dee followers think we have players on the way up,but they are all just going to be players at best.

time to open the safe and grab a champ.

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I went to two training sessions this year (including intra club) and have presented at both games.

Geez, we train a lot better than we play!

Dancing with your sister Bbo

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Glad I am not the only one that feels this way,

i will switch the game on but watch maybe 5 mins or just to see the scores

As for meblourne games ,well I try and watch but some of the crap we have seen , just makes me mad

My family go outside or do other things most of the time , now I just turn the tv off and go out too

I still try and watch but its just not fun , I used to watch other games but now have lost that interest too.

I find myself sitting with my kids watching more storm games

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I agree with most of what is written and have the same sense of boredom and apathy generally about the game:

  • 36 players chasing the ball around on perfect green carpet
  • Running their guts out for 15kms to the point of exhaustion so they cannot kick goals.
  • Huge injury lists caused mainly at training, not in actual game play.
  • 60% of media coverage and commentary is about everything else apart from game play. (I am so fed up with stats and "breaking news"!!!)
  • High marking disappearing, with the occasional screamer from Howe
  • and the worst of all, the great full forwards are gone. Not going, gone.

But I have solved my problem. I am back watching local footy. My eldest son plays U14, but after his game I like to watch the seniors,even though I have no family of friends involved at the club or playing.

  • A pie from the canteen
  • Toothless uninformed nuff-nuffs abusing everything and everyone
  • The smell of jock straps and linament, (my dad's favourite quote about footy)
  • 36 blokes semi-fit, having a decent crack at a game for the love of it, for the jumper, and for a beer afterwards with mates.
  • Being able to sound the car horn after a goal.

Real footy lives!

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I agree with most of what is written and have the same sense of boredom and apathy generally about the game:

  • 36 players chasing the ball around on perfect green carpet
  • Running their guts out for 15kms to the point of exhaustion so they cannot kick goals.
  • Huge injury lists caused mainly at training, not in actual game play.
  • 60% of media coverage and commentary is about everything else apart from game play. (I am so fed up with stats and "breaking news"!!!)
  • High marking disappearing, with the occasional screamer from Howe
  • and the worst of all, the great full forwards are gone. Not going, gone.

But I have solved my problem. I am back watching local footy. My eldest son plays U14, but after his game I like to watch the seniors,even though I have no family of friends involved at the club or playing.

  • A pie from the canteen
  • Toothless uninformed nuff-nuffs abusing everything and everyone
  • The smell of jock straps and linament, (my dad's favourite quote about footy)
  • 36 blokes semi-fit, having a decent crack at a game for the love of it, for the jumper, and for a beer afterwards with mates.
  • Being able to sound the car horn after a goal.

Real footy lives!

Reads like me at the Amos Maldonboy

Until a few years ago I had forgotten what being close to everything was like.

It is a different experience to going to the "G"

As I said earlier returns me to the game of my youth.

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Funny thing is we have a thread where our "supporters" have accused Mitch of being soft

Nothing about being soft.....its just pointless when all the club brings is pain amd misery.

Ive been going nearly every week since 1967 and never seen a premiership, dont think i ever will.

Im tough enough and could never change clubs as they are a part of me, but once your kids grow up and they are scared to put on a melbourne jumper by fear of being ridiculed, well that just about destroys your love of football.

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I agree with most of what is written and have the same sense of boredom and apathy generally about the game:

  • 36 players chasing the ball around on perfect green carpet
  • Running their guts out for 15kms to the point of exhaustion so they cannot kick goals.
  • Huge injury lists caused mainly at training, not in actual game play.
  • 60% of media coverage and commentary is about everything else apart from game play. (I am so fed up with stats and "breaking news"!!!)
  • High marking disappearing, with the occasional screamer from Howe
  • and the worst of all, the great full forwards are gone. Not going, gone.

But I have solved my problem. I am back watching local footy. My eldest son plays U14, but after his game I like to watch the seniors,even though I have no family of friends involved at the club or playing.

  • A pie from the canteen
  • Toothless uninformed nuff-nuffs abusing everything and everyone
  • The smell of jock straps and linament, (my dad's favourite quote about footy)
  • 36 blokes semi-fit, having a decent crack at a game for the love of it, for the jumper, and for a beer afterwards with mates.
  • Being able to sound the car horn after a goal.

Real footy lives!

And if that way inclined you can sneak a smoke. Not good for the health but soothing for jaded nerves.
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If we get smashed tomorrow by AFL inc. GW$ my interest will be severly tested.

I find it hard to believe our list is so bad.

But it is. The last 7 years were handled that badly.

A lot here dont seem to realise WYL the list Is that bad

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I agree with all. Footy is supposed to be like a roller coaster ride. You scream, you cry and you get excited.

Mfc has been waiting for the ride for 8 years. We think the line will shorten but we never get close.

Hope and loyalty is what we have. I hurt in the heart when we lose. I am not interested in the other games as I watch and wonder why MFC cannot even get close.

I want a competitive and a winning team. I want to be optomistic. I buy my membership with no conditions. I put on my demons jumper & scarf and go to the home games. My kids went with me as kids but now the lure of pies and soft drinks has worn of. They are despondent. Mitch Clark was some hope. They had Jurrah, Scully and Mitch as signs of better times.

I love Melbourne Footy Club, for 45 years now but it is a hard load to bear.

Go Demons!!

Edited by spirit of norm smith
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