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Showing content with the highest reputation on 22/07/24 in all areas

  1. Just to flag,Clarry is currently: - 4th at the club for tackles (total and average per game) - Leading the club for disposals (both) - 7th for total effective kicks (the top 5 are all defenders who always take safe options so lead this stat, 6th is Langdon) - Leading the club for total contested possessions (2nd behind Gawn in average) - Leading the club for total possessions. - 2nd for turnovers (unsurprising because of how many posessions he's had, but he is second behind Viney here). - Streets ahead in first for ground ball gets. - 2nd for centre clearances, 3rd for stoppage clearances. - 4th for pressure acts. And he's done that while averaging 77.7% tog which is 18th at the club (Ben Brown the only non regular above him) Yeah he's having a down year by his standards, but a) he isn't on his own here and b) he is still performing statistically as well as anyone else in the midfield.
    17 points
  2. Any chance we give our multiple club champion, premiership winning midfielder an uninterrupted pre-season before we talk about trading him? It’s his first down year ever and if we’re being honest it was probably expected after the troubles he had before this season. Clayton deserves far more respect than he is getting from some.
    13 points
  3. If we look at our best 5 players coming into this season we could probably say Max, Trac, Clary, Gus and May. 3 of those are out, 1 at half power and the other going ok. We get the results we should pretty much expect. We don't have the star power on the ground to win against top teams. No coach is going to fix that, genius or not.
    11 points
  4. After 24 tackles, 27 disposals, 11 clearances and a goal for Casey on the weekend do we reward K. BROWN with a game against the giants? Those sorta numbers force him into the team, don’t they??
    11 points
  5. I’d bring Max Gawn in, I reckon he could be the answer to our ruck problems.
    10 points
  6. Do you ever think that the problem here is that Clarry has set an impossible standard for himself? Imagine not pulling coaches votes regularly being the condition for getting traded. Oliver has been playing at a level so far above normal for like 90% of midfielders for his entire career. He is having his first ever below standard season, which is still comparable to most midfielders best seasons. And there are very clear and specific reasons why that is happening. I understand that his pay packet demands he stays at the level we’ve all become accustomed to, but I also understand that he’s a human who has battled a lot of demons (pardon the pun), and is struggling with his fitness (77% average TOG is certainly not normal for him). To trade him now, especially when his value would be relatively low, is not only a ridiculously poor list move for a team lacking midfield depth, but also a culturally shocking decision. We asked Clarry to do certain things to remain part of our club. He has done those things as far as I’m aware. To go back on our word destroys the trust that the club has built with the playing list. It’s fraught with danger and it tells players that we won’t accept imperfection and flaws and fluctuations in their careers. We have a whole host of very talented youngsters that we want to keep on our list long term. How do you think they’ll feel seeing one the greatest players to ever pull on the red and blue, traded after a poor 12 months? Imagine if Richmond had gone ahead and traded a problematic Dusty all those years ago. 3 flags gone. I can’t wait for the nuffies to call for Trac’s head next year when he’s rightfully going to struggle (probably) on the field with form/fitness.
    10 points
  7. 9 points
  8. Clarry is the best contested possession player I have ever seen, also though not relevant to the discussion, my favourite Demon player. Judging him on this year is just ridiculous, given all his issues, that have been well documented. As someone posted above, despite all those issues, he is still ranked in the top 35-40 mids in the AFL. Lets see how he is going next year, after hopefully putting most of the issues behind him. I think he might make a lot of people eat humble pie.
    9 points
  9. Kev, you mentioned you’re overseas. Are you in the mountains of Tibet by any chance?
    9 points
  10. I think Goody has been great for this Club, but he was seriously out- coached yesterday. The players may have got a bath but so did the coach. And it seems that the Dees are serial offenders at [censored] the bed when absolutely critical games are at stake (except in ‘21). What is embarrassing is that after our earlier defeat, Goody claimed that Freo had not seen the real Dees. Well I think they have, and Freo played like they knew they had. Our coaching staff and our senior players (except Langdon and May), particularly our on field leaders, really need to hang their heads after that performance. It was the “kids” that showed some ticker, and they were let down badly by our coach and our senior players. Let’s hope they truely learn something from this game, and actually act on it.
    8 points
  11. Impressive cherries, though.
    8 points
  12. There is every chance the club wasn't ready to release it. Morris is a known low-life, ambulance-chaser and has at various times released mfc info they didn't want in the public domain. I'm guessing his courting clubs didn't know either. HIs 'scoop' has robbed the club and Petty of some valuable positivity and PR. Before people assume there is a leak within mfc, Morris could have his info from any number of sources. Who knows where his type lurk. 🤮
    7 points
  13. If we could find farms for these players instead, I am sure we could also get away with doing the dodgy stuff Geelong does. I mean please find me an A+ grader at another club who hasn't been offered or recently signed a long term deal? West Coast are willing to offer Reid 10 years, is that not a wild risk? The reality is, that you only have two options now to keep star players, pay them overs and risk damaging your list balance, or give them long term deals. Both options are risky, but both are necessary. You think if we didn't offer Clarry, Trac and Gus long term deals, someone else wouldn't have? Gus was being chased by Freo hard. If he left because they offered him 5 years and we only offered him 4, this place would implode. Likewise if Trac or Clarry left the year they signed those long term deals, what would we have said? We have not lost any player we wanted to keep beyond Jackson (and money was not the driving factor I assure you), and have been able to lure key players; May, Lever, Langdon, hell we got Grundy who was hot property. So these long term contracts have never stopped us from doing what we needed to do. We just recently signed Kosi, extended Roo and apparently convinced Petty to stay. List management is all about risk vs reward. Sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. It's really bloody unfortunate that after 6 concussion free years, Gus had to say goodbye to his career because Maynard is a POS!
    7 points
  14. Mental health recovery is never linear. He has missed 1 game this year, and that was due to injury. To me that says he is doing all the right things since he was banished from training in the pre-season. If he wasn't doing the right things off the field, firstly you can bet your bottom dollar the bin divers in the media would be ALL over it, and secondly he wouldn't be playing, and going to WA with Kosi, and getting hugs from Goody post game. Of course if he goes off the rails again the club will absolutely revisit the idea of trading him, and so they should! But they will absolutely categorically not trade him because his on field output is down. I think they expected this to be the case this year, in fact, they were fine with him playing very little football this year anyway as long as he got himself right off the field. That he's played all but one game is a massive bonus.
    7 points
  15. I just don’t see the point in picking up guys like Fullerton and Schache, if they’re not going to play. I get that list spots need to be filled, but surely you would look at proven performers coming to the end of their careers, who could be on call to jump in if needed and, in the meantime, teach the young kids at Casey. To me, it seems that Schache and Fullarton are not likely to make the first team, so why persist with them? I would rather have a Brayden Preuss type, who at least shows a little appetite for the contest.
    7 points
  16. I think you’re cherry picking stats. Oliver has polled Coaches Votes in just one game this season.
    7 points
  17. We needed to sign him up. We will likely draft more mids this year and May and T Mc getting on. We likely have talls coming in 2025. Kalani White F/S and Tairon Ah-Mu a 198/199 cm bottom age forward/ruck with Dandenong stingrays in between school footy.. He is a member of our Academy program. Project tall. Probably wrong thread but shows importance of extending Harry with so many young project tall players on our books. " Ah-Mu has certainly announced himself with a selection of sensational APS performances to start the year. The versatile tall, who is still in his bottom-age year, had 21 disposals, 30 hit-outs and went forward to kick four goals on Saturday. He is also part of Melbourne’s Next Generation Academy."
    7 points
  18. If you’ve missed a lot of the little things Petty has done with positive talk to his team mates, great forward pressure and routinely putting his body on the line then you’re letting your bias cloud your judgment. There’s a very good footballer - forward or back - in there. Don’t drop off now.
    7 points
  19. I'm giving a shout out to Fritta and Turner. A close second to Jack Viney's anger management. Do I have too much time on my hands?
    6 points
  20. What are these apparent growing tensions? Because last week I saw Goody and Clarry hugging and walking arm in arm off the field post win.
    6 points
  21. I'm glad our loss to freo has given the face palm posse an opportunity to take their pots shots at me. I'm not going to bother to defend my opinion on goody other than to say if you listened to my rant and think a loss this weekend gone changes my opinion that goody is a legend of the MFC for the record he has established in his 8 years as senior coach then you have serious comprehension issues. And if you haven't listened to it but feel the need to come on here to have a pot-shot at me when you dont even know what i said then I live in your head rent free and perhaps you need to put me on ignore for your own well being as my opinions are clearly very triggering.
    6 points
  22. If we drop Fritta for Matt Jefferson we should be investigated for tanking
    6 points
  23. Interesting that he would sign a new deal when not in great form and has a clear exit option. One might almost think he has faith in the club and coach to support him and develop him to his full potential. Or at the very least he feels the club and coach have faith in him.
    6 points
  24. I can confirm he’s not here.
    6 points
  25. Calling him a journalist is an insult to those that are. I'm not surprised. It is exactly what I expect from his type. That doesn't mean I have to like it. I don't! Especially if it hurts my club. I find everything about him repungant.🤮🤮🤮
    6 points
  26. we're every chance to win against gw$ the competition is crazy even
    6 points
  27. Its easy to throw stones after a perceived error in judgement. Gawndy was not working and Brodie wanted to leave and his life is better for it. I am more questionable on the recruitment of Fullarton and why he is not at the level to compete as an AFL ruckman.
    6 points
  28. Happy Birthday to Clarrie from everyone at RevHQ
    6 points
  29. Disagree. Every other club has back up ruckman ready to go. No other team of recent has lost clearances so convincly
    6 points
  30. I don't think I'm cherry picking stats. Those stats are Clarry's bread and butter in good years too, and he is still at the top of the club for them. He absolutely hasn't been at his best, I acknowledged that. My point is he hasn't been the complete disaster some people are making out. Someone claimed he didn't tackle, yet the stats show he is leading us for tackles. It's true he isn't influencing games as he did previous years, this is reflected in the coaches votes. Instead of comparing to other MFC players, we could compare his league wide: 34th for disposals 17th for contested possessions 9th for ground ball gets 42th for total clearances 41th for tackles Not terrible by any stretch, he is still giving top line AFL numbers. But he isn't top 10 like he has been, maybe only top 50. He is ranked 35 in the the AFL ranking points, 74 in total fantasy points etc.
    6 points
  31. Some thoughts to consider… We’re a rabble - 2 games and % off second. Seriously, if you’re up in arms about Goodwin or the team, you’re not one to take on context of how tight the season is, or the industry is - nor the factors of significant injury and retirement to effectively 4 of our top players for significant amounts of the season (Petracca Lever Brayshaw Gawn). if you were to be told we’d be missing those players at the beginning of the seasons - I’d imagine you’d adjust your expectations… but perhaps not… Id say it’s Swans, Freo then Carlton then the rest. Freo are a very good team, and they match up well with us in midfield even when we have our best 22.they have done for 3’years now I remember watching Voss, Black, Brown etc absolutely beating up on Ablett Jnr, Chapman, Scarlett etc - fast forward 3 years later and the tables had turned. This is where Freo is at with their midfield. And this is the cyclical nature of footy. not to say things don’t need tweaking, but sometimes you’re hands are tied with personnel… we may make finals in ‘24 but I’d be looking at ‘25 and giving the team the best opportunity.
    6 points
  32. He's not near physically ready for drafting 😉
    6 points
  33. Why the club didn't go after mabior chol baffles me. He is exactly what we needed and was going cheap
    6 points
  34. Securing Petty to 2027 is huge for our list management, I am pleasantly shocked at this news. He hasn't been great this year but I have full confidence he will bounce back with a full preseason under his belt next year.
    6 points
  35. I think we need to keep quiet on this bloke before the AFL decides they can hold off on any NGA changes for a few years yet.
    6 points
  36. He’s still a bin diving misogynistic [censored]
    6 points
  37. Anyone who isn’t thrilled with that (if it’s true), is an absolute fool! Securing our talls means we can focus on restocking our midfield!
    6 points
  38. @Back to the Fuchsia
    5 points
  39. Last week we gambled on selection and had a win... this week we also rolled the dice and lost. I think to walk (or fly) away from these last two games with 4 points given the loss of Petracca and Gawn is not a bad result. A few observations... a. It is foolish in hindsight to go into the season with no recognised back up ruck. We have bought in a couple of NQR talls/forward/rucks (?) that we wanted to develop and that has not worked out. Bad list management or bad luck? b. I would still like to have seen one of the talls given a run on Sunday so that we could have a look at them in context. c. With Brayshaw's medical retirement, Oliver's lack of a pre-season and Petracca's long term injury our midfield is very underpowered and badly structured. It looked like we did not do any research into the setup of Fremantle's mids at the bounce or stoppages. d. Given the lack of midfield cohesion and structure I find it difficult to be critical of either our Defence or Attack on Sunday. With no defensive pressure between the arcs from boundary to boundary, it was impossible for the defence to hold up. Similar for the forwards. No attacking structure through the middle gives the forwards, no clue as to where to lead or where the ball is going to arrive. e. One other observation. Our defensive team lead by May and Lever is still one of the best in the game not only during the game but also off field in driving the standards and culture of the club. Some of this might be down to Troy Chaplin, I am not certain to what degree. One thing I do find interesting is the way the players from the defence are finding their feet in other roles within the team. Petty and Turner in the forwards, Rivers and Salem as mid rotations. This development of role flexibility is critical to our future success and I hope that it continues. I am at an age where I have a hell of a lot more long and winding road behind me than open road in front. When I survey my journey as a MFC supporter over the years a couple of things stand out. Win the midfield and you win the game. Players that play with imagination and a smile are always my favorites. Anyway.... onward and upward to the next game.
    5 points
  40. Absolutely love this. Have no doubt that his foot issues destroying his preseason and confidence in his leap have caused most of his issues. I know most will want him returned to defence but I think he'll surprise a few and come on strongly as a forward yet. Go Petts!
    5 points
  41. Get Howe in for Bowey!
    5 points
  42. Anyone calling for changes in the forward line needs to realise they weren't the problem. We couldn't get our hands on the ball all day. I think we have the let the majority of the guys try to redeem themselves. I assume Kolt and Salem will be touch and go. If so, Billings and Pup Brown should get a run. Woewodin or Howes as the sub
    5 points
  43. Yet Goodwin has said only Salem was a potential injury, hamstring. You'd think he would have remembered mentioning Kolt, who he subbed off very early..... I mean he may be injured, however looked like a good old fashioned dragging to me.
    5 points
  44. I agree with this. Add to that the mid season draft pick that we used to sadly effectively replace a midfielder we again used a let’s call him a forward that can ruck. Absolutely nothing against Kentfield but seemed bizarre to me at the time when I would have thought bigger priorities were a genuine ruck or pure midfielders as the cupboard is bare at Casey. In my opinion our overall list is extremely unbalanced.
    5 points
  45. I think this comes down to due diligence. I do agree with you and have been strong on this, even at Brisbane he barely played as a starting ruckman and when he was thrown in there he really wasn't all that good at all playing in that position. I watched the VFL round 2 game against Footscray earlier this year and Fullarton was rucking against a first year rookie in Lachlan Smith from the western Bulldogs who was picked up late in the draft last year. This Smith kid bullied Fullarton in the ruck and easily got a hold of him when it came to ruck duels. Going back on the due diligence part, bit like everyone else, I am very confused by this list management decisions of late and have been highly critical of Tim Lamb. I'm sure they had watched him play last year in the VFL, but even they would have seen he played more of a key forward and observed his ruckwork wasn't up to scratch. We clearly needed a back up mature ruckman during last year's draft and trade and one of the names I raised was 203cm Brynn Teakle who had just been delisted by Port. He's a genuine pure ruckman and I think he would have been perfect just to have there for moments like the Gawn injury. The frustration in all that was he got picked up again by North in this year's mid season draft a few picks after we selected Kentfield and has already played 6 games for them this year as a ready made mature back up ruckman.
    5 points
  46. So we went into the year without a 2nd ruck at all … wow. And didn’t even think at the half year to cover it. Instead it’s Gawn or nothing. Kentfield is a development player who like Jefferson will take time. We needed a backup Ruck and got caught with our pants down. Coach… list manager… ?!?!?!
    5 points
  47. Longmuir comments in the presser … “ teams have been bringing numbers up to try and nullify our stoppage work because it's a real strength of our game, but we've got to maintain a mindset to be decisive and get on the front foot." Didn’t see any evidence that our coach or coaches implemented this block the stoppage strategy. (?!?!)
    5 points
  48. Melbourne v Fremantle (Round 19, 2024) https://www.wheeloratings.com/afl_match_stats.html?ID=20241904 Key Team Stats Stats highlighted purple were won by Melbourne. Stat For Against Diff Disposal Efficiency 73.7 75.7 -2.0 Kicking Efficiency 68.2 64.4 +3.8 Metres Gained 5801 6458 -657 Inside 50s 47 60 -13 Shots At Goal 18 35 -17 Shots Per Inside 50 38.3 58.3 -20.0 Contested Possessions 105 141 -36 Ground Ball Gets 84 88 -4 Intercepts 74 66 +8 Intercept Marks 15 16 -1 Centre Clearances 8 17 -9 Stoppage Clearances 8 30 -22 Contested Marks 8 11 -3 Marks Inside 50 13 21 -8 Hitouts 9 47 -38 Hitouts To Advantage 0 17 -17 Tackles 50 32 +18 Tackles Inside 50 14 4 +10 Def One On One Loss % 28.6 0.0 +28.6 Contested Possessions For Against Diff Melbourne's Defensive 50 Hard Ball Get 5 5 0 Loose Ball Get 18 10 +8 Contested Mark 2 2 0 Ruck Hard Ball Get 0 1 -1 Gather From Hitout 0 1 -1 Contested Knock On 2 0 +2 Free For 2 2 0 Total 29 21 +8 Melbourne's Forward 50 Hard Ball Get 2 8 -6 Loose Ball Get 6 12 -6 Contested Mark 1 2 -1 Gather From Hitout 0 3 -3 Free For 0 2 -2 Total 9 27 -18 Post clearance Hard Ball Get 11 14 -3 Loose Ball Get 49 46 +3 Contested Mark 8 11 -3 Contested Knock On 2 3 -1 Free For 7 12 -5 Total 77 86 -9 Pre clearance Hard Ball Get 7 7 0 Loose Ball Get 17 21 -4 Ruck Hard Ball Get 0 5 -5 Gather From Hitout 0 16 -16 Contested Knock On 0 1 -1 Free For 4 5 -1 Total 28 55 -27 Official data on pre- and post-clearance contested possessions are not available. These have been estimated by Wheelo Ratings and should be indicative. Ground ball gets are inclusive of hard ball gets and loose ball gets. 'Free For' does not include free kicks to advantage or free kicks while in possession of the ball as these are not counted as contested possessions. Expected scores xScore Score Rushed xWin % xMargin Margin Swing Melbourne 60.5 66 1 0% +14.6 Fremantle 125.0 116 2 100% +64.6 +50 Team Shots Score Accuracy xScore +/- xSc. / Shot Shot Rating Overall Melbourne 18 10.5.65 55.6% 59.5 +5.5 3.30 +0.31 Fremantle 35 17.12.114 48.6% 123.0 −9.0 3.51 −0.26 General Play Melbourne 5 2.2.14 40.0% 14.1 −0.1 2.81 −0.01 Fremantle 13 5.5.35 38.5% 44.9 −9.9 3.45 −0.76 Set Position Melbourne 13 8.3.51 61.5% 45.4 +5.6 3.49 +0.43 Fremantle 22 12.7.79 54.5% 78.2 +0.8 3.55 +0.04 xWin %: win probability based on expected scores. Swing: difference between expected margin and actual margin. xScore: total expected score from all shots taken. +/-: total score above or below expected score. xSc. / Shot: average expected score per shot. This represents the average shot difficulty. Shot Rating: average score above or below expected score per shot at goal. Notes: Expected scores are calculated by Wheelo Ratings. Each shot at goal is assigned an expected score based on the distance from goal, shot angle, and type of shot (e.g. set shot, general play following contested possession, general play following uncontested possession, ground kick, etc) as a proxy for pressure. The model does not take into account factors like the player, whether the ball was kicked with their preferred or non-preferred foot, and pressure on the player when taking the shot. Rushed behinds are excluded from actual and expected scores. Pressure Team pressure Quarter For Agn Diff 1 168 148 +20 2 149 148 +1 3 195 159 +36 4 177 161 +16 Match 173 154 +19 Source: Herald Sun Most Pressure Points Note: pressure points are the weighed sum of pressure acts. Physical pressure acts are worth 3.75 points, closing acts are worth 2.25 points, chasing acts are 1.5 points and corralling are 1.2. ( https://www.championdata.com/glossary/afl/ ) Player Pressure Acts Pressure Points Season Average Kysaiah Pickett 30 65 41.9 Kade Chandler 27 56 45.7 Alex Neal-Bullen 31 55 53.2 Tom Sparrow 27 53 43.9 Clayton Oliver 21 48 44.3 Harrison Petty 19 45 30.0 Jack Viney 20 42 57.6 Trent Rivers 18 36 28.7 Caleb Windsor 16 34 33.0 Ed Langdon 15 30 31.1 Christian Salem 13 28 26.7 Jake Bowey 10 28 17.2 Andy Moniz-Wakefield 11 23 33.5 Jacob van Rooyen 10 22 17.6 Bayley Fritsch 8 17 15.7 Tom McDonald 8 15 20.6 Jake Lever 7 14 14.6 Koltyn Tholstrup 9 13 34.5 Jack Billings 8 12 22.8 Judd McVee 10 12 14.6 Daniel Turner 4 12 14.1 Jake Melksham 6 11 11.0 Steven May 5 11 10.0 Source: Herald Sun Time in Forward Half Quarter For Against 1 33% 67% 2 36% 64% 3 68% 32% 4 44% 56% Match 47% 53% Source: Match total sourced from the Herald Sun; quarter values are my own calculations. Score Sources Summary Category Score Against Diff Kick-in 2.1.13 0.0.0 +13 Centre Bounce 1.0.6 1.2.8 -2 Stoppage (Other) 1.0.6 3.5.23 -17 Turnover 6.5.41 13.7.85 -44 Score Source For Against Match Season Match Season * Kick-in 13 3.2 0 2.2 Centre Bounce 6 10.0 8 7.3 Stoppage (Other) 6 22.2 23 19.2 Turnover 41 43.4 85 48.9 * Against season average represents average points conceded by Melbourne across the season, not average points scored by Fremantle. Chain start region Note: region is from the scoring team's perspective. Category Region For Against Match Season Match Season * Centre Bounce Centre 6 10.0 8 7.3 Kick-in D50 13 3.2 0 2.2 Stoppage (Other) D50 0 2.3 0 1.4 Stoppage (Other) Centre 0 1.9 1 1.8 Stoppage (Other) Wing 6 12.6 7 8.9 Stoppage (Other) F50 0 5.3 15 6.9 Turnover D50 8 8.6 32 8.6 Turnover Centre 18 8.1 13 7.6 Turnover Wing 9 20.3 39 26.6 Turnover F50 6 6.4 1 6.2 Region For Against Match Season Match Season * D50 21 14.1 32 12.3 Centre 24 20.0 22 16.7 Wing 15 32.9 46 35.5 F50 6 11.7 16 13.1 Region For Against Match Season Match Season * Defensive 50 21 14.1 32 12.3 Defensive midfield 6 17.9 32 19.3 Centre bounce 6 10.0 8 7.3 Attacking midfield 27 25.0 28 25.6 Forward 50 6 11.7 16 13.1 * Against season average represents average points conceded by Melbourne across the season, not average points scored by Fremantle. Points from defensive half For Against Match Season Match Season * 27 32.0 64 31.6 * Against season average represents average points conceded by Melbourne across the season, not average points scored by Fremantle. Centre Bounce Attendances CBAs CBA % 2024 % 2023 % Clayton Oliver 21 72% 71.5% 81.4% Jack Viney 20 69% 67.5% 72.1% Jacob van Rooyen 15 52% 19.4% 7.6% Alex Neal-Bullen 14 48% 17.0% 2.1% Harrison Petty 14 48% 10.0% 0.7% Kysaiah Pickett 10 34% 37.6% 11.2% Tom Sparrow 10 34% 36.3% 44.9% Trent Rivers 8 28% 21.0% 3.0% Christian Salem 4 14% 14.7% 0.0% Koltyn Tholstrup 0 0% 1.2% Daniel Turner 0 0% 0.4% 0.0% Tom McDonald 0 0% 0.0% 5.7% Max Gawn 84.3% 64.9% Christian Petracca 55.8% 61.1% Josh Schache 8.3% 0.0% Bailey Laurie 4.4% 0.0% Charlie Spargo 4.2% 0.0% Lachie Hunter 0.0% 0.2% Ruck Contests and Hitouts Ruck Contests Ruck Contests RC % 2024 % 2023 % Jacob van Rooyen 30 41% 18.0% 13.1% Harrison Petty 28 38% 9.5% 2.0% Daniel Turner 15 21% 4.3% 0.0% Alex Neal-Bullen 0 0% 0.0% 0.0% Clayton Oliver 0 0% 0.0% 0.1% Steven May 0 0% 0.0% 0.0% Tom McDonald 0 0% 0.0% 9.3% Tom Sparrow 0 0% 0.0% 0.0% Max Gawn 81.4% 57.5% Josh Schache 13.3% 4.1% Ben Brown 0.2% 2.3% Christian Petracca 0.0% 0.4% Hitouts Ruck Contests Hitouts To Adv. To Adv. % (2024) To Adv. % (2023) Harrison Petty 28 6 0 26.3% 25.0% Jacob van Rooyen 30 3 0 25.7% 31.1% Daniel Turner 15 0 0 50.0% Alex Neal-Bullen 0 0 0 0.0% Tom McDonald 0 0 0 20.0% Ben Brown 100.0% 0.0% Josh Schache 100.0% 0.0% Max Gawn 26.9% 30.1% Christian Petracca 100.0% Opposition hitouts Ruck Contests Hitouts To Adv. Sean Darcy 56 34 9 Luke Jackson 17 13 8
    5 points
  49. Well done to Jack Billings for a very good showing as the sub. A much maligned player but showed alot more than most today. Credit where credits due
    5 points
  50. A coach can’t be positive in the lead up to a game? You really want him to say - we don’t have a ruck, we don’t have more than 1 semi fit midfielder? Freo should get on top at stoppages and then we’ll be needing a miracle?
    5 points
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