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Showing content with the highest reputation on 30/11/23 in all areas

  1. What a bloody TERRIFIC training report and group of positive, near effusive, comments!!! LOVE the positive vibes.. kudos to all. As for Matty J, we know what he is, and he’s also in his 2nd pre-season. He’s not JVR and we DO NOT want him to be, he’s more of your BBB OR Daniher type, or a Gunston with Height & a leap. He got him to contrast JVR & the club is absolutely RAPT with how he’s come back, his size etc so let’s stay positive & I think he’ll be a player bit it’s gonna take time. McAdam also doesn’t surprise me, sounds like exactly how I’d imagine, he’ll get more fit as we go but he’s never gonna be the fitness king, he’s a burst, magical type player that’ll provide plenty of fun and likely win us a few games from thin-air if he’s around 4-6yrs. Also continually getting vibe Billings is gonna be an epically important i50 player in 2024, hearing right now, all 3 new AFL recruits are in frame for R1 so that’s a great sign if we improve that much by adding 3 1st 22, likely 4-5 if you consider Howes Is also gonna push for a claim, KOLT perhaps can too. God I hate it being so far away, but I can’t blv im this excited buoyed by fact media and punters have jumped right off us, this bodes VERY well indeed.. Promised myself after the loss I wouldn’t get this keen again, boy that one lasted all of 2 training sessions!
    22 points
  2. Isn't great to get the forum back on track. I'm talking to the 90% of Demonlanders who come here for the right reasons. The other 10% (we all know who) can stop reading now. As is so often the case, WCW leads the way again. Like a lot of us post season, I couldn't bring myself to visit DL for a while, knowing the vitriol and poison that you have to troll through to try and get some understanding of expectations not met. Then you see a post from WCW and others that are hurting just as much but don't feel compelled to kick the dog or point the finger at everyone and everything. I must admit, every time I visit here I am hoping to see a WCW post. Her positivity and insightful humour often changes my mood and day. Hopefully, the naysayers here can take inspiration from her view of life and DL can eventually remove those cigarette package warnings about respect and behaviour.
    19 points
  3. Will be turning 14 in January some time. Still some water to go under the bridge, bur so far he's had a pretty good start to his small junior career. A best and fairest for Cairns under 12s plus a top 3 finish in the league vote. He's also represented QLD under 12s school boys team which is usually a good indicator that the kid can already play at a young age. He's certainly a watch this space in years to come.
    16 points
  4. From left to right: Binman, Demonland and George on the Outer
    13 points
  5. He actually did, you know. It was all sch!ts and giggles (we both admitted we love when it’s cold and wet and don’t like hot weather LOL: the conversation of two whiter-than-white rangas) but the mood shifted monumentally when I unexpectedly told him how we all feel about him. Not in a bad way but in a poignant way. His demeanour changed, he seemed genuinely moved and it wasn’t awkward at all. It was really special. I just got the distinct feeling he’s in a really good headspace now.
    12 points
  6. Literally 16 other clubs would LOVE to hold up this 'mediocre cup' for ongoing success of its men's and women's program, as well as a million dollar cheque. Every year only one team wins the flag. Does that make the other 17 clubs irrelevant? Their progress or success unworthy? Our men's side won a flag 2 years ago, and our women's a year ago. We are a strong club with strong performing teams and we have to stop minimising their success, just because they haven't been able to claim the ultimate prize again. Winning is hard enough, winning back to back is even harder. I still remember the days when our season was over before it started. We were a laughing stock. And yet some are still not satisfied with how far we've come since.
    10 points
  7. I know it’s been said many times already, but I felt compelled to say it again… your post brought a tear to my eye while I read it at work. Having heard him open up a little bit about how tough he has found the footy industry, I’m very sure he greatly appreciated what you said to him on our behalf. Thank you again for a truly beautiful post and a 10/10 training report 😊
    10 points
  8. I actually did tell him exactly that! He appeared outta nowhere (my umbrella means no peripheral vision) and I knee-jerked and yelled out, “CLARRIE!!!” He said “how are ya?” I said, “better now that I’ve seen you here!” Dave, the physio called him to go and as he walked away I yelled out, “We love you Clarry!” He actually responded, “I love you, too.” 😅 Afterwards he came over and we had an awesome chat. It’s the happiest I’ve ever seen him. He told me about his 10 days with Chin and his family. I said, “Kade’s a great kid.” Clarrie says, [censored] oath he is!” That’s so Clarrie. 😁 He reckons he needs to lose five kilos. I said, “where the hell from?” He patted his belly. He ran off with the physio and when he came back to the fence he said, “you’re still here.” I said, “Yep, got a problem with that, fat-guts?” He laughed and said, “you’re a real fan” meaning because of the weather. I said I most definitely am. He pointed to his temple and said, “We remember this.” I mean, we hear things like this from the girls all the time. It’s rare that one of the boys say it. I’m back again. We just chatted again. He’s so funny. I said I’d better step back from him lest I take his eye out with my umbrella. Dave said, “geez imagine if that happened!” and we laughed. Clarrie says, “it wouldn’t matter, I’ve got two.” Then I said, “seriously Clarrie, you need to know us supporters love you so much, we’ve got your back, we always have and we always will, and we’ll always love you.” He said, “well someone has to” (love him). Before I could say anything he quickly added, “nah, thanks for that.”
    10 points
  9. 9 points
  10. According to Jason Taylor on the Demonland Podcast Marley Davey, the son of Aaron Davey, is one future father/son that the club has their eye on. He will be moving to Melbourne from Cairns to go to school at Xavier and the Dees will start tracking him harder now. He is available to be drafted the year after Kilani White (2025 AFL Draft) which will be at the end of 2026 for the 2027 season.
    7 points
  11. One of the biggest 'learnings' from 2022 was that we didn't give players outside of the current best 22 enough exposure at senior level. In 2023 we learnt that McVee and JVR are going to be mainstays and have long careers in the AFL. We also saw enough from Woey Jnr to suggest he has good attributes, and likewise Laurie. Howe would have debuted if not for injuries. It is important that no matter where you are in the cycle, you continue to push to develop your younger group. In 2024 I want to see more of Turner, Howe and potentially give the new draftees a little taste. I would hope Chandler can continue to impress, and Laurie is given more chances, as his greatest strength being ball use, is one of our biggest issues. Our window is certainly not coming to a close anytime soon. The biggest issue we will face is replacing May. Gawn is irreplaceable, but likewise you can absolutely win a flag without a gun ruck. Many big bodied average rucks have won their teams flags. Just look at this year. But the core of our group, are still in their prime or yet to hit their prime. While we have the likes of Trac, Clarry and Lever, we will continue to be a very strong contender, so long as we continue to push and develop the other players around them.
    6 points
  12. Saw that the Kolt is already getting in on the grappling sessions Vines does with his bro and Tom Mitchell. Pretty awesome for a young kid to be already putting the extras in! Think we may have a beauty here.
    6 points
  13. Ok but I ain’t no Pickett Fence. So, they’re all out in the middle skipping. It’s pretty cute. They look like little kids. Selwyn is working with Fritta who is running along the boundary about 20 metres then he stops, looks at his watch then runs again. Fritta stopped for a chat. He said his foot/leg is coming along well, and they’re happy with the progress Now they’re practicing short sharp kicks to each other. Now they’ve split into two groups. Meanwhile Fritta is running really well. He just told me he’s currently running at 40% I smiled and said that’s good but tbh I have nfi what that means.
    6 points
  14. Please direct any enquiries through @Binmans PA.
    5 points
  15. I braved the weather and went down for most of the session. Was good, players did some running and stuff.
    5 points
  16. Braved the elements for half an hour or so, couple of observations. Sestan did a couple of things that made me raise my eyebrows, in a good way. He’s just a smart, clean footballer who makes good decisions. Just needs to build his tank and there’s a real player there. The bloke in 26 is definitely Jed Adams. He looks a hell of a lot like Petty, and has filled out to a similar size, hence the confusion. Petty watched proceeedings from the sidelines but isn’t in a moonboot or anything. Rivers and Woey have gone to new levels physically. Really excited to see where Rivers can get to this year, he was a real standout while I was there. Sparrow was often fumbly, and annoyed at himself. We need him to step up next season. Lever is just an outstanding leader. He's got a great mix between barking orders, giving a spray, and putting an arm around players when needed. Great talker too, for me it’s him and Trac as our next leadership duo. Kept a close eye on Jefferson as I’m really keen for him to him to have a big season, especially if Petty ends up leaving. With the caveat that it was very much not a day for key forwards, I was left a little disappointed. He’s definitely put on a bit of size which is promising but his competitive instincts and follow up play compared to JVR is chalk and cheese. He has a strange posture, sort of hunchbacked, and he just doesn’t seem to relish body contact at all. Another thing I noticed was when Selwyn Griffith had set up a little 30-40m sprint between cones for players rotating out of a drill. He’d bark at the players to go flat out during that time but was half distracted, getting things prepared for the next drill. So nobody was really watching them to make sure they did it properly. EVERYONE, including Windsor, Tholstrup etc did this at 100% and really pushed themselves. Everyone except Jefferson, who took a quick first few steps and then cruised the rest. It probably sounds like nothing, but for me attitude is what often separates the good from the excellent. Hoping I just got him on a bad day, and as I said it undoubtedly was a tough one for the bigger boys.
    5 points
  17. I wasn’t going to but the same friend who blew me off today wants to go on Friday and doesn’t wanna go on her own. I won’t mind if she bails again on Friday, I had so much fun by myself today. 🤗
    4 points
  18. 💯- WCW has a great blend of sass and humility. And a proper grasp of grammar.
    4 points
  19. If we offered him to Adelaide for two first rounders next year do you think they’d notice the difference?
    4 points
  20. I saw Kynan and Spargypants standing together and thought it must be bring your kid to work day.
    4 points
  21. am new to tbe podcast and appreciated the insights provided on the finals games - really insightful. will be listening to every podcast from now on. who are the hosts BTW - impressive.
    3 points
  22. 3 points
  23. She's settled in country Vic. I can't see Daisy moving across to WA. Plus i reckon she's learning more coaching a mens team than jumping back to AFLW now
    3 points
  24. The perfect voice for wock & woll, weggae or whythm & blues! (I'm guessing you don't do wap.)
    3 points
  25. 3 points
  26. 3 points
  27. I now understand why you do podcasts and not TV... How does the saying go???
    3 points
  28. He reminds me so much of Clarry when he first arrived, strange guy, bit rough around the edges but he's got a bit of animal about him. pretty excited to see what he can become.
    3 points
  29. ive been to a few training sessions myself and had difficulty in just random observations. I could never complete reports as comprehensive as those of all the track watchers. Let alone the ability to concentrate on specific drills or people but reporting on the phone while you are observing. Fantastic work and I really appreciate it
    3 points
  30. I won’t be going to training at Casey, PF. It takes three and a half hours to get there. I mean, I’m passionate but I’m not clinically insane. You should continue doing training reports from Casey, you do a great job of it. All of next week’s sessions are at Casey. You’ll be busy. 🙂
    3 points
  31. You do have to say the combination of boundary rider and descriptive training reports was certainly different and entertaining to be encouraged
    3 points
  32. Yep ... I hereby assign all Training Reports at Casey to WCW! 😍
    3 points
  33. Great point @pitmaster. It's one of the great myths that "we are leaving debt to our children to pay." Firstly, in a crisis such as a war or a pandemic, government creates money that is used to stimulate the economy. In practical terms, this usually means creating additional resources (in the case of a war) or limiting the amount of people at risk of unemployment in the case of a pandemic. The facts are these: Australia’s debt was 120 percent of GDP at the end of the Second World War, yet the economy grew by an average of 4.2 percent in the 1950s and 5.3 percent in the 1960s[1]. Tax receipts rose as a result, which had the effect of reducing the debt. Secondly, even allowing for the government paying interest on its debt, these payments create additional wealth by flowing back through to the economy. So as the government pays interest, on the other side of the ledger, citizens collect income. This income flows back through the economy as financial activity and indeed, results in higher tax revenues via transaction taxes such as the GST and stamp duties for instance. Indeed, the holders of government debt tend to be more wealthy individuals who are going to be subject to higher levels of taxation on the income received from the dividends on the government bonds. This tax is then reinvested by the government in public infrastructure that is passed on to future generations. Classic examples of this inter-generational wealth building is the Sydney Harbour Bridge, Snowy Mountain Hyro-electric scheme and the NBN. These are physical assets that leave future generations better off than the ones that proceeded them. Thirdly, depending on how the inputs are used in the calculation, between 30 and 40 percent of all money created by the Government is returned to it in taxes[2]. So the debt is not the same number as the money created or borrowed. Put simply, for every dollar the government creates, it only has to fund (create and borrow) 60 to 70 percent of the money in reality. Keeping people employed is the best way to ensure that future generations are not burdened with unsustainable welfare payments to a generation of unemployed, or unemployable, citizens. [1] “Fact Check: Did the Government Inherit the 'Worst Set of Accounts' in History?” ABC News. Australian Broadcasting Corporation, March 3, 2016. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-03-18/fact-check--australia27s-economic-inheritance/6162670?nw=0. [2] “Taxation Revenue, Australia, 2019-20 Financial Year.” Taxation Revenue, Australia. Australian Bureau of Statistics, April 27, 2021. https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/economy/government/taxation-revenue-australia/latest-release#:~:text=Total taxation revenue collected in.
    3 points
  34. I think that's a pessimistic view Dwight. Exposed by 7 points and 2 points in finals we should have won. If Angus didn’t get laid out we definitely win vs Collingwood and we played far better than Carlton but failed to convert. With an ounce of reasonable fortune, not even good fortune, we're reigning Premiers.
    3 points
  35. Yeah yeah, we are a rabble. 9 losses in 2023 for a total 79 points combined. It’s a game of fine margins these days and the luck in our forward half disappeared late in the season. Most consistent Melbourne team I’ve seen supporting them. A few tweaks here and there and we are in it up to our eyeballs in 2024.
    3 points
  36. I’m sorry but it does if you don’t regularly introduce younger players. It comes very quickly if you don’t constantly turn your list over and they all start to plateau around the same time.
    3 points
  37. Please let him know all supporters love him xx
    3 points
  38. I agree with what you say, but the issues you raised have nothing to do with culture. We obviously had to rework our gameplan after losing our key forwards before and during the finals and losing Brayshaw in the first few minutes of the QF. We didn't have the time or the personnel left to adapt. This may have contributed to the way we played against Carlton. Looking back, I think we did extraordinarily well to be in a position to win both games.
    3 points
  39. Great interview Andrew. JT never gives too much away. But I think there are things you can deduce if you listen carefully. He somewhat gave away Windsor was at least a little needs related, and watching how slow we’ve been between the arcs the last 2 years it’s not a surprise. Why do I get the feeling they wanted Windsor at 11 but he kept rising? When JT does he due diligence on a player the word probably gets around and other sides start circling. I get the sense he’s excited by Tholstrup’s potential in a range of roles but also they really like the character and early indications are so do I! He was probably a little more excited for Kynan Brown than I expected. Aside from the 2 early picks I get the sense Jed Adams might be a favourite of JTs. Hope he gets through preseason healthy.
    3 points
  40. https://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/1471643/aflw-best-and-fairest-the-contenders It's always interesting to see the club's perspective, with the insider knowledge of individual player's roles and KPIs. Who would we like to see take home the award? Hore would be a frontrunner to go back to back, alongside Demonland vote-winner Hanks. B.Mackin as a bit of a smokey?
    2 points
  41. And Kate was also awarded Best Captain by the Players Association and 4th in the AFLPA MVP. Heath finished 5th in the Most Courageous, while A.Mackin came 5th for the Best First Year Player.
    2 points
  42. Choco is certainly keeping a close eye on proceeding’s.
    2 points
  43. Definitely the new guys. Also noticed Daniel Howes, Matty J and KFW were hard at it the entire time. And Knuckles… looking so good now that he’s bulked up and giving it everything out there. I spoke with Marty, a property steward, about how long the session was (over two and a half hours) and Monday’s was long as well. He’s at most sessions and he said today’s was the “most brutal” he’s seen in a while. They literally did not stop, apart from one time when a few of them came to the tent for a drink of water. And aside from the start when they’re jogging and skipping, it was high-energy intense training. The only player I thought struggled a little was McAdam. Same as on Monday. He’d oftentimes be hands on knees, sucking in air. At one point the seven new guys were doing short sprints in two groups on the boundary right in front of where I was. Incidentally, Kolt nailed it, and was like the leader in his group, telling Caleb and Kynan when to stop and go and encouraging them. It was great to hear him assume the responsibility. Anyways Shane had to continue doing the sprints on his own once the other six rejoined the main group. Methinks he’s not used to such intense training yet.
    2 points
  44. MY NEW FAVE PLAYER!!! For now anyways 🤭 He’s soooo nice. I told him welcome to the Dees. He said he feels like he’s been with us for years. He says the boys are all treating him like a close teammate already.
    2 points
  45. He's always been my number 1 preference for our next captain by a long way. Glad others are starting to realise what an incredibly influential leader he is.
    2 points
  46. And achieve what exactly? Harmes - McAdam. I'm more than happy with that. We've had nothing for Harmes to do for 2 years and have been crying out for a guy like McAdam to provide a mix of what Fritsch and Kossie do. JJ - Billings. JJ might go on to be a player for the Swans but he was a free agent, we replaced him with a player who could be an immediate upgrade in a needs position. Grundy - Fullarton. Personally I'd have liked to get in on the Brandon Ryan deal but Fullarton has a fair bit of upside and I'd rather have him than an unhappy and expensive Grundy. 33 was worthless in this draft. Would've ended up pick 40 on the night of the draft. We ended up with a spare pick 42 (44 come draft night) which we dealt for a future 3rd. 25 became 34 on draft night. Ended up at Carlton for Billy Wilson. 18, 34 and a pick we'd never use for 13 to get Tholstrup. Doesn't look so bad when Essendon and GWS gave up 2nd rounders to move 1 spot on draft night. We've replenished our depth with better fits and drafted 2 talented kids. It's not flashy but the flashy moves often don't work out. Plus surely we're reloading with list spots and salary cap to be more aggressive next year.
    2 points
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