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Palace Dees

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Palace Dees last won the day on October 24 2015

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  1. So the bloke who just a fortnight ago was being hailed in the media as the greatest ruckman in the history of the game, not just Melbourne. Who is leading the 2024 AFL player ratings and who will get his 7th AA this year is a big part of the problem? What is that problem? Well, we are now out of the 8! For the first time in 4 years mind you, but shame Max! Demon Discipline says he needs to be more consistent, yet concedes he'd be a long way ahead in the B&F. A complement? No, it's only because the rest of the team are so bad apparently. Shame Max! And I love you WCW, but the 'nudge, nudge, wink, wink' approach is really quite tedious. The Swans are seemingly way ahead at the moment, but remember, their only loss was against a team who had their only win. I don't remember them saying the sky was falling. I was devastated on Sunday, but until then we were 4th in a really even year, Swans excluded. Max has never been an enforcer, it's simply not him. So to tell him to get more physical in a game that is ever increasingly being sanitised is ludicrous. I have always bragged to friends and family that a reason I support the Dees is because our supporters are better. We don't cheer opposition misses on goal and boo every opposition player. Yes, I know I'm delusional in this regard but I like that Fantasy Island in which I live. For my own sanity, I feel I need a break from Demonland. Keep fighting the fight Little Goffy and others. I hope to return when less fragile. Go Dees! 🔴🔵
  2. Believe it or not, who wins the popular vote will not make a scrap of difference. The AFL in the past have given the AA captaincy to non club captains, making it a farce. eg. Franklin, Hawkins etc. Great players, but not great captains in the eyes of their own clubs. Max has been a fantastic player, leader and captain over many years. I am not going to change my respect for who he is and what he has done for our club, and the AFL as a whole, simply because his teammates let him down on the weekend. My whole reasoning for rallying for this is to say we supporters still believe in you Max. He is not the reason for our poor form. He is the only shining light in this storm on and off the field and he deserves our support.
  3. Well, you vote for the captain of this year's undefeated team then. I'll vote for the best.
  4. We need to get behind our champ and make him the peoples choice for AA Captain. Please vote for him. Our mid-season All-Australian team: Who makes the cut? - https://www.afl.com.au/news/1144788
  5. You can't deny this bloke is a very special talent. I look forward to seeing him play for many years. Of course I'd love for that to be in red and blue but I understand that is just a pipe dream. I am just pleasantly surprised that the usual preferential treatment handled out to AFL golden children didn't occur this time. Realistically, the already badly battered reputation of the AFL probably couldn't have survived another blatant miscarriage of justice. I also believe the decision will serve Harley himself well in his maturity and development. Sure, it's a shame that it will cost him the Rising Star, but it also says to him, we know you are already a super footballer and a likely future great of the game, but you are subject the the same rules as everyone else. This is one part of the whole thing that I hope is not a pipe dream.
  6. Couldn't agree more with the first half of your statement, but to say Goodwin fluked a premiership is laughable. Have a look at ALL of our finals wins in '21 and you don't 'fluke' 100 pts to 7 in the last 40 mins of a Grand Final.
  7. .....and when coupled with Pavlich, you just have to turn the sound off, as I do. At least others pretend to be unbiased. Not those two. Ironically, neither were born and raised in WA but obviously suffer from Stockholm syndrome.
  8. I took Windsor, Trac Brownlow, Dees flag for $25. Return would be $215k. I'd written it off, until now 😏
  9. As predicted. This obvious multi week offence results in just a fine. Impossible for the MRO to defend this decision. A forearm straight to the face FFS. MATCH REVIEW: Warner learns fate for Pittonet elbow - https://www.afl.com.au/news/1131785
  10. Agree. I think K. Brown deserves a senior promotion before Laurie when the time comes.
  11. Nice assist by Jefferson. Devveloping nicely
  12. You just answered your own question. Absolutely should go, but won't. Sydney Swan in Brownlow contention.
  13. My bad. Just the Freo one then. I'll have to find something else to whinge about then. 😬
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