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  1. Supporters: What are you going to do about the mess the club is in?! Max: Tough love during the pre-season. Don’t worry, we have a plan. Supporters: Talk is cheap. We don’t want to hear it.
    12 points
  2. And 1 more thing it's got nothing to do with Melbourne fc. Im GOING AFTER MARK HEANEY and eastern ragers the club themselves is a great club I love Melbourne fc for giving me a chance just I just wish I said something when it happened to me I love the AFL system just needs to change
    12 points
  3. It's almost like he planned his own weather forecast. 31 degrees
    9 points
  4. Clint Stanaway, Neil Michell, Garry Lyon, Nick McCallum, I typed the above just before the service started then I turned my phone off. Now that it’s over I believe even more it shouldn’t have been Maguire. He made it ALL ABOUT HIMSELF! He’s a smug, arrogant, self-absorbed [censored] and he just didn’t belong there today.
    8 points
  5. Am I missing something here ? Max is the ONLY one that I have seen so far that has admitted that there are some issues that need addressing. Yes, he said that the culture is pretty good BUT there are some things that need to be looked at. That is a helluva lot more than Goodwin & Pert said. They just kept the line going about great culture & nothing to see here. As for May: FFS, he was at a CLUB function, having had a few beers (by his own admission when he was interviewed at the time) and made a comment from the heart to HIS people (not the general football public), If not then, when the hell CAN he say something ? He has now said "okay, probably could have chosen my words better" which should appease all the butt hurt [censored] out there. If not, WGAF ? At the end of the day, the proof will be in the pudding, but slagging off players for actually answering questions ain't helping anyone.
    8 points
  6. I’m seeing a lot of tough love between posters in this thread 🤪
    7 points
  7. H He can't just leave Collingwood out of it! There was no need for a mention for the Collingwood Football Club, unless it was about how he flogged them in Grand Finals...he found snide and smug ways of getting in Collingwood references throughout. He is a tool
    7 points
  8. Serendipitously watching post breakfast from afar. Had me totally engrossed, some excellent speeches, anecdotes and memories covering Ron’s life and footy career. Highlights Lou Richard’s joke about God aspiring to be RDB on the footy field. The interaction between Ted Whitten and Ron in Adelaide during an interstate footy carnival. “Who is Mr Football?” and Ron’s son Ron Barassi lll ‘s eulogy to his father. Tony Jones referred to the expected maximum temperature in Melbourne today at 31 degrees. Channel 9 timed out unfortunately as Mike Brady commenced playing. When l became aware of the darkness outside and the first rains of the wet season. Veni Vedi Vici Vale Ronald Dale Barassi.
    7 points
  9. McGuire already found a way to make a Collingwood reference and had a dig at Melbourne’s recruitment of Barrassi. An appalling choice as MC. Has to make it about himself and Collingwood. Cannot stand him
    7 points
  10. Weather today, a maximum of 31, even mother nature is showing respect.
    7 points
  11. Okay Max. Less words and more actions thanks. We've been hearing too much words for the past two years.
    7 points
  12. I loved the event and marvelled at the site of some of the olde footballers. The Carlton crew with a hobbled and hunched Percy Jones, Bruce Doull unchanged, Syd Jackson. I saw Sam Kekovich interviewed before the gate opened and delighted in his apology to Ron if he could talk to him 1 last time. Brent Crosswell was magnificent he is an orator who spoke so well. All the speeches were perfect, which I suspect being a state funeral were all written or ghosted by professional speech writers. Steven Smith spoke of Barassi's return to Melbourne and how he changed the culture and Richard Colles detailed how important Ron was in saving Sydney and moving the Barassi line. There have been many legends in the history of the VFL/AFL but in my mind none match Ron. They may have better credentials in some areas but no one could match his playing, coaching, vision, or persona and I doubt anyone ever will. I was sorry that his manager of 40 years Rosemary Long didn't get a chance to speak, she has dealt with Ron for so long and I am sure he was not always the easiest person to manage. Vale Ron, you were my first real hero
    6 points
  13. ffs, 3 pages of max having a little inconsequential chat at the races ... where i didn't hear any mention of "tough love". posters should take dazzles advice, stfu, and wait for something important to whine about
    6 points
  14. Very moving service, plenty of legends in attendance. The football memories were great but it was much more than footy or Melbourne. We got to see the person and his son Ron the 3rd's speech was possibly my favourite.
    6 points
  15. I've taken today off to go to the service. Have said a number of times on here that I never saw him play but he just meant that much to me.
    6 points
  16. There’s already many people here for Ron’s memorial. A lot of North and Carlton supporters but the overwhelming majority are Dees. The mood outside is very sombre. It’s sure to be a very moving service. ❤️💙
    6 points
  17. Maybe instead of saying anything Max should have gone the full Marcel Marceau and let his actions do the talking. He could have mimed marking, kicking goals instead of points, given the goal umpires' goal signal so that it was all clear and ended with a triumphant mime of raising the cup. Imagine the headlines "Max Marceau mimes Melbourne marvellous!"
    6 points
  18. Caddy or Curtin?! Curtin every day of the week if that’s a choice.
    6 points
  19. Just so inane and cliche responses. We all know they have to perform next year. What do you expect Max to say when asked a question? "No comment".
    6 points
  20. Cringe when Jacinta Allen mispronounced Ron’s mother’s name. Mispronunciation of a proper noun - particularly a loved one’s name - during a memorial service is awkward, but is avoidable. It’s not like she had the names of hundreds of people to mention.
    5 points
  21. Was great too be there with plenty of others, vale RDB31. Ch7 asked me what was my highlight, I responded with hearing how many times colonwood had suffered from the influence of RDB31.
    5 points
  22. Daniel if there is anything any of us can do for you, please shout out. We don't want you to be abandoned by the system or left to deal with this. My heart breaks for you. And you absolutely deserve justice.
    5 points
  23. I too like Ron the 3rds speech. RDB wasn't just a footballing legend, he was a father too. It was a human angle to the footballing legend. I grimaced when I saw Eddie M was hosting and there were many C'Wood references but then again it was hard to avoid given how many times RDB played in a side or coached a team that defeated them on the big day. However, I thought Eddie M. did a decent job and there was some genuine emotion from him at times.
    5 points
  24. I was disappointed he only mentioned 3 GF defeats. 6 of Barassi's 10 flags were against Collingwood. I be happy to talk to Eddie about them any day.
    5 points
  25. Walked into a deli near home where they were showing the memorial service on a tv only to see Eddie McGuire's massive boofhead filling the screen. That sanctimonious git shouldn't have been anywhere near our hallowed ground today let alone be the MC.
    5 points
  26. I was promised tough love once. It cost me a fortune, but gee it was fun.
    5 points
  27. Ed's only dropped the name of Collingwood 7-8 times..... he's obviously really trying to hold it in.
    5 points
  28. So tf what???!! He’s on a break, he’s with mates at the races. He could look full-blazed and it’s NOBODY ELSE’S BUSINESS, least of all yours.
    5 points
  29. Like I said, the usual suspects will go on and on about Max and his mouth. Imagine the outrage if he just ignored the question at a public function and walked away. Media would’ve loved that. I was more concerned about T Mac’s pink suit, he does pink well though.
    5 points
  30. Why? You get a player this year, who could get you Reid in a couple of years and even if not, is the type of player we need and you have him now. WC could rise a few spots and you don’t know who is where next year and you are a year behind in development of a player. Not for me.
    4 points
  31. Nice sentiment. But you think he could get the kit right! He does the Premiership posters FFS!
    4 points
  32. I thoroughly enjoyed his comments & at HIS B&F he is entitled to say what he felt & if you think we all have to be so politically correct… then maybe get over yourself. It’s supposed supporters like you who make such a big deal out of it.
    4 points
  33. Not a great fan of Ed’s but acknowledge his knowledge and love of everything football. RDB is a multi layered legend, hero, coach, family man and above all fierce competitor in everything that he pursued. I loved the broad cross section of people that spoke on Ron’s behalf the stories, anecdotes and love for the man was heart warming. I had never heard his son Ron Jnr speak before and he delivered a wonderfully warm and insightful speech which honoured Ron in so many ways, he would have been so proud of Ron Jnr and his amazing memorial. As his manager said he was part General Patton and part Star Trak visionary. I watched it on Ch7.💕❤️💙
    4 points
  34. I have no idea WTAF your problem is with me, but feel free to ignore me as I have you in recent months. Max said absolutely nothing. In fact the media put the words "tough love" out there, Max said literally nothing except that we have a strong cultural foundation. WTF do you expect him to do or say in this instance? He went to the races and obviously they put a camera in front of his face. If he says no comment, the media would have a field day with that. Oh the captain is refusing to speak, Melbourne captain not standing by the club's culture etc etc You yourself called them grubs. They would leach onto anything, spoken or otherwise. Max is in a no win situation.
    4 points
  35. Was hoping to see best 22 from each year ...
    4 points
  36. I suggest Max takes the boys out for a proper p*ss up in the off season. Let the hair down and not be so serious all the time. Forget tough love. Have some fun.
    4 points
  37. I get the talk is cheap comment. But if anyone at the club has earned the right to talk it's Max. I think it's good that the club is saying we are disappointed and pulling out all the stops.
    4 points
  38. It wouldn’t matter how he answered questions, Lex. The Gadsons of the forum would pick him to pieces. That’s what sad little people do. Must make them feel better about themselves. 🤷‍♀️
    4 points
  39. Went to Guildford today for lunch. Never visited before and did not know this memorial existed
    4 points
  40. We have such a similar draft hand this year as Port did that Night. Let’s hope we can pull off something similar.
    3 points
  41. Thanks Lexinator my thoughts as well, last thing that I would like to see is our boys develop a siege mentality. They are on their break it is the Spring Carnival time to dress up and enjoy themselves and their friends, come back relaxed, fit and healthy for another crack next year.!!
    3 points
  42. Enjoy the races, ignore the media and don't give them the time of the day. Simple.
    3 points
  43. I think I’ve missed something here. Is there a longer interview where Max actually states he’s putting his teammates on notice? The clip posted above shows Max answering a couple of questions about our ‘culture’, does it not? Mates organising catch ups through WhatsApp is what I got from it but it won’t stop the usuals coming out with the “we are sick of talk, yadda yadda yadda “ I swear this happens every time Max answers questions in the off season.
    3 points
  44. Yep, when all is said and done, more is said than done. No talk, just walk.
    3 points
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