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  1. Curious as to why OMc is being ridiculed here. Good luck big fella, hope you get to 100 games.
    21 points
  2. I have to say this list feels like a backhanded compliment but insulting at the same time. You’re implying women weren’t interested in football prior to AFLW’s introduction (which is demonstrably untrue) and that AFLW was only introduced to attract more women as spectators (also demonstrably untrue). I guess, though, my biggest issue I have with this post is your assertion it’s women’s fault was that AFLW doesn’t have the strong following AFL has is because women are still “talking the talk around BBQ’s” about male players and not female players. I’m sorry, but WTF? I’d hate to break it to you but football has always enjoyed support from female spectators since the beginning. Go look at footage of early 20th century games, you’ll see just as many women in the grandstands as you do men. As an example, my nana was born in 1910, she grew up around the corner from the Brunswick St oval, and she’d go every week with her parents and sister to Fitzroy games, as was the custom for many families, just like today. Even before AFLW sone clubs, including Melbourne, were having memberships showing equal representation of males and females. So the assertion you make that AFL needed to do more to attract women and families, and that’s the reason AFLW introduced, is wrong. It was introduced because women who were playing football wanted representation at a higher level. They wanted to be able to play football without people saying “you can’t do that, you’re a girl.” I was 1970s child, I used to love playing football in the backyard with my brother and his mates, we’d set up items in the yard to be goal posts, place the bins here, cricket stumps there, etc. I’d see the occasional girl in the little league in the G, or at my brother’s footy clinic, and I’d ask if I can join in, only to have my dad say, “no, you’re a girl.” It was demoralising to hear that as a kid. You implying AFLW doesn’t have a strong following because women need to stop talking about male players and start talking about women is absurd, sexist and contradictory. Contradictory because earlier in the post you made the assertion AFLW easily introduced to attract more female spectators, but then you state women spectators are only talking about the male players. Make your mind up, in your mind do we support footy or not? Sexist, because, well let’s face it, if I were to dissect your entire post on its levels of sexism I’d be here all day, and I’d much prefer to spend my day at Casey this afternoon supporting our AFLW team like I’ve been doing since the exhibition matches. And absurd, because while you are implying women are at fault when we talk about male players, you make no mention that maybe, just maybe, men should perhaps talk more about female players. Why is it that women can be fans of both but men are only fans of the men? I’m a 52 year old woman who has supported my club since birth. I first became a member when my dad bought a family membership when I was 6 in 1977, and I’ve been a consecutive member since the age of 14 - next year will be my 39th year as a consecutive member. I‘be been in Redlegs since 1988, I’m a Demon Army member, a Ruby Demons committee member, a foundation AFLW member, I participated in forums last year run by David Rennick on the constitutional changes, I sponsor an AFLW player, and I volunteer my time for the football club. I’m an active participant and supporter of both men’s and women’s programs. And I’m a woman. I’d love it if more men showed as much support for the women in the club as they do for the men. Because we’re one club, that happens to pioneer representation of both men and women in the game.
    14 points
  3. They've called it: https://www.afl.com.au/aflw/news/1057726/brisbane-lions-surrender-1m-mcclelland-prize-in-costly-loss-to-st-kilda-saints "The result will see Melbourne claim the McClelland-Trophy treasure, with Collingwood one game and nearly 18 percentage points behind." Both our teams have contributed 64 points (with one game remaining for the women), so a nice and even contribution. Someday a club will win it with more of a contribution from one team over the other, but this ain't that.
    13 points
  4. The men's side should donate their side of the Trophy monies to the girls. They are already well remunerated ( 10X on average now) and they would only be handing more $'s to the tax man than any of the girls would be.
    13 points
  5. The Pies would have to win by 100s points both games. It’s over. Put the $1m in a managed fund. It’s done. Thanks to the girls!
    12 points
  6. Does my head in. Especially when it’s a player who has moved on but who never screwed us over. The default should really be to wish him well.
    12 points
  7. You can't include the girls into the men's in terms of culture. That's offensive to the girls program. It's Separate. The girls are a very well drilled team which is driven hard by Mick Stinear who's created a fantastic culture for the women's. The boys could learn a thing or two from the way Mick and his team go about it from a culture point of view.
    10 points
  8. I'll leave the exact percentage calcs to all of you, but in the theoretical 'we lose next week and Collingwood wins this week and next' it depends on all of a) the points scored and b) the margin in our loss and c) the points scored and d) the margins of Collingwood's wins. But what Collingwood has to make up can be determined from the current total points for and points against: MFC: PF - 2704 / PA - 1900 CFC: PF - 2409 / PA - 1952 If Collingwood equal our AFLW record score of 107 both weeks and keep their opposition scoreless, and Brisbane equal our record score and keep us scoreless those numbers become: MFC: PF - 2704 / PA - 2007 134.7% CFC: PF - 2623 / PA - 1952 134.8% I think Anthony Green would call it for us.
    9 points
  9. We'll have a to send a couple of bottles of wine to the Saints out of our $1m booty. Thank them for the big favour they just did for us.
    9 points
  10. Goldie has been very good today
    7 points
  11. In fact it’s one of the defining virtues of Australian Rules Football. Compared to other football codes worldwide, female attendance at games (and via membership) has always been close to parity with males. Which is but one of the reasons it was so frustrating we didn’t have a comparable women’s game until the last few years. So many willing participants, so little opportunity! No wonder when their chance came, at a participant level, the game just exploded. Girls want to play footy, and they want to continue playing as women. Well, duhrrr!! At a personal level, it’s thrilling to be witnessing the evolution of the professional women’s game. I went to the first Dees vs Dogs game at the G - showcasing the best 40 players in the country - thinking, sadly, that the AFL probably wouldn’t commit to growing the game. It’s staggering now to think that a handful of years later, we have 18 teams, all of whom would thrash those first two teams. But I still worry about the AFL’s commitment. Never has there been a better reason to throw everything at a competition, with an excited participant market of half the population. You know, like the men’s game. Fixturing however, in every respect (venues, times, number of games), is still problematic. It almost feels like the AFL is putting obstacles in the AFLW’s path. The old ‘if it fails, it wasn’t because we didn’t give it every chance’ notion, only with the the second bit being rubbish. Given the potential for continued growth (based on the game’s exponential evolution alone), things like needing crowd KPIs to trigger more rounds is just short term, commercially obsessed nonsense. To steal from an arts-cultural touchstone - build it, and they will come - if only cos they’ve been banging at the door for years. We’ve seen how women’s soccer has built what I believe to be a non-fail place in world (and Aus) sports culture, commercially and otherwise. I have no doubt that women’s Australian footy will leap-frog it, it just needs true, unwavering commitment from the guardians. [On a professional note, it was enormously concerning in the early years how prevalent ACL ruptures were in the women’s game (the order of 3:1 compared to men), and I was worried parents would literally stop their girls playing. Even this is now on the slide]
    7 points
  12. He's not desperate to move home. If he was, he would of requested a trade and pushed harder for it. I've said it quite a few times - He listened to their offer, his head was turned by an extra 200K per season, he spoke to Goody & Lamb who said his commitment was required for 2024 in any circumstance. He loves his teammates and he's a good club man. He was happy to return. We know we have a job on our hands to keep him. He's been told if he can have a break out season as a forward, he will probably become a $1M per season player for the MFC.
    7 points
  13. No question about it. The Melbourne Football Club is the best, most successful club in Australia right now. The media questioning of the club’s “culture “ is complete [censored].
    6 points
  14. Agh, another classic Blusterdome game. I used to be all "both teams have to play in the conditions, so you take it as it is". But with the gap in skills this team has on most opponents it's more and more of a shame that we play so often in the football equivalent of a spin cycle. Yes, a bunch of those goals missed should have been slotted (and this is something we won't always get away with and need to tighten up). It's the around the ground stuff that I find frustrating, as the conditions don't reward skill or superior ball movement so much as "kick and hope" footy. We'll still typically rise above it, and play the conditions smart. And there'll always be games affected by the weather. But I hate that 90% of the time, playing at our home ground means our team won't get to practice its full potential. All that aside, we did what we needed to do, 4 points, no obvious injuries, and as it turns out, all but sealing $1 mil. That goal from B.Mack was all class and the highlight of the day for me. I want to watch the replay for a couple of Heater tackles I saw from a great distance but need to experience with a better view as a 50 game celebration. Liked Gall's game and look forward to seeing more of her. Fitzsimon had a real purple patch at one point putting on immense forward pressure with numerous repeat efforts. Matchday experience: Nearly lost a few camp chairs and I swear a half-full bag of potato chips I dropped blew a good 10m away before I could catch up to it. Everything was at the right volume (Dees Army loud, PA system reasonable), so that was a plus.
    6 points
  15. Updated profile on Kynan. https://central.rookieme.com/afl/player/kynan-brown/
    6 points
  16. Love it 'Dees'... If the girls can now make it back to back it will cap off a great season for the club.
    5 points
  17. Wouldn't put it past the AFL to move the goalposts to gift it to Collingwood.
    5 points
  18. No, they go off points and then sort the ladder alphabetically.
    5 points
  19. Just want to say thank you for calling this out. Some real old age thinking that unfortunately still exists. I would like to think that you're in the majority of views. Women needing to talk about women? Why is it up to the women to promote women's sport? Not that it should matter (but apparently it does) but as a man, I'm loving watching the women play this year. They seem to have a great team spirit and a lot more cohesive as a team than the men's team. It's a joy to watch as a supporter.
    5 points
  20. A lot of clubs looked at Simon Black and the negative was he lacked acceleration, was average pace, kicking was okay and wasn’t a great contested mark. Spoke to a few people who that one wrangles with because in their words they got caught up in what he couldn’t do and overlooked what he could do and in hindsight they actually said what he did well, he did exceptionally well and they kind of knew that at the time. Sometimes it’s like a coach trying to play players in different positions when you are better off getting them to stick at what they do best
    5 points
  21. Hopefully not this morning pls WC... after about 5 scotches at 2am any brain off will be an auto default win to you! Regardess, you'd probably win anyway. Not exactly Quick Draw McGraw here.
    5 points
  22. This is a confusing and vaguely sexist post. I don't believe the AFL introduced AFLW to specifically grow female and family supporter numbers, they introduced it because there was a readiness in the game and to grow the entire support base. AFL has always been well supported by women, men and families. I can't agree with your assertion that "Women need to talk of the women players around the water coolers and bbqs not the men players, steer the conversations about the game to women involvement, etc. In short a cultural change that needs support by women." The game will be talked about by everyone and it's not women's obligation to focus entirely on AFLW. They can freely talk about both men's and women's football. In my family we talk about the exploits of Petracca, Hanks, Kossie, Hore, Gawn and Bannan. It helps that we've got great teams in both competitions.
    5 points
  23. What a horrible mean spirited post. You don't rate him, fine, but why post this tripe? It casts you in such a poor light which sadly, for someone who has a bit to offer, happens far too regularly.
    5 points
  24. apologies to all. You are correct in all you say. i have presented a poorly constructed and articulated comment. it does certainly present as sexist criticism which was not my intention. Thank you for taking the time to respond and as you say it would require more time to dissect than it is worth. i will contnue to watch and support our male and female players and encourage everyone to do the same.
    4 points
  25. Great win by our girls, but the culture in the men’s team can definitely be questioned.
    4 points
  26. That’d be a small price for the men to pay for improving the image of the Club.
    4 points
  27. Go Sainters. They could give us $1M if they keep going. 20 points up!
    4 points
  28. Saints getting the job done over the Lions. If I'm not mistaken, saints winning all but guarantees us to take out the McClelland trophy.
    4 points
  29. Lets hope North either beat the Crows tomorrow or drag their % down to mae it difficult for them to pas us on % next week ... of course we need to beat the Lions which I think we will. It will be a tragedy if we lose top spot and rights for a Home GF on %...
    4 points
  30. Not easy to be called Karen nowadays. Not a bad move if you ask me
    4 points
  31. Death, Taxes and DeeSpencer having a crack at Birch.
    4 points
  32. What do we need in 2024?? A Culture that NEVER mentions the word " CULTURE" and "LEARNINGS" Ever ever again!!
    4 points
  33. I’ve been called a lot of things on here, eg: crazy, unhinged, deranged. And I’ve no problem with that; in fact, I embrace it (I have to because it’s true). But… I’m “Slow”?? Dem’s fightin’ words, DD! I hereby challenge you to a duel. A Brain-off, if you will. I don’t even know what that is but I’m challenging you anyways. 20 paces at dawn (I’ve always wanted to say that). Our weapons? Words!
    4 points
  34. Seeing the comments about women supporting AFLW.... I'm not a woman but I've spent a lot of time in the past few weeks telling people who asked me in Syd about "how am I still talking AFL?!" that I'm watching a vastly superior product of the AFLW MFC (compared to the AFLM MFC)
    4 points
  35. Cane Cornes will be telling us all he desperately wants to go home asap. Oh, wait, he isn’t from Adelaide so he probably hasn’t heard of him.
    4 points
  36. Just because it's hilarious
    4 points
  37. More of a brain off. But then again it's probably as relevant as this entire thread. Ps. Well done on those.
    3 points
  38. If the Saints win then Brisbane can't catch us no matter what. Collingwood would need to win both of their next two games and have us lose next week to tie us up on points at which point I think it comes down to percentage, which we're well ahead on. ...I think.
    3 points
  39. yep, during the offseason they are now easily identifiable as a superhero
    3 points
  40. that holding the ball call can get in the bin
    3 points
  41. Or paxy. He thought she should have retired about 5 years ago.
    3 points
  42. I am talking about Caleb Windsor. It’s his thread and we need his style to add outside run to our midfield.
    3 points
  43. Let’s hope that he nominates the Dees and we pick him up, judging from the write-up’s Kynan deserves a crack at the big time and to be able to follow in his dad’s footsteps.
    3 points
  44. 3 points
  45. And as Jack would famously say: “Wow, a picture is worth a thousand words “.
    3 points
  46. I’m tipping we’ll get Sanders or O’Sullivan as our first pick.
    3 points
  47. Eagles, Chiefs, Ravens Surely this week I break my duck...surely...
    3 points
  48. Good summary to read. Does the weakest premier equate to a team that are the masters in winning the close ones? Since round 1 2022, they're 13-3 in games decided by 6 points or less, while we're 5-4 in the same period. That close winning habit paid massive dividends for them this September. Until they lose that ability, they'll likely win next year's flag too, unless their group of 30+ year olds fall off the cliff. They also have blokes like Sidebottom, De Goey and Crisp that nail 55 metre goals from the set shot and on the run in high pressure moments, while our leaders such as Trac and Gawn spray them all over the place. I don't buy into the notion that we're better than Collingwood until we start beating them on a consistent basis.
    3 points
  49. I once did that in an empty lift on the ground floor, pressed every button then got out. It was wrong on so many different levels.
    3 points
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