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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/10/23 in all areas

  1. Broke out in hives, had difficulty breathing with severe nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. Apparently an anaphylactic reaction to a Collingwood premiership.
    16 points
  2. If it’s not steaks it’s Seafood. Where was Melksham in all of this?
    14 points
  3. Whether James Harmes stays or goes he will always be a Premiership player for MFC and will always be remembered for that laces out kick to Fritta to kick that momentum swinging goal that bought Dees back into the ‘21 Granny and for that I will always be grateful.!!
    14 points
  4. Adding a player like Mathieson is what the Dees of old would have done. List places are too important now to waste spots on scrubbers like Mathieson.
    12 points
  5. Adams officially requested a trade to Sydney. Goodwindees has well and truly established themselves, alongside chookinperth, with genuine itk status.
    11 points
  6. Bollocks. Leaving aside the fact that clarry missed half a season, a starting midfield of maxy, oliver, tracc, viney with Gus and sparrow as back up is the best midfield in the afl. Just look at the annual midfield award, the brownlow, tracc didn't win it because viney got 24 votes and before he got injured Oliver got votes. Leaving aside the ruck, our best 4 mids collectively got 60 votes (with our best missing half a season). By way of contrast Neale got 31 votes of the 47 votes their best 4 mids got (noting Ashcroft missed half a season - it says something aboot the lions midfield though that a first year player pllled the second most votes for a mid). And the pies had 63 votes, but daicos got probably aprox 20 of his 28 votes playing at half back flank. Port got 64 votes between rozee, butters and Horne Francis. But whilst all three are super impressive they are still young and in oliver and tracc we are talking about, what, 7 AA selections between them, god knows how many best and fairest (6?) and both already are considered amongst the best mids of the modern era. And on top of all that we have the best ruck of the modern era, and the best ruck in the AFL to feed our mids. Our whole game is based around the relative strength of our midfield in the sense that it allows us to play one less at stoppages to either put ahead of the ball in an attacking spot or an extra behind the ball. I'm pretty sure we are the only team that sets up this way. By contrast the pies and lions bring an extra to stoppages. Despite have less players at stoppages we were still sixth in the AFL for clearances, just behind port and ahead of the blues (whose game plan revolves around winning clearances) and the pies (who bring extras up). In fact I would argue we were over invested in pure mids and need a better balance - more like the lions and pies with more outside distributors. So no issue losing JJ.
    11 points
  7. Nah. Sorry. We went out in straight sets two years in a row. Therefore our midfield's [censored], our defence is horrendous and we fluked a flag. It's just pure luck that we constantly win CP and are one of the strongest stoppage teams even with the best contested player in the league missing 10 games. Baby out, bathwater etc. Demonland at its finest. What world are some posters living in? We actually got better without Clarry, so I concur with the last part. We need more balance in our midfield or at the very least more goals from our midfield. But Clarry, Trac, Viney and Gawn as a starting midfield is easily the best in the league. FMD.
    8 points
  8. Anyone got any actual rumours? Paging @goodwindees
    8 points
  9. And her family are mad Melbourne supporters
    8 points
  10. No wonder some people suggest that the AFL is a totally corrupt body given the lack of due process and the non recusal of the Collingwood tribunal chairman. Maynard playing again in 2023 after his (at very very least) careless / reckless assault on Angus makes me absolutely ill. I have not been able to watch any final since🤮 It makes me question whether there is any scrap of integrity at all anywhere in the AFL.
    8 points
  11. I’m a no, but that’s not really against Jack - it’s more that I want to lean into a new focus on what I will call the McVee-Rivers Standard. Strong counter-attacking HBs, wings, and outside mids who are bold, comfortable with handballing forward, have neat kicks, and provide ‘just in time’ defence - not ‘defence first.’ The difference being that when the ball is in dispute - they are looking to be positive, so that when we intercept - we are off, and when we don’t intercept -we push to block space and get to the corridor. To me, Billings is a front runner.
    8 points
  12. Would rather play a man down than see that [censored] Mathieson in red and blue.
    8 points
  13. Maysie’s speech… https://x.com/laceoutofficial/status/1710964514332832243?s=12
    7 points
  14. Mathieson No - McAdam yes, he is your old fashioned fwd pocket half fwd flanker, loves to kick goals, tackles to hurt and can mark & kick accurately, he won’t cost more than Harmes or JJ but will fill a niche role at the Dee’s. 183cm (6’) and 80kg.!!
    7 points
  15. something in me changed after this as well. I was at the game and that was wellbad enough but the collingwood cheering press and tribunal afterwards added toxic salt to that . Maybe I’ve gone off football a bit since.
    7 points
  16. With all due respect, are you out of your mind? Very average player burdened with a woeful personality and a face only a mother could love.
    7 points
  17. I know this is a rumour thread but sorry I have to address the midfield talk. I love the input both binman and his pa put into this forum and yes we have a very good midfield and yes you could argue that our best four our the best. But I for one don’t just look at four players as a midfield and for me when you include the wings and some rotations our midfield is not the best. Collingwood’s midfield is / was better than ours this year, their disposal efficiency in particular is much better than ours and they have a better balance and have smarter players than ours. Coll Disp Eff Kick Eff Hand B Eff ND 75.1 69.2 81.5 JDG 71.1 61.1 81.6 SP 73.6 68.5 79.3 JC 71.5 61.9 82.4 JD 71.2 64.6 79.5 DC 67.5 53.2 85.5 TM 72.9 60.8 80.5 SS 67.1 61.1 76.9 Av 71.25 62.55 80.9 Melb CP 66.8 55 78.8 CO 67.2 52.2 817 MG 61.6 50.9 78.5 JV 61 49.5 73 AB 73.4 66 81 TS 70.1 58.7 83.5 EL 72.2 63.2 83.5 LH 66.4 56.5 79.6 Av 67.34 56.51 79.95 Our midfielders kicking is miles off that of Collingwood’s, six out of eight of their core midfield group average over 60% we have two and JV didn’t even average 50% Our midfield is very good but it needs improving from both personal and coaching to maximise our strengths
    6 points
  18. Posted publicly by May’s partner
    6 points
  19. He's not a small forward. Very similar ilk to Melksham.
    6 points
  20. 6 points
  21. Word is even his mum’s on the fence about him.
    6 points
  22. I'm glad he didn't cop an injury like that oyster who went to a nightclub and pulled a mussel. Sorry.
    5 points
  23. I don't think he would be a prized player.
    5 points
  24. Adams had a great second half of the season and would’ve played in the GF not for his Hammy. We all know JJ was down the pecking order. They’re not jets but I wouldn’t scoff at what the Swans have managed so far.
    5 points
  25. Did you watch this season? One of our major issues is that our midfield is neither better nor deeper than Brisbane’s…nor Collingwood’s, Carlton’s, GWS’, or Port’s.
    5 points
  26. His non-selection (omitted, not injured) in the Semi Final was just one of the more bizarre and disastrous selection decisions we have ever seen.
    4 points
  27. D'oh! 🥺 Anyway, I couldn't get to the game n haven't watched the replay yet, nor caught up with your in- and post-game impressions above. Just wanted to follow up, though, on another of my posts elsewhere, saying I hoped to retain watching this fabulous team just as a happy weekly experience, without concern for the result (which hasn't been much of a concern) or, particularly, for the 'ultimate prize'. Sadly, when I eventually saw yesterday's result, I realised I had crossed over that line. The women's weekly results now do affect me, and MFCSS-ish thoughts like we've lost GF hosting rights have kicked in. So now I know, at least: I'm as invested in the girls as I am in the boys. Serious football.
    4 points
  28. Saw an old but good mate at the dog park who is very fair and considerate. He is mad Pies fan. Not a member. He hurried up to me. I offered my congratulations. I dont think he noticed my lack of enthusiasm but he went on how MFC must be disppointed in their season. He then said Angus should give it up. I said Maynards actions were a footy act, were they? He said anyone going through the air cant change the outcome. We are both of a certain age and I replied that you dont have to come down like Abdullah the butcher with the butchers chop! I said "George you were the very model of Justice on top of the Supreme Court. As a judge, I cant believe youve put on the blindfold". He said, underneath Im just a defence barrister.
    4 points
  29. uh did you watch this season? lol quality argument Neale (gun), Dunkley (up and down) McLuggage (very good but more winger) Berry is a liability and arguably lost them the GF. they have a few other good decent players that run through the midfield So yeah reckon Clarry Trac Viney Gus etc have them covered. plus Hunter Langdon Rivers Sparrow etc
    4 points
  30. Hello butters/mccluggage, both ooc next year. Edit: conflicting reports but a quick google suggests butters doesn't come ooc until 2025 sadly
    4 points
  31. If the medical and fitness staff give it the thumbs up, worth a look at IMO. Skillful player with good vision and scoreboard impact at his best at 28 still in his good years if the body is right
    4 points
  32. Grundy deal will go through quick, somewhere in the 20s. Pick 11 won’t come into it IMO. Shame he wasn’t at the B&F, don’t know the ins and out, hence deal will go through seamlessly.
    4 points
  33. I turned the TV off the moment the siren went for that very reason
    4 points
  34. Easy to occur having missed 10 weeks of the season! 3 games left of the Home and Away season but still managed 27p’s and 25p’s in Rounds 22 and 24. With Finn Maginess latching onto him in Rd23. There’s not many in the AFL who could manage that after a long layoff.
    4 points
  35. Posted this in the Clarrie thread too. New someone who went to the BnF and the after party and said Clarrie was there and very friendly with all the players and staff, so he’s going to be fine which is great to hear. I expect a massive season from Clarrie next yr.
    4 points
  36. Who will ever forget that outstretched arm...just collecting the ball high and powering towards destiny. That moment is permanently etched in my memory. Thanks Harmesy !!
    4 points
  37. Flynn is an established ruck who would have been a good get but is more suited to the first ruck role Fullarton hasn’t had as much exposure at AFL level but is more suited to the second ruck / ruck-forward role that we need So overall I’d say he’s a better fit and has a lot of scope for development
    4 points
  38. He's been feeling anxiety, headaches and dizziness But it's mostly related to wedding planning Ah-thank-you
    4 points
  39. Sad to see him go but understand the desire to do so when his chances to play with us have dried up. Absolute gem of a person and team first player.
    4 points
  40. The free kick against Goldy for a dangerous tackle 35 metres out from our goal (when she ran down the Adelaide player in a perfect tackle, carried forward by the opponent's momentum) was ridiculous, and revealed umpiring bias as clear as day!
    3 points
  41. That goes against how we play. Everyone is lauding the Pies for their “positive” football but in my reality they were the Steven Bradbury of the finals. I like our defensive mindset, it’s tough and uncompromising. I’m certainly in agreement that we need some outside polish and a key forward but I don’t see us making huge changes to a game plan that stacks up against the best. Now Jimmy Gadson my friend, I know you want to out Collingwood Collingwood next year but I just don’t see that happening. Put a fit Petty in there, get Turner to train forward over the preseason, Joel Smith to have an uninterrupted preseason, Fritsch to remain fit, McAdam to have the kind of preseason that has him cherry ripe. Add to that the hoped improvement of Woewodin, Howes and Laurie, a top 5 draft pick and boy oh boy is 24 going to be one sweet ride.
    3 points
  42. He is not the Messiah, he is an exceptional junior footballer.
    3 points
  43. Serious question with all Goody's talk of culture and standards at the b&f are we all missing something hiding in plain sight because of the Oliver fiasco? There is alot of mystery around Grundy's non selection in the QF.
    3 points
  44. Sounds as though she’s all good…
    3 points
  45. Not sure why everyone's so against Maddison. He's all class. Give him a few months to transition and he'll be kicking goals out of his backside!
    3 points
  46. Body is shot, and even if it wasn’t he’s either a mediocre wingman or a forward who doesn’t pressure and misses his set shots. We need pace!
    3 points
  47. Yes. Comfortably. Despite winning the premiership, Collingwood were lucky to finish top of the ladder and lucky to have won the flag. They will rightly be remembered as a weak and lucky premier, just like the Bulldogs of 2016. That’s why 2023 hurts so much. We missed an opportunity to win a flag against a weak field due to injuries and inaccuracy, and the eventual premier was inferior to us and multiple other teams.
    3 points
  48. Truely believe if Petty played in the final series we would have won the GF - easily.
    3 points
  49. I hate booing. I never boo at the football. I will, however, hold an exception to that rule for that dog Maynard. Can't stand him.
    3 points
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