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  1. Rubbish. I suspect failed plasticine.
  2. Jefferson in and at CHF. God help us. Agree with Sestan. Im not a particular fan, but he has played better than many of the fringe over an extended period and deserves a shot.
  3. Anyone know why? Would surely get a game? What part of country? Drouin or Manangatang?
  4. Actually I retract that and apologise. I had read an incorrect report that a misnamed former player had given a reference. That player had some years ago testified that he punched an opponent after racial abuse. He later admitted it was untrue. The reference in the Cameron case was from Eddie who is a legend. Mea culpa.
  5. Yes, but am I allowed to point out that Cameron had an elder speak as to his character, plus a reference from a player that has acknowledged many years ago falsely accusing his striking victim of a racial slur to justify/excuse striking.
  6. Having played, not well, in the Yarra valley mountain league in the 70's, I regarded myself more 1975 than 2024. I think the Maynard disgrace propelled me into 2023 and this is in the same category.
  7. So having read that, I looked at the vision again. Parker clearly ran past the ball. I am pretty sure that Smith, the big fella, being completely unaware, did not then decide to head butt Parker and manage to pull it off.
  8. When you run past the ball and hit a taller player in the head I think you might have a problem.
  9. It always seemed to me that, where the transgressed player misses games due to the injury caused, the transgressor's penalty should be at least as long. Also, one game should be served when next playing that team.
  10. Jefferson has averaged under 5 kicks, 2 tackles and 1 goal in his last 9 outings at vfl level. Nil physical presence.
  11. KC or someone else should feel free to correct me, but if you mean the players that are not AFL listed, I believe they all turn up to training. Then selections are made based on how many and which listed players are playing for Casey that week, thus the spots that are available. Tough gig.
  12. Let's be sensible. One club has to go. In fairness, there should be a vote. I vote Collingwood.
  13. Can someone explain to me why this couldn't be a curtain raiser to the main game at the MCG ? Or at least start this at 3:45 so punters could watch this game on the way to the MCG, or at least a couple of quarters.
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