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Showing content with the highest reputation on 17/03/22 in all areas

  1. Sharing-time (again) Humour me please Yeah so last Friday I had a routine mammogram. Monday I got the call no one ever wants to receive: they think they “saw something” on the imagining. Tuesday back to Melbourne Private for anothery. Was told to expect the results Thursday (today). Didn’t tell anyone, loved ones, friends etc., not a soul. Having to tell them the cancer may have returned is actually worse than telling them it has returned. 😞 So, last night I was effectively Schrodinger’s Cat, if you will, in that I had breast cancer and at the same time, I didn’t have breast cancer. 🙃🙂 SOOOO happy and relieved to have just received the all-clear! 🥳 (Almost 😉) as happy and relieved as I was to have watched our beloved Dees do us all proud last night. #NotToday,Cancer.NotToday! Note to self: you may need to take stock of your life. What does it say about you that you tell a motley bunch of randoms on a fan forum the great news before you tell your loved ones??? And “I just happened to be on Demonland when I got the call” ain’t gonna cut it! 😁
    65 points
  2. He could hardly complain about the umpires, could he?
    27 points
  3. I’m not surprised some are defending Bevo. People will plant their flag on any old dung heap and die on that hill, just to be heard these days. Chopper’s image and Britney’s meltdown. Journalism across the board is in the gutter. But like your mate Che Guevara, pick your battles. This wasn’t it. This was Tom doing his job to a decent standard for once. About a regular player not playing. Who gives a [censored]? Then you try to sneak him back in to look like the info was wrong, then admit it’s right and you’ve got a leaky ship. Unprofessional comedy capers. And the mental health card, I’m sick of that [censored]. People use it for anything and everything. Crashed a car, mental health. Caught racking up, mental health. Banged your mate’s missus, mental health. Report on leaky team news, you guessed it. Makes a mockery of people having actual issues.
    22 points
  4. I was at the game last night, so couldn't tap into my Demonland addiction until now. A few thoughts: Wednesday 7.10pm is a killer. I live in the country so got home at 1.10am! I have no hassles with Richmond v Carlton starting each season, but our GF replay and flag unfurl should have been Saturday 2pm-ish so ALL could get to the ground. Gawn, Trac, Clarry, Viney. Wow, just wow. I have waited my whole life to see a Dees midfield be this good. Viney is so often not mentioned but he is so good and so important. But Trac - all round power game and unstoppable. Umpiring was annoying but the only one that got under my skin was the free to Weightman. Utterly ridiculous and the umpire leader should come out publicly and say so. You are allowed to interfere without making contact. For our 2nd string backline to do so well, I am astounded. Perhaps this shows a glaring weakness in the Doggies? Bedford shocked me. A scratchy start but got right into the game in the 2nd half. Another soldier ready to play his role. Get Jackson in your fantasy teams now. He is going to cause havoc this year. Ready to rip the game apart. I am not a gambling man, but I am very tempted to lay down some hard earned on Brown for the Coleman. His first full preseason in years is showing his true capabilities. Oh, and thank North. The Doggies are great when on a roll, but have major issues in attack and in the midfield. Naughton is a superstar and I love the way he plays, and Hannan at least gets stuck in and has a go, but the other 5 or 6 seem to all be outside players waiting for something to happen. Or was this just our defence system making them appear like this? But their midfield (apart from the Bont) seems to lack power, grunt, and physical arrogance. They missed so many tackles. Trac continually gets through 2 or 3 of them, Viney brushed them aside with contempt at times. This is a great time to be a Dees supporter. Bask in it, revel in it. Feels good.
    21 points
  5. Exhibit A, our first goal. Kozzie put a beautiful block on the defender to create enough space for langers to balance and kick. Smart, disciplined and team focused. How many small forwards in the AFL would do that rather than attack the ball and try to score himself (which he would have well been within his rights to do). Similar to the block that set up trac's dribble goal in the GF. Doesn't get a score assist or score involvement. Perhaps a one per center, but no other stat for that play. But I'll bet a million dollars the coaching staff count those pressure acts and that they are one of kozzies kpis.
    21 points
  6. One things for sure… “You have the nerve to ask a question and to even be here?” just became my standard Demonland response.
    21 points
  7. Things i loved about this Rnd 1, 2022 GF re-match... 👉🏼 Meeting Bro & Sis before the match around 4pm at the Mountain View for a few pints & a meal. Sis barracks for the Blues but is now almost a convertee and very chuffed about what we have and are achieving 👉🏼 First time sitting in a pub pre match in 50 years knowing we are now premiers and effectively the team to beat. Strange & surreal after so long...but loving it. 👉🏼 Kate & Perty wheeling out the cup 👉🏼 All the old boys carrying out the flag that had our names on it 👉🏼 the old boys in Hassa Man, Stan Alves, Greg Wells and Ron still with us and being able to experience this grand night together in the same stadium as part of the flag bearing crew 👉🏼 The Roar for Chunk when he was anounced as one of the flag bearers 👉🏼 The cheers for the Reverend when he came up on the big screen at one point 👉🏼 Bulk of the crowd going off in the 1st when we got on a bit of a roll. 👉🏼 Gawny chant when he unleashed his monster (AFL quote!). Just to clarify, Gawny's monster = a long bomb from 50 👉🏼 Coming from behind to win 👉🏼 The players and Goody approaching the Punt Rd end to show their appreciation and the crowd giving it back in spades 👉🏼 So many happy smiling Demons around, even during the match when things got a little tense 👉🏼 finally on the run home.... the old Demonette (i think) driving a rickety old 70s station wagon that had a pro "Give em Hell / Gawny / the flame " back window display and Demon motif/colours professionally done on both sets of doors. Turned a few Richmond locals' heads as it was coming down Bridge Road. Reckon the paint / graphics job would've cost considerably more than the value of the car! Carn the Mighty Demons!
    20 points
  8. It takes a lot for Ernie to be moved, to become emotional. Well it happened last night. i took a country train to Spencer Street. A few stragglers but no one like I on a mission, a pilgrimage. No scarfs, no jumpers, no colours. To the point that I was thinking of hiding my antique scarf in my dilly bag. This changed upon arrival at Spencer Street. The ghosts of the past were emerging from every road, intersection, from every direction. Risen from the dead in colours of red and blue. Old men, middle aged men and women, families with kids. Yes, kids. All decked out in jumpers, T shirts, and garments stating that the MFC were premiers. No embarrassment, no modesty, but out and proud. There was a feeling of invincibility , of a new dawn, a pride, a feeling that it all mattered. We were all marching together, with comments like “nice T shirt” and the ever present” go Dees”. Were there any Dogs fans? They were hard to see as they crept along in a way that suggested loyalty rather than celebration or revenge. Like going to a funeral. Still the awakening that yes we were Premiers. God, we felt proud. But the kid made me cry. Expectant and joyous in their gear, their flags, their face paint. Sharing with Mum and Dad their happiness and excitement. That for thousands of people this mattered. Not quite life and death but close to it. Arrived at the ground. Initially disappointment on the turnout. Was this going to be a huge flop. No one present for the unfurling of the flag. Then the multitude arrived, the stands filled and expectation built. This was a religious experience. Well at least spiritual. It did matter. Fans of all ages, gender, race and type were connected and joined together in a mass homage to this club, it’s past and present players, coaches and the special place it held in our hearts. And we were all connected. Did we expect to see a flag in our lifetime? In most cases, no. We sat and watched a confident young group of men that had created their own history. A group that had arrived. Started like a dream. A period of indecision and Dog fightback. Did we think we were gone ? Did we have the heart sink of past decades ? I don’t think so. We felt that they would come back and when they did, we expected it. That’s our boys. Our Demons. Our joy. Thank you to this Club for restoring our faith. To make the past pain evaporate. To feel that it had all been worth it. Whether the success is long lived or not, we have been to the holy grail and feel saturated with the joy of its attainment. And for the future.
    19 points
  9. Joel Smith had the best game of his career. Really looked the part tonight. Surprised there hasn't been much chat about Ed Langdon in this thread, thought he was immense tonight, a lot of our best attacking play went through him. Definitely in my votes. Petracca ... what more is there to say? He's become an incredible player. Thought Oliver was a little quiet, then looked at the stats and saw he had 32 touches. Shows how much I expect from him. Ben Brown is a genuine shot at the Coleman this year, provided he stays fit. God it's nice having a proper full forward for once! And with defences worrying about Brown and Fritsch, Luke Jackson is going to start really tearing games apart this year. Only flashes tonight, but you can see it coming. Hope Salem's injury isn't too serious. Fingers crossed.
    18 points
  10. Not sure what leaks more, bevos match committee meetings or the dogs back 6 in the grand final.
    18 points
  11. So the evidence continues to build - for supporters, but more importantly, the players and FD, whereby we can 'allow' teams to have momentum, to put on 5-8 goals, and for it not to affect us in starting to play safe (be it as a team, or as individuals)...moving us away from roles and structures. This team, just keeps grinding and going, and committing to what it knows, giving itself the best opportunity to win matches, irrespective of scores and scoreline . It is seriously impressive.
    17 points
  12. I wouldn't be surprised if this Tom Morris audio was leaked by the umpires to take the heat off Bevo. FREE KICK BULLDOGS
    16 points
  13. Just adding our review of the game for your perusal. Feel free to delete if it's against a rule or something. Nice win. 👍 https://themongrelpunt.com/afl-season-2022/2022/03/17/melbourne-v-western-bulldogs-the-big-questions/
    16 points
  14. It’s not a tear that needs to heal. The tear actually ‘releases’ the painful area of the plantar fascia (big sheet of connective tissue on the sole of the foot) and given it settles over a few days, away you go. As has been mentioned, it’s a good thing.
    16 points
  15. 16 points
  16. The EU no longer buying oil from the Western Bulldogs.
    15 points
  17. This will sound weird but that win vindicated our premiership to me. Hard to explain, it just made it all feel real.
    15 points
  18. Could not disagree more. Is WAY above average and i predict will be a star, in large part BECAUSE he is is such a quick thinker and has such great footy IQ. He makes such smart decisions, for example when to release the footy when tackled and when to hold onto the ball. That footy IQ, and natural football skills means Goody can, and does, use him as a utility to plug holes and give key players a chop out when needed - wing, half back, midfield he can play it all. And he is total solid citizen - a culture builder. You only need to look at the players he kept out of the team last year, such as Jonsey, to understand how highly goody rates him. Needs to build his body up to get a bit stronger (which i why Sparrow got the nod come the business end of the season i reckon), but that said is deceptively strong as evidenced by how often he get the ball off when tackled. I suspect he has the sort of physical makeup that means he struggles to put on muscle bulk (paging @webber is that a thing?). But has only just turned 21 and by the time he is 25 will be built like a brick, have elite endurance, have 100 plus games under his belt (he already has 25) and be a mainstay of of our midfield. No player has reminded me more of Jnr McDonald. And like junior, i can see him becoming a captain of the dees at some point.
    15 points
  19. You are not on your own. Total public bullying, of a young journo, without any right of reply. Disgusting behaviour, by a Coach who has lost it. I hope Fox Footy bans the Dogs from all interviews and publicity for the next few months. The AFL should be horrified at this behaviour, at their own media conference. $100k fine would not be out of the question. Lets hear how the other journos treat this disgusting episode, on the opening night of the season. Wow, if Goody is a bully privately, from a few comments to a doctor, this guy has made that look like a tea party. PS: What about the journo's mental health, after that slanderous, public, verbal assault. Again, disgusting behaviour Bevo and you should be ashamed of yourself.
    15 points
  20. Sincerely, thank you. 💕 I’ve been incredibly humbled by the well wishes both public and in PMs from some amazing people on DL. Seriously, I have been so moved by some of the sentiments to the point of being legit lost for words (a rarity for me). I love the Dees with all my heart and always will and Demonland has shown me that there’s nothing wrong with being borderline obsessed with our club. Discovering DL also signalled a welcome end to barracking for Melbourne on my own. So thank you everyone! I love you guys 💖😘 (and by guys of course I mean gals too).
    14 points
  21. his transformation from bog ordinary to become a vital player has been extraordinary.
    14 points
  22. Nibbler, my whipping boy for years, was class. I actually now am comforted when the ball is in his hands. His finals performances and last night (except for his miss) is his new level. Its one of the greatest lessons Ive learned in supporting all your players. I used to rip into him. Carry it over into the next day type of stuff. hahaha. Thank god, Im done with that. As for the rest of the game - an absolute beauty. Brown's timing, compared to his start with us last year chalk and bloody cheese. He is in good nick. He kicks 60 goals if he stays fit. Salem a worry but we've had a good run with injuries. Im mentally prepared for us losing players this year. Has to happen. Steven May - love him. Actually Im gonna just shut the f up for now. We are the reigning premiers. We played like it. We are the gold standard.
    14 points
  23. Thought Brayshaw's efforts dropping back in defence were really good again tonight. He's become a really good reader of the play and state of the game like that.
    14 points
  24. Only a stubborn fool continues to knock Joel Smith. Some on this site were so negative, they’re finding it difficult to face up the fact he has turned into a very good, versatile defender that now gets a game in every AFL club.
    13 points
  25. How funny would it be if Tom Morris leaks the Doggies round 2 team? Bevo’s head will explode Do it Tom
    12 points
  26. Don't reckon you are mate. Every person I've heard comment so far thinks it's absolutely appalling. The irony of Bevo going on about 'mental health' while he bullies and belittles someone in their workplace is outrageous.
    12 points
  27. I might be on my own here but I think that's absolute [censored] poor form by Beveridge. Whether or not we like how journalists go about there business I think all Tom Morris was doing was simply his job. I mean in the end he actually got it right? Hunter was actually a late out today only to be then brought back in when JJ became a last minute out. Beveridge is really showing his true colours of late in the past 12 months. Becoming a bigger sore loser then Chris Scott.
    12 points
  28. Why would you take Smith out? I’m a doubter but he was good tonight. If the 3 you mention are fit I’d leave Tomlinson as the sub
    12 points
  29. I thought Viney's kicking was much better last night and loved his game.
    11 points
  30. You’re right, DD, so many awesome things about last night. Personally, I (unexpectedly) was invited to sit up in the posh area (can’t remember what it’s called) and look down on the plebs with whom I usually sit. 😁 I had a beer (YOLO!), I got a selfie with Nick McCallum (next level fan-girling right there), I got a selfie with Perty and I could’ve got a selfie with Kate Roffey except she walks so fast that I would’ve had to run faster than Langers and even if I caught up with her, I would’ve had to crash tackle her before she got in the lift. And it’s not a good look to crash tackle the president of one’s footy club. Not in the posh section, anyways. Oh and the mighty Dees reigned supreme! ❤️💙
    11 points
  31. Morris is certainly not free from his ire. I'm here all week,try the fish...
    11 points
  32. Even if Tom Morris killed his cat, is that really how an AFL coach behaves? It was unprofessional. It was rude. It was total deflection and it was embarrassing for the Dogs and the AFL. Take it off line.
    11 points
  33. I’m sorry , but the bulldogs are a club of absolute sooks. Whinging over a bloody song, and then calling Morris a gutter journo for reporting an out??? Love beating this mob.
    11 points
  34. Firstly about Bevo, Goody got dragged over hot coals about alleged bullying behaviour but Bevo scolding a journalist for doing his job in front of his peers and attempted to gang them up on him live on TV over a story regarding a correct story about a player being out of favour. Compare that to our clubs response to the ACTUAL gutter journalism of dragging up something that is old news and trying to create controversy and create fractures. We laughed at it, called it exactly what it was as garbage, and got on with the job. Bevo has actually embarrassed himself and good on Tom Morris for standing his ground in the face of bullying behaviour. To the game, I’m pretty sure this is the first win I’ve witnessed live for actual points in about 7 years. Been away from Oz for 5 years, sitting in the MCG and watching the Dees was like seeing an old friend. Gave me chills. Although the margin wasn’t the same there were definite similarities to the GF. Us off to a flyer, getting challenged, leaders stepping up, and our system winning the day. We had some serious curve balls to deal with in Lever and Salem (fingers crossed on both), but a true team performance on the night. Trac is an out and out star, Brown looks dangerous (could’ve had a couple more), Fritta came into the game, and May was huge. We’ve won the GF rematch so we hold onto bragging rights, and we’ve proven we’re still on a mission. Oh and shout out to Smith, did very little wrong and justified his selection.
    10 points
  35. He seemed off even from the start complaining about the footy blocking the Bulldogs sponsors. Umm dude there's a massive backdrop with all your sponsors on there the footy isn't blocking them at all. Bet their glad he made sure they'll be seen during the re-runs of that clip all week 🤣
    10 points
  36. It is impossible to imagine the loss didn't play a role. As a competitive beast, he would have been stung by the almighty hammering his team received in the grand final. And stung by the questions about his tactical response to the 3rd quarter onslaught. They have all preseason to prepare for a rematch against the team he must think is their key rival for the flag this year. One assumes he thinks they are real contenders. We have all but three of our premiership back 7 out, including Lever, and lose Salem in the first quarter. His players come out and are once again shell shocked and absolutely hopeless (they were lucky we didn't kick 10 goals). He can hear the press wondering if Bevo has lost his ability to get his team ready for big games. They go crazy and get out to a 4 goal lead. And like a bad dream the gf repeats itself and we hammer them, putting the whip away in the last to cruise to another easy victory against them. And to top it off we hadn't bothered tagging Macrae, as we did to such great effect in the GF (compare the stats). Sure he'll keep the front going that they are a realistic flag chance (and of course they are some sort of chance). But he knows we are the real deal and absolutely have their measure. And goody has his measure. All that roiling away and he had to front a presser. And sees Morris. Can barely contain himself. And it all explodes when Morris asks his question. About selection of all things. Classic projection.
    10 points
  37. Is there a better sight in our forward line than three opposition players trying to mark the ball and you just see Ben Browns 12 foot hands just holding onto the ball? I am not sure if others have made mention of it, but we ran out the game really well. Normally with a Round One game, especially one that was so physically contested, there are players cramping. I didnt see any of that.
    9 points
  38. Big credits to TMac for going back and doing well last night when the team was re-shuffled to cover Salem's loss. He did well and is such a great swingman. Our forward line is so impressive being able to cover his loss
    9 points
  39. I thought exactly the same thing. Seems to be chipping into space more often, allowing the receiver to run to that spot, rather than the low drilling kicks that were his go to (and that he often butchered). Seems a few players are doing the same - hunt comes to mind. Interestingly i watched a MFC interview with Yze (who, by the by, is such a ridiculously cool cat) last night and he singled out Viney as a player who had improved his game over the preseason, noting that it was one of his only uninterrupted preseasons. Scarily, he also said Trac and Clarry have got better and that max is always pushing himself to get better.
    9 points
  40. Only temporarily. Just like Cinderella, after midnight my grand horse-drawn carriage turned into the third carriage of the St Albans train. 😭
    9 points
  41. The beating a dead horse Goodwin stories was filling the void. Reporting on Lachie Hunter, a usual automatic inclusion in the team, being dropped for Round 1 just prior to Round 1 is not filling the void and is a legitimate story. Sure with Goodwin there was a story but it was dealt with a full season before it came out, we won a premiership anyway yet the media kept hounding away with headlines like Besieged Coach and Under Fire Coach when there was no fire anymore.
    9 points
  42. It was an embarrassing performance. Beveridge came off as a petulant sook. To make the mental health argument was pretty poor. If he was annoyed with Morris he should’ve discussed it in private.
    9 points
  43. Takeaways from tonight 1- we are a genuinely good team. We know how to win, we know how to swing momentum, we know how to kill opposition’s confidence. 2- umpiring putrid. Dogs in for another golden run with them in 2022 3- we are lucky the Bulldog’s forwardline is a dog’s breakfast outside of Naughton who is a gun. We will really hurt without Salem and Lever against the better forward teams (Brisbane, Geelong etc). 4- Benny Brown is in for a big year 5- our Goal kicking is still putrid 6- Petracca is next level 7- Freed from Desire is a terrible song
    9 points
  44. BBB is in for a ripper season I think. Doesn't get outmarked, brings the ball to ground at worst and makes a contest. Plus has a bit of a run at players to force them out wide before they kick. Also knows how to do some nice taps if he can't mark it. And kicks goals! Weapon.
    8 points
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