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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/02/21 in all areas
Pre season Hype train departing the station, a bit of Max Gawn magic.12 points
Panic should always be initiated at the earliest possible opportunity. MFCSS demands it.9 points
These things never end well, remember how Andrew Mcleod, Shaun Burgoyne and Joel Selwood all struggled after being diagnosed with degenerative knee issues. They just couldn't get the management right and their careers ended prematurely. ???8 points
l will assess my emotions when there is an outcome to his prognosis in due time. Fingers and toes crossed,8 points
Eddie digs deeper: https://www.theage.com.au/sport/afl/i-got-it-wrong-mcguire-apologises-for-comments-on-racism-report-20210202-p56yvz.html “Under the pressure of the day, the use of the word proud was wrong. “I did not, I did not mean we were proud of past incidents of racism and the hurt that had caused. “It’s been interpreted widely that way and I regret that deeply.” No Eddie that's not what was interpreted, it was that you tried to spin Collingwood's addressing of the issue as the main story, not the issue itself. Here's the essence: https://www.theage.com.au/sport/afl/eddie-still-doesn-t-get-it-pies-can-t-rebuild-from-a-position-of-denial-20210202-p56ytt.html He simply does not get it and has to go.8 points
8 points
Brown has played 22 games a season for 5 consecutive seasons until 2020. His injury history includes nothing chronic or serious. Let's see what the doctor's say on thursday.7 points
I read those comments, and without a word of a lie, my first thought was to wonder if Eddie has some cognitive issues. Widely interpreted? I did not see one response suggesting he meant they were proud of past incidents of racism and the hurt that had caused. And more the point, who on earth would think they, or he, would be proud of being racist? That is an absurd thought. I assumed he meant a proud day because the report was being made public and they were going to act. Isn't that how most interpreted his comments? He had a full day to reflect on it and that's his considered response? I read he blamed the stress of the report being leaked for 'misspeaking'. And when he made his Kong Kong joke he blamed the cumulative stress of the racism row. Red flags if you ask me. At the very least signs of someone who is struggles to perform his role under pressure.6 points
I'm not alarmed. Brown came to the club right before Christmas and has resumed training through January. It's very reasonable to see how his knee goes over this period with load ramping up as a test before taking action. Now there's an issue to examine and deal with one way or another - let's wait and see what the path is. It seems to me that the club has approached this reasonably.6 points
It's not ideal but better they get it right the first time than have constant issues. If we need to run with a forward line of Weid, Jacko and Tmac to start then so be it.6 points
Does not stop the usual festival of crying at even the slightest hint of a setback.6 points
It’s obviously not great that his troublesome knee has flared up after ramping up training but this is common with players coming back from any sort of long term injury. We’ve recruited him for a few years not just round 1 2021. The hysteria on here is amazing. I’m dec thankful that we kept T-Mac. This is his chance prove everyone wrong.5 points
Particularly since it seems he's been in full training up until now. Obviously it's not settling after load as they would like so it's getting checked. Doesn't mean it's the end of the world.5 points
Looking back, I feel slightly grateful that the incompetence of the MFC during that period, and the consequent wounds as a passionate supporter (including as a debt demolition supporter), resulted in not very much - certainly not much to celebrate. I’m almost glad we hit rock bottom, rather than consistently finished 7th to 11th during that period. Why? Because those among us who stuck fat behind the club will be entitled, and able, to give the middle digit to everyone who patronised us during that period if and when we win the next flag. The roses will smell particularly nice if we do. I’m sure it’s easy to support the successful clubs. It however takes far more character to support the likes of the Dees. If there was to be a supporters’ draft, we’d consistently be the number one draft pick. Let’s bring this ship in to port. Go Demons.5 points
Gawn was just interviewed on 3AW and he didn’t think the Brown injury was anything serious. Also said Viney should play one of the pre season games. I wouldn’t get too excited as Gawn strikes as me as a half glass full guy.4 points
This is a training thread gents... not a new rule changes thread. Let's keep on track yea?4 points
4 points
Why can't we keep this thread on topic and bash Collingwood and Eddie instead of each other?4 points
Maybe you should take a leaf from the BLM playbook and use this excuse to riot, score a new TV, bash a few white folk and burn down the MCG. The lack of self awareness and hypocrisy of the preaching Left is astounding.4 points
I'm loving this. Mention the word racism & everyone has an opinion. Everyone is an expert. My score so far: 15% of posts from the apologist, conservative right, all overblown, nothing to see here 25% of posts from super woke, outraged, virtue signalling lefty warriors 60% of posts from supporters who just hate Collingwood and/or McGuire4 points
4 points
Interesting that his knee was strapped up before that incident. Not to worried about this. knee swelling would be quite normal in a Football Club, when you consider what they do!!4 points
We seem to have some experts on the amount of bandaging that disqualifies a player from training who were mysteriously silent on that subject before now. Let's see what happens and hope for the best.4 points
I'd love to give this the attribution it deserves, but unfortunately I don't know whose work it is. But I like it...4 points
C'mon DS there seems little doubt racism is hard wired into the Collingwood football club. Rhe whole culture is embedded with it. I suspect you ate old enough to have attended games at Vic Park. Sure racist vitriol happened at all grounds but it was at a whole other level at Vic Park. That only happens when it is supported by culture and the leadership. It was only a few months ago the horrendous treatment of Robbie muir was being discussed. Bad everywhere but of course another level at Collingwood. Did they apologise? Of course not. This is the club thst has a a president who serves for more than two decades who is an out and out racist. Mcallister I'm talking about. He of the they're ok as long as they act like whites infamy. He only remains in power because of the support he receives from the board, powerful supporters and the general fan. Then not long after they install another president for another couple of decades. Not as overtly racist. But has done little to change the culture and famously, only a few days after tearfully addressing a pies fan's racism, makes a 'joke' about goodes promoting king Kong. And then comes out with yesterday's rubbish. It is ridiculous to suggest it is an individual issue. Again McGuire only stays in power with the support or the board and movers and shakers. If all of that doesn't point to it being a systematic issue I don't know does. So it comes as zero surprise that a review by two respected academics found the racism at the club to be systematic and endemic.4 points
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4 points
Is swelling an injury? Just sounds like Dr Feller will be working out how to manage it best.4 points
New standing the mark rule is already a farce. Can’t move side to side, back or forward. Jump and you risk getting called because you land behind original spot etc. Latest bat**** rule that will lead to flooding and reduce scoring. Clubs are already training to flood as a counter to not being able to force kicks to certain angles.3 points
Mason Cox is...but Trent Cotchin and Joel Selwood aren’t....please!3 points
The idea that you could solve an issue as entrenched, as so obviously systemic, as racism at the pies (or anywhere for that matter) by sacking an individual is ludicrous. Indeed it is this very approach that has allows systemic racism to be maintained. And of course it is why two respected academics (that the club contracted to provide advice) have not suggested sacking an individual will solve the issue. And why there recommendations focus on addressing the systemic issues. I assume you have not read the report. And with all due respect I am at a loss as to how you can reach a different conclusion than the report's authors.3 points
Let's just wait and see, hopefully it might be a better outcome than we expected Ds 56. Have to think positive,3 points
Exactly! And his response to the criticism is even more spin. Which is ironic considering some of the findings of the report. How about "sorry" for any hurt caused and showing some vulnerability. Nah, Eddie and the Pies just "deny, double-down and deflect".3 points
This is the exact reason why I wanted two 18 year old power key forwards in Jackson Callow and Kaine Baldwin to be given the opportunity to trial with us over the summer instead of Kobe Farmer or Deakyn Smith. I still felt imo that we needed a developing tall forward sitting in the wings as there were still question marks over BB body. https://afl.draftcentral.com.au/2020/06/11/afl-draft-watch-jackson-callow-tasmania-devils-allies/ https://afl.draftcentral.com.au/player/kaine-baldwin/3 points
Cannot speak for the other but Salem played the second half of 2018 with broken thumbs. He was one of the many surgeries of the 2019 pre-season. At a guess the strapping is to offer extra support to his healed injuries. Not meh. Understandable.3 points
It’ll be a disappointment if he’s out for a spell but injuries are a fact of life. The good teams just get on with it.3 points
This. Do it with my right shoulder. Felt like I went into games confident that the strapping kept it more stable after an injury many years ago. Haven't had an issue ever since now that I get it taped each game. But yet according to @DeeSpencer I shouldn't have been training all this time ?♂️3 points
Also, on the taping thing, there are plenty of blokes who get strapped for mental reasons. I've played with many blokes who were so used to being taped that they could not make the leap to removing it3 points
Watts, Scully, Trengove, Morton and Toumpas. Hundreds of threads, thousands of post and millions of words wasted on them. Like the powerful dreadnought battleships built, served and scrapped without never firing a shot in anger.3 points
Just have to wait for a prognosis on Thursday and hope for a good outcome. No need to panic just yet. Worse case we have Tmac to redeem himself and hope that BBB will be on the mend for a short period.3 points
If you can point me to a single post on this site that does add to our teams season I'll buy you a charcuterie board at our first home game3 points
3 points
Except for last year when a worldwide once in a 100 year pandemic nullified our fitness advantage.3 points
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3 points
Lebron James and many other 'woke' athletes make hundreds of million of dollars off slave labor and are held up as heroes by the usual dregs of society.2 points
Far out, just when you start getting excited for the start of the season, something like this pops up and brings the mood back down. Persistent swelling throughout preseason? Work your magic Doc Feller.2 points
For the meagre picks we gave, it would still be worth taking him on as a project player that spends the rest of his career battling to get on the park.2 points
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