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Showing content with the highest reputation on 13/12/20 in all areas

  1. I think the exciting thing with this pick, is we have taken a player who has a number of attributes, who might be able to be developed into a very good player. We can then live in hope we have got a very good one. With some other players, you know what you are getting, as they were at their best in the younger competitions and may not improve much when playing against the big boys. That is a pretty common trait among many draftees over the years. Take Toumpas as an example, who was a very good player among his age group, but just couldn't improve in the AFL and didn't make it as an AFL player. We all know drafting is an inexact craft, every recruiter has had failures as that is the way of recruiting. With this kid Rosman, who has many attributes, such height, speed and endurance as examples, we have a base to work on, that may have a very high ceiling and that is exciting, as we take the journey with him.
    11 points
  2. A close contact is on the Recruiting table of the Cats and whilst he never gives much away, he told me that the Cats moved to get ahead of the Dees because they had a strong belief that the Dees were taking Holmes with one of their first 2 Picks. ‘Personally, I found that amazing that at this stage of our list make-up and needs that we would use such a high pick on a speculative project player. He stated that he liked what the Dees had done, particularly the Jake Bowie selection. He didn’t have an opinion on why Jack Carroll had slipped so much.
    8 points
  3. Lewis is a quality person, end of story. Anything he can help us with in improving is welcomed. Think you will find he is doing quite well in retirement, with media work and an interest in a winery. Also, he won't be getting paid much for a part time coaching role in the off season. Having played over 300 games and in 4 premierships, puts him ahead of every player on our list.
    6 points
  4. I wish we had a few blokes who could kick as well as Bennett!!
    5 points
  5. Thanks Kenty. I find as I get older surrounded by death not too many people miss me. Even during my recent stay in hospital, the pretty nurses (yes, there are a few) ignored my ripping physique and special attributes and looked shocked when I told them my birthdate. My Caribbean nurse simply refused to believe that I took no medication. Strangely she did not ask me about hard liquor! When I ask today’s youth whether they have read any Hemingway, firstly, they ask who the hell is Hemingway, or, secondly, they sometimes have a vague idea and immediately Google the name on their smart phones, and tell me that they only read stuff on the net, and then nothing more than a few sentences. They appear to skim over anything more than two paragraphs. They also favour 15 minute quarters and T20 cricket. They tell me that watching Test Cricket and reading books is as boring as watching grass grow. Sadly attention spans and standards are dropping every year as more and more people seem to have acquired ADHD and are prone to control and manipulation by those with power and money. The evil doers who are multiplying every day. I have also tired of posters on this site attempting to one-up others for reasons that are beyond me. Is it simply ego or are they merely downtrodden types that no one listens to in real life? So that in this delusional vacuum known as social media and Demonland, they are under the strange belief that their opinions are important and valued. Poor souls. However, I find humour in many posts and also find value in the better informed scholars of the game that know much more than I do about what’s going on. I fluctuate between a crazy emotional state of thinking that footy, most importantly and solely that the MFC is important in my life still knowing that I will descend to hell before we win a flag ( there is something slightly meaningful about maintaining loyalty in the face of never ending failure). Continuity in suffering is one of life’s realities that feed my melancholy and allows one to reflect on the futility of human life and the futility of watching the Demons each week with this crazy feeling of hope. Anyway, thanks Kenty, it’s nice to be remembered despite the realisation that the sands of time will soon cover any traces of my existence in this broken world. A world increasingly peopled by fools, opportunists and snake oil salesmen (and women) who only want to look at their own reflection in the mirror. Returning to smart phones, Its a worry, when the medical staff of one of our best hospitals have to resort to google to provide answers and information on my maladies!
    5 points
  6. I've been watching this over the past few days and find it fascinating for the following reasons: A. It was played while the Southern Stand was being demolished. B. Three North players were/are fathers of present day melbourne players: Paul Spargo, Mark Brayshaw and Sean Smith. C. Melbourne were a bloody good side that year. Despite a huge injury list that day they kicked what is still their highest score. D. Players could hit targets in those days. E. Jakovich could not get a game that day. F. Brett Lovett was a very great player. G. Luke Beveridge was more than a handy player. Down the track, as a Melbourne Coach????? H. Stynes was a phenomenon. I. As was Todd Viney. J. Rodney Grinter was more than a hit man: he could play. K.Darren Bennett was the victim of the Jackovitch phenomenon. Before Jacko arrived he was a phenomenal full forward. L. What a pity Rod Owen did his knee. He could have been anything. M. Kevin Dyson could play. N. Wayne Carey was always a thug. O.Goalie Campbell was a very handy player. P.Outs that day included Greg Healey, O'Dwyer, Jakovich, Schwarz, Lyon, Yeats, Heaver. Tingay, Wight, Obst, Flintoff. Q. Cuthbertson. What may have been ... That's about it. If ever a side had the ability to win a flag, this and '94 and 98' take the cake.
    4 points
  7. He got 15 votes, Liberatore, the winner got 18. Graham Wright was second with 17, Silvagni third with 16.
    4 points
  8. Something that i cut many years ago at the ABC with Paul and Ross.
    4 points
  9. shirking contests and responsibility? Jordan Lewis copped one of the biggest hits I’ve ever seen on a footy field going back with the flight of the ball. He nearly had his head taken off his shoulders. You don’t play 300 games and win 4 flags by shirking contests and responsibility. His indiscipline and stupid 50 metres penalties got on my nerves. But I never doubted his courage or commitment. He was part of a great club and team. And worked with Oze. If the club think he has something to contribute then I’m all for his involvement.
    4 points
  10. I’m mates with someone very high up at Caulfield Grammar. Said he’s an absolute ripper who has worked his guts out to improve after getting a scholarship in year 10. Freakish skills that remind him of Caleb Daniel with how he uses the footy. Comes from a great family with great values. He also added Will Phillips will play 200 games and captain the Roos.
    4 points
  11. Darren Bennett having a shot at goal on the Gee inside the square many times at least 65 metres out and the ball would travel into the crowd. At times well over the posts. The city end was his favourite end. He was a straight kick from a long way out . Many of the games l have watched from the wings over the decades. Jackovich"s inclusion in the side pushed Bennett out to CHF and struggled to have same effect . Yep dieter is on the money there.
    3 points
  12. I asked Balme personally why he has won a premiership at every other club he has been too and he said we didn't have enough patience
    3 points
  13. I know how you feel. I bumped into Wayne Johnston (who I have known since he played his first game of VFL) recently and he expressed an interest in perhaps helping out with some training sessions for my grandson’s junior footy team. I mentioned this to the coach (mid to late 20s) and he hadn’t heard of him. I said between the two of us, we’ve played in four premierships and over 200 games of league football. The youth of this world have collectively lost their perspective on life.
    3 points
  14. My band played this afternoon and we had a few guests sit in, that included Vince, the guitarist from the Hitmen and Psychotic Turnbuckles (for anyone old enough to remember), Chester the singer from the Turnbuckles and Archie the drummer from the Huxton Creepers. This was my first time meeting Archie, but we bonded very quickly upon learning we share a love of the Dees. https://www.facebook.com/100000758763064/posts/3671296886238901/?
    3 points
  15. The Monkees haven't been seen here on this thread but as popular as they were back in the day they were also underrated ... the following 2 songs were hugely popular here in Oz in the late 60's but Davey Jones doesn't feature on lead vocals in either song And I'm not sure that 'Mary Mary' was ever released as a single outside of Australia but the words to the song were rather risque by today's standards!
    3 points
  16. so Magpies paying 1.5 million for Treloar to play for Doggies..! fantastic.
    3 points
  17. Also people, it would only be human for Jake to come here and see the reaction to his arrival by the supporters. I’m confident players quickly learn to avoid this place, but factor in him or his relatives possibly reading this stuff, and consider positivity instead of projecting your MFCSS all over the kid. Further to this, the Spargo trashing on this site is [censored] pathetic.
    3 points
  18. Interesting, so it was Holmes & Bowey vs Bowey & Laurie. Perhaps not a bad thing we were jumped
    2 points
  19. Thinking it is forward or bust for Tmac. He scares me when he gets anywhere near the back line. Worse than Oscar was down back, surprises me so many see him going back there and playing any better. Decision making has always been a bit iffy under any sort of pressure. Not suited as back line player! If you could rely on him to crash packs and take many intercept marks to offset the goals he gives away through skill errors maybe it could work. He would need to up his output immensely. Either Weideman or Tmac to play 2nd tall forward, i doubt we will have both in the team very much at all this year.
    2 points
  20. If our boys can play as well as these guys can sing then we will be OK.
    2 points
  21. B & L's other well-known hit in Australia was "Hitchhiker".
    2 points
  22. Ha! This is the domain of the over 55's isn't it? Couldn't remember any of their songs (Bobby & Laurie) but the Carroll County Accident was definitely a hit and they were very popular back then of course Let's hope that Bowey & Laurie (and Rosman) become equally as popular amongst Demon supporters ds
    2 points
  23. Personally, I think the exciting thing about this Pick is that we have recruited an 18 year old, Jewish, Carpenter.
    2 points
  24. Showing your age there, Macca! Their selection may explain why we overlooked the Carroll County Accident.
    2 points
  25. Does anyone have a drone? How about KC? Lovely post, Ernest But you need to summarise it for the younger members whose attention span wouldn’t allow them to wade through it, and appreciate the wonderful prose
    2 points
  26. I apologise if I've misled anyone and it wasn't aimed at anyone in particular, maybe sickened was a bit harsh. I know people have different opinions, that's why we have discussion forums but I've been reading Demonland for a number of years before I ever joined and quite a lot of the time I've opened a thread it seems the discussion aint about a differing opinion but a personal attack. I don't even let my boss personally attack me and I've known him for over 30 years. Sorry if I've blabbered on.
    2 points
  27. Still waiting on the invitation to the Manor BBO. Or has hard times seen the departure of the maids and entertainment. From Grange to Cleanskins?
    2 points
  28. 1. Can’t quite see how I made out out one side to be good and the other bad.... thought I was just describing the situation for the benefit of anyone interested. Maybe you’d like to point out where I went wrong. Having said that, I certainly consider myself a Westerner and grateful for it, having lived in Chinese civilisation and Sunni Arab civilisation and found them both seriously wanting in certain respects that are important to me, namely freedom of expression and potential for social mobility among other things. Just wish the neoliberals would die, and then maybe I could move back to Aus and get a job. 2. Sure, it’s occurred to me, but do you think it has occurred to other parties hereby mentioned? I guess part of my summary that needs to be understood is that Sunni Arabs certainly see the world in an us v them way, as do Shias. By the way, us Westerners are NOT included among the Us. There is much more to it - the conceptions of belongings and loyalties and identities involved - I couldn’t type it all out, but if you want to ask a question I can try to answer it rationally for you. Maybe it would be useful to point out that national identities such as American or Israeli are not the primary level of identity among people here. They are first and foremost a member of a religious group. Nationality comes way down the list. Also, the religious group is not necessarily defined in the way that us Westerners define a religious group. It is less a personal matter than a worldview, an ideology, an entire way of life endorsed by the creator of the universe which other peoples reject to their eternal damnation. You have to go back 500 years in western cultures to find this idea prominent. Where I live, the West was last like this 800 years ago. This manifests itself in ways which maybe a lot of Aussies don’t understand. For instance, when the US and allies invaded Iraq, people here didn’t see it in those terms. They see it as Christian’s invading Muslims. When I point out that the USA doesn’t represent Christianity, but is a nation of many faiths, none of which it represents, makes no impression. They liked Saddam, no matter how murderous, corrupt and rapacious he was, and forgive him personal and political failings because he killed Shias and because he identified as a Sunni. Different way of seeing the world. Very much Us v. Them, endorsed by God.
    2 points
  29. Yeah I'll go Friday. I'll leave early 6 in the morning. If there are people who want to shut me out hopefully they will take pity on me for the 2 hours I drove to see my team train. Never been to Casey before so looking forward to the trip. If people have got questions that they want answered send them in and I will try and answer them all. I'll be trying to find out if Petty is playing forward or back other than that I'll be watching them go around the track.
    2 points
  30. Thanks mate, but like my old friend Leonard, I’m old and grey and ache in the places that I used to play, and simply paying my rent in the tower of song.
    2 points
  31. Good point Deezone. Everything is dumbed down these days and smart phones, internet etc contribute to this. As mentioned in a previous post many young doctors simply turn to their phones for an answer without attempting to find out patient history, family history,, carry out an examination, and importantly fail to come up with a diagnosis based on all these things. In short, they do not have to use their brain. Smart phones allow people to come up with a smattering of knowledge that is usually superficial (that allows the user to appear knowledgeable) but without any real depth or deeper understanding of the issues. There are many advantages of smart phones such as reading Demonland when sitting on the toilet and using your device so as to avoid social contact and other forms of personal intimacy. Its a strange thing. When you use a phone, it’s great, but when someone close to you uses it in the same way, you feeling like smashing it into a sensitive part of their anatomy.
    2 points
  32. Apparently, as I understand it, he played in the midfield of a successful team at one point. Let me google him to be sure. Perhaps, maybe, may I posit, that his experience, skill, and his personal relationships with current Demons may make him a better candidate for a position than, say, other superfund topping up old guys?
    2 points
  33. 2 points
  34. classic weasel word
    2 points
  35. Glad to see you're back to your usual cheery self Ernie.
    2 points
  36. With all the [censored] he cops from all and sundry, I can't say that I blame him for keeping a low profile. Maybe some of his detractors could take up the baton and provide some training reports?
    2 points
  37. We're going back to 20 minute quarters and a 22 game season - we'll clearly need more midfield rotations than 2020
    2 points
  38. Really like what I see and read about Laurie. That step he has reminds me of Sam Mitchell.
    2 points
  39. He's an extremely driven and proud bloke, Melbourne floating him in a trade and no takers would be totally driving him
    2 points
  40. Casey is a huge negative for the players. The lack of an inner city training venue makes travelling to Casey not only a frustrating bore but not conducive to injury management, general soreness and fatigue after hard training sessions. Also thought to be one of the main reasons why we lost Isaac Smith to Geelong. Makes securing a more convenient location an urgent need.
    2 points
  41. Brilliant to get Jason on the podcast boys. Really looking forward to hearing it. Thanks
    2 points
  42. I was wondering if not having a Watson on the list made is less likely we were actually keen.
    2 points
  43. After 4 years Goodwin has a better win loss record then Clarkson and Hardwick.
    2 points
  44. I am a big fan of Spargo, but the side step and the agility that Laurie has is better than Spargo's. Which is fine, Spargo has a lot of other talents as well. In terms of heigh - 179 and 175cm. If we compare that to Richmond: 179: Rioli, Stack 178: Lambert, Short 177: Arts 175: Bolton, Prestia 173: Baker I was shocked to begin with, but the more I've watched, read, and thought about it, I think the boys will be ok. We do have the tall boys to help them out. I do share your excitement for Rosman though - what an interesting prospect.
    2 points
  45. The idea of Rosman as a player is so interesting because he's big, extremely athletic but so raw. I think the comment by @Fat Tony is really telling because the scope of what he can be is much greater than most. However he does have a lot of different pathways to making it as an AFL player, especially given that he seems quite switched on. He may start being tried as a wingman, or forward, or as an intercepting defender .... or if none of that works out, as a hard running defensive tall. There are a lot of possibilities for a 6'5 running machine to make it as a footballer, regardless of the development of more conventional football skills (like kicking etc). He may become a great footballer, like premiership player Adam Goodes, or a fringe footballer, like premiership player Lewis Roberts-Thompson. Obviously Goodes is an all time HOF great and LRT was an honest toiler, the point is that they can both be part of premiership teams. It would be great to get vision of his practice game at the start of the year where he reportedly dominated. We saw the goals from it, which were all wingman/flanker style goals streaming past the play, but I'd love to see how he played aside from that.
    2 points
  46. Hands look great in his video, and that speed for a fella of his height was quite surprising. Would love to know what position the footy department has in mind for him. A lighting fast 190+cm wingman, umm, yeah! Welcome to the Dees Rosman family. Hope your boy has a blast at the Dees, and we can all see some success together.
    2 points
  47. For anyone keen to watch our first rounders face off in last years NAB League prelim, full game is on Youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qlz-qvQ7ph0 Both play reasonably well and end with 17 touches apiece, although Bowey caught my eye more frequently (you might even catch my 5 yo and I watching on from the hill). Also, one year on and the draft has underscored how stacked this Chargers lineup was. Consecutive no 1 selections and 4 top 5 selections in across two drafts.
    2 points
  48. So, after four seasons, you would have removed Hardwick? What factors other than results can we look to, so that we make sure we're not jumping at shadows? It's true that the head coach has a high level of responsibility but he's not the only influence on results. At risk of overdoing the Richmond comparison, where does the credit for their success lie? If I had to give a percentage, I'd say that less than 50% belongs to the coach. I'm not really here to defend Goodwin, but I do question the idea that he is an 'awful' coach (or a great one for that matter) based on the information presented. Those that want Yze as senior coach equally seem to be making a blind assertion about his ability. On CV alone, you'd take Neeld over Yze at the same point in their careers which is evidence that being sure about a coaches ability without any inside knowledge, is ludicrous. There are some pretty compelling precedence (Geelong and Richmond come to mind) for holding our nerve. Our constant and well demonstrated impatience as a football club could be our greatest weakness.
    2 points
  49. Fair enough. Outside of results, I'm really not sure how people here judge the coaches without seeing what happens on a day to day basis. If results are the main component then Hardwick spent seven years as one of the worst coaches in the game. The only thing I see with Goodwin is a coach that the players love and play for. That's enough to build around from my perspective.
    2 points
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