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2024 MRO & Tribunal


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19 minutes ago, Palace Dees said:

I have reduced the amount of media content I read, listen to or watch in recent years. Far too many morons and sensationalists. One of the few I still watched or listened to, had been Garry Lyon. Not that I agree with everything he said, but I mostly I have, until.....

Listening to a replay of the SEN breakfast show this morning (avoiding the 70 mins of ads) I had to turn off.

Like everyone I've heard comment on the tribunal outcome, he thinks it's a joke. That's a no brainer. However, like some others, he believed Lever milked it. He then went on to say, he believes the AFL should call Lever to tell him, that's not on.  Furthermore, he said Lever should be told that if he repeats that action, he himself, risks suspension.  

Lever's head HIT the ground! It will be of no surprise to people here that I have hit my head hundreds of times. The reaction each time was to reel my head in the opposite direction of impact. It's a natural human response. 

Throwing your head back and raising your arm (which causes head contact) to win a free kick is a blight and a dangerous aspect of our game that needs penalising. 

I would love the club to call out Lyon, Buckley, Dunkley, tribunal advocates  and any others that are victim blaming here and defend their player.

I would also love the club to challenge the AFL on the difference about what is said and what is done is relation to players health and safety. 


Did he really said that? Unbelievable, we have enemies inside our own ranks! Or perhaps he is just another puppet of the system.🤔

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3 hours ago, Clintosaurus said:

Random thought - does the AFL have to follow any rules, or are they able to do whatever they like? There's no legislation regulating their decisions and we all continue to buy memberships, merchandise and go to games.

It’s a very interesting thought.The AFL answers to no one.
I can’t explain it but it appears to have a business/ corporate structure like no other business in Australia.

Does it make annual reports?

How much profit did it make last financial year?

I think there needs to be a Royal Commission into the AFL.

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28 minutes ago, Jaded No More said:

This is incredibly true, and I think the AFL is relying heavily on the older generation of supporters. But for younger fans, I think the lack of transparency and clear corruption is going to wear thin.

We are also in an era where media saturation is at an all time high, and we all have an ability to voice our opinion on every decision made by the AFL. That means the AFL can't simply sweep things under the carpet and hope the fans will forget.

A lot of younger people will be turned off the game if they don't see any integrity at the top level, especially if they support a club that is not consistently rewarded with "the rule don't apply here" magic.

It is beyond disgraceful that we could not even bring in an expert witness last week to defend Kosi, but Cameron can bring in two character witnesses. 

Too true. The AFL almost totally relies on , and always has, the support people have for their clubs.

Burn those people, by creating and overseeing an unfair completion combined with the unlikely prospect of seeing their team win a premiership in person, at the peril.

They are deluded. 
The current quality of the spectacle is not that good. 
It’s about Club loyalty and always has been.


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1 hour ago, Redleg said:

Except that Port play Pies and Butters out would have helped Pies.

Being a Brownlow favourite trumps Pies' interests ...  🙂 


Gleeson finds obscure reasons to support his decisions ... he should go.

The Tribunal is a joke.  It needs change. 


Edited by Lucifers Hero
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23 minutes ago, ElDiablo14 said:

Did he really said that? Unbelievable, we have enemies inside our own ranks! Or perhaps he is just another puppet of the system.🤔

It was also said on the Mid-week tackle last night in passing (Jon Ralph, Jay Clarke and some other Carlton [censored]). I couldn't believe it. 

We are constantly vilified by the AFL and by the media. I tell you its no longer a coincidence, i am convinced there is something happening behind the scenes. The head is sacrosanct until you play Melbourne. (Brayshaw and Lever in the last 10 games are just recent examples). 

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56 minutes ago, ElDiablo14 said:

Did he really said that? Unbelievable, we have enemies inside our own ranks! Or perhaps he is just another puppet of the system.🤔

Could he do this to prove to the world that he is not biased in favour of his old club and is therefore the perfect commentator.   No, can't be that stupid.

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Just now, sue said:

Could he do this to prove to the world that he is not biased in favour of his old club and is therefore the perfect commentator.   No, can't be that stupid.

Probably aspiring to BT standards. 

He has always been a little harder on the Dees. 

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Still scratching my head as to how Kossie gets suspended by the tribunal for a week and yet Cameron gets off.

the inherent risk posed by me scratching my head will no doubt warrant its own suspension.

The MRO, the tribunal, heck the entire AFL is a pathetically run organisation. My hatred (and it is indeed hatred) of the AFL ‘system’ now far outweighs the love i have for the MFC. 

This league is a blight on the game of Aussie-Rules football.

Edited by Demon Disciple
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1 hour ago, Palace Dees said:

I have reduced the amount of media content I read, listen to or watch in recent years. Far too many morons and sensationalists. One of the few I still watched or listened to, had been Garry Lyon. Not that I agree with everything he said, but I mostly I have, until.....

Listening to a replay of the SEN breakfast show this morning (avoiding the 70 mins of ads) I had to turn off.

Like everyone I've heard comment on the tribunal outcome, he thinks it's a joke. That's a no brainer. However, like some others, he believed Lever milked it. He then went on to say, he believes the AFL should call Lever to tell him, that's not on.  Furthermore, he said Lever should be told that if he repeats that action, he himself, risks suspension.  

Lever's head HIT the ground! It will be of no surprise to people here that I have hit my head hundreds of times. The reaction each time was to reel my head in the opposite direction of impact. It's a natural human response. 

Throwing your head back and raising your arm (which causes head contact) to win a free kick is a blight and a dangerous aspect of our game that needs penalising. 

I would love the club to call out Lyon, Buckley, Dunkley, tribunal advocates  and any others that are victim blaming here and defend their player.

I would also love the club to challenge the AFL on the difference about what is said and what is done is relation to players health and safety. 


ffs, lever appealed for a free kick (correctly) ... you'll see that 100 times per game

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2 hours ago, Palace Dees said:

I have reduced the amount of media content I read, listen to or watch in recent years. Far too many morons and sensationalists.


I too have done this. I have KAYO but only watch games and First Crack for Joey. Rets is rubbish and its the best thing Iv'e done lately to reduce outrage at the AFL and media.

However, lets just add this to the list of spineless AFL calls which includes:

The Brownlow effect  - favourites get off.

The Cripps rule - no explanation needed( also called the Pendles rule)

The good bloke rule - Cameron 

The media darling rule - Trent Cotchin rule is its correct terminology

The Whately Rule - known as the toe-the-party-line rule. or don't upset head office calling them out

The Robbo rule - see the Whately rule

The Toby Greene Rule - used to be castigated, now loved by everyone so he gets a free pass( but deserves it anyway)


There must be others but I'm avoiding even reading this stuff and will await our thrashing of the tiges next week to look forward to.  Everything else is white noise to me. Its fantastic.



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35 minutes ago, Demon17 said:

I too have done this. I have KAYO but only watch games and First Crack for Joey. Rets is rubbish and its the best thing Iv'e done lately to reduce outrage at the AFL and media.

However, lets just add this to the list of spineless AFL calls which includes:

The Brownlow effect  - favourites get off.

The Cripps rule - no explanation needed( also called the Pendles rule)

The good bloke rule - Cameron 

The media darling rule - Trent Cotchin rule is its correct terminology

The Whately Rule - known as the toe-the-party-line rule. or don't upset head office calling them out

The Robbo rule - see the Whately rule

The Toby Greene Rule - used to be castigated, now loved by everyone so he gets a free pass( but deserves it anyway)


There must be others but I'm avoiding even reading this stuff and will await our thrashing of the tiges next week to look forward to.  Everything else is white noise to me. Its fantastic.



All of these rules can be summarised into "money is king"

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16 minutes ago, biggestred said:

Yeah, except the tribunal doesn't follow precedents.

Except when it chooses to do so.  Special circumstances, special player, special team.

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Andrew Dillon -

“There were, from the Tribunal chair, there were a number of compelling circumstances and they were first of all that he pled guilty, second of all the number of games he's played without suspension, thirdly that the player didn't suffer an injury and the fourth one was that it was at the lower end of careless.”

We are now grading gradings. Comedy gold.

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16 hours ago, Palace Dees said:

I have reduced the amount of media content I read, listen to or watch in recent years. Far too many morons and sensationalists. One of the few I still watched or listened to, had been Garry Lyon. Not that I agree with everything he said, but I mostly I have, until.....

Listening to a replay of the SEN breakfast show this morning (avoiding the 70 mins of ads) I had to turn off.

Like everyone I've heard comment on the tribunal outcome, he thinks it's a joke. That's a no brainer. However, like some others, he believed Lever milked it. He then went on to say, he believes the AFL should call Lever to tell him, that's not on.  Furthermore, he said Lever should be told that if he repeats that action, he himself, risks suspension.  

Lever's head HIT the ground! It will be of no surprise to people here that I have hit my head hundreds of times. The reaction each time was to reel my head in the opposite direction of impact. It's a natural human response. 

Throwing your head back and raising your arm (which causes head contact) to win a free kick is a blight and a dangerous aspect of our game that needs penalising. 

I would love the club to call out Lyon, Buckley, Dunkley, tribunal advocates  and any others that are victim blaming here and defend their player.

I would also love the club to challenge the AFL on the difference about what is said and what is done is relation to players health and safety. 


Did he say they should also call Rozee after throwing himself back when tackled by Rivers?

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16 hours ago, Abyssal said:

Too true. The AFL almost totally relies on , and always has, the support people have for their clubs.

Burn those people, by creating and overseeing an unfair completion combined with the unlikely prospect of seeing their team win a premiership in person, at the peril.

They are deluded. 
The current quality of the spectacle is not that good. 
It’s about Club loyalty and always has been.


But they keep telling us how great everything is and their lackeys in the media are so glowing in their appraisal of how wonderful everything is like their week long [censored] up in Adelaide despite the further inequities it creates in the fixture.

Loyalty to the MFC is being superceded by my hate for the AFL.

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There are two questions that have the same answer. The questions are: 'Why do they?' and 'Why don't they?' and the answer is 'Money'.

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1 hour ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

But they keep telling us how great everything is and their lackeys in the media are so glowing in their appraisal of how wonderful everything is like their week long [censored] up in Adelaide despite the further inequities it creates in the fixture.

Loyalty to the MFC is being superceded by my hate for the AFL.

Yes, Gather Round is a great example of their bluff.

Despite what the AFL, the kowtowing media and the SA government say, the end result is, a lot of people are not able to see their team play in person.

But it is great for football we’re told.

Shows you where the average supporter ranks in their priorities.




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On 16/04/2024 at 22:00, Males said:

I can’t recall who it was now, maybe King, but he once stated that they should just rid of the “fairest” part of the Brownlow. He stated that if you get suspended for 2,3 or 4 matches etc and can still win the Brownlow, good on you, you have clearly been the best player. Stated that the Brownlow is already compromised anyway, as it’s basically just a midfielder medal.

It does have a built in bias towards mids.  But I kinda like the fairness aspect about being excluded if suspended.

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18 hours ago, ElDiablo14 said:

Did he really said that? Unbelievable, we have enemies inside our own ranks! Or perhaps he is just another puppet of the system.🤔

Absolutely. Lever did nothing untoward in the slightest. There was no effort on his part to make it worse. If GL believes otherwise, he's a huge goose .

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4 hours ago, Dee Zephyr said:

Andrew Dillon -

“There were, from the Tribunal chair, there were a number of compelling circumstances and they were first of all that he pled guilty, second of all the number of games he's played without suspension, thirdly that the player didn't suffer an injury and the fourth one was that it was at the lower end of careless.”

We are now grading gradings. Comedy gold.

I don't understand why they bring up character references and service to the community. Silly me. I thought it was about protecting players heads and necks. What a fool I've been. 


Edited by leave it to deever
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