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Training - Monday 9th November, 2015


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I've made it a goal actually to become a journo over the last four years or so. Really focused on getting the job done and being as positive as possible. I'm quite satisfied reading posts like these :)

well done in sharing your goals without embarassment. Just don't let journalism school get in way of a creative natural writing style. Think Hemingway or closer to home Flanagan.
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I feel a new and refreshing era of training reports coming on.

I appreciate all training reports regardless of who has written them and how comprehensive they are in their content or how professionally (or not) they have been written... the fact that anyone goes to the trouble to first of all attend training and then to write a report (even if it's just a few lines) for our benefit is appreciated.

Edited by hardtack
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well done in sharing your goals without embarassment. Just don't let journalism school get in way of a creative natural writing style. Think Hemingway or closer to home Flanagan.

I reckon you'd be surprised that I've never done a course in journalism, at uni or otherwise. My writing ability just came to me naturally.

Umm anyway before I derail the thread about the career I want, I'm looking forward to Wednesday. Solid start so far.

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I reckon you'd be surprised that I've never done a course in journalism, at uni or otherwise. My writing ability just came to me naturally.

Umm anyway before I derail the thread about the career I want, I'm looking forward to Wednesday. Solid start so far.

solid start but maintain your equanimity as time goes on and your contributions bring responses and more critical comment. Beware the end of the honeymoon.
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well done in sharing your goals without embarassment. Just don't let journalism school get in way of a creative natural writing style. Think Hemingway or closer to home Flanagan.

Personally I would have liked to know more about JKHs guns but our new reporter has an otherwise fish like eye for detail.

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#thereturn - felt like I needed to supply more training reports this summer hey?

A lot has changed since the previous occasion I was at Melbourne training, which going back, is now a bloody long time ago. Labour Day this year. So much has happened in my life now – it looks like I’ve got a gig at AFL Vic next year at this stage, I’m just about done with uni and the next stage of my life is set to be written.

So I get here at precisely 2:10 – 20 minutes early, which is okay because 1) I get a coveted spot with shade because it’s a very warm day, and 2) others are here too. Camera crews have basically been set up, the personnel are here and the Melbourne shade is up. Yep, I’m at the right place and I’m here at the right time. As for the camera crews, I’m keen to see which station they are for. A camera man is here and he curiously has a lot of Glenn Maxwell about him (mind you without the beard). Anyway, less jibberish and more actual reporting which is what I’m meant to be doing.

Anyway, there’s been a number of changes so far throughout this off season and there’s more to come. Out of the lineup goes Howe, Cross, McKenzie, Riley, Bail, Toumpas and Fitzpatrick, while in to the side (at this stage with draft picks still to come) include Bugg, Kennedy, Melksham and Smith. Melksham, as I already covered, won’t be here today, even though it is optional for other players to make their way across and train with the first to fourth year players (I’ll cover which ones are optionally here today below).

The first players out for pre-season are Vandenberg and Garland. Vandenberg has bright orange wheels which are almost as bright as my lime green ones. After those two, the rest of the boys make their way across. Garland and Tom Mc I believe are the only two who have come here optionally to do some extra training, which is a truly excellent sign. These two genuinely love the club. Our good mate Stevo is here too to report on the session for Channel 7.

For reference if needed, the first two out on the track were CP5 and ANB. After a very short kickabout, the boys go and start off with a short little run. Few rugby passes out and about – it’s not State of Origin lads! – and a few stretches start us off. There’s about 25 players on the track, including the likes of Hogan, Brayshaw, Viney and Tyson as well. Eventually I’ll go through a few more.

Petracca’s doing a modified program at this stage compared to the rest of the group – I imagine that this is related to the final preparations that he has to go under before joining the main group full stop. Regardless he’s looking bigger than he was last year and he was already pretty big last year! Good sign. Also another who noticeably looks bigger compared to the last time I saw him is Salem.

Anyway our main man CP5 is off to jaunt on his own regime at the moment given the recovery from his knee. We’re taking every precaution at this stage and he’s off to the adjacent fields to do his own work while the rest of them are together.

Kennedy is out here for his first training session with the boys and when he beats (I think Stretch) in a small contest that the boys are doing a couple of the boys shout out “YES BEN!!!” Good start to his time here, hopefully he develops some friendships very quickly. Regardless the first drill sees the coaches roll the ball across the ground where there’s two players trying to beat the other to the footy. Basically it’s more of an upper body drill where one man is trying to push the other off. There’s four separate groups, and in fact there is also one using soccer balls. I can’t properly explain that, best ask Misso.

I guess to provide more clarification the four groups are in rotation drills, so you have the ones which I’ve described clearly, as well as a couple of overhead marking contests on the far side of the ground. The majority of players are in the two groups closest to us, while the far groups are made up of two lots of four.

As the boys embark on a brief break I take a look at the crowd, it’s certainly building and the club has done a good job with advertising this session. I would say at this stage there’s about 60 people, which would be more than anywhere else I reckon.

The next activity is more strength based and sees groups of two pulling each other with those rope things that they tie around their waste. Notable pairings include Hogan and TMac, while Harmes is dragging Jack Viney around.

Two groups of longer distance running follows. Leading the first group which starts nearest to where I’m stationed is White and Stretch, with Hogan up the back. Meantime Kenty is killing it in the second group. King is up the back of this one. The first group of runners are more tightly bunched together and pacing themselves really well. Joel Smith appears to be up the front of his group, while Oscar McDonald is working hard to get in front of Kenty. It’s also really encouraging to see Frost running around with the boys. The news we really needed to see/hear after 4-6gate in 2015. The boys are still going ahead of the six minute deadline. BK is working super hard to ensure that he’s maintaining a solid pace. Meantime JKH has assumed leadership of his group and has really come home strongly. Harmes is also finishing off strongly as he walks past, streaming by Jayden Hunt.

CP5 watch on the other ground and he is moving super strongly. It’s really good to see. I’m hoping he develops into more of the Josh Kennedy mould (the Sydney one that is). Brayshaw comes back after (I assume) a bit of an absence, while Tom McDonald did his own little thing while the boys were running… I presume to avoid embarrassment amongst the others because he always kills it doing the running drills. After a bit of a walk around the oval the boys are back into the groove a little bit and are having a drink of water. For now that leaves me on complete CP5 watch.

The bloke is doing it completely easy on the other field at the moment as a few actually turn around and watch him go about it. He is really moving well considering his recovery from his ACL and he seems to be confident of a few directional changes. I would say he’s going at about 80% at the moment which is about right for his stage in the development. He’s also kicking about 30-35m off one step with relative ease. There are, admittedly, a couple of shanks when he kicks it but otherwise he’s doing just fine and is also finding the confidence to jump for marks too. Hogan joins him later on and he does that familiar waddle over. Dunno why he left, maybe he just exorcised his rights as a God to do whatever the hell he wants. Extraordinarily I’m seeing people actually shifting their attention – quite a few – to Hogan and Petracca.

Anyway this all happens while the boys are changing into their footy boots, with a bit of footy going on now. Firstly there’s a bit of a brief kick, before more of a base which sees a full-blown contest between two teams utilising handball. That’s on one side of the ground, anyway. On the other side there’s a kicking drill at the moment and the focus is on a switch, followed by a kick down the line. On the near side which is where the handball drill is going on, the hunger is intense in the players’ eyes. You can hear it and see it. For the first day of pre season they’ve been pretty strong skill wise. There aren’t too many shanks which is impressive because it’s a reasonably difficult day conditions wise. Hot day, swirly wind about. JKH gets Frost in a tackle – you can tell Frosty is trying to get back into the swing of things after missing a lot of training as well as footy. It’ll take a little while but he’ll get there.

Pause – I need a drink…

Getting a drink at this point isn’t too bad. Firstly I don’t miss much as I go down to Edwin’s (which at this point is closing up), secondly I still walk past and get to see how Hogan and Petracca are holding up. Hoges’ is okay and there’s nothing wrong with him (I presume they are just looking after him due to his importance), he’s having set shots and actually uncharacteristically misses one. Petracca in the meantime was talking to one of his mates (I presume from basketball – nobody understands how good he actually was – he has his own mixtape on YouTube), before heading off. He walks past me, eyes glued to his phone.

As I come back the boys are split into two groups where there are two teams, with the aim to retain the ball by foot. The ball use is decent at this stage by the near group, with only two foot errors so far in about five minutes.

During this drill, I get the information that the boys will be having a training camp in Seaford soon, and will head back up to Maroochydore in January (I presume during the Australian Open). So there’s one for fans up Seaford way and as well as our Queensland friends. Meantime the boys are having a bit of a break after this kicking drill thing. Hogan’s running around behind me on the soccer ground, which has been kindly vacated by Melbourne Victory because they’re probably thinking they can soccer better than everyone else while holding all three trophies at once.

Anyway, the drill continues on opposite wings this time, after previously being inside both 50s. The most impressive performers for mine so far include Tommy Mc, who is continuing to mature as a leader and is being as smart as ever with his positioning, running off his man and ball use, JKH, who has a new found hunger for the contest, I’m presuming he’s going to go after a big pre-season after losing his spot in the side, and ANB, who’s been classy by foot so far today under pressure. In the meantime Frost has shown how much he’s missed, with his first kick missing the mark and his decision making a bit skewed at the moment. Joel Smith is still a while away too from getting into the groove – gets the ball during one of these drills and panics a little bit, before missing the return handball.

On the other side of the ground, Terlich takes on (I think) White, but gets tackled. A good show of speed from White but Terlich needed to get rid of it. Obviously Terls needs a big pre-season and force his way into the 22 somehow, otherwise he’s off the list given he runs out of contract.

Some more running follows this and this running drill is similar to what they did last year. Run half way through, then run down the ground, turn, run back. Three separate groups are out and about. Tom McDonald is fastest of the first group with ease (because who else was going to be?) with Viney second. Impressively, Tommy Bugg (first training session today) is amongst the top three or four. Brother Oscar is fastest of the second group as he looks to maintain his spot in the best 22 over summer. ANB is quickest of the third group. On the second run for each group it’s a McDonald sweep again, while Harmes is quickest of the third group. TMac’s doing it easy.

Third run. No need to tell you who are quickest of the first two groups. In the third group, Tyson and Harmes run it pretty close but it’s the former who gets home quickest in the end. As we get to the fourth run, TMac again is quickest. Joel Smith is starting to struggle a little bit which is unsurprising given its his first session, but gets a lot of support from the boys as he crosses the line. Anyway the winners of the fourth run – TMac, OMac and Hunt.

TMac ensures he completely sweeps the last run of his group. He’s still an animal, and that’s good signs ahead. OMac also sweeps his entire group, impressively Frost is starting to get into his own and comes second in the final run. The final group don’t run… unsure why.

Anyway, as the boys switch from running to kicking again there’s set shots, and moreso the chance to give you guys information you didn’t necessarily need but will get anyway.

BK = Kennedy as I mentioned before had his first session today. He’s a little fella but he’s well built. From what I’ve seen so far, good running capacity. Also has a tatt a la Cyril, but that's extra information you didn't need to know but do now.

Buggy = Tomas had his first run with the Dees as well and again, he’s smaller than most but again he is also solidly built. Not as nuggety as a Jones-type but not as small as Stretch either, I’d say he’s more in the middle. Again, he also ran well.

Smith = Pretty skinny, needs a bit of work in the gym and with time he’ll get to improve his running capacity as well. Obviously a project player but because he has a bit of knowledge in the game he won’t take as long to develop as, say, a Maia Westrupp.

Meantime, just behind me, the photographers that turn up get a bit excited – and I quote one of them – “Hogan’s got his shirt off!!!” The bloke generates excitement by doing the smallest of things.

After the brief set shot session, which I presume was just a warm down, the boys finish rather abruptly. I say g’day to a couple of fans and head off, with the knowledge that the boys would want to be as sharp in the next session (which I’m hearing is 10:00 Wednesday) as they were today. To finish off, Tom McDonald did a couple of extra short, sharp bursts and there were a few others (such as Viney and Salem) who did a couple of extra things too.

Okay, so summing up:

• Petracca is looking really good even though he’s been restricted at the moment due to his continued ACL recovery

• Hogan is also being held back, this I imagine more than anything is because we want to restrict his workload and make sure his back is alright

• There was more of a running base than there was a football base which is normal for the firstpre season session

• Regardless, the boys did well with the ball in hand today, not too many errors under pressure but there were a couple of decision-making errors

• Tom and Oscar McDonald naturally are going to tear it up on the track all summer.

• The boys are looking very fit

• We still have to wait two weeks until the main group come back!

I look forward to the next session…

Thanks for the effort, would appreciate a bit more detail next time though.

But seriously, fantastic report, thanks a lot.

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Getting a drink at this point isn’t too bad. Firstly I don’t miss much as I go down to Edwin’s (which at this point is closing up), secondly I still walk past and get to see how Hogan and Petracca are holding up. Hoges’ is okay and there’s nothing wrong with him (I presume they are just looking after him due to his importance), he’s having set shots and actually uncharacteristically misses one. Petracca in the meantime was talking to one of his mates (I presume from basketball – nobody understands how good he actually was – he has his own mixtape on YouTube), before heading off. He walks past me, eyes glued to his phone.

Nice report Tasman,

I went and checked out said basketball mix tape, impressive, I urge all D'Landers to do the same. Check out Petracca's explosive burst capability. Once this guy builds a midfield tank, he could really be anything in the middle and he along with Brayshaw will soon rival Fyfe in terms of their impact on games. Mark my words.

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There's a lot of talk around the draft discussion about picking up a tall key position forward but when you think about what we already have and the versatility and potential of young players such as Hogan, T Mac, Frost, O Mac and King, I don't see that there's a burning need to take risks early in the draft with keys given the best two in the country are likely to be gone before we have our first pick.

The discussion and reports here simply serve to confirm in my mind that we have the capacity in this draft to continue stocking up with the best young midfield talent so that in the latter part of this decade and well into the next we can have the best and most rounded midfield in the competition.

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Things I saw which I liked...

In a 7 vs 5 drill (or whatever the numbers were) the ball was kicked forward of the players to Turls ( I think) who was running ahead of his man in same direction as incoming ball. Only problem for him was that his man was Joel Smith who leapt up high and intercepted with his finger tips to stop the play. Has a big leap. Got real encouragement for that.

Second, saw JKH clean up Harmes who didn't see him close in quickly. Wasn't a big hit, play went on and there were no hard feelings. But good to see JKH engage in the contest. Also saw him lay a fantastic tacke which stopped play.

Also liked OMac, he's got more size and is certainly developing a tank. Finished ahead in a number of his running drills. Might give his bro a run for his money in a year or two.

Salem is all class, his disposal is exquisit and his awareness excellent.

And finally, can I say one last time that Christian Petracca is a beast. Comparable only to Jesse Hogan.

sounds like there wasn't much of the house left standing, moonie

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Nice report Tasman,

I went and checked out said basketball mix tape, impressive, I urge all D'Landers to do the same. Check out Petracca's explosive burst capability. Once this guy builds a midfield tank, he could really be anything in the middle and he along with Brayshaw will soon rival Fyfe in terms of their impact on games. Mark my words.

Love the work on Darcy, 'M'.

We're off to see the Wizard...

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There's a lot of talk around the draft discussion about picking up a tall key position forward but when you think about what we already have and the versatility and potential of young players such as Hogan, T Mac, Frost, O Mac and King, I don't see that there's a burning need to take risks early in the draft with keys given the best two in the country are likely to be gone before we have our first pick.

The discussion and reports here simply serve to confirm in my mind that we have the capacity in this draft to continue stocking up with the best young midfield talent so that in the latter part of this decade and well into the next we can have the best and most rounded midfield in the competition.

There's only one key forward in that list, and whilst I'm a big fan of Max King until he builds his body and in particular his tank he's not really worth considering in any position.

I do like the collection of half forward/midfield types we've assembled - Kent, JKH, Brayshaw, Petracca, Harmes etc we only have 2 reliable goal kickers in Hogan and Garlett and good sides probably have 4 or more.

Best available is always the right move when drafting, but that doesn't mean there isn't a big need for another goal kicker, which usually means a marking forward which in turn often means a tall forward.

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Detailed but most of what you wrote was on point.
I must say though that something still isn't right with this training thread.
Could you please refer to fellow posters as 'chap' when dealing in the singular or 'hardy fellows' when speaking in the plural? That would definitely set my mind at ease.

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There's only one key forward in that list, and whilst I'm a big fan of Max King until he builds his body and in particular his tank he's not really worth considering in any position.

I do like the collection of half forward/midfield types we've assembled - Kent, JKH, Brayshaw, Petracca, Harmes etc we only have 2 reliable goal kickers in Hogan and Garlett and good sides probably have 4 or more.

Best available is always the right move when drafting, but that doesn't mean there isn't a big need for another goal kicker, which usually means a marking forward which in turn often means a tall forward.

Drafting must be 'best available' otherwise we end up with a lucas cook situation. if we end up with more good midfielders than we need then they can be packaged off in a deal during a future trade period to get a player on a 'needs basis'.

we have to look at players as currency.

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Goals for next year:

Hogan - 60

Garlett - 45

Kent - 30

Vince 20

Petracca - 15

Dawes/Pedo - 15

If Petracca has an injury free season, I can see him kicking 20+. Reckon he'll be very dangerous inside F50.

These numbers are assuming no major injury layoffs of course.

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More quality photos.


AVB has lost his puppy fat and now looks trim and solid.

Joel Smith will fill out into a big frame.

Jack Viney Jesse Hogan and Christian Petracca are all seriously big units already.

Ahh yes, was hoping Getty images would cover the session. Brilliant pics.

And thanks to all for the training reports

Edited by Petraccattack
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Thanks for the reports - I will get more excited for them when we move into game style stuff - the running is indicative of fitness and preparedness for the season but I am more interested in Goodwin's imprimatur on the offensive side of the game.

And, Garland and TMac being there says more about those two than it does about the others NOT being there. The club manages each person individually and telling me that Player A or Player B 'should be there after last year' is simply an ignorant statement - you don't know how they are situated from a fitness perspective or what work they have already done.

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