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  1. NFL players also earn about 10x as much as AFL players.
  2. It was a joke.
  3. I think it's fairly naive to expect a public statement to air out any dirty laundry there might be between the club and a soon to be former employee. That's what leaking to the media is for.
  4. The executive equivalent of delisting a veteran and picking them up again in the rookie draft.
  5. Are we going to be allowed to discuss the results of the review when they come out?
  6. Yes they were after him throughout the year but the recent reports indicate Oliver was pretty settled until he heard we were shopping him around which is why he opened up to their offer and actually went to meet with them.
  7. How could Geelong do this?
  8. All of these draftees are just prospects at this stage so all we can do is look at limited footage and information and make an assessment. I've seen a few of these videos and he's definitely had better games but I still think he's pretty shaky by foot. If you've found a game where he's cleaner I'd love to see it. He's definitely got talent but I think there are question marks on his game. He takes on everything which is entertaining but it also means he gets caught a lot. Might need some coaching to pick his moments better. My main concern is that he has a tendency to just bomb it long after getting clear into some space which does him a disservice as that should be where he's looking for shorter targets and making it hard for the defenders. We also have a lot of players who do that. As I said, love his aggression and speed. Being able to burst away from contest is gold. If we think he's the best available with 9 then I'm happy with that.
  9. Jayden Hunt vibes. Line breaking pace followed by long kicks to no one.
  10. Love his speed and aggression in the contest but gee his disposal leaves a bit to be desired.
  11. Sport isn't most jobs. Age is absolutely a major issue when it comes to expectation on performance and once you're over 30 the cliff can come at any time. We signed these guys up on long term contracts while both still had a year to go. It's not a pay cut, it's job security in a field that will pay them significantly more than they will likely get post footy for their entire lives. Most players over 30 get put on 1-2 year contracts, we've signed these guys up for 3 and 4. If we're not sun setting their contracts then we're in for a world of pain when all these guys are over the hill and we can't afford to pay our up and coming stars.
  12. Not how it works. Players have TPP increases included in their contracts. I think there are few clubs that try not to include that in their deals. Eagles famously didn't include it but it caused a lot of tension a couple of years back.
  13. Where are you getting these numbers from? You would hope that the extensions of Gawn and Viney came with a bit of flattening of their wages with how old they are going to be at the end of those deals.
  14. Requires maturity from both the clubs and players, the media will follow suit. When players or clubs get pissy about one another exploring trades then the media are going to feed on the drama. I like the idea of clubs being able to trade in contract players but don't see the AFLPA ever going for it. Players don't get paid enough for an overseas model like that to work.
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