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NAB Challenge 2 - Melbourne v Geelong


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It was watts first game of the year.

Give him a break u said yourself he improved as the game went on.

I am very sick of the constant criticism of Watts. This is his first REAL coach.

I get sick every time a player is criticised for a practise game in FEBRUARY

Fair dinkem These games are to sort out a few things ....go though the list and give players a chance.....Some will excel some will have bad games, but they get the chance to play together with a new game plan.

saying a player will never play for the red and blue again is just pathetic and unrealistic

Can't wait for when some of our Feb champs have an off day......Posters will be calling for blood and their instant sacking or be called a spud(hate that word) and we should never have drafted/traded him when we should have got.....(insert name here)

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I too am a Dunn convert.

He'll play his best footy under Roos and become an important ingredient down back.

I'll wait a bit longer before conversion

Have never doubted his ability - he's an excellent kick, has pretty clean hands & generally makes good decisions. Reasonable pace, terrific size. He's a wonderful shot at goal on the run. The only thing missing from his skill set is strong marking above his head, which is rarely required in his current role.

My criticism of him has always been one thing only. Short steps.

If he goes when it's his turn to go all through this season & beyond then Nasher will be spot on - a maligned (justly IMHO) 100 gave player will become a respected 200+ game player. And the club will have a significant asset.

Still, I'll wait. Leopards, spots etc

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The biggest win from last night was the fact we twice even three times were down by 30-odd points and fought back to be in a position to take over the game. Old Melbourne would've lost by 90 points because 3 goals in a row, and you could literally see heads bow over.

Geelong have a team that trust each other, and even their young guys have 3 years playing with one and other. When the whips cracked they knew what to do, and we didn't, but we've played 2 games as a team! I finished and I was disappointed because we lost, but immediately after I realised when in the last 7 years would I be upset we lost to Geelong by 13 points. More to the fact, with a chance to win it plenty of times. I'm stoked with how last night went. Doing my best to keep my expectations reasonable, I don't want to be heartbroken if we lose winnable games, but the future looks so bright.

Very important point with the Cats and other good sides is the trust, many times last night and over the years they always have one team mate waiting out the back or on a wing free, even on occasions when they are a man short at the contest. They have the faith in their team mates to win the ball and they don't need to look up and lose a second, once they have the ball they hit the space because they trust a team mate will be there and he usually is.

They also to a man have great confidence in their ability to carry a tackle and still feed the ball off to a team mate, so they invite the opportunity to draw a man and hot up a team mate who is left free.

As you have said they have been together a long time and those who come in know how to play to the structure. It will take time to get to this level

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Happiest I've been about a loss in a long time.

Roos's body language is not that of someone collecting a pay check, you can see he deeply cares and owns the team, if he wanted more cash i'd pay it, personally think a million a year is a bargain for him.

I love the game plan, it is clever and then some, the advantages of it as i see them:

1, We are not a super fast side, going back so far and wide negates this as we have space to lead into, and as they get better here will be less of those turnovers, I'm prepared to live with them and the losses though so as to see our skills in retaining possession and hitting targets by foot improve. Also the space gives young players space and time to increase their confidence, and lord knows they need that. It also (i reckon) will protect our younger side from the heavy collisions that some of the bigger heavier midfields can dole out, and they might get a bit tired running back so far. Hawthorn will be a test.

2, The side clearly has confidence to try, completed passages of play, and are taking the game on. GOD THATS GOOD.

3, This game plan against other teams will see wins I'm revising my estimate from 5-6 wins to 8 for the year.

Other things:

a, Watts looked great, played his role perfectly and I did see him try and tackle - he is now moving like Bruce but with a far better kick, I for one love it to me WATTS and Toump > Bruce and Johnstone or will be this year.

b, Toumpas didn't go into his shell after a couple of boo boos, but continued pulling the trigger on that elite kick of his and it paid off far more than it cost. And heart... I want to smack anyone who snipes him from the comfort of a keyboard, he got back into the play after a fair whack. (That Roos ensures he has the confidence to try his skills I love as well) it is a learning process for a 2nd year play FFS.

c, Defensive pressure from Howe, never seen that before, a show pony yes but there was a guy doing the team things, especially in the last quarter, wonder who taught/convinced him to do that, wait let me guess maybe the coach (he is not getting paid enough).

d, OMG... HOGAN he is 18 and how hard did he work for those contested marks, bit scared by that run up though. But his runs up the field relieved the pressure on us a few times a'la Riewoldt

e, Our new midfield, Vince, Tyson, Michie, Cross. so so so so happy, in fact HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY!

f, Matt Jones finds the ball, yes he totally killed us with his turnovers, BUT HE DID NOT DROP HIS HEAD, this is not the MFC I know and hate.

g Terlich, strong and brave.

h, Clisby, looking slick and every time he kicks it he reminds me of Voss teeing off, such a funny action.

i, Spencer has been ragged on but I LOVED (rewound it 3 times, actually used the PVR but you know what I mean) the way he ran in after Toump got clothes lined. I know he is a bit Ben Holland .... but, i think i see something, it was also representative of the fact that i saw the guys doing team things for each other.

j Fitzpatrick, he is a must keep, he is putting it together and just doesnt give up.

Byrnes - it's passed him, lets not be nasty about it, but he is now filler and will not see many games unless injuries cruel things.

Rivers - I know he's a Geelong player but he really started some nice runs down the corridor, hope he has a good season except against us.

But I'm keeping a lid on it till round 5, if we have 3 wins by round 5, I'm going to be cocobananas

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My criticism of him has always been one thing only. Short steps.

We all know this, but I suspect he's improved over time and players can still be very valuable players even with this in their DNA.

A 2-time premiership player readily comes to mind.

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What about Geourgiou, tempted to play Dunn as a half forward and keep him in even when Garland is back?

I love that he gets the kick out and goes for an option about 70 metres from the goal line and regularly finds and hits one. This is clearly an instruction as was Jessee Hogan running a solid 80 metres to get on the end of it on at least 6 occasions. That strategy and execution with specific regard to how we do kick-outs is a total breath of freash air compared to the absolute ineptitude we have witnessed in this aspect for as long as I can remember (seriously all the way back to pre-daniher)

Interesting thought -- but Dunn's long accurate disposal from deep defence has been important in both our games so far. He does however add some versatility should (OMG) a forward go down or another option needed.

Georgiou though has been a real revelation and looks very comfortable in his role: he also offers some versatility in defence, being remarkably quick and yet plays a lot taller than his measured height.

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If Dunn continues on the trajectory he is on, he'll make the full journey from one of the worst ever MFC players to play 100 games, to respected 200 game player.

When Neeld went and Roos came, I mentally reset my thoughts and expectations on all our players, and none have had a bigger swing than Dunn in my eyes. He's firmly in our starting 18 for round 1 and is looking like a player of his experience should. I couldn't be more pleased so far.

I like that Dunn played very well in the past couple of years when most of our team was rubbish. He has become a very reliable player and also has some goos tricks. A very important and underrated player IMO.

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As I said, two weeks ago, Dunn has stopped being a tool.

No doubt this is Roos instructed.

Dunny was fantastic all of last year, in the worst team in the league with one of the worst coaches of all time. Give the man himself some credit.

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Most encouraging last night. Once the boys understand when and where to kick, under pressure & importantly to Advantage we can rip teams apart.

May the MFC never recruit another Kindergarten coach please. You get what you pay for.

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Love this!

Roos: "Stop being a tool!"

Dunn: "Oh ... OK"

Cannot stop laughing at this. Please use this as your signature Akum - I want to relive this for the rest of the year

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Interesting thought -- but Dunn's long accurate disposal from deep defence has been important in both our games so far. He does however add some versatility should (OMG) a forward go down or another option needed.

Georgiou though has been a real revelation and looks very comfortable in his role: he also offers some versatility in defence, being remarkably quick and yet plays a lot taller than his measured height.

U would think with Garlo out that the Big G would be a 1st round certainty.

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where was it bd?

It's on the AFL site under videos.

Just watching the second quarter and one thing that bothers me is that twice now Grimes has gone for a defensive mark at his chest height and had a Geelong forward take it before him by jumping and taking the ball above their head. He needs to attack that ball properly and punch it rather than trying to take the mark every time.

Also, Watts just picked Varcoe's pocket beautifully to stop an attack.

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Add to that an awesome almost from the Fitz. Ran on to the loose ball, won it ahead of a couple of mids, handballed down the line, ran on again, kicked it in and then couldn't quite get the clean possession. Still put on enough pressure that we got the turnover and a 9 point goal.

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Having just watched the game for the first time, my biggest impression was that we got far more out of that game than they did. We gave up at the very least 9 goals from turnovers (all of them horrendous mistakes, not just "oh well" mistakes) and another 2 goals from head-ducks straight out of the Selwood playbook. Yet we only lost by just on 2 goals to a team that has set the standard over recent times.

This implies two things. The first is that Geelong may well be in big trouble this year, unless they improve. Were they cruising? Well, they seemed intent on putting a hard tag on Jones, who could hardly take a step with the ball without getting buried. What sort of coach of a top team tags the best player of a bottom team in a practice match?? And they seemed intent to exploit the lack of our best 2 tall defenders by bombing it high to their tall forwards - what they could possibly have gained from that in a practice match I have no idea, except to show that it will never work against an intact defence; it was a great lesson for us in how not to use tall forwards. And they were also intent on trying to niggle the likes of Tyson, Watts & Nicho, and holding back their opponents to stop them getting to the contest ... again, in a practice match. OK, this is just being a "professional" team (for want of a better word), but how far did it get them - 2-goal win against last year's easybeats! It's not as if they played badly, just that something's missing. They'd have to be concerned.

The second is that we committed hara kiri - complete with ritual disembowelment - over and over in that match, yet still only lost by 2 goals. Add to that, the conditions were the worst possible for our game plan. Many turnovers were the result of trying to kick accurately into the teeth of the strong wind blowing across the ground, and the humidity prevented the same level of relentless running and presenting and blocking of the previous game.

We've all feared what might happen if this game plan should fall apart against a top team. Well, with our mistakes, the conditions, missing tall forwards (and therefore our "get-out-of-jail" option) and tall defenders and support rucks, against a top team intent on undermining us - it was made to look very shaky indeed against a (supposedly) top team. And we only lost by 2 goals.

So just how robust can this game plan be???

Edited by Akum
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Dunny was fantastic all of last year, in the worst team in the league with one of the worst coaches of all time. Give the man himself some credit.

He still exhibited his ill-disciplined tough guy antics.

Noticeably, for about the first time ever, this has stopped.

If you don't think this is Roos instructed I'm happy to disagree.

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Having just watched the game for the first time, my biggest impression was that we got far more out of that game than they did. We gave up at the very least 9 goals from turnovers (all of them horrendous mistakes, not just "oh well" mistakes) and another 2 goals from head-ducks straight out of the Selwood playbook. Yet we only lost by just on 2 goals to a team that has set the standard over recent times.

This implies two things. The first is that Geelong may well be in big trouble this year, unless they improve. Were they cruising? Well, they seemed intent on putting a hard tag on Jones, who could hardly take a step with the ball without getting buried. What sort of coach of a top team tags the best player of a bottom team in a practice match?? And they seemed intent to exploit the lack of our best 2 tall defenders by bombing it high to their tall forwards - what they could possibly have gained from that in a practice match I have no idea, except to show that it will never work against an intact defence; it was a great lesson for us in how not to use tall forwards. And they were also intent on trying to niggle the likes of Tyson, Watts & Nicho, and holding back their opponents to stop them getting to the contest ... again, in a practice match. OK, this is just being a "professional" team (for want of a better word), but how far did it get them - 2-goal win against last year's easybeats! It's not as if they played badly, just that something's missing. They'd have to be concerned.

The second is that we committed hara kiri - complete with ritual disembowelment - over and over in that match, yet still only lost by 2 goals. Add to that, the conditions were the worst possible for our game plan. Many turnovers were the result of trying to kick accurately into the teeth of the strong wind blowing across the ground, and the humidity prevented the same level of relentless running and presenting and blocking of the previous game.

We've all feared what might happen if this game plan should fall apart against a top team. Well, with our mistakes, the conditions, missing tall forwards (and therefore our "get-out-of-jail" option) and tall defenders and support rucks, against a top team intent on undermining us - it was made to look very shaky indeed against a (supposedly) top team. And we only lost by 2 goals.

So just how robust can this game plan be???

It was 27 scoring shots to 15 and one of the best players in the game was injured early. Geelong had 62 inside 50s to 31.

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It was 27 scoring shots to 15 and one of the best players in the game was injured early. Geelong had 62 inside 50s to 31.

We did have the ball 94 more times than they did though. It will be a lot easier to improve on our inside 50 delivery knowing that our team is capable of actually having the ball in possession. That's why I would be inclined not to worry too much about inside 50s as I might have been last year - we're winning the ball, we're just not using it well enough yet.

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