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Lynden Dunn


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Is it just me or does Lynden seem to do dumb things every week.

Like this week kicking left foot across goal whilst under pressure to someone under the pump. Only to kick it over his head.

Always gives away stupid free kicks and 50m penalties.

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Is it just me or does Lynden seem to do dumb things every week.

Like this week kicking left foot across goal whilst under pressure to someone under the pump. Only to kick it over his head.

Always gives away stupid free kicks and 50m penalties.

He wasn't under a lot of pressure when he kicked and that's what was dumb, he should have gone on his natural foot. It's not just Lyden but is a signature of a lot of our players, they don't do the professional things consistently to be good players in a good team.

He's been the least of our problems though and has put in a lot more than many others in the team it's just the little things that matter. It's not just our poor midfield, it's all over the ground. Bring in a couple of good mids and this sort of stuff doesn't change unless the mindset of the group does.

For all the Neeld mantra we still have a team of semi professionals playing in a professional competition.

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He was.

He's not the problem with this list.

No but he's symptomatic.

Here's a guy who's played FF, CHF, defensive flanker, tagger, wing, half back ball user, 3rd tall defender, back pocket and never cemented a spot with consistent football.

He's actually been consistent for most of this year but at a very low level. It's also a surprise that he still is a guy who you have no confidence with ball in hand. You'd expect him by now to have established a tempo to what he does by foot. Ie. is he a take the game on guy who makes a few mistake but you put up with it because he sets up important play and generally makes attacking decisions (Terlich) or is he a steady and safe disciplined type like Garland who will choose a correct option or if in doubt go long to advantage.

I think a new coach would leave him where he is position wise and hope you can develop better players to force him out of the side which shouldn't be too hard. I'd say a 188-192cm defender with proper skills and decision making would still be high on the list. 2 Garland's and no Dunn's would be lovely!

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He's a hearty battler who pretty much plays to his ability most weeks .

Hearty? Dunn's main problems are his brain and heart. Not sure I've ever seen him play a complete game with full effort and clear decision making. Usually one of the two are missing.

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Is it just me or does Lynden seem to do dumb things every week.

Like this week kicking left foot across goal whilst under pressure to someone under the pump. Only to kick it over his head.

Always gives away stupid free kicks and 50m penalties.

That's not a new revelation, and Lynden is far from being Robinson Crusoe. Compared to many of his team mates he has had a solid year,

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I have a soft spot for Dunn because he always has a crack and has a bit of aggro about him. He's a very good niggler - always rated the player who gives the best sledge in the Record player profiles.

I'd get rid of quite a few before him, especially considering his age and the lack of players we have around that age group.

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Dunn defending one on one, under a high ball or rebounding out of defence are all equally terrifying.

Just can not imagine this guy standing up under September heat. His tough guy off the ball persona combined with his constant refusal to go hard when it's his turn are infuriating.

Please delist ASAP.

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This thread is pathetic. Dunn will be top five in our B&F this year. Against Adelaide Dunn had our most disposals (24 at 79% efficiency) and our most Supercoach points (129, 31 more than our next highest in Toumpas). The left foot pass was a bad error, but we made hundreds of mistakes over the course of the game.

Dunn is no world beater and we need to find better players in coming drafts, but he is clearly in our best side at the moment and is playing his role.

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Dunn is playing the best, most consistent footy of his career, perhaps due to the fact that he's essentially been left in one position. However, his best and most consistent are not enough to keep him in a better side. When we get better, he should start to struggle to get a regular game. If we could trade him for a midfielder of reasonable quality (eg, equivalent to a Matt Jones) I'd do so. But I wouldn't delist him yet - there are plenty ahead of him in that queue.

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For as long as he continues to give away pathetic free kicks for jumper punching players behind play, instead of actually going hard at the footy, I will continue to want him out of the team.

His attitude to 'hard nosed footy' is terrible.

I will credit him for improving his defensive work, but he is a dumb footballer and in a good team he won't get a game.

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Dunn is the least of our worries and one of only 6-8 players in our team that is able to consistently beat his man.

A few weeks ago the AFL released stats indicating he has the lowest % of contested marks taken against in the competition, with only 3 taken against him. He always provides good body contact and can be relied upon to win contested ball.

Definitely in our top 5-6 playera this season.

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Dunn defending one on one, under a high ball or rebounding out of defence are all equally terrifying.

Just can not imagine this guy standing up under September heat. His tough guy off the ball persona combined with his constant refusal to go hard when it's his turn are infuriating.

Please delist ASAP.

September Heat? We wont play in september heat for 5 years so he can stay IMO

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I think his play is actually counterproductive.

He often tries to do the "safe" thing, like a coping mechanism from years of getting smashed, that ends up with the responsibility of making the forward foray in someone else's hands.

He'll take possession, then instead of making a decisive move, he just turns and gives the telegraphed handball backwards to the last player at the back, who then has all the pressure heaped on them.

The amount they can go forward with the ball is now reduced from where he had possession, defenders are closing in fast since everyone could see where Dunn was going to send the ball, and the opposition barely have to move to cover the options further afield. Whilst that player isnt under immediate pressure, the kick must be accurate. It actually creates a high pressure kick because he hasn't taken the game on.

When he occasionally takes the responsibility into his own hands, it ends up like the example in the OP.

He must be one of the worst "metres gained" players in the game.

I hope he plays out the rest of his career with Casey and we never see him in the MFC side again.

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Dunn is the least of our worries and one of only 6-8 players in our team that is able to consistently beat his man.

A few weeks ago the AFL released stats indicating he has the lowest % of contested marks taken against in the competition, with only 3 taken against him. He always provides good body contact and can be relied upon to win contested ball.

Definitely in our top 5-6 playera this season.

Have you watched him?

He consistently gives weak efforts and loses out on contested ball.

The low contested marks stat, comes because be often has the opposition's 3rd or 4th best forward.

Don't artificially pump him up.

His soft efforts make me feel sick in the pit of my stomach.

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Dunn is the least of our worries and one of only 6-8 players in our team that is able to consistently beat his man.

A few weeks ago the AFL released stats indicating he has the lowest % of contested marks taken against in the competition, with only 3 taken against him. He always provides good body contact and can be relied upon to win contested ball.

Definitely in our top 5-6 playera this season.

He is playing in the pocket/flank on someone half his size. He should have no contested marks against him at all seeing Chip, Tommy Mc and Garland take the big boys before him.

I can't have Lynden at all. He is not big enough for a key position and not agile enough for a small.

As per usual he starts the year off as ordinary and then plays a couple games that I would consider as 'par' towards the end and people wish to keep him.

He adds absolutely zero value to our team other than the occasional comical moment. Has been tried in every spot on the ground and has never been close to cementing one. Please move him on.

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