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Phil Scully offered GWS gig in November 2010!


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I don't know about that...

And, again, I have said that I was wrong about the character of the kid.

Will a Demon get the same benefit of the doubt from me in the future?


groan........do you mean we have to do it all again someday? How many pages was it?

I believe in _ _ _ _ _ _ (fill in the blanks)

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groan........do you mean we have to do it all again someday? How many pages was it?

I believe in _ _ _ _ _ _ (fill in the blanks)

With FA in it will be 26 year olds and up, so we won't have to worry about losing any talent for a few years...

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Funny how it wasnt all that long ago that many were lamenting the nature and culture of this club and how it might have a negative impact on one young Tom Scully, i.e that the MFC was a scurge and TS a possibly tainted talent in the making if not treated well and with regard.

It was actually the other way around...who da thunk !!! well who else ??

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Tom the March press conference:

"When you said you've not been approached, what about your father? Has he been approached?

No, absolutely not."

He then goes on to talk about how he's been open and transparent with the club...blah blah blah


Thanks s-t-i-n-g-a , I hadn't actually seen the whole of this .

Q. " So how do you resist that kind of money ? "

Tom " Well it all goes back to your values........."

Hmmm ..... He actually said it himself.

Enough said .

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Well that confirms what we already knew. How would we expect the kid to have any sort of integrity when that snake is his father. Ah god. Bring on Melb vs GWS.

Here, Here. But hang on, when interviewed at the airport, he told Hutchy "Ah, I'm just goin' to support my son 'n' 'ave a look around."

Just havin' a look. Bah!

Cold-blooded, humourless vultures, the whole family, as far as I'm concerned.

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A few thoughts on the matter...

Firstly, if this doesn't prove that $cully had signed with GW$ late last year (I personally think it does), at the very least it shows he was being totally dishonest in his March presser. A lot of us held him to this presser all year, gave him the benefit of the doubt.The offer was there and he said it wasn't. Lied to our faces. Even lied to the great Jim Stynes shortly afterwards!

Secondly, I find it funny that this guy has spent his whole life waiting to play AFL, and in the space of 2 years (probably less), has totally destroyed his reputation beyond repair. Diddums. The only way he can redeem himself from here and justify everything that's happened... is to play some seriously good footy. I'm talking Judd-level footy, maybe better. Given his limitations and frail body, I can't see that happening.

Finally, I never considered late-ish first round picks as compensation fair. However, upon reflection, we are better off without this cancer at the club, regardless of what we end up doing with those picks. If we can nab a couple of stars with them, then that will be the icing on the cake.

The guy has shat on one of the oldest sporting clubs in the world. I hope the money is worth it.

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A few thoughts on the matter...

Firstly, if this doesn't prove that $cully had signed with GW$ late last year (I personally think it does), at the very least it shows he was being totally dishonest in his March presser. A lot of us held him to this presser all year, gave him the benefit of the doubt.The offer was there and he said it wasn't. Lied to our faces. Even lied to the great Jim Stynes shortly afterwards!

Secondly, I find it funny that this guy has spent his whole life waiting to play AFL, and in the space of 2 years (probably less), has totally destroyed his reputation beyond repair. Diddums. The only way he can redeem himself from here and justify everything that's happened... is to play some seriously good footy. I'm talking Judd-level footy, maybe better. Given his limitations and frail body, I can't see that happening.

Finally, I never considered late-ish first round picks as compensation fair. However, upon reflection, we are better off without this cancer at the club, regardless of what we end up doing with those picks. If we can nab a couple of stars with them, then that will be the icing on the cake.

The guy has shat on one of the oldest sporting clubs in the world. I hope the money is worth it.

SS, your first point is spot on.


Your second and third points are what some supporters are telling themseleves to assist with the healing process. His "frail" body - FFS he is 20. Do you think GWS, as amateur as they appear, would offer a bloke $6m if his knee was fcuked?

And the chances of us getting a player as good (if not better) with either of our compo picks in my view are slim. This won't be proven until late 2010's, but my money is on Scully being a lot better than our compo picks put together. So there will not be any icing. $cummy was the cake, anything on top of him (including Trengove), that was the icing. Now we have to hope JT turns out to be the cake, which he might just be.

I hope I'm wrong, and that the $6m was about $5.8m over his worth. For some reason I don't think I will be. BUt it's an arguement that can't be won for 6 years+.

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On SEN tonight, The Ox and Frank interviewed Michael Warner from the Daily Telegraph/Herald Sun, who broke the news on the Scullys.

He said there is more to come and it seems that the integrity and credibility will be really questioned.

More news in tomorrow's paper!

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A few thoughts on the matter...

Firstly, if this doesn't prove that $cully had signed with GW$ late last year (I personally think it does), at the very least it shows he was being totally dishonest in his March presser. A lot of us held him to this presser all year, gave him the benefit of the doubt.The offer was there and he said it wasn't. Lied to our faces. Even lied to the great Jim Stynes shortly afterwards!

Secondly, I find it funny that this guy has spent his whole life waiting to play AFL, and in the space of 2 years (probably less), has totally destroyed his reputation beyond repair. Diddums. The only way he can redeem himself from here and justify everything that's happened... is to play some seriously good footy. I'm talking Judd-level footy, maybe better. Given his limitations and frail body, I can't see that happening.

Finally, I never considered late-ish first round picks as compensation fair. However, upon reflection, we are better off without this cancer at the club, regardless of what we end up doing with those picks. If we can nab a couple of stars with them, then that will be the icing on the cake.

The guy has shat on one of the oldest sporting clubs in the world. I hope the money is worth it.

I don't want to sound like a preacher here but I have to disagree with your second point.

A person makes their name by the deeds they do and once the integrity that person is shattered, it can't be fixed by brilliant exploits on the football field but rather, by the way their conduct in their everyday lives.

Winning a Brownlow won't make Tom Scully a better human being in my eyes.

On the point about the compensation, we were shafted before we knew it ... the AFL could have stepped in to assist us and replace like for like when we lost Scully but they are conflicted. To properly compensate Melbourne would have involved taking away a first pick from GWS which they're trying to prop up with football money (i.e. yours and ours in the case of club members who have kicked into the coffers for years).

In other words, the compensation should have been determined by people independent of the AFL to maintain the integrity of the draft system if the AFL really cared about "integrity".

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On SEN tonight, The Ox and Frank interviewed Michael Warner from the Daily Telegraph/Herald Sun, who broke the news on the Scullys.

He said there is more to come and it seems that the integrity and credibility will be really questioned.

More news in tomorrow's paper!

Maybe the Ox can enlighten all in sundry of his sources, now that Scully is at GWS. He says what he knows is apparently "categorical".

Step up to the plate and reveal. That's what good journo's do.

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Some time ago I suggested that the AFL should raid the offices of GW$ and find the paperwork that will tell the full story about this matter and if what they were saying on SEN, that there is more to come is true, they may have to. There should be a completely independent review of all that has transpired to date.

Isn't it a bit strange that Anderson started talking up our compensation when this was speculation? Why would he speculate on this matter unless he knew it was true? Did he start to negotiate the compensation for Davis before he was signed?

This could be a bit like the issue that brought down the Nixon Administration in America, if the top level AFL administration where aware of this two perhaps three years ago then Anderson and perhaps Dimwitriou may fall.

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Maybe the Ox can enlighten all in sundry of his sources, now that Scully is at GWS. He says what he knows is apparently "categorical".

Step up to the plate and reveal. That's what good journo's do.

Agree with your point. However, never ever does a good reporter give up his or her sources!

Sadly he has shown up Cam and others as being either gullible, stupid or both!

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SS, your first point is spot on.


Your second and third points are what some supporters are telling themseleves to assist with the healing process. His "frail" body - FFS he is 20. Do you think GWS, as amateur as they appear, would offer a bloke $6m if his knee was fcuked?

And the chances of us getting a player as good (if not better) with either of our compo picks in my view are slim. This won't be proven until late 2010's, but my money is on Scully being a lot better than our compo picks put together. So there will not be any icing. $cummy was the cake, anything on top of him (including Trengove), that was the icing. Now we have to hope JT turns out to be the cake, which he might just be.

I hope I'm wrong, and that the $6m was about $5.8m over his worth. For some reason I don't think I will be. BUt it's an arguement that can't be won for 6 years+.

Look I'm no doctor but the general prognosis is that Scully's knee is unable to be cured, and will only get worse. That's pretty much what Doc Larkins has come out and said. It may not be as bad as general consensus but it would definitely be a concern for GWS - who have taken a gamble.

You are also re-iterating my point re. the compo picks. I don't think they are fair compensation, as Scully was a #1 pick who (talent wise) is much more valuable than 2 late round speculative picks. However, given everything that's happened and unfolded, I think we are better off with him out of the club (rather than paying him enormous wages to stay, he ain't worth it) , and nothing would thrill me more than if his knee flares up in Sydney while our compo picks are used on another Gysberts, Tapscott or Grimes.

So yeah, in an ideal world we all would have liked Scully to stay and be a 10 year hero of the club. But unfortanately the scumbag and his family had other ideas! And in the long run we may well be better off.

The biggest regret I have is wasting a #1 pick on the grub when we could have nabbed Dustin Martin instead.

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Kudos to the journalists and supporters on this site who called Scully out from the start - they've been vindicated. Will rpfc and the others now fess up to how wrong they were and apologise to those they insulted?

MIA CULPA - I really thought that he was an honest upstanding citizen, not a sleazebag lying mercenary.

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In the minority in what way? I thought I was in the overwhelming majority of people who are no longer surprised by anything that comes out of the Scully camp, though this thread may indicate that I'm not.

"I reached my limit of surprise or care ages ago"

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I don't want to sound like a preacher here but I have to disagree with your second point.

A person makes their name by the deeds they do and once the integrity that person is shattered, it can't be fixed by brilliant exploits on the football field but rather, by the way their conduct in their everyday lives.

Winning a Brownlow won't make Tom Scully a better human being in my eyes.

I don't disagree with that Jack but at least if he goes on to Judd-like levels of brilliance on the field, that's what he may be best remembered for. It would help justify all that $$$ he is getting too. But as I said earlier, I don't think he's THAT good. Anyway that's the Giant's problem now.

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On SEN tonight, The Ox and Frank interviewed Michael Warner from the Daily Telegraph/Herald Sun, who broke the news on the Scullys.

He said there is more to come and it seems that the integrity and credibility will be really questioned.

More news in tomorrow's paper!

Yeah heard that...love the ox he said...."Tom Tom you [censored] on our backs and told us it was raining!"

Then he said I know there's more to come and got told to cool it by Michael Warner.

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A couple of words of warning:

  • the mods have made it clear that no fat jokes about Phil Scully are allowed as they are in bad taste (pity because I heard a beauty and I have to respect the majority ruling on this);

  • this thread might be locked once the new revelations from Michael Warner are published this evening (the no fat jokes about Phil Scully rule will continue to apply until the mods rule otherwise or he loses 25kg, whichever shall be the sooner).

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A couple of words of warning:

  • the mods have made it clear that no fat jokes about Phil Scully are allowed as they are in bad taste (pity because I heard a beauty and I have to respect the majority ruling on this);

  • this thread might be locked once the new revelations from Michael Warner are published this evening (the no fat jokes about Phil Scully rule will continue to apply until the mods rule otherwise or he loses 25kg, whichever shall be the sooner).

Ha... Classic!

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A couple of words of warning:

  • the mods have made it clear that no fat jokes about Phil Scully are allowed as they are in bad taste (pity because I heard a beauty and I have to respect the majority ruling on this);

  • this thread might be locked once the new revelations from Michael Warner are published this evening (the no fat jokes about Phil Scully rule will continue to apply until the mods rule otherwise or he loses 25kg, whichever shall be the sooner).

C'mon WJ, just tell us that good one. We, the public, need to hear it!

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