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  1. FFS. Close this thread what a load of bollocks ! for most here it’s loaded posts at 40 paces turn and fire. its almost summer, chill , we will be training the house down soon. i got one cannot wait for some positive posts
    8 points
  2. I can also attest to what a great tonic it is watching games from 2021. Have re-watched the GF and PF in recent ( @Demonstone) weeks and it is food for soul. The 'veil of negativity' that has started to descend back here on Demonland since late 2022 is becoming quite unenjoyable. Here is my take on things: 1. You only need to look at what has happened to the other teams that were in our GF and PF to some extent to see how realitively good our form has been since 2021. The Bulldogs have fallen away badly and Geelong certainly wasn't able to backup as being a true compeditor in 2023. 2. I actually think our forward line and ball movement was starting to get back to 2021 type level in the back quarter of our 2023 H&A season. The game against the Tigers when they were making a late charge, but we still had all of Petty, JvR and Melksham up and about our willingness to share and seek good options around goal was back. Very few teams would have even remained compeditive as we did with the consistent churn through our forward line this year. Max and Goody are in my view exceptional leaders. Their ability to be both positively focused, while still being harf self critics, compeditive and always looking for improvement is exactly what is needed. Sucess isn't final, failure isn't fatal, it's the corurage to continue that counts is the sort of mantra I think the epitomize well. As an asides, I was reading a few days ago how Trent Cotchin and his wife hoasted Dusty Martin for a period following the chopstick assault saga in 2015. Perhaps this bodes well for Clarry's stay with the Gawn family.
    7 points
  3. lol. so that's the best you've got. some anonymous "media manager" who "rolled his eyes"? [censored], you should get a job at the hun. you'd be in good company.
    7 points
  4. I almost don’t feel like dignifying that performance with anything! I’ve never seen us so flat and that’s saying something after last week. Couldn’t take a trick and credit to North they did everything right and finally put it all together. So many dropped marks, half-hearted ground balls and lack of run. Then every small chance we mustered we butchered with poor skill execution and some absolutely shocking decisions with the footy. Consecutive performances like that is new territory for us. You could feel it coming a mile off. After what turned out to be a soft draw we’ve been battling complacency and haven’t prepared well for this phase of the season. Next week it’s back to basics and just absolute hunger for the contest. No passengers. Some desperation from the first siren please.
    6 points
  5. We always said one day the women's game would be just like the men's.
    6 points
  6. Any chance Bannan, Zanker or Harris can play in front, instead of waiting out the back?
    6 points
  7. You don't think 2018-2023 has been a successful period for the CEO, given it's included rolling operating profits, membership growth of just shy of 30,000 and a premiership in the AFL, VFL and AFLW? I reckon he deserves a little bit of credit... say what you will about the SEN interview, i will acknowledge it could have gone better, but i guarantee you it meant an enormous amount to Goody and the players that the CEO would go in to bat for them, the club and the culture like that, and i additionally guarantee he did it for them, not for us or the general public.
    6 points
  8. This thread getting good levels of paranoia.
    6 points
  9. Not everyone on your list improves it but you need coverage
    5 points
  10. Very very disappointed with that. Embarrassing performance. I wasn’t overly confident coming into the game given our form but that was terrible. We’ve lauded this year the past year or so and rightly so. They’ve been fantastic. The last few weeks have been poor however and today downright embarrassing. We were trounced and lucky to kick a goal. Goldie, Hore and Hanks had a crack. The rest were awful. The appetite for the contest is not there. We hunted like lions last year. This year we’ve been meek as lambs. I’d love to know why. We’re other problems as well but you have to have the heart for the battle. Going back-to-back is very hard to do but our level of performance against the top teams the last month or so has been miles off. Some honest conversations required otherwise Geelong will beat us next week. Mick has his work cut out for him this week that’s for sure.
    5 points
  11. When you say “we”, exactly how many are there floating in and around your head? Your mis-projected anger and anti-social behaviour is mind boggling. The idea a media manager from a AFL club, or anyone for that matter, would sit down with you and give you the time of day is also mind boggling.
    5 points
  12. 5 points
  13. A couple of things on this thread: 1) Aaron Vandenberg is a legend. Thanks to the poster that brought up his name. Good memories. 2) We should have smoked Collingwood really
    5 points
  14. It’s not just “elsewhere” that they chose. It’s Ikon. And to say they’ve turned their back on their own home ground is a little melodramatic. Up until today we’ve never lost at Ikon. The amenities at Ikon are better than at Casey. Casey only seats 350 people, that’s in the solitary stand and that’s reserved for players and their families. Casey is not conveniently located, it’s out in the middle of nowhere with no shops or restaurants or even a train station nearby. There’s no easy way to get to Casey on PT. Casey offers no protection from the elements, particularly the wind. Understandably the players want more people to attend, hosting a final at Casey flies in the face of this. Casey is not fit to stage an AFLW game let alone a final.
    4 points
  15. I was thinking 12 hours after
    4 points
  16. That’s our first loss ever at Ikon. We chose Ikon. The girls love playing there, even more than Casey. And you clearly don’t watch many games if you’re calling Ikon a dump. It’s the MCG compared to many of the other grounds we’ve played at.
    4 points
  17. There are a lot of fair weather supporters on here. Bad game today, a shocker...but they happen. Lets see what the team brings next week.
    4 points
  18. I don't think it's hyperbole to say it's probably the worst game we've ever played, considering the occasion. Hopefully we come up with a solution because Geelong will have a very clear game plan next week.
    4 points
  19. Oppo have worked us out - go hard at us physically
    4 points
  20. Hanks is an absolute star, would be lost without her today
    4 points
  21. Really? Well done…you couldn’t wait to post this could ya.
    4 points
  22. are you allowed to just push your opponent over in the ruck contest? should have been a free to Pearce
    4 points
  23. My partner just told me an unbelievable story. She lived a few doors from 4 time premiership legend John Lord and had got to know him over time. 3 years ago and not long before he passed away she went through a nasty divorce and John rocked up at her door and offered to take her out to lunch for support. She had prior commitments and declined. Standing next to John was Ronald Dale Barrassi. I said to her are you farkin kidding me, how could you possibly pass up on opportunity like that. What a beautiful gesture by those 2 men.
    4 points
  24. In: First AFLW game. Out: Vocal cords. Go the Dees!
    4 points
  25. We've been linked to almost every player predicted to go in the top dozen or so, wonder when the real mail is coming
    3 points
  26. 3 points
  27. Pretty poor from start to finish. Lack polish and as already stated, if you take away our handball chain game we are totally hopeless. We have been smashed in every facet of the game. If you can’t kick the ball, you won’t be good enough. North hit targets over 30 metres. The major difference
    3 points
  28. Happy with a goal at this stage.
    3 points
  29. Geelong will fancy their chances next week. i hope we can get our [censored] together sufficiently to win that game at least and avoid the dreaded straight sets.
    3 points
  30. You make your own luck in footy but geez we haven’t had a good bounce all day
    3 points
  31. 5 quarters since a goal. I’m at Ikon. It’s no fun here.
    3 points
  32. This is looking like a choke of epic proportions. Smashed at the contest and in contested marks. Poor decision making when we do get open. Brisbane must be laughing. Had to win the last game of the season to snatch a double chance and now look like hosting another Grand Final. I think that might be 5 quarters in a row now that we've been goalless.
    3 points
  33. needs to be some honest conversations after this loss. Zero leadership or intent today. Goldie, Hore and Hanks the only players with any credit from this debacle
    3 points
  34. Any danger we can make the Nth spare behind the ball accountable.
    3 points
  35. What a disappointing display after such dominance early in the season.
    3 points
  36. 3 points
  37. give it a rest will ya. shes doing fine so far
    3 points
  38. I should hope so… I’ve just cracked my third!
    3 points
  39. Ugh this is just around the corner from mine. Never in my entire life have I hoped for anything more than I’m right now hoping there’s more than one BBO in the world. 😳
    3 points
  40. What a game for your first W live match! A QF at Ikon on a sunny Sunday arvo. You’re gonna love it, Lex. ❤️💙 So glad you mentioned vocal cords as an out. Can’t stress it enough… after every single match the girls tell us they could hear us and how much of a difference it makes. They absolutely feed off it. The LOUDER the BETTER! Win today and we’re back here at Ikon in a fortnight regardless of who we’re up against. GO THE MIGHTY [censored] DEES!!!! PS: If you can’t tell, I’m on my second Red Bull having already put away three coffees. Standard GameDay fare 😁
    3 points
  41. Been watching some 2021 games. Thee is no doubt we played with more freedom in 2021. We were extremely unselfish and looked for other players nearly every time. Lots of pats on the back, helping players up when they were on the ground, stepping in when an oppo player was trying to be tough etc That care for our team mates and 'selflessness' disappeared in 2023. Maybe the 2021 hub was conducive to playing like that but thats what we have to get back to.
    3 points
  42. My gut feels we will look to add someone who can have immediate impact. We are in the flag window and going full tilt at immediate improvement. Pick 6, praying for Watson (apart from a Reid trade) feels like the best choice to help our struggles forward. Pick 11, best available with a bias towards a quality tall def/frwd which will be desperately needed in 2-3 years. If not a ready made mid pick 11.
    3 points
  43. Engine room needs to fire. We’ve been bullied by lions and crows in that department recently. North will have taken note. We have the firepower to win and I think we will. But last weeks performance was poor. Not as confident as I would otherwise be.
    3 points
  44. As mentioned above, Carlton and Bulldogs drew the short straw in 2023. Us and Essendon have drawn the short straw next year. Two other clubs will draw the short straw in 2025. I personally don’t see the issue.
    3 points
  45. Wonderful service. I watched the whole show from far away Perth and enjoyed it very much having watched regularly the great man in my youth. Played in a practice match trying for a game for the Melbourne thirds (under 19s). I was on the same team as Ron and he fed me at least 3 perfect handpasses. I didn't make the final list despite his help though. On the only negative side, I thought that maybe one of his old Demons mates like Brian Dixon might have been asked to say a few words. Maybe he declined.
    3 points
  46. Thought he was very stiff to be delisted in the first place. No problems with him coming back into the fold.
    3 points
  47. If he was drafted he would have to be a pretty unique journey wouldn't he? - VFL best and fairest in 2017 and 2018. - Drafted 2018 as a mature age recruit (22 years old). - Played 14 AFL games in 2019. - No games in 2020 or 2021 (injured most of 2021 I think). - Delisted and went back to the VFL: --2022: playing for North Melbourne (3rd in their best and fairest, behind winner Dom Tyson for trivia buffs) and named in the VFL team of the year --2023: playing for Williamstown, won their best and fairest and named in the VFL team of the year. - Back on AFL list in 2024, age 28?
    3 points
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