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fr_ap last won the day on May 1 2016

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  1. Seeing their star 3 trio developed from the draft bully our midfield was a very clear signal where we're at imo. Tbh I don't think the Clarry that won bnfs will return, this year or another. Not buying that his fitness and lack of pre season has anything to do with it. Whatever happened, it's clear footy is no longer his #1 focus like it once was and he doesn't have the fire, energy or care factor he once did. Once you lose that it's exceptionally hard to recapture. Let's face it - even at his ripping best he was hardly a picture of fitness. He was all effort, all heart, all care for his teammates and the win. When that part isn't there he's just a player. A trade this off season may be the best thing for all parties. It would be a very sad end to one of the great MFC careers...but an eventuality the fanbase should probably start preparing for.
  2. Probably our worst defensive game structurally that I can remember. The number of goals they scored by just being all on their own in f50 is completely bewildering. Lever seemed at fault for probably 10 goals. I'm sure he wasn't as clearly they just walked the ball down the field uncontested which makes his life difficult, but gee whiz... Simon why would you push the defensive line high with no ruck against a dominant ruck duo? We compressed the field...leading to stoppages....leading to clearance loss ...leading to them running back to goal uncontested when they are pacy and we are not... Like honestly what the hell was the plan?
  3. We look absolutely cooked. Jogging on the spot and no desire
  4. With both our superstars out, theirs (Merrett) will probably be the difference. If we can clamp him to even 70% of his game destroying best, that will go a long way. Also a little worried about the flakey [censored] Stringer just because we don't have someone with his combo of size, aggression and agility down back. Tbh Turner would probably be his best matchup but alas, he's now a ruck forward?? Haha
  5. Yep. Tim Lamb has deadset destroyed the list
  6. I don't think he's similar to JK at all. I see a fair bit of Justin Westhoff
  7. Fair enough. That last term from Reville is really surprising, he didn't feel that impactful to me at all
  8. I know what you're saying and this has been the knock on him playing half back at Casey. I think he's a see ball get ball player and the weakness in his game is adherence to structure. I'm not sure we could tell from TV whether this occured last night though? He was at fault for the late Lohmann goal. Not sure Rayners second was his fault at all - all the bigs played that poorly and it should never have fallen front and square. I thought Reville had very little impact
  9. Still think he's the heir apparent to May (lord knows we don't have another...Adams ain't there yet) and we should be maximising the time of May being in the team to let Petty keep learning next to him. Yeah - there's not a lot up forward - but now the 'win now' mode theory has more or less been disproven I think we're just wasting time with Pets up forward. Put Tmac up forward to finish his days - he's still better at ground level than most of our bigs even on his last legs. Turner should be in Tommos spot - learning from Lever but as the clear 3rd/4th tall who can actually move and run off half back (Tommo can't). Back: May, Petty, Lever, Turner (tall or small) Forward: Tmac, JVR, Jefferson (learns with the 3rd best defender), Fritsch (tall or small) Hate the short termism as our FD continually overrate the list. 'Win now' is gone - time to get serious about having another crack in 3-5 Issue with playing the long game is it inevitably costs those in charge their jobs.
  10. 100%. With Fagan and Zorko, Rayner, Daniher, Hipwood, Andrews, Berry and more their leadership and culture stuff sucks. They're world beaters one week, meek and timid the next, [censored] the one after that. Very few level headed individuals in that side and they're carried by Neale and Dunkley, who are both champions in that regard. It's always been their problem and it's why they won't win a flag. They recruit good footballers but sub-par humans. Every club has a few (us too) but they seem to have a critical mass of poor characters. Difference in last year's flag imo - Collingwood aren't/weren't a better footy side but have exceptional leadership with McRae and level headed guys on each line in Daicos*2, Pendlebury, Moore, sidebottom, mihocek etc that cover the yo-yos of De Goey, Maynard etc. On the big day that stuff matters a lot
  11. ??? " 9 contested possessions, won some tough ball, backed his speed, clean handballs in space, tackled and pressured very well", but your assessment is he didn't play well at all? He's a debutant back pocket and spent large parts of the game alternating with McVee on Cameron or Bailey, both of whom are amongst the best small forwards in the game and both of whom had pretty minimal impact. Genuinely bizarre self contradictory take
  12. Fantastic quarter. Most fun ive had watching us in 6 weeks. I hope to win but Brisbane will come - big ask to maintain this intensity for the whole game but just loving the intensity. Been terrific from the start. All I want to see.
  13. This is not the clever insult you think it is. I questioned whether Kynan's form warranted a call up for exactly this reason - I didn't want him in and out like a yo-yo as it makes his selection look token. I complained last week that AMW was more deserving. Well?? Where do we stand now?
  14. Kynan dropped after 10 mins of play, a gamewinning tackle and a kick to advantage. Wtf mate honestly
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