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Showing content with the highest reputation on 26/02/19 in all areas

  1. Plough - a dense metallic object of limited utility
    5 points
  2. I thought the opposite, I thought his game went down after they put him back, he is not a very good defender positioning wise and I thought we were better with him on a wing.
    5 points
  3. Playing for St Kilda will do that to you.
    4 points
  4. Racist behavior should always be called out, with perpetrators named and shamed. The problem with this of course is that in calling it out in this fashion, you are giving the people responsible for the comments exactly what they want - a reaction and exposure. Psychologists have long established that so called "trolls" seek exactly this. And in reality, media outlets jumping on anonymous comments like this almost glorifies the action and encourages others who may be inclined to behave in this way to do so. I've long been an advocate for the diminishing of any rights to be anonymous on social media platforms, and this is one of the reasons. Given how entrenched the internet is in our daily lives now, I see a lot of value in persuading the giant social media platforms to enforce policies of positive identification for the creation and use of social media accounts. People will inherently be less likely to behave in this way if there was no mechanism to remain anonymous, and could be held to account for hateful speech like they would outside of social media. Some of the numbers around youth mental health issues directly correlated to online bullying is nothing short of heartbreaking, and frankly an issue no generation has had to face until now. Social media anonymity should not be a basic human right, therefore should be treated as any other privilege is in that it is subject to checks and balances that prevent human beings from intentionally harming others. We are living in unprecedented times and a more proactive approach in terms of legislation is required in these areas, or we will continue to provide the soap box of a lifetime for people who want nothing more than to get a reaction out of people. As a cyber security professional (architecture) you could argue my opinion here is biased, and perhaps it is, and I appreciate the logistics of what I am suggesting is incredibly complicated and difficult on many levels. I only suggest that we start to open the doors to these discussions around long term strategies that deal with these new ages problems, because things like the increase in youth suicide rates directly attributable to social media anxieties won't go away on their own. Feel free to pick apart my opinion, I enjoy the discussion this normally generates.
    4 points
  5. You’re not wrong, placing stickers on apples can be more dangerous than people think.
    4 points
  6. Do as you wish but I think we should take anyone saying they have a MH issue at face value. If not, people with real problems will be dismissed. Would be easier and with less press to just say he did his hammy.
    3 points
  7. Gotta love this one. In my news feed yesterday were 2 articles in a row from Nick. 1. Drug use is out of control. 2. Drugs use not an issue when I was captain
    3 points
  8. I don’t care where he plays but this kid should always be in the team. He’s a beauty and there is a hint of Robbie.
    3 points
  9. Are multiple players taking drugs in the offseason and long weekends - absolutely. Are some players taking drugs more regularly than that - maybe every weekend in the preseason and the night after the game in season - sure. But you're struggling to play elite AFL footy if you're launching in to big weekends every week and I reckon we've seen that with some of our players if you know where to look. I reckon you can count in one hand the number of truly elite players who could keep that lifestyle going. The majority of AFL players get in long term relationships early, settle down and live a pretty boring life. They are good citizens who do community work, are super professional about their trade and the last few offseasons has shown are really low level of crime and disorderly behaviour. Certainly compared with their NRL colleagues in Northern states. What good comes from punishing AFL players with really harsh illicit drug policies? Do we all feel a little better about ourselves because our heroes are all clean skins? Do we feel morally superior? The current policy has stopped a repeat Ben Cousins. That was its aim and it has been successful. Club culture can take care of the rest. How hard is it for a coach to get with his leadership group and set standards about behaviour and work out which players are going too hard and sort it out? Trade, delist, play in the 2nds. You'll sort it out in no time.
    3 points
  10. He needs to stop working in that helium factory....
    2 points
  11. Cheapskate. You're probably finishing off some strangers meal!
    2 points
  12. Dear Demonland, Can you post the link to the destination article (in this case at SEN), so we don't have to go to the Evil Place? Thank you, -Readers who don't support the Evil Place.
    2 points
  13. Jackovich to FF, Jackson to the pocket and Watts omitted.
    2 points
  14. Speedy recovery Jack Stevens hope that you are in a good place. It can happen to anyone at any time and he is brave to call out. His healing is the most important as time out will do him good. I have been there with someone in my family. I am sure he will get the right care.
    2 points
  15. OH you missed the one and only Allen Jackovich. He won't be happy.
    2 points
  16. “The Deebrief” a Dees fan podcast, one of the crew said they’d seen him out and about on “mental health”.
    2 points
  17. Has this got something to do with what Riewoldt has been on about recently?!
    2 points
  18. I agree that Fritta might get extra attention this year Chazz, but we have such a strong list that opposition teams won't be able to put extra time into everyone! Barring injury, I'd be surprised if Fritta doesn't play every game. I see him primarily as a wingman, but one who has proven flexibility to do well in a variety of positions. That's where his versatility will really come into its own.
    2 points
  19. Taken earlier today, some of the old boys enjoying a catch up at the Bentleigh Club.
    2 points
  20. The problem with the internet and social media, is that now the countless morons who's opinion nobody cares about, get to voice their racist, homophobic, idiotic garbage opinions for all to see. The internet has made us more aware of how many scumbags there really are in the world.
    2 points
  21. Ignoring the moral arguments, I'm amazed that professional athletes who seem to have to pursue highly specific diets and exercise regimens would then participate in taking substances that wouldn't be on any list approved by the club's dietitians or sports scientists.
    2 points
  22. Agree. While I'd actually like to make it 25 and 50 metre penalties, given 15 metres is a measurement already used by umpires (distance for a kick to travel before a mark can be awarded, maximum distance running with the ball), it's probably better not to introduce an additional measure.
    2 points
  23. If WADA had their way the AFL would conduct weekly or fortnightly blood tests (for PED use) As it stands the AFL conducts (on average) 1 urine test per player per year. Which is a token effort.
    2 points
  24. Every article posted by SEN is loaded with weird clickbait opinions to fire people up and encourage you to put money in Hutchy's pocket via the ads.
    2 points
  25. ...and they are treated as such if they are found in their system on game day as happened to the C/wood player last season. So there is no problem if the AFL don't test, the performance enhancing aspect is already covered by WADA.
    2 points
  26. What's the question Alex? I thought I would impart the knowledge I had second hand from the players Also spent 10 years there playing soldiers, the couple of players I discussed it with knew that, so we discussed the impact of strenuous activity in that humidity Only difference being I was kitted out in greens, boots, packs and a thing that went bang So therefore in conclusion thought it was ok to answer
    2 points
  27. There's a few decent races coming up at Launceston on Wednesday ... notably races 6, 8 & 9. Damien Oliver is on a couple of fancied runners in races 8 & 9 whilst James Cummings has engaged Etymology in the $250k Launceston Cup - Race 8. Full Card - Launceston Cup Day
    2 points
  28. Yes he's a good young kid. I was disappointed to see him miss out in last year's PF. He does play like RF. Good days ahead for Fritta and our club.
    2 points
  29. I wasn't sure initially which of the Riewoldts opinion this was. The dumb one or the slightly less dumb one. As if it matters.
    2 points
  30. For me it's in no particular order. Rd 22 1987 out at the Western Oval that got us into the final. The win and listening to the wirelesses of people around us to hear the scores from the Geelong vs Hawthorn game and the roar when the siren went at that game and the fairytale nature of Doing it for Robbie. The next two weeks being the EF and the QF were special too. The PF as noted in the other thread holds number 1 spot for the most devastating loss. The Preliminary final in 88 was special because not only did we make the Grand Final but all my school mates were Carlton supporters and I couldn't wait to get to school on Monday. Our other Prelim win in 00 is special because from half time I was pretty confident that we were going to be playing in the Granny despite me usually never being comfortable until the final siren sounds.
    2 points
  31. Interesting - he was the only one to kick two in the praccy match last week...
    1 point
  32. Bayley Fritsch does everything right settled in nicely in his first season and was consistent. He missed the Preliminary final because of team balance which IMO found it strange with his ability to slot in most positions on the ground. It is not as if his form warranted to miss. Why wouldn't he be raring to go in 2019. Is a great mark above his head, has a nice and composed left foot kicking style can kick a goal set and on the run and his defensive skills are elite. He will only improve. To compare him to another player l won't however he does remind me IMO a bit like a young Robbie Flower.
    1 point
  33. Enjoy ==> https://six6six.smugmug.com/frame/slideshow?key=DjdmJ2&autoStart=1&captions=0&navigation=0&playButton=0&randomize=0&speed=2&transition=fade&transitionSpeed=2&clickable=1
    1 point
  34. I am surprised you are surprised wiseblood. Have you not noticed how embolded the racists are in 2019? They hold meetings in public that are attended by thousands across Australia and the world. That a few put up their hands at AFL is hardly surprising to me.
    1 point
  35. @chook fowler I agree, as long as McDonald is part of a functioning forward line and gets a couple of goals a game, that will do me Hogan is a Fremantle player St Nick is being paid to provide content
    1 point
  36. I think you're not being tough on Hogan here 'bin'... Marking is probably Tommy's strong point, I remember seeing him at Casey before he got a senior game and it was apparent then that he took a good grab. He's more consistent in the air than Jesse, when he gets his hands on the ball he usually holds them.
    1 point
  37. Many sports bodies such as the AFL are conflicted. They don't want the sport tarnished with the words drug use, doping, illicit drug use, drug cheats etc. It damages the sport, the individuals and as they say these days, it damages the product morally, ethically and financially. So they adopt a no-drugs policy and put into place rules and procedures to police drug use. On the other hand, sports bodies hope and pray that teams and individuals don't get caught. The response of sports bodies has differed over recent years. In cycling and most Olympic sports, testing, monitoring and surveillance has significantly increased over recent years with a real effort being made to catch drug cheats. Rigorous testing procedures have been introduced to make it ever more difficult to cheat without the increased risk of being caught. However, many team based sports including football, basketball and even cricket have lax drug policies and procedures that make it less likely that offenders will be caught and punished. The AFL "go lightly" approach has been influenced by the players association and those who accept the need for a policy but don't want a rigorous testing regime that might actually catch offenders (and damage the brand). It was not long ago that a certain AFL head honcho, repeatedly stated that unlike sports such as cycling and athletics, AFL did not have a problem. Well your not going to identify if there is a problem, when the policy and testing regime is so loose that you can drive a truck through. However, it maintained a very convenient image for the sport. The other problem in sport is that the nature of drug use has changed In the past, drug use was associated with using banned substances that provided a competitive advantage/resulting in cheating. A la Lance Armstrong, Russian and Chinese athletes, EFC and so on. The use of substances that assist in gaining a competitive advantage remains a problem. However, in recent years, we have witnessed an explosion in the use of substances (like coke and ice) for recreational pleasure, This is a massive problem as it now exists in epidemic proportions right through society. The task of monitoring social use is nigh impossible because it is so widespread and the drugs do not stay in the system. At a sports level, we know that athletes and players use substances for pleasure and because they can get away with it. They will not get caught (unless their stupid enough to be filmed) and it allows them to use drugs without interfering in training, recovery and playing. There is no sports body that can deal with this epidemic. It is a criminal, social and health issue across the land and the globe that we are all living with. And any effort to control or arrest this spread of illicit substances is virtually impossible unless supply is cut off and ordinary people stop using them. No doubt there are folks on this site who enjoy and are addicted to recreational drugs, just as hundreds of thousands of citizens are addicted to pain killing narcotics and prescribed drugs such as endone, oxycontin, morphine and codeine.
    1 point
  38. Absolutely, unbelievably hot in Shepp mid to late Arvo.
    1 point
  39. Either star the game earlier (10am) or later (8pm) should be considered.
    1 point
  40. Vic Park early 90s. Only kicked 2goals in last quarter. Sean Wight and Andy Lovell. Both in time on. Yarra Falls end. Got up by three points. Got out alive. Think it was last time we ever played there. Same same Carlton’s last ever game at Princes Park. Big Nick carried the ball off held high. We stil got the four points.
    1 point
  41. Absolutely... Gave them a 7 goal head start in the first quarter too. From memory they hadn't lost at the Gabba for over a year. From memory we win by 21 points, 11 goal turn around was unbelievable. I remember the lady sitting next to me 20 mins into the first quarter saying "you all didn't come here just for this"..... Bloody oath we did
    1 point
  42. 1990 against the druggies. Special win that one. Other one was recent against the eagles in 2017. The win against Adelaide was special last year as we were coming off the Geelong humiliation.
    1 point
  43. They were a pretty handy side at that time and rarely lost at the Gabba. Beating them on their home deck would have been a huge win for most sides at the time.
    1 point
  44. Great thread. The win at the Western Oval in 87. Didn't have a trannie (not the BBO kind) so didn't know what was happening at the Geel vs Haw game. Had to ask around when the roar went through the crowd half way through the last. Pure joy.
    1 point
  45. Round 22 1987 will always be a special one, as were the next 2 weeks. QF ‘94 Beating Carlscum. We were rank outsiders. 2000 QF Beating those arrogant [censored] again, after Arron Hammil knocked himself out. But the Home and Away game i always love was 1990 Windy Hill Beating Essendrug Darren Bennett kicking post high goals in the last Quarter and taking a huge mark over Van der Haar getting out of that dump was scary I must add last years Final against Jeelong It was a a very special night but i was too stressed to enjoy most of it. I had to go for a walk in the 2nd Q, we just couldn’t score!!!
    1 point
  46. I was there that day & I have never seen a game with supporters hanging out of trees & standing on walls to get a glimpse of the action. Full of drama & all hanging on the Hawks v Geelong game.....amazing!
    1 point
  47. I imagine many people of my age would struggle to go past Rnd 22, 1987 as the feel good game. Closely followed by the first final and then the next
    1 point
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