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  1. 85 into 1986 sore a big shift in attitude... within the club. A turning of the tide, with Jordan's youngsters starting to rise/mature, in the Melbourne team. Adding the mature recruits to them, saw a good result, but the recruiting dropped away somewhat, at the grass-root levels. Nup... he's talking about running players, who carry the ball, and use it.
  2. What about the saying 'Hard as a Cats head'... how many here use that term. That is a term used to deliberately denigrate a warm blooded mammal, and is encouraging the cruelty to Cats, and that its, an OK sport. I had to stop a young friend years back, from deliberately running down a cat... he steered off line to try to get it. So I grabbed the wheel in a vice like grip... he had to stop the car, and could not move-on, until the issue was settled. This was somebody's beloved pet... maybe an older lonely Australian, or maybe a child.? So lets not be biased here.
  3. Tell that to a ravaged Koala. DG. Or a Sheep or Calf with its innards hanging out... In they're normal state, Dogs are vicious.animals. Many people and children have been ripped open by them. This is what that saying, represents.
  4. Getting too in your face, isn't OK. That IS being abusive. But yelling some abuse at the field from 40 Mtrs away, isn't so personal... so not as intently hurtful. People have to stop being so aggressive, up in the persons space. I think this is the difference, to respect with some reason, and being totally disrespectful, at a humanity level. .
  5. Definitely not. Mr Ewing. It would be a slow tracking of our list growth, and slow our future progress. We are back in the rushing pack, atmo... and we lack the speed and the skilled players. And still we lack, that A-lite player. or two. Oli and Brayshaw have plateaued, and do not deliver the ball well enough for our forwards to be real weapons. We need A-graders in the run and carry areas. Our flanks are our biggest weakness's, hb, centrline, and hf's... and the pockets... ie: running players... & not just running players, but a couple of the best around. We need to top-up with a couple of top guns... top 15 type running players.
  6. Preferrably not from in-house. We should be resisting falling back into the in-house trap all the time, because its a kind thing to do... this is one of our failings, that being kind equals winning. In footy, it does not. So look outside the club for skills coaches.
  7. Nah we don't want pick1.. but won't argue with 2nd, 3rd, or 4th pick. ... and wouldn't argue, If say, we traded a Pick 2... for a couple of 1st Rnd picks.
  8. Viney, Petracca, AVB........ hmmn.???
  9. can he kick and run, full stop.!
  10. The closet to him, of what we had last year, was imo, TMc. We've missed TMc playing as a tall mid/hff.
  11. Adam Goodes and wife Natalie Croker welcome daughter Adelaide https://www.smh.com.au/sport/afl/adam-goodes-and-wife-natalie-croker-welcome-daughter-adelaide-20190614-p51xs9.html Congratulatins to Goodse'y and wife Natalie, on the birth of their first born... Adelaide Goodes. Ms Croker gave birth on Wednesday and are incredibly happy, Goodes' management said, with mother and daughter both healthy and doing well. Former Sydney Swans AFL footballer Adam Goodes and wife Natalie Croker are new parents.Credit:AAP The couple announced their pregnancy in February and have been married since 2016. https://www.smh.com.au/sport/afl/adam-goodes-and-wife-natalie-croker-welcome-daughter-adelaide-20190614-p51xs9.html
  12. Yes, I recall vaguely... and we are back into the same situation now, with 'China' trying to make inroads into Antarctica now... and IIRC, they have squatted, on some of our territory down there.??? Maybe we should send Greg Hunt, and Abbott as an Envoy, down there to smoke out those rascally Chinee, and send them off with some buckshot on their tails. That would learn 'Em. .
  13. Everything back then was based more from a humanity angle... politics had a stronger edge of human heart-felt decisions... instead of about getting one up on something, Gain... Rock Music was about issues, about Mandela, or raising money and awareness of the down trodden... the Beatles did, Pink Floyd did, U2 did, Bob Geldof, even Elton did. There was an honor in our leaders mostly. One didn't have to look too far, to find an honorable leader, who stood for the right things, for justice, for fairness, for the underprivileged, and for endangered animals, and Environments in decline..... For the Longer term, and not just the one day after this day. People were moved by such higher moral callings, because they were not so selfish, as today's mentality. I think the difference is/was we all played in the dirt as children, the majority did, and we had a lower more earthy connection to the natural world and so to one another as we had less as youngsters. So to be given something was, more special... than, imo, today's. I think when things are gotten thru life, too easily, then they lose value in the persons perspective, and it becomes less important, to the players of the day. Same in footy. the players like watts... maybe Tracca... and the leaders don't work and struggle their way up the AFL chain, to the top... they are head hunted from within a select private schooled 'bunch'............ again gotten too easily. The spoilt make poor leaders... and poor team players as well. These are truly, 'the entitled'. .
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