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Bevo unleashes on Tom Morris


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3 hours ago, Mazer Rackham said:

Seconding R(B)G above ...

Contrast with the MFC's handling of the Goodwin/bully/doctor thing. With dignity and behind the scenes. Didn't lash out in anger and risk blowing up out of control the way this Dogs thing has. The on-going effect to the WB is yet to be seen. It shows the value of respectful media relations even in situations where the respect is not deserved.


There are no winners in this. Just a chain of people behaving badly.

Yeah I agree....  Started with the arrogant, sour grapes Bevo and ended with a guy in Morris whose career has been tarnished by a low blow "friend" who dobbed him in for a -" wasn't me audio...."  Do you really think Bevo is apologetic ?  Nah, of course not....he would have a smerk on his face...

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18 hours ago, pewpewpew said:

I wouldn't be surprised if this Tom Morris audio was leaked by the umpires to take the heat off Bevo.


It may have been, but that does not excuse the appalling attitudes those utterances represent, and Morris appears in no way repentant. The AFL industry, and Foxtel cannot tolerate these attitudes in their senior reporters. Morris should be sacked immediately.

Edited by Dees2014
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22 minutes ago, David-Demon said:

Yeah I agree....  Started with the arrogant, sour grapes Bevo and ended with a guy in Morris whose career has been tarnished by a low blow "friend" who dobbed him in for a -" wasn't me audio...."  Do you really think Bevo is apologetic ?  Nah, of course not....he would have a smerk on his face...

It doesn’t matter whether he was dobbed in or not. The fact that he said these things at all excludes him from any further participation in the AFL industry at all (IMHO).

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It is time for this "digital" assassination phase to end.

Private recordings of unsuspecting and off the record comments, no matter how unpleasant, should remain private. So long as the victim performs their public duty responsibly and professionally what their private thoughts are is irrelevant.

If leaked, then the leaker should be found and hounded. The victim should be counseled to be more careful and to not trust anyone but that is all. We are all entitled to our private thoughts and expressions otherwise the world becomes a madhouse with malicious leakers seeking to destroy reputations and careers without any accountability.

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5 minutes ago, tiers said:

It is time for this "digital" assassination phase to end.

Private recordings of unsuspecting and off the record comments, no matter how unpleasant, should remain private. So long as the victim performs their public duty responsibly and professionally what their private thoughts are is irrelevant.

If leaked, then the leaker should be found and hounded. The victim should be counseled to be more careful and to not trust anyone but that is all. We are all entitled to our private thoughts and expressions otherwise the world becomes a madhouse with malicious leakers seeking to destroy reputations and careers without any accountability.

Nice theory but is not practical. 
Don’t speak into a strangers phone, and if you do, don’t speak like an absolute c…

Edited by Sir Why You Little
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7 minutes ago, Sir Why You Little said:

Nice theory but is not practical. 
Don’t speak into a strangers phone, and if you do, don’t speak like an absolute c…

yes.....but it can be much more insidious than that. there are a lot more "listening" devices that people are totally unaware of and it's only increasing 

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I find it really interesting the lack of outrage on here by many of the male posters about the attitudes exhibited by Morris in those recordings. By any standards they are appalling, but it seems that many make posters on here think that Tom was dobbed in not for having such appalling views but because he had a few “disloyal” mates. Clearly medieval attitudes exist on Demonland and male chauvinism reigns in some quarters. No wonder our female friends despair at such male behaviours. Morris deserves to be rubbed out for life from working in the media ever again. There is no room for these sorts of attitudes in today’s modern Australia.

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1 minute ago, Dees2014 said:

I find it really interesting the lack of outrage on here by many of the male posters about the attitudes exhibited by Morris in those recordings. By any standards they are appalling, but it seems that many make posters on here think that Tom was dobbed in not for having such appalling views but because he had a few “disloyal” mates. Clearly medieval attitudes exist on Demonland and male chauvinism reigns in some quarters. No wonder our female friends despair at such male behaviours. Morris deserves to be rubbed out for life from working in the media ever again. There is no room for these sorts of attitudes in today’s modern Australia.

don't stop there 2014, you've never eavesdropped on a group of women gossiping about men (and other "things")?   it's not just a simplistic male issue

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Yeah well.
Apart from a few Jehovahs Witness family members just about everyone I know would've been cancelled by the holier than thou for something they said at one time or another.
And as DC just pointed out .... Including the women.
Some of the things I've heard them say .... Wow wee, golly gosh.


Edited by Fork 'em
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21 minutes ago, Dees2014 said:

I find it really interesting the lack of outrage on here by many of the male posters about the attitudes exhibited by Morris in those recordings. By any standards they are appalling, but it seems that many make posters on here think that Tom was dobbed in not for having such appalling views but because he had a few “disloyal” mates. Clearly medieval attitudes exist on Demonland and male chauvinism reigns in some quarters. No wonder our female friends despair at such male behaviours. Morris deserves to be rubbed out for life from working in the media ever again. There is no room for these sorts of attitudes in today’s modern Australia.

Jeez mate you need to get out more. I've heard both audios & there is nothing said that you wouldn't hear from groups of men or women in a bar. 

There is salty language if u are easily offended but its arguably not misogynistic or racist.

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4 minutes ago, daisycutter said:

yes.....but it can be much more insidious than that. there are a lot more "listening" devices that people are totally unaware of and it's only increasing 

Sure I understand that, but someone who works behind the camera, simply cannot put themselves in situations like that. Drunk in a nightclub ranting rascist stuff. Asking for trouble 

He won’t be in front of a camera for a long time

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5 minutes ago, Sir Why You Little said:

Sure I understand that, but someone who works behind the camera, simply cannot put themselves in situations like that. Drunk in a nightclub ranting rascist stuff. Asking for trouble 

He won’t be in front of a camera for a long time

i was talking about microphones on laptops, google home and all sorts of other everyday devices actually being used for covert listening

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41 minutes ago, Dees2014 said:

I find it really interesting the lack of outrage on here by many of the male posters about the attitudes exhibited by Morris in those recordings. By any standards they are appalling, but it seems that many make posters on here think that Tom was dobbed in not for having such appalling views but because he had a few “disloyal” mates. Clearly medieval attitudes exist on Demonland and male chauvinism reigns in some quarters. No wonder our female friends despair at such male behaviours. Morris deserves to be rubbed out for life from working in the media ever again. There is no room for these sorts of attitudes in today’s modern Australia.

It's a fair point.

Lots of 'whataboutism' creeping in too, which is the old defence tactic, and a few giving the impression it was more that he was caught rather than focusing on what he actually did/said.

Personally, I was probably holding off until everything was a bit more confirmed, but given he's been stood down that's probably confirmation enough I suppose. I don't think we need to crucify the bloke as a person, but to not call it out or to even defend it just further entrenches the entitlement which leads to men thinking it's ok to say this stuff.

No winners in this whole saga.


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5 minutes ago, Lord Nev said:


No winners in this whole saga.


Incorrect. Melbourne are the winners. We won a great game under serious duress and nobody is even mentioning us. Beautifully coasting under the radar.


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14 minutes ago, daisycutter said:

i was talking about microphones on laptops, google home and all sorts of other everyday devices actually being used for covert listening

Sure. But a smartphone can do all that too

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just listened to the audio. Paraphrasing here but he says Megan Barnard is hot, a good sort but a lesbian. I didn't hear him being derogatory about her sexuality. Have i missed something here? If he apologises to Megan and she accepts shouldn't that be the end of it?

The second audio is less clear. Towards the end he calls someone a C---. His speech is slurred so i couldn't make out who he was referring to. He mentions Asians and women earlier but i don't know the context or what he was implying. I didn't hear an overtly racist comment but happy to be corrected if i missed it. I'd like to hear him clarify his comments on this audio before passing judgment

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10 hours ago, At the break of Gawn said:

I think Tom’s comments about his colleague are terrible, but for a private conversation to be distributed without his consent which will now ruin his career is a very harsh lesson. 95% of people on this forum would have said a disparaging comment about their colleagues at some point in their lifetime but the difference is no one was secretly recording them and sending it to their bosses.



They are not disparaging remarks. He says that the work colleague is good to talk to and good company. But he then makes a comment about that individual's sexual orientation that is both needlessly explicit and inappropriate in a public setting. 

I have heard many times both men and women express similar sentiments of disappointment about the orientation of another person along the lines of regretting they "bat for the other team".

At least part of Morris' problem is the explicit way he described the person concerned and his further comment about their performance, and the fact that a private conversation has been leaked. Clearly, it was malicious and it has had the intended result. A further problem for Morris is that the person he was talking about may have kept their orientation a private matter.

Times have changed I know, but the rush for the high moral ground on this matter by people who have almost certainly expressed similar views in the past is unedifying.

I'm no fan of Morris but to lose your career over something like this is to pay a heavy price. It's not for me - or most others - to cast the first stone.

Sympathy goes to the innocent victim in all this.


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27 minutes ago, Sir Why You Little said:

Sure. But a smartphone can do all that too

i don't know what your point is wyl

all i was pointing out is that it is becoming more and more difficult to have a private discussion with anyone everywhere due to increasing encroachment in technology based communications coupled with the nefarious and covert actions of people collecting big data on the common citizenry

it's obviously, sometime in the near future, getting to the stage where the concept of privacy will be regarded as anachronistic

p.s. this in no ways condoning tom morris's comments

Edited by daisycutter
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11 minutes ago, BDA said:

just listened to the audio. Paraphrasing here but he says Megan Barnard is hot, a good sort but a lesbian. I didn't hear him being derogatory about her sexuality.

You think those comments about a co-worker are all fine ('hottest girl at Fox by a long way')? You don't think saying 'unfortunately she has her liquor license and is very very good at it' is derogatory?

Turn it up mate. Not ok.


11 minutes ago, BDA said:

The second audio is less clear. Towards the end he calls someone a C---. His speech is slurred so i couldn't make out who he was referring to. He mentions Asians and women earlier but i don't know the context or what he was implying. I didn't hear an overtly racist comment but happy to be corrected if i missed it. I'd like to hear him clarify his comments on this audio before passing judgment

Less clear? Context? Not overly racist? Are you serious?

'I'm not Asian, I'm not black, I'm not a woman and I'm not gay, so don't treat me like sh*t. I'm a man...'

Not sure what needs to be clarified there.

Edited by Lord Nev
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1 hour ago, Dees2014 said:

I find it really interesting the lack of outrage on here by many of the male posters about the attitudes exhibited by Morris in those recordings. By any standards they are appalling, but it seems that many make posters on here think that Tom was dobbed in not for having such appalling views but because he had a few “disloyal” mates. Clearly medieval attitudes exist on Demonland and male chauvinism reigns in some quarters. No wonder our female friends despair at such male behaviours. Morris deserves to be rubbed out for life from working in the media ever again. There is no room for these sorts of attitudes in today’s modern Australia.

While you're offloading your demands onto the male population, would you care to make a call on the lunatic left wing crazy who bashed "white bread eating middle aged white males" recently?


You know, the one who was both sexist AND racist in the same sentence  on national television. Or are you happy to let misandry slide while getting all hysterical at the private views of a random journo?

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11 minutes ago, Lord Nev said:

Less clear? Context? Not overly racist? Are you serious?

'I'm not Asian, I'm not black, I'm not a woman and I'm not gay, so don't treat me like sh*t. I'm a man...'

Not sure what needs to be clarified there.

Which cheek of his ar$e the door hits on his way out.

Edited by TRIGON
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13 minutes ago, daisycutter said:

i don't know what your point is wyl

all i was pointing out is that it is becoming more and more difficult to have a private discussion with anyone everywhere due to increasing encroachment in technology based communications coupled with the nefarious and covert actions of people collecting big data on the common citizenry

it's obviously, sometime in the near future, getting to the stage where the concept of privacy will be regarded as anachronistic

p.s. this in no ways condoning tom morris's comments

I agree. People have to be careful what they say. That is the bottom line 

And if you aern’t, as Morris was, twice, a serious problem will occur. 
Before the internet and Smartphones existed, this was not an issue. Now it is. There is no way round it. 

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