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Young Angus

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  1. Love it, but need McVee's signature too!
  2. Jeffo probably not ready but bring him in anyway, let him have a crack, what's the harm really.
  3. Very disappointing game to watch, young players are great though they are exciting. Pretty sad aftertaste though really. Older players need to lift and lead more.
  4. We don't have Max but we have a pretty different team to last time besides him. It will be interesting.
  5. Kynan Brown !!! What an awesome get of stats I want to see him in an AFL game soon, the kids are very exciting!
  6. Poor Jeffo, he's really the only reason I turned on the VFL game on the weekend and he wasn't playing, I got sad :(
  7. Absolutely love the Kolt, great energy, great attitude, great skills and there's passion there too. Keep it up!
  8. If not Fullarton then why have we got him? Has he been good enough to warrant consideration if Max is out?
  9. AMW surely stays, looks at home at top level. Disco should stay too he has looked great, and much more dynamic than Petty ever does lately. I want Petty to get back to form, but he just doesn't look at the top of his game at the moment and honestly the team looked more reliable without him yesterday, surely the coaches saw that too. Just hope Max is 100% okay, that's a worry.
  10. What Tmac article? I want to read it!!
  11. Would definitely support that...hope Tholstrup stays in.
  12. 32 isn't that old, I thought he was older, very confident and hopeful he can go another season easily especially given this will only be a short one for him. Play on Melky!!!
  13. Wash your mouth out Schwartz!!!
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