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1 hour ago, Cards13 said:

Is that true? Lol that can't be, they're not 18 yet are they?

Yeah his youngest finished year 12 last year from memory and the other one finished a few years ago. I remember him mentioning his oldest doing some producing work on his media company. I read this in an article, My two sons, one works for Fox Footy, the other one works for Footy Classified. Must be nice for daddy to gift them jobs after your average person spends years at uni trying to get into tv.

But it's kind of funny. It's like the premier has said I'll show you who I can let in and out of this state. He's may be just the one person that has actually said no to Ed which I doubt Ed hears very much. 

But if the AFL has sent a list of people deemed essential than that should be enough. 

I'm not sure what Ed would bring. I get Damo being over there because he's doing stuff for the sunday footy show and his media broadcasts and I reckon Fox sent Garry over just to be there in the case we get in and win it they would have access to us. 

I guess being wealthy doesn't get you everything. 



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I want to win at all costs, even if this is the situation. But my god going through a shot at a flag would have been hard enough without all this crap to go with it. It's been tough and I'm still having my moments and I've accepted it but that doesn't mean there's not going to be some heartache.

Oh yeah and pro tip: Don't expect that much sympathy from anyone who isn't in this position. Even if people do feel for you they usually can't comprehend the magnitude of everything that comes with this. The consecutive membership years, the fundraisers, the years of heading to the G to get smashed. There's no one that will come close to understanding how much it hurts not to be there but you.

Last year you had 2 teams that have been there or thereabouts recently. The doomsday scenario was always going to be something like this and there's no contingency plan in place to make up for the opportunity we would miss. But you cant always get what you want i guess. 

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13 minutes ago, dees189227 said:

Yeah his youngest finished year 12 last year from memory and the other one finished a few years ago. I remember him mentioning his oldest doing some producing work on his media company. I read this in an article, My two sons, one works for Fox Footy, the other one works for Footy Classified. Must be nice for daddy to gift them jobs after your average person spends years at uni trying to get into tv.

But it's kind of funny. It's like the premier has said I'll show you who I can let in and out of this state. He's may be just the one person that has actually said no to Ed which I doubt Ed hears very much. 

But if the AFL has sent a list of people deemed essential than that should be enough. 

I'm not sure what Ed would bring. I get Damo being over there because he's doing stuff for the sunday footy show and his media broadcasts and I reckon Fox sent Garry over just to be there in the case we get in and win it they would have access to us. 

I guess being wealthy doesn't get you everything. 



Thanks for that…. Aahhhhh life is ok at the moment. (Not great but these little things get you through another day) 

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On 8/31/2021 at 12:41 PM, Bring-Back-Powell said:

I know it's fabulous and exciting for most interstate members that can attend the GF but this is a dark day for a lot of the MFC faithful who are being deprived a possible once in a life time opportunity. 

Bring on the 2022 grand final when most of us are allowed past our letter box at 9:01pm on grand final day.


I can hardly imagine how it will feel should we make it but by hell if we do there will be some intense Demon supporters there to make some noise mate.

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14 hours ago, layzie said:

Last year you had 2 teams that have been there or thereabouts recently. The doomsday scenario was always going to be something like this and there's no contingency plan in place to make up for the opportunity we would miss. But you cant always get what you want i guess. 

"...but you get what you need."

And Melbourne supporters need to see a Premiership.

(Thanks, or perhaps with apologies to, Mick and Keith)

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McGowan Gloats

Its one thing to gloat about denying Eddie entry, to '...keep him safe from West Australians'.  Its quite another to disclose and brag about not paying the AFL a cent for hosting the GF. 

I'm really surprised the AFL would agree to no payment, as a purported reason of having the GF interstate was to raise money as well as have crowds.

I wonder how SA and Qld feel about that disclosure, if they were prepared to pay...

McGowan:  “We‘ve just said we’ll do a Covid-safe game if you come here - and we are not giving you any money and that’s your choice...So we drove a pretty hard bargain. I didn’t want to hand over $20 million.”

Covid-safe?  Sure but he wouldn't hesitate to close down the event on the morning of the game.  No money, no crowds!!

Would rather the GF go to a State where it is welcomed rather than used for political point scoring.  

And it is very poor form to boast when his draconian border restrictions prevent us from attending.  It is like rubbing salt into a wound.  A bit of empathy for our plight and some diplomacy wouldn't go astray.

It is a privilege to host the GF and he should treat that privilege with some respect.

Edited by Lucifer's Hero
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10 minutes ago, Lucifer's Hero said:

McGowan Gloats

Its one thing to gloat about denying Eddie entry, to '...keep him safe from West Australians'.  Its quite another to disclose and brag about not paying the AFL a cent for hosting the GF. 

I'm really surprised the AFL would agree to no payment, as a purported reason of having the GF interstate was to raise money as well as have crowds.

I wonder how SA and Qld feel about that disclosure, if they were prepared to pay...

McGowan:  “We‘ve just said we’ll do a Covid-safe game if you come here - and we are not giving you any money and that’s your choice...So we drove a pretty hard bargain. I didn’t want to hand over $20 million.”

Covid-safe?  Sure but he wouldn't hesitate to close down the event on the morning of the game.  No money, no crowds!!

Would rather the GF go to a State where it is welcomed rather than used for political point scoring.  

And it is very poor form to boast when his draconian border restrictions prevent us from attending.  It is like rubbing salt into a wound.  A bit of empathy for our plight and some diplomacy wouldn't go astray.

It is a privilege to host the GF and he should treat that privilege with some respect.

If the AFL didn't get any money from WA for the privilege of hosting the GF, why do we think the AFL agreed to play it there? What else might the AFL have received? Or, perhaps, might it receive in the future? Surely it's not just because the Chairman of the AFL is from WA?

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like Binman, I have got over the fact that if we win this year I won't be there in person to see it - and my ability to reconcile myself to this fact is helped by the fact that I don't have the stress of trying to source 5 tickets for myself and my 4 kidults who have suffered through being the only Melbourne supporters in school through the worst of the 2007+ years.

If I am not allowed to watch the game with them due to Covid restrictions and share the tears of a loss, or even moreso, of victory, should we make the GF, I am not sure how I will cope. I am getting teary even thinking about it. So hopefully this will be allowed by the end of the month.

Furthermore, If we win,  I can't wait to watch a replay with my older siblings who suffered through the worst of the 70's with me and particularly my 90 year Mum (who has dementia) and who will think we are winning the GF live!

So lets all enjoy the ride - encourage those who maybe able to see the game live to channel the support of all of us who can't go, and hope that we will all be able to see a premiership in person in the next few years (which as per Binman again, I think we are very well placed to achieve).

I also think I would find it a hell of a lot less stressful to be at a GF, knowing that monkey was off our back if we had snagged one this year.

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19 minutes ago, La Dee-vina Comedia said:

If the AFL didn't get any money from WA for the privilege of hosting the GF, why do we think the AFL agreed to play it there? What else might the AFL have received? Or, perhaps, might it receive in the future? Surely it's not just because the Chairman of the AFL is from WA?

Don't know.  Can only guess that gate takings and sponsorship monies go to the AFL.  

I would like to hear the AFL come out and tell us what the deal was.  After all. it has spent millions this year putting East Coast teams into resorts for quarantine every other week and is bringing millions in to house teams during the finals campaign.  Surely a bit of a windfall for the Perth economy.

I wonder how the news of no payment is going down at the cash strapped Clubs who have had to put off staff etc. They are the ones who will have to budget the million dollar losses already endured.

Time for Gil to explain to fans who contribute a few million to Clubs, what the deal is.

Edited by Lucifer's Hero
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McGowen has got to be one of the least likeable people from Oz citizens outside of his state. I’m sure he’s someone who’s now being hailed as some kind of legend by the WA folks, but jeez he just should not step foot in Melbourne or Sydney. I wouldn’t wish the pandemic onto anybody, but I’d love him to walk a 5km radius in our bloody shoes. 

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30 minutes ago, Lucifer's Hero said:

Don't know.  Can only guess that gate takings and sponsorship monies go to the AFL.  

I would like to hear the AFL come out and tell us what the deal was.  After all. it has spent millions this year putting East Coast teams into resorts for quarantine every other week and is bringing millions in to house teams during the finals campaign.  Surely a bit of a windfall for the Perth economy.

I wonder how the news of no payment is going down at the cash strapped Clubs who have had to put off staff etc. They are the ones who will have to budget the million dollar losses already endured.

Time for Gil to explain to fans who contribute a few million to Clubs, what the deal is.

Maybe all Gil wanted was a guarantee that Eddie McGuire wouldn't be allowed to attend.

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46 minutes ago, spalding said:

like Binman, I have got over the fact that if we win this year I won't be there in person to see it - and my ability to reconcile myself to this fact is helped by the fact that I don't have the stress of trying to source 5 tickets for myself and my 4 kidults who have suffered through being the only Melbourne supporters in school through the worst of the 2007+ years.

If I am not allowed to watch the game with them due to Covid restrictions and share the tears of a loss, or even moreso, of victory, should we make the GF, I am not sure how I will cope. I am getting teary even thinking about it. So hopefully this will be allowed by the end of the month.


If you watched Dan's presser yesterday, you most certainly won't be able to, unless by some chance you live in regional VIC.

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2 hours ago, La Dee-vina Comedia said:

If the AFL didn't get any money from WA for the privilege of hosting the GF, why do we think the AFL agreed to play it there? What else might the AFL have received? Or, perhaps, might it receive in the future? Surely it's not just because the Chairman of the AFL is from WA?

AFL would get money from ticket sales which is better than playing in front of no one at the G.

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1 hour ago, Bring-Back-Powell said:

If you watched Dan's presser yesterday, you most certainly won't be able to, unless by some chance you live in regional VIC.

Health advice is all over the place 

Zero transparency or logic 

Its a complete joke in my view


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14 minutes ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

I will be watching with my family should we make it.

Me too , my parents , sister have been going for 25+ years every home game. are all double vaxxed and following the draconian rules for 200+ days. no way I'm not watching a prelim of GF without them.

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2 hours ago, Pates said:

McGowen has got to be one of the least likeable people from Oz citizens outside of his state. I’m sure he’s someone who’s now being hailed as some kind of legend by the WA folks, but jeez he just should not step foot in Melbourne or Sydney. I wouldn’t wish the pandemic onto anybody, but I’d love him to walk a 5km radius in our bloody shoes. 

An arrogant [censored]. Seriously good on you for keeping your state, and the most isolated city in the world Covid safe. But carrying on with such arrogance and disrespect for the rest of this country as if our GST revenue doesn’t keep your [censored] afloat, is despicable. He is a joke. 

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33 minutes ago, defuture15 said:

If the gathering of people are allowed by the GF can we go to Marvel and watch it there together?

I would say that the chances of that happening at 0 right now. Danny Boy’s presser yesterday pointing to light easing of things such as fitness and extension of radius. Nothing about gatherings and believe me I was keeping a sharp ear out for it as my fiancée and I are desperately trying to get married, but there wasn’t even mention of a potential for groups of 5 outdoors. (People are bloody well doing that anyway 🤬)

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If folks are thinking of pushing the envelope and visit others/have visitors keep in mind that if it is a twilight game, it will finish after the Melbourne curfew time of 9.00 pm AEST.

So getting home undetected might be tricky

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11 minutes ago, Lucifer's Hero said:

If folks are thinking of pushing the envelope and visit others/have visitors keep in mind that if it is a twilight game, it will finish after the Melbourne curfew time of 9.00 pm AEST.

So getting home undetected might be tricky

yes Luc lets all stay under the doona

 I will by that time be willing to take my chances and watch the game with friends and a few beverages

Yep I'm a real maverick!!

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21 minutes ago, Lucifer's Hero said:

If folks are thinking of pushing the envelope and visit others/have visitors keep in mind that if it is a twilight game, it will finish after the Melbourne curfew time of 9.00 pm AEST.

So getting home undetected might be tricky

I'm banking on the curfew being gone by then and to be honest I couldn't give a stuff either way. Chances are I'll be too drunk to drive anyhow so will probably just stay wherever I'm watching.

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Just now, Dr. Gonzo said:

I'm banking on the curfew being gone by then and to be honest I couldn't give a stuff either way. Chances are I'll be too drunk to drive anyhow so will probably just stay wherever I'm watching.

Lifting of curfew wasn't on yesterdays eased restrictions for Sept 23.  

I'm sure there will be many thousands of others doing the same, Doc

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