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I salute Jack Watts


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Spot on Dazzle.

Hes a well balanced kid.

He could easily go through the motions and collect a cheque like Bernard Tomic,with little or no real interest in winning.

I'll never forget the photo of him putting his arm around Cale Morton after Cale got the chop.

He's a tough nut and a good person.

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Frankly I could never understand the hatred for Jack by oppo fans over the years. It was totally out of context. Perhaps it was because he was a top draft pick in a poorly performing team and an easy target. 

One thing which has become absolutely clear over the last couple of years is that he has talent to burn and that he is a tremendous individual to boot. Well spoken, self confident, humble and intelligent. One of the most important people at the club.

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5 minutes ago, pineapple dee said:

Frankly I could never understand the hatred for Jack by oppo fans over the years. It was totally out of context. Perhaps it was because he was a top draft pick in a poorly performing team and an easy target. 

One thing which has become absolutely clear over the last couple of years is that he has talent to burn and that he is a tremendous individual to boot. Well spoken, self confident, humble and intelligent. One of the most important people at the club.

Just uneducated people who never really watched him play, and were caught up in the media circus. Still happens with a number of my friends (mostly Richmond supporters) who regard Watts as a spud. When I ask if they've seen him play in the last few years, they can't give me an answer.

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First of all, this is the best thread in years. A great topic and really thought provoking, substantial responses from the DL family.

Jack - I too salute you. This is a generation driven by how things look and feel, layered by every person thinking they have something to say,  and few who know the power of silence and reflection. And I am not criticing this generation - my age group is the leader of it and we have allowed a lot of this social-cancer to affect our young adults. For Jack to be the person he is, having copped it from every angle including me at times, he is a walking trophy of resilience, character and self-confidence. 

As for social media, internet-driven approval seeking, mental health and even Tom Boyd; I choose to quote this -"everything is permissable but not all is beneficial". Our life can be defined by our decision making. More of our young adults and youth need to be encouraged to view themselves from the people around them who love them, not by the successes and failures determined by social media, pop culture, or a toxic fan base wanting to criticse the talented people from behind anonymous computer keyboards. I wish Tom Boyd all the best and hope he recovers fully, plays great footy again, and maybe gets beaten by the Dees in a grand final. 

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2 minutes ago, Maldonboy38 said:

First of all, this is the best thread in years. A great topic and really thought provoking, substantial responses from the DL family.

Jack - I too salute you. This is a generation driven by how things look and feel, layered by every person thinking they have something to say,  and few who know the power of silence and reflection. And I am not criticing this generation - my age group is the leader of it and we have allowed a lot of this social-cancer to affect our young adults. For Jack to be the person he is, having copped it from every angle including me at times, he is a walking trophy of resilience, character and self-confidence. 

As for social media, internet-driven approval seeking, mental health and even Tom Boyd; I choose to quote this -"everything is permissable but not all is beneficial". Our life can be defined by our decision making. More of our young adults and youth need to be encouraged to view themselves from the people around them who love them, not by the successes and failures determined by social media, pop culture, or a toxic fan base wanting to criticse the talented people from behind anonymous computer keyboards. I wish Tom Boyd all the best and hope he recovers fully, plays great footy again, and maybe gets beaten by the Dees in a grand final. 

What? you an admirer of wholesale hypocrisy on Demonland,  please


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I know that Tom Scully is not loved on this board but when watching GWS in recent weeks I could not help but think of him and Trenners and then think to myself that Tom did the right thing by himself and good luck to him.

They owe us nothing save doing their best each week and if they play well we as supporters are the winners.

Go Dees

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I think a lot of the criticism stems from the fact AFL players are well paid. The assumption from many that money solves all the problems in the world - so these players cop a lot of projection. Then there is the tribal nature of bagging out anyone who isn't associated with your tribe. I liked to bag out Schofield's whack to Oliver - but I didn't go at Tom Bugg as hard. Why? Because he is a Demon. There is the obvious bias. But on Jack Watts, I have always been a big fan of his. I know a family member who met him many years ago, and she spoke of his humility. Whats humbled himself when many wouldn't have. It sounded different to most stories I hear of AFL players, and this was not long after he was drafted. I have always held the belief that Watts would dominate as he gets older. Tom Hawkins like in that regard.

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4 minutes ago, Diamond_Jim said:

I know that Tom Scully is not loved on this board but when watching GWS in recent weeks I could not help but think of him and Trenners and then think to myself that Tom did the right thing by himself and good luck to him.

They owe us nothing save doing their best each week and if they play well we as supporters are the winners.

Go Dees

I think Scully cops a lot of hate because of his smug arrogance. No one could begrudge him for taking a pay day, but when you hear stories of him bagging out our club to youngsters like Toumpas (when he was just starting out), you start to see what kind of person Tom Scully is. He doesn't have a good character IMO. I am glad we offloaded Tom Scully anyway, he isn't much of a footballer.

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16 minutes ago, Satyriconhome said:

What? you an admirer of wholesale hypocrisy on Demonland,  please


An admirer and enjoyer of DL - oh yes.

An admirer of wholesale hypocrisy? Only when it is not mine! 

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Everyone on this board knows the amount of (often unwarranted or premature) criticism that Jack has faced over his career and there is no doubt that he has shown great resilience and toughness in response. I have so much admiration for Jack. He's clearly a great club-person who enjoys seeing those around him succeed- who's often the first one in to celebrate a goal with genuine happiness for the kicker? Jack!

At the same time, Boyd, in the face of similar negative attention, is not 'lesser' than Jack for having a different response. It takes a very tough person to be honest and say, "Hey, I'm not coping", especially in a pressure-filled environment where people are on your back to perform. It's stigmatising to relate depression with weakness or lack of character when it can come for anyone, regardless of their (perceived or otherwise) resilience, toughness, personality, wealth, ability etc. etc. It's how we as a society support each other and react to it that's most important, not who's 'tough enough' not to succumb. It's fine to say well done to Jack for getting through some really trying times, but we shouldn't damn Boyd by comparison for something that isn't his fault.

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28 minutes ago, Dees_In_October said:

Everyone on this board knows the amount of (often unwarranted or premature) criticism that Jack has faced over his career and there is no doubt that he has shown great resilience and toughness in response. I have so much admiration for Jack. He's clearly a great club-person who enjoys seeing those around him succeed- who's often the first one in to celebrate a goal with genuine happiness for the kicker? Jack!

At the same time, Boyd, in the face of similar negative attention, is not 'lesser' than Jack for having a different response. It takes a very tough person to be honest and say, "Hey, I'm not coping", especially in a pressure-filled environment where people are on your back to perform. It's stigmatising to relate depression with weakness or lack of character when it can come for anyone, regardless of their (perceived or otherwise) resilience, toughness, personality, wealth, ability etc. etc. It's how we as a society support each other and react to it that's most important, not who's 'tough enough' not to succumb. It's fine to say well done to Jack for getting through some really trying times, but we shouldn't damn Boyd by comparison for something that isn't his fault.

Excellent post.

Because I love Jack, I wanted to 'like' the opening post but I didn't as at some level it sat uneasy with me.  I wasn't sure why.  You have identified the reason in your last line.  By exalting Jack there was a lessening of Boyd because 'Jack coped but Boyd doesn't' sort of thing. 

I believe there are many reasons for Boyd's depression beside the pressure of being the number one pick and being in the media spotlight.

Jack is a champion person for his resilience, loyalty and other traits.  Boyd is also a champion person for having the courage to take ownership of his condition.  They are both great role models on how to deal with adversity. 

Edited by Lucifer's Hero
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3 hours ago, Satyriconhome said:

Interesting reading this, would also be interesting to bump some of the posts on here over the years re Jack Watts, including the ones from this pre season

Bump away.

I'm a vocal critic of Watts the footballer and don't regret one word I've uttered.

As I said, bump away.

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2 hours ago, Diamond_Jim said:

I know that Tom Scully is not loved on this board but when watching GWS in recent weeks I could not help but think of him and Trenners and then think to myself that Tom did the right thing by himself and good luck to him.

They owe us nothing save doing their best each week and if they play well we as supporters are the winners.

Go Dees

Let's not go overboard with the love fest DJ.


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1 hour ago, leave it to deever said:

Jack Watts must be one of the most strongest and mentally tough players around.

You don't have to be mentally tough, you just value the opinions of those that matter to you and ignore the rest which are just hot air, Jack is very good at that

Part of the issue with Boyd is the heat from within the club that has impacted him

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8 minutes ago, Satyriconhome said:

You don't have to be mentally tough, you just value the opinions of those that matter to you and ignore the rest which are just hot air

Yeah, you have to be mentally to do that. So he's mentally tough. 

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I think we can all admire Watts for his resilience, not because he hasn't had to take time off to deal with depression, as depressions is NOT a sign of weakness. 

I think what we can all appreciate and admire about him is his resilience to keep pushing himself to improve and to stay at the one club, despite the truly awful garbage he's had to put up with. 

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24 minutes ago, Satyriconhome said:

No it's not, it is common sense and dancing to the beat of your own drum

Common sense is hardly common...so I presume when you look in the mirror in the morning after your shower, you give yourself a few slaps, a steely look and tell yourself to harden up because its common sense. So I guess the last decade of Jack's life in the AFL fishbowl have been straight forward and a breeze?? That's how I'm taking what your saying, and for those that don't experience it in 'your' way - show a lack of common sense?  

Thus I infer that all those that are open enough to talk about their difficulties (and I include Tomic in this) don't have common sense, because the lived experience of an athlete does include anxiety and joy and happiness and frustration and symptoms of depression but they should have their [censored] sorted and NOT get caught up in normal appropriate human experiences? Because it common sense right?


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8 hours ago, dazzledavey36 said:

In light of the Tom Boyd story i think its sad what he's going through  and i wish him nothing but all the best in his recovery and a peaceful mind. 

I read an article on Boyd yesterday saying how he's copped it since being drafted as a number 1 draft pick. I was taken back a bit because everyone has forgotten one Jack Watts who's copped fat worse barrage of abuse from members of the public to big media personalities. Do they not remember the round 2 Essendon game in 2013 when he was booed by 50 thousand people when he was subbed off?? 

If it was one person who could have easily put his hand up in the air and said "I've had enough, see you later" its jack Watts. Yet every week he fronts up with a smile on his face and just goes about his business as usual.

My respect for Jack Watts has now gone through the roof. I admire your resilience mate! You'll always be a MFC champion to me.

He is a very high quality human being and we are very fortunate to have him play for us. As a parent you couldn't ask for more in the way he approaches life and football.

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8 hours ago, dazzledavey36 said:

In light of the Tom Boyd story i think its sad what he's going through  and i wish him nothing but all the best in his recovery and a peaceful mind. 

I read an article on Boyd yesterday saying how he's copped it since being drafted as a number 1 draft pick. I was taken back a bit because everyone has forgotten one Jack Watts who's copped fat worse barrage of abuse from members of the public to big media personalities. Do they not remember the round 2 Essendon game in 2013 when he was booed by 50 thousand people when he was subbed off?? 

If it was one person who could have easily put his hand up in the air and said "I've had enough, see you later" its jack Watts. Yet every week he fronts up with a smile on his face and just goes about his business as usual.

My respect for Jack Watts has now gone through the roof. I admire your resilience mate! You'll always be a MFC champion to me.

I am not into psychobabble, but Jack Watts is the mentally toughest footballer in the AFL.  I guess I have to be careful labelling him mentally tough, because if you flip it, I am calling Fasolo, Boyd, Cloke etc... mentally weak; which in this era of better psychiatric literacy, is obviously incorrect.


This is a credit to Watts (first and foremost), his family and friends which obviously reinforced his existence as a person, and didn't allow football to define him.


The 'bullying' didn't just occur from non-MFC entities either.

Thankfully, he didn't read or absorb the carp that most MFC supporters yelled out, typed on here, and trumpeted on SEN.  I actually thought his middle name was "Geetof".  The cry "Get off Watts" was ultra common from the MFC supporters who would also yell "just kick it".



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