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About demon3165

  • Birthday 24/01/1957

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  1. When the pies beat us in 21 Buckley worked it out they got us on the outside but know one went on with it because it was really to late to change plans on ball movement during the finals.
  2. Fritta is a better player when the pressure is off him and gets better delivery but really he should be the icing on the cake if we had a functional forward line all the time, not just a quarter here and a quarter there.
  3. Being predictable is the one side of it it is also being able to make alterations to your gameplan but still have your same set up, just look at us in the last quarter 18 players in one half of the ground and there was 3 lions players alone on the wing midfield area and not one coach decided to bring pull forward players especially Kossie then Goodwin says oh we played safe no Schick Sherlock, even Casey do that.
  4. As regards to Fritta I thought the game against the lions was OK as for being predictable he has some lazy moments during games where if he cannot get a one on one he has a tendency no to chase if he cannot get the ball out the back he drops his head and quite frankly if it's wet he can be a liability, that's called a front runner and that's predictable, but he has talent and sometimes you you have to take the good with the bad as he can deliver all teams have these types of players and we are no exception.
  5. And so was Leigh Matthew's 1 flag in 9 years at the pies and Malthouse at the pies.
  6. Then point that out with your point of view, yes I have been guilty of that but I have always put my point of view before people jump in, I will say this if more people did that then there would be less agro we can then debate the issue or if people think a topic has been flogged before don't comment then that post will just stop a natural death. Not everyone will be happy with the club and as a forum this is a place for people to have a say right wrong or indifferent. I am a big believer if someone can put an argument forward where I can see where they are coming and they are right I can admit that, people have to have an open mind both ways.
  7. See this is the problem, people post something about the club and instead of putting an alternative view or debate, people just have a go at them at least put something up or don't comment at all it's that simple.
  8. I am, Kossie will never be a midfielder has not got the tank or the mindset and when under pressure his disposal is not great, kossie is an instinct player as is far mor dangerous around the goals as last week noshowed not flying for hangers just pure forward craft.
  9. If my memory serves me correct I was talking about Kossie playing as a forward not midfield and I have explained my reasons before, not disagreeing with your other views on the subs use, I have also said the gameplan in the last quarter was shocking and that rests on the entire coaching staff.
  10. And if my aunty had balls she would have been my uncle, but then again if you saw her.....
  11. It's not the fitness issue It's the gameplan issue look at the last quarter 18 players all in one half no one in the front half at all, you cannot expect to have any run and carry when that happens we just bombed the ball out most of that quarter to waiting lions players and when we scored a point the lions just walked it out the backline every time, and the frustrating thing the coaches allowed it to happen instead of making changes. If you watch Casey they do the same thing it is programed that way forwards trying to be midfielders
  12. The game is two fast for 2 umpires, imagine the media and supporters if that happens, would rather have say ten interchanges a quarter for a start.
  13. Pretty well spot on, for Goodwin to say that amazes me, when you nearly have 18 melbourne players in one half of the ground you will never get run out of the backline and connect further up the ground because all you can do is dump kicks and they went to lions players, so are they now saying once the quarter starts the coaches cannot take stock and make changes if that's the case it's madness.
  14. Big difference between training and a game, unfortunately you find players go back into old habits rather quickly, instead of kicking over the mark they run in an arc for extra distance, I'm more concerned with short kicks and kicks over distance as we have to many players that kick way to high instead of lower harder passes.
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