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jumbo returns

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jumbo returns last won the day on January 3 2016

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  1. I love this kid - but.... Do we jump too quickly with some of the contracts based on a handful of games?
  2. Surely Goodwin can't do everything by myself? He needs to have some trust in others around him that they can do their due diligence? Like the players lol
  3. 100% and more Sunday's effort was 'meek' and the footy commentators described it as 'Freo barely raising a sweat' How embarrassing
  4. Nullified Dunstall two weeks in a row - no small feat
  5. TC nullified Dunstall 2 weeks in a row - great game
  6. Absolutely - but, they had a crack and hurt, I mean really, really hurt the oppo. You remember those physical days, don’t you, SWYL? Teams were s*it scared to face the Dees
  7. One for the earlier Demonlanders John Northey didn't always have the best players, but the team was hard as hard as can be Despite a loss, oppo teams felt the contest
  8. I wonder what John Northey thought of yesterday's effort? Apologies to May
  9. Agree - very annoying - % will have a big say in the top 4 this year
  10. Haven't read all the pages, but two things of note: Oliver was huge - put his big body in every tight contest and took all the hammering and buffering to allow tap ons, spillage, congestion etc, to come our way...and... 2.40 omg - best odds ever
  11. Zero in both, mono - I should turn my sarcasm meter up a notch or two. Seriously, they’re both shocking
  12. You lost me at 'better' and 'McAdam' Let's agree to disagree
  13. No way - Howes, Tholstrup, Turner, Brown - these guys need to play every game this year, to see if they're going to make it It's about 2-3 year planning now....2024 is cooked
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