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The Jesse Hogan Panic Room - all contract talk here


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24 minutes ago, Redleg said:

That is just so illogical.

"I want to go home. My club could get a better deal now, if they trade me and I get home straight away, but no, I will get them a worse deal in a year, to repay them for all they have spent and done for me. No, I will play for less money on my old contract. I will stay in Melbourne this year and play a last year, when I know I am leaving and not committed to the future of the club. I will cop the media on my back each week and every performance will be over analyzed. I will not look my team mates and coaches in the eyes, as I know I am leaving. Yes that is what I will do."

This missing family and friends argument really needs examination. I understand the current situation and would imagine that if family is the real reason, you would want to go home immediately.Why stay another year?

 These guys sign AFL Draft rules where they agree to play anywhere in Australia and then seek to break them. He is in Australia not overseas. He can talk to family every day by a multitude of electronic means. He can fly home a few times a year to see them. He is in a job paying great money and it is only for the next 10 years at a maximum. It will be easier on his back and long term health to fly less. It makes no sense to me. He needs to get back with his Melbourne girlfriend or find another.

The club is doing the right thing in not pressuring him and letting him be with family during their crisis. He must appreciate that.

I still think all of this hype, is Management driven, to secure a better deal from us.

FWIW, I think he will stay beyond 2017.

PS. The one fear I have, is that WC or Freo may have said we can't get you this year because of salary cap, or lack of trade currency, but we will get you next year, on a massive salary that they know we wouldn't match. That could explain staying this year, but again he could accept a smaller salary this year, so that sort of goes against my fear. Oh well who knows the truth, maybe not even Jesse at this point.


I guess it all depends on his love or otherwise for Melbourne or Freo. If he wants to go to Freo he will want them to pay the least amount possible, to ensure they have a competitive side, if they have to trade their first pick and second picks this and next year and if they have to trade some of their best players they, may be uncompetitive and he certainly wouldn't want to play in a side that was no hope of finals.

On the other hand he may want to see Melbourne fairly compensated, to repay them all the time and resources he's taken advantage of, whilst he's been with us. He may have a genuine love for his teammates and may insist the club gets proper compensation. 

Personally I'm sick of it and as mentioned above we don't need this year long distraction, we had the Mc Brothers this year and we just don't need another year of speculation, all the other players are on the same page and have all put pen to paper declaring their confidence in the direction the club is headed.

If Jessie wants to go home then go, if it's money then go, if he's decided he wants to stay, then sign the offing contract and let us all get on with trying to win a flag.  There are other forwards that are playing out of their own state, Lynch, Paton and Cameron who don't seem to have any issue with homesickness.


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2 hours ago, Dante said:

Just heard Jon Anderson on 3AW say that he has been told by someone that knows Jesse well, that at the moment, he will play for us next year and then wants to go home.

He also said that this may change next year but that's how it stands right now.

Drivel. Did he think before he repeated that on air? Doesn't make any sense. We are firmly in silly season. I dont like Robbo much but his despair at the trade situation was visceral and i have to agree its all out of hand.

Our need to for footy content shouldn't be interfering with a most dificult and private time for a family dealing with a serious illness. Our teams interests run second here and I would be disappointed if the FD did anything other than offer him support and make it clear he should look after family first.

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2 minutes ago, Robbie57 said:


Our need to for footy content shouldn't be interfering with a most dificult and private time for a family dealing with a serious illness. Our teams interests run second here and I would be disappointed if the FD did anything other than offer him support and make it clear he should look after family first.

No need for disappointment, as apparently that is exactly what we have done. We are also not commenting out of respect and trying to keep the media sensationalism contained.

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23 minutes ago, picket fence said:

Meh, Yep and you watch this unfold and kick us right in the Gonads yet again, This will he won't he will lead to some degree of distabilization next year mark my words.

As I have iterated, we cannot let this drag on and on, Ok say to him mate do you want in for a long term attractive contract here, or are the pangs of the hometown so strong that is where you sit. But for us to move forward you need to make your mind up NOW!

Take our best offer or Good luck in W.A we wil take the best offer and use it to MFC Advantage. 

No more kicks in Gonads, where we lose out to swarthy movers and shakers in other clubs!

Absolute Rubbish

All I am reading from your post is I don't want my pea hear broken again, like Scully of Frawley (which by the way netted us Hogan and Brayshaw) 

How about we stand up as a club and support players, create a environment people want to work at. Show some strength.

The media and people like yourself like to jump at shadows and create stories, narratives and turn rumors in to fact to give substance to your stupid points. Jesse may decide to leave after his 2017 contract expires, but that is no reason to turn on the player now.

We want a professional club and to be a destination club as has been mooted on this forum a lot. Treating players like commodities is not the way to do that. jumping at media speculation is no way to do that.  Supporting Jesse and his family, creating a good environment to play at, and accepting any decision he makes and supporting it is the way to do that.

In all of the scenarios you've dribbled on about there is no difference in trading him in 2017 then there is to caving and trading him now. Where's Jesse going to walk to in 2017 Pickett if the MFC refuse to trade him? Brisbane, Roos or Tigers?

Hogan is super talented KPP from interstate, He's not the first and won't be the last to have huge speculation about him. Pav immediately comes to mind. If clubs do the right thing and offer a future players stay. We need to make that stand of supporting players not folding to pressure.

Going over old ground again but IF he does leave, the MFC will move on and be well compensated. But only when Jesse decides should it be done.


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Going over old ground again but IF he does leave, the MFC will move on and be well compensated. But only when Jesse decides should it be done.

And by then the horse may have well and trully BOLTED!

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11 minutes ago, picket fence said:

Going over old ground again but IF he does leave, the MFC will move on and be well compensated. But only when Jesse decides should it be done.

And by then the horse may have well and trully BOLTED!

So based purely on your own opinion the MFC should cave and trade him now.

Cool story... I don't care that you have an opinion on the matter Picket but let's not get carried away with as being fact



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34 minutes ago, picket fence said:

Going over old ground again but IF he does leave, the MFC will move on and be well compensated. But only when Jesse decides should it be done.

And by then the horse may have well and trully BOLTED!

What horse ? And where will it bolt to ?

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On 19 September 2016 at 3:14 PM, Grand New Flag said:

Goodwins comments here are exactly what I was told from another senior person at MFC.  This is all true.  All that is missing is the reason for Hogan's current stay in WA.  His critically ill father has the potential of stuffing this up for us, but the truth is that it is extremely unlikely Hogan will not re-sign with the Dees.  

My snout in WA tells me, there is no way Jesse will go to Freo.

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19 minutes ago, Unleash Hell said:

So based purely on your own opinion the MFC should cave and trade him now.

Cool story... I don't care that you have an opinion on the matter Picket but let's not get carried away with as being fact



Nup not saying that at all, I want to keep him, so tell me, Why would he not be wiling to sign now?? What will change next year?

He knows what the place is about. Why won't he sign? We offer huge amount put it onthe table, give him a few weeks to make up his mind, And if he cannot then what are we to assume?? Cmon what is there to think about? Eh?

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7 minutes ago, picket fence said:

Nup not saying that at all, I want to keep him, so tell me, Why would he not be wiling to sign now?? What will change next year?

He knows what the place is about. Why won't he sign? We offer huge amount put it onthe table, give him a few weeks to make up his mind, And if he cannot then what are we to assume?? Cmon what is there to think about? Eh?

You can't ask a player to be loyal by giving him an ultimatum. You show him support and loyalty

Loyalty and Respect are earned through actions - Business like personal life are about having good people lead the club. 

Who's to say he hasn't already made up his mind to stay but is home in WA for the offseason with his family and doesn't want to talk shop. Why is that less plausible then you're take on events? It's all speculation, speculation you are pushing that he is gone.

I have no idea what Jesse wants, I just want the club to stay strong and show leadership (which to this stage I think has been happening)

And as I've said multiple times, if the world does end and Jesse says I want to go back to WA so what if it's in 2017. Showing him loyalty and respect will be seen in the AFL circles and mean that Jesse is more likely to help us get fair compensation. Also it shows the league we don't abandon our players etc etc

I am not having a go at you Pickett, but you are a ring leader in the narrative to cut our losses now and trade him, which I completely disagree with

Edited by Unleash Hell
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5 minutes ago, Ethan Tremblay said:

And mine told me the Eagles don't have the salary cap to make a genuine offer this year? Is he holding out on an offer from the Eagles end of next season?

In theory you don't have to hold out, you just can't announce it until October 2017

Which I guess is what you were also saying haha

Edited by Unleash Hell
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13 minutes ago, picket fence said:

Nup not saying that at all, I want to keep him, so tell me, Why would he not be wiling to sign now?? What will change next year?

He knows what the place is about. Why won't he sign? We offer huge amount put it onthe table, give him a few weeks to make up his mind, And if he cannot then what are we to assume?? Cmon what is there to think about? Eh?



I want the club now to retract all offers and say "we'll sit down at the end of the year and start negotiations again". Let's just say his goalkicking doesn't improve, how much do we pay for a key forward who can't kick more than 50 goals a season? If he wants the big payday then he has to deliver. Put negotiations on hold so they can't be a distraction, go and get him a kicking coach and let's revisit this in 12 months time.

Edited by Bombay Airconditioning
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18 minutes ago, picket fence said:

Nup not saying that at all, I want to keep him, so tell me, Why would he not be wiling to sign now?? What will change next year?

He knows what the place is about. Why won't he sign? We offer huge amount put it onthe table, give him a few weeks to make up his mind, And if he cannot then what are we to assume?? Cmon what is there to think about? Eh?

Picket, to some extent I agree with you.  However, let's just let him have an off season break, come back refreshed, put it a full pre-season, we win the first few games of 2017 and just before we play the filth, he makes the big announcement that he is re-signing.

If something like that does not occur, then I would say he's gone.  I hope not and hope I am very wrong, but what you say makes eminent sense.  Just that I think your timeline is a little awry.

Edited by iv'a worn smith
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I know there are guys that are hopeful he will extend his contract with us. I am going to admit that I'm one that believes he is gone. There might be a 10% chance he will change his mind but if I am a betting man, my money is on him going home.

More money to go home and be with family? You are a better man than me if you can resist that.

The question is now, how are we going to deal with all the speculation for another year. He is probably going to come out and say contract will put on hold until end of next season again. Can we supporters take this? It's just pure torture for us.

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3 minutes ago, worldwideweb_demon said:

He is probably going to come out and say contract will put on hold until end of next season again. Can we supporters take this? It's just pure torture for us.

If he does this IMO he is gone and I will ignore all the bs next season. 

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5 minutes ago, worldwideweb_demon said:

I know there are guys that are hopeful he will extend his contract with us. I am going to admit that I'm one that believes he is gone. There might be a 10% chance he will change his mind but if I am a betting man, my money is on him going home.

More money to go home and be with family? You are a better man than me if you can resist that.

The question is now, how are we going to deal with all the speculation for another year. He is probably going to come out and say contract will put on hold until end of next season again. Can we supporters take this? It's just pure torture for us.

If he says that, then I agree he is gone

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21 minutes ago, worldwideweb_demon said:

I know there are guys that are hopeful he will extend his contract with us. I am going to admit that I'm one that believes he is gone. There might be a 10% chance he will change his mind but if I am a betting man, my money is on him going home.

More money to go home and be with family? You are a better man than me if you can resist that.

The question is now, how are we going to deal with all the speculation for another year. He is probably going to come out and say contract will put on hold until end of next season again. Can we supporters take this? It's just pure torture for us.

No, we're already going insane

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3 hours ago, Redleg said:

PS. The one fear I have, is that WC or Freo may have said we can't get you this year because of salary cap, or lack of trade currency, but we will get you next year, on a massive salary that they know we wouldn't match.

I reckon you're on the money here, Red.



35 minutes ago, iv'a worn smith said:

Picket, to some extent I agree with you.  However, let's just let him have an off season break, come back refreshed, put it a full pre-season, we win the first few games of 2017 and just before we play the filth, he makes the big announcement that he is re-signing.

If something like that does not occur, then I would say he's gone.  I hope not and hope I am very wrong, but what you say makes eminent sense.  Just that I think your timeline is a little awry.



Once this trade period is past, every minute that goes by without him signing, our position worsens.

Our only hope of keeping him now, IMO, is to have a slashing season next year.

But the endless speculation, and it will be endless, will only serve to disrupt, and that does not bode well for the team as a whole.

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16 minutes ago, Ted Fidge said:

I reckon you're on the money here, Red.





Once this trade period is past, every minute that goes by without him signing, our position worsens.

Our only hope of keeping him now, IMO, is to have a slashing season next year.

But the endless speculation, and it will be endless, will only serve to disrupt, and that does not bode well for the team as a whole.

Yes and it is up to Jesse to help make it a great season next year. 

Then he will see where the club is heading first hand

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