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Who cares anymore - Anger subsided


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I went today and sat in my usual seat surrounded by the usual people but today there was something different, there was no atmosphere at all, none. When the players ran out on to the ground there's normally a bit of cheering and shouting but today there was none. They played the club song and I stood and sang along but it was eerily quiet around me and I turned around and no one was standing, no one was clapping, and no one was interested; it was like they were doing their duty and that was it.

I just wanted the game to finish so I could go home and I think that most of the others there were the same; there is nothing left at the moment and the club will implode if they don't turn this around and soon.

Even though we've been horrific since 2007, I still liked going to watch the young blokes, the new guys who might be something for the future. Not any more.

If I'm in town, I don't miss any of our home games. Today I left at 3 qtr time for the first time ever. I wasn't angry at all, just so incredibly bored of seeing the same crap, every single week. Mind numbingly boring and soulless performances to set up my week at work.

The scores just rack up against us time and time again. Even the opposition are quiet at our games, they rarely get into it too much. It's just sad.

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the fire's going out.

scatter the embers, and it won't catch again. maybe a new fire in the place where the old one used to be? or not. maybe some of the last embers be taken somewhere else, to be built into another fire?

though we do keep hoping don't we? I got so excited at quarter time, I was actually upset at the 10-minute mark of the second quarter. complained about the umpires for a few minutes. But how many times will I go through that before cynicism and pain dulls me altogether? eventually the detaching will happen....

I remember Fitzroy dying. We all knew it, long before it finally happened - everyone can recognise the terminal stage, even if some won't admit it. Are we getting close to that now? How soon will expectation of the end start getting said out loud about MFC?

To Bing and Jumbo and the boys, the Board, Neeld, et al - followers of sport do not see routine slaughter as sport; this is pretty much off the scale. There must be a very finite amount more of this that can be endured without passing the point of no return.

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the worst part is this:

if you are a player, either about to be drafted or potentially moving clubs, how would you like the prospect of going to the MFC?

- extremely poor track record of developing talent, even when given the best quality draftees, means your potential as a player is unlikely to be reached

- what appears to be years of cellar-dwelling ahead

- what appears to be a spud coach

- what appears to be a dysfunctional administration and divided and dwindling supporter base

- despite (sort of) making some inroads in recent years, substandard economics/facilities/staff etc

- shown nothing but disrespect from the football world

- terrible crowds and fixturing meaning you never see 'the big stage'

- low profile club means less opportunity for endorsements, post-footy media career, not being in the paper etc

- money (the big one) undoubtedly we are lacking here since the paper-bag/VISY nature of the system makes a mockery of the salary cap

what do we have in our favour? The fact we play at the G and the fact we have a long history, that's about it. No longer can we talk about the upcoming stars on the list because we have shown our ability to actually turn these players into superstars is severely hindered

what needs to be considered here also is not just players wanting to come here, but given all of the above, do we wonder why there seems to be a lack of passion and effort shown by those currently wearing the jumper?

of course, pretty much all of the above doom and gloom can be turned around fairly quickly if we start winning, but gee we seem pretty far from that right now. The next couple of years is very dangerous territory in terms of who comes and goes, and whether we have any hope of building a quality list that actually give a stuff about the club.

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I'm over this season and need a break from it so I haven't gone to a game in a while. I'm still a member and will be next year but I can't find an inch of enthusiasm in myself for this season I just want it over and done with. I'll watch on TV and may go to a couple of games but I'm plain and simply over it. Not angry anymore just sad and bored of this year.

You might want to change your signature then.

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The bit I don't get is this:

We have 5 people who have coached at senior level involved with the club - Neeld, Viney, Craig, Connolly, Rawlings

Surely there is some coaching talent there. They can't all be shiite?? They must have some answers??

I know Neeld has the final call as senior coach but surely all the others aren't following him over the cliff??

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You might want to change your signature then.

That's a quote from my favorite athlete. It's not a quote from me. If it was my quote it would read along the lines of "adversity gives me the sh!ts and I want a beer"

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The bit I don't get is this:

We have 5 people who have coached at senior level involved with the club - Neeld, Viney, Craig, Connolly, Rawlings

Surely there is some coaching talent there. They can't all be shiite?? They must have some answers??

I know Neeld has the final call as senior coach but surely all the others aren't following him over the cliff??

Apparently no one can tell or if PJ can be trusted.

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I'm over this season and need a break from it so I haven't gone to a game in a while. I'm still a member and will be next year but I can't find an inch of enthusiasm in myself for this season I just want it over and done with. I'll watch on TV and may go to a couple of games but I'm plain and simply over it. Not angry anymore just sad and bored of this year.

This is pretty much where I am at. At half time in the Freo game (after breaking the remote) I decided it's just not worth being so emotionally invested when we are just no good, as there is only one possible outcome. I'm still watching the games but it's like watching any team play, there's no difference in feeling whatever the score.

Round 1 2014 I'll be back as I was before the Freo game, purely to see Jesse Hogan and any new recruits play. We will have a new coach but this won't increase my expectations at all. The list is just no good at the moment.

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Hey I read another stat today. The 4th time in 6 seasons we have been 1 win and 10 losses after rd 11.

God I love this club. They give their all year after year.

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Hey I read another stat today. The 4th time in 6 seasons we have been 1 win and 10 losses after rd 11.

God I love this club. They give their all year after year.

Haha, well Neeld has been after consistency!

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I'm over this season and need a break from it so I haven't gone to a game in a while. I'm still a member and will be next year but I can't find an inch of enthusiasm in myself for this season I just want it over and done with. I'll watch on TV and may go to a couple of games but I'm plain and simply over it. Not angry anymore just sad and bored of this year.

cfh...you would be far from alone in that. Its just not enjoyable any more. Its depressing. A wise man/woman removes such impediments to enjoying life. Its too short to squander on some things. Dare I say it, its only footy.

Yes , we'd all like it to be different , but it sure aint going to happen overnight and in the mean time theres lots of other, fun, rewarding, and enjoyable past times.

I see membership these days as a charitable donation, just no tax benefit

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Have been a life time supporter including redlegs etc

Moved to the country and invested in local team with constant reference to Ds heck I still pick em in tipping much to everyones hilarity.

Mates still go every week and we have a post match debrief but even they stopped being fun anymore.

Queens bday was the big day on calender when we would all take our Collingwood supporting mates to the match so we could at least take their money off them at entry and the bar. So I ventured down to see how bad this could be

the entry was ok but even the service at the bar was slow and painfully expensive $8.50 for a glass of mediocre red wine???? couldnt bear to see the price of a beer just kept drinking to dull the pain till I ran out of money, and still wasnt drunk??? Pies (4 n20 type) were even slow coming. Administration seemed very pooor

On the field the game opened up more than on TV and it was even more obvious that we are playing some sort of game that no one else appears to play.

If there is structure its the wrong one, if there are patterns they are wrong, players are confused hesitant and just doing everything badly.

For every highlight there were more lowlites/

The umpiring certainly didnt help and the leck of respect and protection for our players was obvious all over the feild. There were so many examples of just unbelievable play that I havent got typing skill to put down but have spoken with mates who follow all teams and they are very sympathetic to my frustration.

I am now clear ITS THE COACH

He is responsible for the patterns, application and performance of players.

He is responsible for match ups

He is responsible for positioning

He is responsible for the attitude of the players which is transferred to the supporters.

I havent got the answer but I reckon I now know the problem, it ain't the board, it ain't the cattle, it ain't the dollars, it aint the AFL. ITS THE COACH

He may have been a great mid field coah but we dont seem to have a midfield perhaps he could concentrate on that for the rest of his tenure and have our players feeding off our ruckman who still seemed to win a majority of contests (havent checked the stats)

Someone else could concetrate on match ups( putting someone on HArry (Trenners) was the bleeding obvious unfortunately he had already won the game.

Someone else could look at game time and effort 9 Toumpas sprinted off to the bench for his rotation after 2 jogs down the opposite wing to patrol his area where the ball and his opponent never were. He wasnt exhuasted and had done nothing wrong (or right)

Someone could tell players about shepherding, tackling, running at the ball.

Someone surely can give them confidence that they are as fit and capable as their opposition

that someone is usually the coach


OH well I feel better now sorry for wasting your time

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Does the MFC actual have a coach?

I thought the players just did their own thing.

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the worst part is this:

if you are a player, either about to be drafted or potentially moving clubs, how would you like the prospect of going to the MFC?

- extremely poor track record of developing talent, even when given the best quality draftees, means your potential as a player is unlikely to be reached

- what appears to be years of cellar-dwelling ahead

- what appears to be a spud coach

- what appears to be a dysfunctional administration and divided and dwindling supporter base

- despite (sort of) making some inroads in recent years, substandard economics/facilities/staff etc

- shown nothing but disrespect from the football world

- terrible crowds and fixturing meaning you never see 'the big stage'

- low profile club means less opportunity for endorsements, post-footy media career, not being in the paper etc

- money (the big one) undoubtedly we are lacking here since the paper-bag/VISY nature of the system makes a mockery of the salary cap

what do we have in our favour? The fact we play at the G and the fact we have a long history, that's about it. No longer can we talk about the upcoming stars on the list because we have shown our ability to actually turn these players into superstars is severely hindered

what needs to be considered here also is not just players wanting to come here, but given all of the above, do we wonder why there seems to be a lack of passion and effort shown by those currently wearing the jumper?

of course, pretty much all of the above doom and gloom can be turned around fairly quickly if we start winning, but gee we seem pretty far from that right now. The next couple of years is very dangerous territory in terms of who comes and goes, and whether we have any hope of building a quality list that actually give a stuff about the club.

Depends on the person being drafted.

1. They could be the type of person who likes being led, happy to have a crack and just follow suit then you're right, the MFC is not the best place to be.

2. They have the type of character who does not accept losing, does not accept mediocrity from himself or his team mates and plans to give everything they have to make this club great again helping to lift us from this doom and gloom they have the opportunity to become a legend in the process, someone who will be remembered as a great of our club forever.

Let's recruit more of the second type.

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Curry and Beer

Why Oh why did you change your avatar? I found that graphic image of the blankly staring mass murdering hillbilly type in a post apocalyptic world quite comforting – in a bizarre way. It certainly suits the mood of D’land and this thread.

Your posts don't indicate any cause for immediate optimism. Please explain.

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Curry and Beer

Why Oh why did you change your avatar? I found that graphic image of the blankly staring mass murdering hillbilly type in a post apocalyptic world quite comforting – in a bizarre way. It certainly suits the mood of D’land and this thread.

Your posts don't indicate any cause for immediate optimism. Please explain.

I agree BBO-perhaps since the moonshine deaths in Qld he has re-thought his image or gone for a re-brand .

Never change a winning formula I say ,but then I do live in the Gatwick and I had a fried mouse for breakfast so I can't really talk .

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The bit I don't get is this:

We have 5 people who have coached at senior level involved with the club - Neeld, Viney, Craig, Connolly, Rawlings

Surely there is some coaching talent there. They can't all be shiite?? They must have some answers??

I know Neeld has the final call as senior coach but surely all the others aren't following him over the cliff??

I think this is the reason why so many people are willing to give this footy department a chance, and also why so many "Neeld apologists" are frustrated with the "sacking Neeld is the solutionists". I'm not sure why anyone has decided that it is Neeld who is leading everyone off the cliff, except for the fact that he is the public face of the footy department. He may be doing a terrible job, but he also could be doing a good job working with rubbish.

There is plenty of experience there supporting Neeld. (Also add Misson tulip the list; not a coach but has serious experience at high performance clubs). Neeld may be making final calls but I'd make a substantial bet that at least Neil Craig has a big say in major decisions and would be guiding Mark along the way.

We are getting belted, on field performances are terrible but there are many factors that explain that without it being the "coach" or "the game plan" including lack of midfielders, lack of experience, lack of cohesion and lack of leaders.

Surely if it was "the coach" or if the "game plan" was so terrible one of the others would be saying "hey Mark this plan is shot".

"Neeld apologists" aren't supporting the coach, they are supporting the football department and believe there is enough experience from current successful clubs that they are probably doing what is reasonable practise throughout the industry.

Edited by deanox
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Hey I read another stat today. The 4th time in 6 seasons we have been 1 win and 10 losses after rd 11.

God I love this club. They give their all year after year.

I wonder if this has been quoted in the "Bailey or Neeld" thread?

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Curry and Beer

Why Oh why did you change your avatar? I found that graphic image of the blankly staring mass murdering hillbilly type in a post apocalyptic world quite comforting – in a bizarre way. It certainly suits the mood of D’land and this thread.

Your posts don't indicate any cause for immediate optimism. Please explain.

LOL, that image was actually a musician called Sean Rowe. I recently became obsessed with Miss Olivia Munn and her delicious blend of German and Chinese looks.. and I felt like a change. Rest assurred, this will not effect the lugubrious nature of my comments.

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LOL, that image was actually a musician called Sean Rowe. I recently became obsessed with Miss Olivia Munn and her delicious blend of German and Chinese looks.. and I felt like a change. Rest assurred, this will not effect the lugubrious nature of my comments.

Thanks for the explanation.

More strength to the lugubers!

BTW. Olivia a little like my daughter in law.

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Was probably "the only guy left on the island" type scenario TBF!!!!

Not sure if I should be offended or not but I have thick skin. My husband knows he is batting way above his average with me!!

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Not sure if I should be offended or not but I have thick skin. My husband knows he is batting way above his average with me!!

Thats good because you need one like a Rhino to follow the Dees

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On a positive note the best thing about this round is that we have a BYE.

That means the following;

We don't lose

We don't get another one quarter effort

We don't get another horror 3/4 effort

We don't get another arze kicking

We don't have to listen to Neelds after match press conference

We don't need to hear it is what it is, our list is our list, I didn't see that coming, we are training really well, the score board is the last thing which will change.

So u c there are some positives this round and it hasn't even started yet.

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