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Ghostwriter last won the day on February 5

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    JM18, JM4, KT12, DT10

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    The Other Side
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    Haunting folks… but in a good way

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  1. Omfg am I being pranked? Cannot believe how big a deal this has become. AT FIRST THEY WERE FLANKING HIM HOLDING HIS ELBOWS. AS THEY NEARED THE BOUNDARY THEY PUT HIS ARMS AROUND THEIR SHOULDERS. Not gonna repeat this again. Three times is two times too many. In fact not gonna post for a while. [censored] if I’m gonna let anyone insult me when I’m trying my best to relay things as they’re happening while there’s so much else going on. So go ahead and doubt anything or even everything I say. GW out.
  2. Really? REALLY?!!! God I hope you’re joking but even if you are joking, it’s not funny. I said he was helped off the field… HELPED not CARRIED. The pics you went to the trouble of posting show exactly that… he was HELPED not CARRIED. Moreover, within a few minutes of these pics being taken he was walking unaided and clearly not in as much pain. So I’m either “blind” or have chosen to “share misinformation,” yeah? Wow. Would expect it from certain others, so disappointed to hear it from you. Right now I’m asking myself why I even bother to post on here.
  3. Yeah I meant for most of the walk. As they neared the boundary the Doc and the physio got under his arms. Point is, he was walking.
  4. That’s NOT being carried off. As our medical update says, he was helped off. Big difference
  5. Hmmmm lemme think abou… HELL NO!!! The young guys have the schittiest taste in music and they’re always the ones that select it, but it’s because the older guys don’t care what’s being played.
  6. I know. Binman will be disappointed. I said I’d let this kind of comment go through to Alex Carey 😭 Cheers for the reminder
  7. You think he was faking it? I heard Jacob our Doc asking him a bunch of questions, I heard Shane insist he was fine to go back out, I heard Jacob decide otherwise. I saw Jacob walk him back to the rooms. As he passed by he said, “It’s okay, it’s not an injury, I’m just a bit crook” and he patted his stomach. Maybe the poor bugger reads DL and knows I’ll be on here defending him to the likes of you, PF.
  8. Definitely my favourite thing about today’s session was Charles Spargo. It seems like a lifetime since we’ve seen him without shackles and today’s performance was a huge reminder of what we’ve been missing for 12 months. It was soooo good to see Charles doing Charles things.
  9. Next it’ll be an ambo came lights and sirens to rush him to the hospital where he’s now clinging to life.
  10. Didn’t stop old mate from potting him though. Now I’m waiting for PF to chime in 🙄
  11. He wasn’t “carried” from the field. He came off under his own steam. He didn’t even have his arms around the doc and the physio. These exaggerations are so annoying.
  12. Looking great. No yellow hat. When they come off for water breaks geez Tracc is incredible with his words to the boys, especially the young guys. Full of encouragement and praise but not overdoing the praise. He commands their full attention.
  13. Sir yes sir! He looked to be in quite a bit of pain coming off but within minutes he seemed not as downcast. The club Doc said it’s not as bad as they first thought.
  14. He wasn’t “carted” off the field. He limped off. Jacob our club doctor said it’s not as bad as it looked anyways.
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