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AFL Employee leaked info about indigenous players


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Very much so. Innocent unless proven otherwise. We have no idea how the rumour started at this point or whether there was even a leak by one of our players, let alone Davey. Given his recent form, it's very hard to take anything MisFed says as even remotely close to the truth anymore. However, he will be a blight on the AFL's indigenous relationships for as long as he is retained in his current position.

The way things are heading at this point, i don't think we'll ever know the full story. The AFL (led by Vlad) is preferring this one to just blow over and is happy to let it go as probably a misconstrued comment or leak by a MFC player, whoever that was. And as of this morning, we've put the shutters up.

It's now back to business for the FD and boys. Fingers crossed that there was no snitch at our end. If there wasn't, i suspect we'll see us back on track within a few weeks. If there was, and it was someone within the playing group....then who knows what lays ahead.

Never a dull moment at the MFC lol

The MFC have done a fantastic job of keep us all entertained in very area for decades.

Excepting winning games of football.

Now I may be mistaken but I thought that was the main idea

Edited by old dee
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You may trust him but what do those in the inner sanctum think?

The club and the coach have backed him. That will do for me.
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Whether he embellished or was lied to is irrelevant. The fact is he breached a players privacy by running to the media (Caro, Smith & Thomas) instead of addressing the issue through the appropriate channels. The club was made aware of the allegations and attemtped to contact him and he refused to return the call. This is why he must be sacked he has breached confidence and privacy.

I agree. But there is a chance he was encouraged (more boardly, maybe) to build awareness of race issues and to put the issue on the map again. In which case, his employer would back him.

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Correct. Which is why he needs to go. AD has made this about him getting shafted by "evil" Thomas, but in fact, it is more to do with the fact he, at best, embellished and therefore misled both Thomas and the AFL (because this issue was taken to the Executive). That is..... unless the alleged MFC insider lied.

It doesn't matter if the insider lied. Mifdus broke a confidence to a gossip...and furthermore, this rumor had been doing the rounds for weeks. Mifsud again? So, it is likely that he broke trust several times. It doesn't matter if he was told that Neeld was doing outrageous nonsense: if the informant spoke in confidence and mifsud betrayed it (as he has claimed he did) then he violated that most basic tennet of his job.

He should resign.

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I agree. But there is a chance he was encouraged (more boardly, maybe) to build awareness of race issues and to put the issue on the map again. In which case, his employer would back him.

That makes no sense to me? Are you saying the AFL encouraged him to leak this to the media rather than take it up with the club through the correct channels? If so why would Anderson call Schwab and tell him he needs to speak to Mifsud? Why didn't Mifsud just call Schwab anyway? That assertion doesn't hold with me - I just think they are protecting him because he is a favoured son with mates in the right places who has been ear-marked for a future leadership position. The AFL is also trying to deflect and keep their nose clean by shifting blame onto other parties (Thomas & MFC/Davey).

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I think the damage is far wider and MFC and some of its officials are caught in the fall out.

Which officials?

If I was Neeld I would take Davey into my office, look him in the eye and say

"You've got 2 weeks to show me whether you're in or out."

End of discussion.

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It doesn't matter if the insider lied. Mifdus broke a confidence to a gossip...and furthermore, this rumor had been doing the rounds for weeks. Mifsud again? So, it is likely that he broke trust several times. It doesn't matter if he was told that Neeld was doing outrageous nonsense: if the informant spoke in confidence and mifsud betrayed it (as he has claimed he did) then he violated that most basic tennet of his job.

He should resign.

Apparently he 'tendered one', but it wasn't accepted. I have my doubts of this. Surely If he's serious about the resignation, he'd finish up regardless........

Curiouser and curiouser.......

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What are the facts?All i know is somene is lying either Mifsud or the MFC source When that fact is established then the lier should be sacked and condemned. The only fact is that Demetriou and theAFL look like the tools the always have been What a bunch of self interested a..e covers they are MFC and Neeld should sue!

I doubt very much Neeld or the club would sue and they would be wise not to. A defamation case would be way too expensive and they may not win.

Thomas would have a couple of defamation defences he could pursue such as "Fair Opinion" defence i.e The defamatotory comments were passed as comment rather than fact.(The legal posters on Demonland would have a better handle on these matters).

The best Neeld and the MFC should hope to get out of this is an apology and the restoration of their reputations.

Any lawyers out there want to give a more informed opinion?

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That makes no sense to me? Are you saying the AFL encouraged him to leak this to the media rather than take it up with the club through the correct channels? If so why would Anderson call Schwab and tell him he needs to speak to Mifsud? Why didn't Mifsud just call Schwab anyway? That assertion doesn't hold with me - I just think they are protecting him because he is a favoured son with mates in the right places who has been ear-marked for a future leadership position. The AFL is also trying to deflect and keep their nose clean by shifting blame onto other parties (Thomas & MFC/Davey).

I think the AFL deliberately went public on the Rendell issue, to highlight the race issue. Potentially, through Mifsud, the AFL has heard the message that racism/ignorance is widespread, and they wanted to put the issue on the public agenda. So Mifsud might have felt sanctioned to publicise the issue, especially since it is his whole portfolio (and it seems he may have a chip on his shoulders). Now it might be that Mifsud misled the AFL, and because he is a favourite son, they took him at face value, and in so doing thought that racism was bigger an issue (at least at MFC) than it actually is. That may explain why the AFL didn't accept Mifsud's explanation, and why the AFL is also in thsi up to their eyeballs. AD's explanation that Mifsud shouldn't have been having off the record conversations, saying that GT was liable for breaching off the record conversations, and also saying that he regularly has off the record conversations was twisted logic at best.

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Guest Thomo

There are three separate issues in this

1 - It's alleged that a MFC player is not happy and spoke to someone at the AFL about his feelings

2 - An AFL employee leaked confidential information to the media

3 - Someone in the media reported information without checking all the facts

Issue 1 - If true, a player at the club is not happy, big deal. It would be great to work it out, but it is not unexpected to have a player unhappy at a club, happens at every club for a variety of reasons. This to me is a non issue, but has been turned into the major issue by a smart AFL and Media.

Issue 2 - This is the big one. I do not care if it was true, mixed up or a straight out lie. How can this bloke still have a job after admitting to disclosing confidential information? He and the AFL smartly changed the focus onto if the story was true, not the fact that he has admitted telling the media confidential player information.

Issue 3 - Third rate media personality writes another stupid article, and is shown to be incompetent, Thomas has had his reputation torn to pieces with this, as he should. I’d leave it at that, I think there will be a bit more self regulation now.

I notice the media are also focusing on if the leak is true, rather than how and why it was leaked. The last thing that the media want is to discourage leaks, so they will focus on who is lying, rather than the real issue of betraying the confidentiality of the conversation.

If Melbourne do want to pursue this, pursue it as a breach of trust of the indigenous players by the AFL. It’s the real story here, and the media will lap it up.

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Who is this guy Misfit and what exactly is his role description?

It seems to me that the indigenous players want to be treated like everyone else right? Then why do we seem to have a special AFL employee assigned to looking after their welfare only? Misfit just seems to be a little germ who likes to big note himself to increase his own level of self importance.

How the hell do you "counsel" someone who is essentially just a big mouth who doesn't understand the basic concept of confidentiality.

Does the session go something like:

"Counselor": Yeah just stop blabbing everything you hear that is confidential to all and sundry in the media.

Misfit: OK no problems.

Session over?

What a complete w ank.

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Cant believe Davey is one of the highest paid MFC players.

He had maybe 2 good seasons, i think he is a drain on the team, a drain on the energy of the place, a drain on the budget and membership fees.

I remember when he was threatening to leave the MFC, all he seems to care about is himself. I don't think i have ever seen him even congratulate a team mate for a good play, even when he was VC.

Waste of the rumored 500-600k per year.

Go back to Big Footy.

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And by the way IF ANY of our players are bitching to outsiders about how much training hard sucks then they can seriously GAGF.


If you don't like it then the AFL is not for you. It seems to me that too many are just happy to be making a bloody good living playing footy and putting in only when your contract is up.

It's almost like we have to just lop the top off this list and only concentrate on those under 25.

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This stuff does not help our cause getting a second major sponsor. Despite everyone denying unless the true story comes out , some mud will stick. Unless mifsud tells who spoke to him, every indigineous player is under suspision. Either mifsud spoke to someone or he is a walter mitty

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If someone is saying this is Davey who started the rumours, then shouldn't Davey be demanding an apology from the person who accused him of this?

I find it interesting that he isn't

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Which officials?

If I was Neeld I would take Davey into my office, look him in the eye and say

"You've got 2 weeks to show me whether you're in or out."

End of discussion.

Agreed. The coach is there to do one job. If Neeld has backed Aaron, & i hope this is what has happened. Aaron must do the same. Now.
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I notice the media are also focusing on if the leak is true, rather than how and why it was leaked. The last thing that the media want is to discourage leaks, so they will focus on who is lying, rather than the real issue of betraying the confidentiality of the conversation.

No thats the second last thing they want. The last thing they want is to have their access revoked by the AFL.

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Davey has to play this weekend now doesn't he?

Last chance saloon altho if he fails again then he will no doubt blame it on the furore that was created by the AFL. If he gets dropped the wagons will circle again saying "it was true, the leaker was Davey"

The easiest and best way to resolve this is for Davey to play a blinder but sadly I don't think he has it in him. He checked out a year ago.

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Davey has to play this weekend now doesn't he?

Last chance saloon altho if he fails again then he will no doubt blame it on the furore that was created by the AFL. If he gets dropped the wagons will circle again saying "it was true, the leaker was Davey"

The easiest and best way to resolve this is for Davey to play a blinder but sadly I don't think he has it in him. He checked out a year ago.

trouble is if he plays and has a bad day it could too easily be blamed on all the trauma interrupting his preparation etc etc

there is no easy path out of this .......play him/don't play him.......bad game/good game........very grey

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No, no, no! Don't let the story die here. Don't let the AFL turn the story from 'MFC Coach is racist' to 'MFC player lied about coach to AFL'!

If you believe Aaron Davey, Cameron, then don't let him take the firing squad that was intended for Neeld.

Show rpfc that this club stands for something, show the AFL this club stands for something.

I will be very disappointed if the club just rolls over and takes this [censored] from the bully boys at AFL.

Don't forget that a so called senior AFL official either fabricated a "story" to the detriment of MFC, ot breached a confidence taken in his official capacity. And whichever, he was backed up (despite he claimed verbal counselling) by the greatest hypocrite in AFL history who bleats on and in about "integrity"!!

If we lie down and take this, I reckon many long term supporters, myself included, will very quickly lose interest in yet another rebuild of a club that will now be widely, and this time correctly, regarded as totally spineless.

Sure, take the risk that Vlad will screw us and send us interstate 10 times next year, and play the rest at Docklands, but at least we will have shown some balls for a change.

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I really feel for Aaron Davey. I don't actually care whether or not he was the one who said things to Jason Mifsud, that's not the point. It may have been true at the time he said them but issues may have been addressed by the time Caro got hold of it - that's why media personalities (true journos OR commentators) must check the facts at the time the story goes to print.

People should be entitled to have private conversations without them ending up in the media. People should also be entitled to change their minds.

Two things are undeniable. If Thomas had done his homework, this never would have become an issue. Likewise if Mifsud had kept quiet.

I have no problem with Aaron airing grievances in a private forum, it's healthy to get stuff off your chest sometimes. I'm also comfortable with him changing his story as the facts change.

He is being hung out to dry by others simply trying to big note themselves for personal gain which I think is horrifically unfair. What good could Mifsud have possibly thought would come of telling Thomas?

It is tand reach of confidence and lack of discretion that is the issue for me, not what was originally said then perhaps ultimately changed.

Edited by Radar Detector
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Just by the way, if Neeld did happen to address the indigenous boys as a group why is this racist and why is everyone up in arms? Are we being a little over-sensitive??

Yes I can see that it would be seen to be treating them differently because of their race but the indigenous boys identify as 'brothers' and a collective group. They will offer each other support and make their way to each of the opposition indigenous players at the end of each match to shake hands and chat. They freely talk about themselves as a collective unit. Is it a case of double standards?

Not saying it is or isn't but it's hardly a hanging crime is it? Paul Roos got away with saying indigenous players have less endurance and hardly a word was muttered in protest yet I personally would find that more offensive. But what if it's true? Why is it that the last 30 or so world record 100m metre runners have been black? It it racist to say that they are better runners? Or does the evidence simply overide that?

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Neeld is right. This drama is done and dusted.

It's no good for the AFL

It's no good for the MFC

It's no good for the team

It should stop now.


It is liquid gold for the journo's whose income would dry up if there was no controversy.

Shoot or ban the ( insert Don Chipp's word ) I say.

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Guest Thomo

Just by the way, if Neeld did happen to address the indigenous boys as a group why is this racist and why is everyone up in arms? Are we being a little over-sensitive??

Yes I can see that it would be seen to be treating them differently because of their race but the indigenous boys identify as 'brothers' and a collective group. They will offer each other support and make their way to each of the opposition indigenous players at the end of each match to shake hands and chat. They freely talk about themselves as a collective unit. Is it a case of double standards?

Not saying it is or isn't but it's hardly a hanging crime is it? Paul Roos got away with saying indigenous players have less endurance and hardly a word was muttered in protest yet I personally would find that more offensive. But what if it's true? Why is it that the last 30 or so world record 100m metre runners have been black? It it racist to say that they are better runners? Or does the evidence simply overide that?

I think that the alleged issue was that they were not given the opportunity to meet with the coach one on one like the rest of the players.

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