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Showing content with the highest reputation on 22/06/24 in all areas

  1. Deserves its own thread but a massive [censored] you to the disgracefully large contingent of you so-called Melbourne “supporters” who choose not to go to games to “protest” or some other [censored]. Not for a second having a go at those who can’t go for financial or personal reasons. Almost none of us can get to every game. But if you stayed home because you’re fed up with Goodwin or you think our season’s shot or you want to “send a message” to Roffey or Pert, or you think we’re boring or whatever, [censored] you. Don’t sit at home and complain that we can’t attract talent in the trade period - who wants to play in a half empty MCG when North’s 10,000 fans are more vocal than ours? Don’t complain about our players looking devoid of confidence when they don’t get the sort of lift from the crowd that most other clubs get. If you’re able to go, and you don’t, get stuffed.
    20 points
  2. I was just at the ground. When the siren went I just got up and walked out. The 50 metres to Windsor was right in front of me: to the letter of the law that’s a 50. THE EXACT SAME THING HAPPENED TO TMAC 2 MINUTES LATER - AND NO 50. The players were going berserk. The standard of umpiring can’t even be consistent for 3 minutes. The AFL is losing me. The umpiring is so inconsistent. Everyone waffles on about ‘the game is so hard to umpire’. It’s not an accident. It’s happening too often, and making them too much money.
    19 points
  3. Loved the Kynan Brown tackle. Well done son. I loved it when the camera panned to dad - Ooze and Daniel Ward either side of him were going off their heads but poor old Doggy was crapping his dacks. I could relate.
    18 points
  4. May was a match winner. Larkey is a star and was invisible. Most important player in the team . Rising 33 and he is irreplaceable. Champion.
    14 points
  5. I am gobsmacked by that. Scoreless in the last quarter. Holding the ball whenever we had it on the wing and letting them flood. We have zero confidence. Zero synergy. No structure. We are poorly coached and playing like huge plodders. We are bottom 4 the way we are playing.
    14 points
  6. I used to really enjoy lurking on these pages but the negativity is a real drag. I know that it's frustrating watching your team lose or not play their best, but being a supporter is also about celebrating wins. There were so many positives to take out of tonight. Yeah, we may not be playing our best footy, but we were so much better than previous week's. We led for the entire game for a start and barely kicked any behinds. The youth at our club stood up tonight. Kolt was amazing. That Kynan Brown tackle 🔥. Trent Rivers. Judd McVee. Jack Viney, Max Gawn and Steven May played really well. Petty had some impact! Our first and third quarters were really good. North Melbourne are not playing like a bottom side - they were really lifted in the last quarter and were hard to stop. We may not win the premiership this year, but there is a lot to hope for in the future. Every top 8 side has had a [censored] time recently - Sydney nearly didn't make the finals last year, Geelong missed them entirely. Collingwood were woeful in 2021. A win is a win, is a win, is a win.
    13 points
  7. Following (as psychotically as usual) from St Albans aka the Stabbing Capital of Victoria Also just braggin’ 😁
    12 points
  8. Did you watch that last quarter? That definitely wasn’t the worst possible result.
    11 points
  9. Today I went to my grand daughters basket ball game. They won by 1 point. After trailing all game, the opposition led by 1 point with 10 seconds to go all they need to do was maintain position. With 6 seconds to go we stole the ball. Our girl is a good player but not a good shooter. With all our hearts in our mouths she drove to the ring and straight in. I have seldom celebrated more with parents etc. nothing the Dees can possibly do tonight will equal that game. By they way they are the Devils!
    11 points
  10. Kynan Brown with the game saving tackle back in the 8!
    10 points
  11. That was woeful. Honestly feels like a loss.
    10 points
  12. 10 points
  13. Windsor's second 50 was a totally wrong decision. The North player feigned to handball. The edict was mandated two seasons ago that the player on the mark was entitled to move in that instance. Elementary stuff.
    9 points
  14. Highlight for me was seeing Ooze grinning ear to ear in the crowd next to Brown Snr as I knew it would trigger some tiggers and the Richmond BF board didn’t disappoint: ”Poor look our coach publicly supporting his old side. Should concentrate on winning a game first.” “It's not a good look being the face of one footy club and outright barracking for another. Fair enough I know blokes have their allegiances and attend reunions but celebrating a 3 point win for your old side against bottom of the ladder just smacks of not having the right priorities given where he's at and the season Richmond is having.” ”Why was ooze at the G tonight cheering on his old team? ” “He’s no Hardwick yet , should concentrate on being a better coach.” “Sack immediately. Bloody disgrace.” “I've never liked him and wasn't happy with his appointment tbh.”
    9 points
  15. Wat the actual f@-k is wrong with some of you on here 😭
    9 points
  16. At this point I'll take any win we can get. Carn Dees 🤌
    9 points
  17. A relaxing evening spent watching our boys establish their premiership credentials on the hallowed turf. Can only assume positive comments in game day thread and this one. I hope Steven May’s head is ok too. That looked very nasty.
    9 points
  18. That felt like a loss… Simon is useless. Sending petty back behind the ball with 10 minutes to go 9 points up against the bottom of the ladder is pathetic and laughable. Oliver needs to be dropped come back next year. Beyond a liability, he is taking up a midfield spot where we could be developing someone else
    9 points
  19. 9 points
  20. Zurhaar to his tattoo artist: ” Just make me look like a jailbird/ meth head with no unifying theme, design or aesthetic. Try to use just one colour and if you can’t be bothered finishing one just start another in a totally random spot .Until I change my mind or get another concept”
    9 points
  21. No, he just likes whinging, criticising and posting the same comment week after week.
    9 points
  22. Putrid and pathetic. I can barely handle losing but when the umps interfere like they do, I go off my dial.
    8 points
  23. Hooray we are 3 times better than Cwood
    8 points
  24. Downed this just before I left home… Then realised I’ve got another two in my bag and cans aren’t allowed in so right now I’m outside the G smashing another two (don’t judge me). I’ll be the one pingin’ off the walls tonight, win or lose 😂
    8 points
  25. Apparently he's a little miffed with our form but believes that if we can hold on tonight, snatch a win next week and then roll WC at the G we'll be right back in it at 10 - 6. He'll then return, Trac will be back for the GF and we'll finally win that second flag. He's an upbeat and confident fella. You better check with WCW ito see if any of this is even remotely true.
    8 points
  26. WE’VE GOT THIS!!! Hopefully we get a decent crowd tonight and the boys know we’re there. It means a lot to them when they can hear us, and who knows… it may just be the difference between winning and losing 🤷‍♀️ Was gonna say Dees by a Pup (41pts) but even I’m not that delusional so I’ll go Dees by a Knuckles - 4pts, since he last wore #41 ❤️💙
    8 points
  27. Entire club is scared. The players are scared of contact, scared of going when it's their turn, scared of getting in someone's way and scared of making a mistake. Coaches are scared of making difficult calls, scared of admitting how bad we are, and scared of Goodwin. Pert and Roffey are scared of being wrong. They will go down with the ship. We are barely recognisable. We have no cohesion, no hunger, no intensity and no desire. They are zapped of all confidence, not playing for the coach and definitely not playing for each other. I was embarrassed by Clarry's behaviour all night and more embarrassed that the club keeps rewarding his performances and behaviour. Standards are an absolute mess and you can see and feel it at the ground that the culture, spirit, connection whatever you want to call it is broken.
    7 points
  28. 7 points
  29. Pretty hard to say we were soft and pathetic when the umpires were giving Norf frees for falling over . That was the lamest Umpiring I've seen in years. No wonder our team are playing poorly. You can have no confidence in a game style when the guys who got rejected from the mixed netball team at the Greens Party Vegan BBQ start exercising power over actual men.
    7 points
  30. I've seen plenty of games where I thought the umpires were trying to get a side over the line , but I don't think I've ever seen anything as blatant as tonight
    7 points
  31. The rules must have been changed again but nobody told us if you move on the mark when the player feigns a handball it is 50. That is bull dust! Cost us another goal. Putrid call.
    7 points
  32. A pyrrhic victory. Hard to get excited. Forward line is still a big problem especially Fritsch who let a youngster in Archer wipe the floor with him.
    7 points
  33. You did the best you could umps. Sometimes you just dont get the result. Go enjoy a nice cold glass of urine.
    7 points
  34. Trying to save the game with 10 mins to go was moronic. We were lucky to keep that lead. It smacked of a scared coaching staff.
    7 points
  35. Every free kick those maggots could think of they pulled out of their coight for Norf. Absolutely disgusting.
    7 points
  36. I find myself unable to stop rueing the Petty, Melksham and Brayshaw injuries at the end of last year. I reckon we'd be holding a second Cup and sitting comfortably inside the top 4 right now had those 3 never got injured. Instead the Pies are holding another Cup, Brayshaw has retired, Petty is a shadow and Melksham hasn't fired a shot. So tonight I sit and watch a game against and up and coming young team and can't decide whether i care more about 2024 or about the draft for 2025. Then there's the salt being ground into my wounds by watching Grundy and JJ ripping it up for the top team who can't buy an injury and are flying, Dane Swan's in the HOF and Carlton and Essendon are both above us. Sheesh that's some depressing football mood right there.
    7 points
  37. The roos' pressure and contest has been good, but they lack the fitness to maintain it for four quarters. I doubt we'll be fully wound up, but the roos are coming of a six day break and we're coming off a bye. I think the roos will either come out flat, or come up out with good intensity but fade. Dees by 43 points.
    7 points
  38. You don’t have much form on the bolded bit.
    7 points
  39. Game day baby. Pumped (not really) No Trac, no problem. Back on the winners list today and a return to form for Petts (will bounce back with at least 4 goals). Go Dees. See you tonight at the G SN34
    7 points
  40. We need to be brutal at the contest today. Enough is enough.
    7 points
  41. Following (a tad less keenly than previous years) from Schinoussa in the Greek Cyclades. In truth, just braggin'.
    7 points
  42. Name me a more lazy player for this team
    6 points
  43. Wow.. how was that not dropping the ball!??
    6 points
  44. Seems like HTb has gone out of favor pretty quick. Didn't last long
    6 points
  45. Yeah yeah, but can he take a contested mark?
    6 points
  46. Definitely going tonight! I wouldn’t miss it for the world. And it’s my son’s 19th birthday today. This morning I told him that as a gift I’ll stay home tonight. He said, “Mum, believe me, you NOT staying home is a gift.” 😂 Funny little [censored]-er huh 😆 edit: he and I both know my offer to stay home was as half-arzed as they come. One of these years he’ll call my bluff and that’s when sch!t gets real. 😆
    6 points
  47. Roll up, Roll up to the Can't Win Demonland Cup. Lose and all the doom spiral predictions are proven correct. Win by anything less than 124 points and all the doom spiral predictions are proven correct.
    6 points
  48. He's reached the "acceptance" phase of his grief journey.
    6 points
  49. Could be just a malicious rumour, but I did hear somewhere that his knees are not quite 100% 🤫
    6 points
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