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  1. Yeah, he'll be 28 in May next year. Coughing up two first rounders for someone who could start slowing down and succumbing to soft tissue injuries after only a couple of seasons for us would be crazy.
  2. To be fair both us and GWS have won three of our last five games.
  3. Might have been worth exploring paying BBB out and sliding him across to an AFLW and/or assistant coaching role. Presumably his salary would still be in our cap, but surely that could have been absorbed with Grundy et al. traded out last year.
  4. McClure is demonstrating credibility on par with that kid at primary school that reckons his dad is a billionaire and he has all the cool toys but he's not allowed to show you because they are so valuable.
  5. I've got [censored]-all interest in us paying half a million a year for Oliver to tear it up for another team for the next 5 years. Yes injury and his off field issues stuffed the latter half of last year and much of his pre season, but he's seemed in a much better place this season. I reckon we'd be crazy not to give him the chance to get a full preseason under him and show his wares next year before giving trades a consideration.
  6. And Heeney copped a week for attempting to foil a player's hold on his jumper. Compare the respective actions. The inconsistency between incident and penalty is an indictment on the AFL.
  7. The closest to this I can remember was a comment goody made in a presser in Weid's last year saying something to the effect that he needed to realise it was big boys footy. I read his fullarton comment as a frustration with our lack of a ready ruck backup on our list.
  8. Aaaaahhhh ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Burn the mattress. The Bombers are $h!tting the bed big time. Top 2 they reckoned a week or so ago.
  10. Shocking handpass! Go crows!
  11. I comfort myself in the knowledge that we got Jeff White from them, Langdon, and they effectively gave us Steven May for nothing given what Hogan gave them. And I totally agree, it's high time we gave them a belting.
  12. I'm pretty sure I saw him in that movie Team America.
  13. And he snagged 60 or so in the reserves that same year for a 130+ goal season, if I recall correctly.
  14. 🤣 i like what you did there.
  15. Pretty sure at the opening bounce we both start at 0. Last time doesn't mean [censored].
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