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  1. perfect way to ease him in: Casey last week Carlton this Sunday Proper AFL team the week after :-)
    26 points
  2. Let me tell you a story about Masterchef. My ex missus, a fairly well known chef, featured on the program in one of the early seasons. On one episode, contestants had to replicate her recipes for judging by the usual panel. On another, she was invited to be on the judging panel itself (a final IIRC). In the one where they cooked her food, she reckoned all but one actually executed the dish properly. That person got scored the lowest and was kicked off the show because they were obese or ethnic or whatever compromised ratings. In the one where she was a judge, she reckoned one particular dish was just awful. Inedible. Especially after the food sits there for 2 hours whilst they prepare for the next segment. Anyway, she says to Georgie and his pals she’s gonna generously give the plate of [censored] a ‘2’. Whilst the rest of the gang agreed the dish was rubbish, the producers forced her to score a ‘6’! Now for those who have worked in hospitality, it’s needless to say that when a group of chefs (there were some others on the judging panel that episode) are bored and have time to kill, they may find ways to...indulge! So a few sheets to the wind and naturally rebellious, my ex missus brushed off the tap on the shoulder from the producers and scored a ‘2’ anyway. They had to re do the whole scene again! The powers that be manipulating the judiciary to the benefit of select individuals or parties - sounds like the AFL/mro/tribunal, ay? Masterchef is a bloody nonsense and has created a phenomenon of starry eyed, entitled bed-wetters of thinking they have some rite of passage to become a celebrity chef. Shut the [censored] up, put down your tweezers and get in the corner and peel 60kg of carrots, kid, there’s a queue of 50 people from all nationalities and desperate personal situations to take your job, you little [censored]. I hope Chunk won’t be forced to lie. No one deserves that. And for the record, I played against George Colombarus in an inter-restaurant charity soccer game. I’m 6”2 and was playing as a defender on Georgie. He thought he was quick, but my long legs were wrapped around him all day like an alien on Sigourney Weaver’s god dam face. After yet another intercept (with plenty of niggle) he cracked the [censored] and had a sook to the umpire. Then he gave me a mouthful and moved position! In a bloody charity game! Grade A jerk. We won 2-1.
    11 points
  3. I'm sort of hoping the appeals board hands down the death penalty.
    10 points
  4. I am a little worried about this guy. He is clearly a special talent, ie he can do the amazing things others can only dream about. I don't buy the line that he's just "an athlete" , who is trying to play footy. He's a natural footballer as well as an incredible athlete. He's fast, brave, powerful kick, manic in his tackling, handles the footy like a basketball, etc etc, I could go on. But no doubt his development as a consistent top notch AFL player has to an extent stalled. And that's the problem actually. I suspect he is being so coached about the disciplined things he has to do that they are all buzzing around his head on game day, and his natural ability is being strangled. Hence his struggles. I am not blaming the coaches - its a difficult line to walk, make him do the team first things but without curbing what comes naturally. I'm confident he that he will, in the end, find his way out of his current slump, but he needs extra careful handling. We don't want to lose him.
    9 points
  5. Bolton should have gone for a coffee with Gil.
    8 points
  6. 8 points
  7. Interesting that the result is known before evidence is given, or cases presented and then negotiated outcomes are guaranteed in the same circumstances. Yep, Independent Tribunal my ars-e.
    7 points
  8. Why the AFL use a different tribunal each time is confusing? Surely you would you the same people for the entirety of the year to ensure the outcomes are consistent?
    7 points
  9. That's crazy, bloke loves it at the Dee's. Came into the side and lit it up at a time we were struggling. I think he strikes me as a very unique individual and this is the first time he has had to deal with a form slump. Can't wait to see him do what he does best, RUN. Let Lever, Jetta, Lewis and Hibberd worry about defending, you just attack.
    7 points
  10. He should be studying his teammate Michael Hibberd. The art of how to be damaging off half back while also defending your man.
    7 points
  11. There has been a lot of commentary that we have only beaten weaker teams (which is correct, because if we beat them then we are ‘stronger’ on the day...). Personally, I think this is actually a good thing. Here’s why. we tuned up the gameplan over the summer, and the JLT allowed us to implement a version of it and look like top 4 material. we played less than ideal footy and took the points in a couple of games. Playing for 3/4, with a defensive press way too high, Maxy not hitting to advantage and terrible inside 50 connections. we were slaughtered by the Hawks. Wake up call. we played ok versus Richmond. A bit rushed early, but the third quarter was some of th3 toughest contested ball I have seen in footy in a while. so now we have a few ‘easy’ games in a row. Thank god. Over these games we have seen: the back 6 start to work. Lever to begin to show some real skill, and Lewis now being the general. Jetta rediscovered his form. tmac is back and building. Forward connection still needs work, but forward pressure is manic the big 4 have had a couple of games to work together. the midfield are growing. Salem and Angus in particular. viney is about to return. i for one am glad we have had this run to build skill, strategy and structure. The confidence of a few wins now might encourage the team to bring this style, refined and practiced over the ‘easy’ games, into the harder stuff. The coaching staff have made the adjustments and drilled the plan, and the players are seeing the rewards. This little period could be the making of the team. If we went straight into harder contests with no trust in the gameplan or each other, it could have been messy. It sure looks like these games have allowed a different sense to emerge. I am keen to see us kick over the blues, and set ourselves for some more serious challenges that will test our ability to keep playing our game.
    6 points
  12. It's almost ? like they just make it all up as they go.....tra-la-lala-la ?
    6 points
  13. Take a quote out of context and look what happens.. It was Tim who was questioning whether or not we’ll play him. Gary was simply saying they’ll pick him when his ready. Wow. What a news grab.
    6 points
  14. We've not lost a quarter since I started this thread. You're welcome.
    6 points
  15. Here we go with the hysterics again.
    6 points
  16. 6 points
  17. I still can't get over Clarkson scoring a private meeting with Gil. Any fair dinkum CEO would have said, if you have something to say, say it through the coaches assoc. I can't allow even the appearance of doing special favours for anyone. Last good thing Gil did for the game was slashing the price of chips. I bet they've gone back up to what they were.
    5 points
  18. 5 points
  19. Exactly, so having fought the charges, if these 2 now go they should be given 2 weeks.
    5 points
  20. Angus Brayshaw, when interviewed, said that he had been ready for 'weeks' The weekend run around was just the last box to tick In, in, in
    5 points
  21. Spot on Mickey. (speaking as a former CEO) the Board sets strategy then oversees the implementation by the CEO and his team - in simple terms - and holds them to account. I love Bartlett because he allows the AFL's best CEO, PJ, to do his job. Bartlett isn't, nor should be in the media - unless its a full blown crisis - think Paul Little and the bombers drug scandal, the great J. Stynes (debt crisis), . Again that's PJ and Goodwin, as the media is about talking to the members primarily. Other AFL presidents you hear of publicly are in it for the ego rush - think McGuire and Kennett. It doesn't mean that poor in their role, but they love their heads on TV I suspect Bartlett has a strong ego already and doesn't need validation. Great team and the club is in good hands.
    5 points
  22. You do realise its pre-recorded right?
    5 points
  23. Clarkson's conduct in going directly to McLachlan was reprehensible. McLachlan's response is no less reprehensible and a symptom of overweening self-importance and and an example of extremely poor governance. There is a structure that the CEO should not be able to short circuit without inviting condemnation and scorn. Why is it that after a certain period of time every AFL CEO ends up suffering from hubris and losing the trust and confidence of the footu public - think of Demetriou, Jackson, Oakley, Hamilton - although McLachlan has reached that stage sooner than others. Time for McLachlan to go.
    5 points
  24. since when is it gil's job to instruct the umpires in-season on game-day emphasis and to make rulings on interpretations of the game's rules and all without proper process what makes gil any more an expert on the rules than any other mug punter. he's a ceo ffs not umpires advisor afl's lack of integrity just continues to roll on
    5 points
  25. Plenty of overreaction happening on this thread. A 22 year old player who hasn't yet played 50 games is having some issues with form? Impossible. Jayden will be back.
    4 points
  26. This will be the show that reveals how Jack Watts lost the trust of his teammates. First he asks if there is a sommelier on set. Then, speaking of the pea soup, that he was expecting an element of surprise, but was let down by its pervading ordinariness. Of the steak and chips, that it was abstract but rarely obvious, and used too much tomato sauce. Of the bread and butter pudding, that it was emotionally complex with a hint of eroticism, but ultimately let down the taster by not having any real link to the the active perception it is signifying. Footballers will tolerate a lot, but not that.
    4 points
  27. To use a Masterchef idiom: they are the garnish and not the hero of the dish. They wander in, scoff some grub, and Jonesy says “tastes good, dunnit?” Rest of the show is about short pockets angry George, look away and I’ll eat you Matt and totally irrelevant Gary yelling at the poor bastards, and some cooking in between watching people rush around for no reason and recaps.
    4 points
  28. No mate, it's because you denigrate MFC supporters any chance you get and actively turned your back on the club to support GWS over on BigFooty.
    4 points
  29. What’s ultimately at play here is the credibility of Hockings decision to appoint a single MRO to officiate all incidents in an effort to find consistency. What’s happened is a continuation of the same flaws producing the same confusion. The next thing to happen here is anyone’s guess but Hockings arrival and seemingly astute and timely decisions are right on the line here. The appeal fails and so does Hocking. Big time.
    4 points
  30. But that’s not the issue. Hawkins pleaded guilty to intentionally making contact with an umpire. The Curnows were both charged with the same offence. Both then argued it wasn’t intentional, just merely careless. As you note, careless contact with unpires happens all the time (eg running through one because you’re not paying enough attention). The issue here is that there is no reasonable way to characterise what either Curnow did as anything other than intentional. Once it is accepted that both intentionally made contact with an umpire, both should be suspended for a week as the general principle ought to be that players should not intentionally make contact of any sort with an umpire.
    4 points
  31. He’s quick but at the moment he a) is not winning enough football and b) turns it over when he gets it He is an “asset” for us and if traded I’d hope he’d probably be worth a late first or early second round pick, if there is actual demand for his services, which is probably way more than he is actually worth for a bloke who can’t make our side at the moment I’d like to see him continue to work on developing his game - he needs to force his way back into the side through weight of won ball and defensive pressure, neither of which he is doing at afl or vfl level at the moment
    4 points
  32. I don't see it as a distraction. It's all about exposure. I'm sure our sponsors love it. If you don't want to have play games in the NT then we need to build our brand. Winning games and success is one part. Exposure to a mass audience in other forms of media is another.
    4 points
  33. Most of the time, other times they have double.
    4 points
  34. If they were I guarantee you Petracca would be out this week with food poisoning.
    3 points
  35. Two years later and the same rings true. GB has been our President since mid 2013. We never hear from him (a good thing) and the club continues to improve from top to bottom in every area. Which beg the question how do you judge the performance of a club president?
    3 points
  36. Agreed. Thirdly, they conveniently left the "supplement" they were being injected with off a list that they had to submit to ASADA detailing what had been put into their bodies. All the players know what they were doing was pushing the limits, and they were aware that they could be found cheating.
    3 points
  37. Hunt has the pace and heart to make us an even better team. Definitely in our best 22 when firing. Needs to sharpen disposal to get back in. A definite keeper
    3 points
  38. Firstly, it's Jobe, not Tim. Secondly, players have been told for many years that they are responsible for what goes into their body. To be systematically injected weekly (off-site) when it had never happened before should have been thought provoking enough for an experienced player like Watson. He knew it was an edgy program designed to be advantageous.
    3 points
  39. Yeh too right. The last thing our sponsers and club want is exposure to a national audience on the highest rating show on TV. Fools. PJ is really losing his touch.
    3 points
  40. Birds of a feather in this context. Not sure that this is the type of blocking they are referring to. And it certainly will NOT be the blocking of the man on the mark.
    3 points
  41. if only we trained to block. Been a bugbear of mine for years. Dish off the handball, then block the chaser. Not that forking hard.
    3 points
  42. Also team selection will be on Survivor on Thursday night. Spoiler alert: Dom Tyson, time for you to go.
    3 points
  43. When I think haute cuisine, Chunk is the very next thing that comes to mind
    3 points
  44. The world is stuffed. The Curnows get off when another player gets screwed for the same offence. The thugs who assault paramedics get off, the power companies and banks get away with blue murder. Cricketers who make an error of judgement get crucified. Oil companies and car parks price gouge. Think I’ll become a hermit.
    3 points
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