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Christian Petracca

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Between this and the Kozzie BS (hope we appeal - we have to), I am exhausted and annoyed to all hell, and we haven't even finished this season from hell!! 

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1 minute ago, Red But Mostly Blue said:

Between this and the Kozzie BS (hope we appeal - we have to), I am exhausted and annoyed to all hell, and we haven't even finished this season from hell!! 

Yeah, maybe don’t open the AFL app today if you’re already upset about Kozzie

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6 minutes ago, Little Goffy said:

Colgate. One the traditional big four.

Colgate consistently rates badly for corporate ethics. Cash Converters exploit the down and out. 

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1 hour ago, DistrACTION Jackson said:

I'm keen to get people's thoughts, if Trac was keen for a move to Brisbane and they were keen on him (very possible if they don't win a flag again) would posters take Rayner and Bailey for Trac?

I can honestly see a world where we could sway them both to come home with longer contracts and bigger salaries. Plus we could probably offer both more midfield minutes.


We'd get a player that's in the All Australian squad which automatically attains A grade status in my book. Models his game on Trac and has a longer future.

We'd also get a forward/mid who's capable of kicking 35-40 goals a year and kicked some genuine rippers in the GF.

I'd feel like we'd be giving a $1.00 away and coming back with $1.25.

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Learnings from this debacle thus far.
Never trust anyone that barracked for the Filth. (Joke)

The reality is this. If he ends up going to another club, come game day I would love to hate him.  If it’s either the Filth or the Scum I would despise him.

Somewhat sadly, if he ends up staying, it just won’t feel the same. Bit like taking back a partner that tried to cheat on you and then trying to pretend nothing wrong happened.

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Having thought about this a bit, I think Petracca and the media have put the club in an impossible position (Pert and Goodwin haven't helped things due to their insistence of great club culture).

We can't let him leave because doing so is an admission of massive cultural issues at the club, which the club has been adamant are not a problem. So they either force him to stay and keep up that story they're telling everyone (true or not, doesn't matter - the perception is there). Or they let him go and make it impossible to improve the club's image in the eyes of sponsors, fans, and most importantly prospective player replacements.

The only two ways I can see this getting resolved to everyone's satisfaction would be for:

1)  Petracca to have a change of heart and decide to stay come out and stay; or
2) Petracca to say "I want to leave but because I've been through a trauma and need a fresh start, not because of mismanagement by the club."

Both require Petracca to put on his big boy pants and face the public. Perhaps there's a medical reason why he can't, or maybe he's waiting till after the season is over, but basically unless any of the above two options happen, the club cannot let him go because it would be suicide for the reputations of Goodwin and Pert in particular.

Pert and Goodwin won't let Petracca leave and admit to those cultural issues in doing so (and nor should they imo, because I honestly don't think there are massive cultural issues at Melbourne), it's just that there are some problems that have been going on for a while and we're on the back of a bad season so things are bound to look rotten at this time.

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14 minutes ago, Chook said:

Having thought about this a bit, I think Petracca and the media have put the club in an impossible position (Pert and Goodwin haven't helped things due to their insistence of great club culture).

We can't let him leave because doing so is an admission of massive cultural issues at the club, which the club has been adamant are not a problem. So they either force him to stay and keep up that story they're telling everyone (true or not, doesn't matter - the perception is there). Or they let him go and make it impossible to improve the club's image in the eyes of sponsors, fans, and most importantly prospective player replacements.

The only two ways I can see this getting resolved to everyone's satisfaction would be for:

1)  Petracca to have a change of heart and decide to stay come out and stay; or
2) Petracca to say "I want to leave but because I've been through a trauma and need a fresh start, not because of mismanagement by the club."

Both require Petracca to put on his big boy pants and face the public. Perhaps there's a medical reason why he can't, or maybe he's waiting till after the season is over, but basically unless any of the above two options happen, the club cannot let him go because it would be suicide for the reputations of Goodwin and Pert in particular.

Pert and Goodwin won't let Petracca leave and admit to those cultural issues in doing so (and nor should they imo, because I honestly don't think there are massive cultural issues at Melbourne), it's just that there are some problems that have been going on for a while and we're on the back of a bad season so things are bound to look rotten at this time.

Why do people automatically fall in line with the thought that our club culture is worse than anybody else's. Is it just because the media says so? Because Ox saw a few players drinking at the local pub? Plenty of players seem to have been happy to extend contracts during the year, surely if culture was that bad they'd all be wanting out.

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1 hour ago, Demonland said:

We kindly ask all members of this community to refrain from creating multiple threads related to Christian Petracca. We've noticed that the same debates and discussions tend to occur across different threads, making it challenging to manage and moderate the conversations effectively. By keeping everything in one dedicated thread, we can ensure that the discussion remains organized and accessible to everyone.

Additionally, we must remind everyone of a crucial rule: please do not name or single out any individual you believe to be responsible for decisions concerning this topic. This rule is in place to protect not only this website but also its owners and our community members. We cannot stress enough the importance of adhering to this policy.

If you feel strongly about this issue and cannot respect this guideline, we ask that you take your grievances to another platform. We are committed to maintaining a respectful and constructive environment here, and we appreciate your cooperation in upholding these standards.

Thank you for your understanding.

I apologise, I have a feeling that was directed at me.  I wasn't intending my post to be solely about Trac, although it wound up being that, but more as an example of how the narrative in the media and AFL around Melbourne is being shaped.

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37 minutes ago, Jaded No More said:

Most certainly. 

I think they would be working overtime to appease the club behind the scenes, as we have always had a good working relationship with them, and overall are an 'easy' club to deal with at the trade table. 

I am also sure they would be working overtime to try and get Trac off the ledge. It just doesn't seem like he's listening to them. 

No self respecting management team would be advising him to do any of this.

yes, it is hard to see any realistic strategy here, which would be very strange for an established professional outfit like the connor group.

either there is no grand strategic plan and it is being driven emotionally by petracca or there is a twist and an unrevealed detailed thought-out plan which is eluding everyone.

interestingly, neither petracca nor his management has made any public statement either written or verbal. it is so far all leaks. the only 'fact' we have is that petracca has asked to leave melbourne in his exit interview, but even that has come without a public acknowledgement

his (leaked) requirement is just to go to a large supporter melbourne club which is a pretty narrow option. would connor really go with this if he hadn't had pretty strong prior commitment from one or more clubs? i doubt it.

this is really bizarre and unprofessional in all aspects and defies established trade logic

i have no idea where it will go but every aspect of it is so damaging to so many ... and still crickets from tracc and his management.

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On 27/08/2024 at 08:12, Little Richard said:

The sight of B Maynard in red and blue would make me physically ill

There was a time when he would’ve slotted in very nicely……….Not any more!!

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1 hour ago, Jaded No More said:

I have no doubt they would discuss it. 
They have a gigantic portfolio of some of the best players in the league. They would not be taking kindly to the time consuming circus that Trac has created, nor will their other clients be very pleased that they are being pushed aside while this drama is going on. 

It is also further complicated by the fact that his brother works there. 

Maybe they could sue him for loss of income and sheer stupidity. 

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5 minutes ago, Katrina Dee Fan said:

I apologise, I have a feeling that was directed at me.  I wasn't intending my post to be solely about Trac, although it wound up being that, but more as an example of how the narrative in the media and AFL around Melbourne is being shaped.

It wasn't personally towards you as a poster. There was another thread too. From a moderation perspective it's easier to contain the discussion in one thread because invariably the same topics end up being discussed.

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6 minutes ago, daisycutter said:

yes, it is hard to see any realistic strategy here, which would be very strange for an established professional outfit like the connor group.

either there is no grand strategic plan and it is being driven emotionally by petracca or there is a twist and an unrevealed detailed thought-out plan which is eluding everyone.

interestingly, neither petracca nor his management has made any public statement either written or verbal. it is so far all leaks. the only 'fact' we have is that petracca has asked to leave melbourne in his exit interview, but even that has come without a public acknowledgement

his (leaked) requirement is just to go to a large supporter melbourne club which is a pretty narrow option. would connor really go with this if he hadn't had pretty strong prior commitment from one or more clubs? i doubt it.

this is really bizarre and unprofessional in all aspects and defies established trade logic

i have no idea where it will go but every aspect of it is so damaging to so many ... and still crickets from tracc and his management.

The only fact is that Tracc is dealing with trauma. At no point has he, his manager or the club stated that he is seeking a trade.

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5 minutes ago, chookrat said:

The only fact is that Tracc is dealing with trauma. At no point has he, his manager or the club stated that he is seeking a trade.

Nor have any of those parties denied it. 
I think it’s easy enough to work out. 

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2 minutes ago, chookrat said:

The only fact is that Tracc is dealing with trauma. At no point has he, his manager or the club stated that he is seeking a trade.

If it looks like a trade request, smells like a trade request, sounds like trade request..... what difference does it make if a statement from his management goes out? 

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I can't help but feel very sad about this whole Christian Petracca saga. I always believed that he was a Melbourne person through and through. If it plays out the way it is looking then he has more than his 'brand' to contemplate - his legacy in the game and at MFC will be tarnished forever. He will now be mentioned in the same conversation as Tom Scully and we all know how that played out for Tom. At the end of the day money is nice but it is not a substitute for your mates and the club who gave you not only the opportunity in the first place but a long term multi-million dollar contract for the faith they had in you. I fear that Christian is getting the wrong advice from those closest to him. it is making him look entitled and selfish and far from the leader we all thought him to be. His management company needs to sit him down and convince him to get on the front foot, make a decision and make it public because he is coming across as a spoiled child who can't just do as he pleases. He is a soon to be 29 year old adult but not acting like one - the hubris behind the 'reasons' we are hearing for why he wants to leave make me sick to the stomach and he is so far from the 'Hall of Famer' he aspired to be it is not funny. Christian - you are nothing but a great footballer. I also thought you were a great person. Start acting like a mature, well rounded one. We all have sympathy for the trauma you have been through but you are not the only one who has had to endure rough times in your life. It is never too late to admit that you are wrong. One way or the other MFC will endure. I hope you will be a part of it. If not then you will be forgotten and just another player in the annals of history who could not rise to the occasion.


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39 minutes ago, Chook said:

We can't let him leave because doing so is an admission of massive cultural issues at the club, which the club has been adamant are not a problem. 

Couldn't we spin it by saying we're letting Trac leave to have a fresh start and new environment after his traumatic injury? Not sure people would buy that but that could be the PR.

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3 hours ago, Brenno said:

What do you all think of this hypothetical? 

Gives us 5,6,7 & 13 in a strong draft pool.

Pick 25 is what I assume we get for ANB

There would be a bunch of later pick swap attached to this too Id imagine.  



Trade Dees.PNG

This is an awesome mock trade but with one issue - Petracca gets what he wants.

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2 hours ago, No. 31 said:

LOL, point taken, but it is directly relevant to the Petracca/Trade/Carlton vortex that just emerged out of the blue in the last day or so. Martin out frees up cap space. Not sure if a Tracc to Carlton trade can be made but it is potentially possible, no way near as unrealistic as Tracc to Collingwood (which would be horrible).

Ironically, IIRC, the dees wete super keen to trade in Martin when the blues got him (as was i).

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22 minutes ago, loges said:

Why do people automatically fall in line with the thought that our club culture is worse than anybody else's. Is it just because the media says so? Because Ox saw a few players drinking at the local pub? Plenty of players seem to have been happy to extend contracts during the year, surely if culture was that bad they'd all be wanting out.

It makes me angry too - largely because I think the word ‘culture’ is misused and overused - BUT we have had a lot of unsavoury personnel-related issues over the past three years, more than most if not all clubs… difficult to argue that.

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43 minutes ago, Chook said:

Having thought about this a bit, I think Petracca and the media have put the club in an impossible position (Pert and Goodwin haven't helped things due to their insistence of great club culture).

We can't let him leave because doing so is an admission of massive cultural issues at the club, which the club has been adamant are not a problem. So they either force him to stay and keep up that story they're telling everyone (true or not, doesn't matter - the perception is there). Or they let him go and make it impossible to improve the club's image in the eyes of sponsors, fans, and most importantly prospective player replacements.

The only two ways I can see this getting resolved to everyone's satisfaction would be for:

1)  Petracca to have a change of heart and decide to stay come out and stay; or
2) Petracca to say "I want to leave but because I've been through a trauma and need a fresh start, not because of mismanagement by the club."

Both require Petracca to put on his big boy pants and face the public. Perhaps there's a medical reason why he can't, or maybe he's waiting till after the season is over, but basically unless any of the above two options happen, the club cannot let him go because it would be suicide for the reputations of Goodwin and Pert in particular.

Pert and Goodwin won't let Petracca leave and admit to those cultural issues in doing so (and nor should they imo, because I honestly don't think there are massive cultural issues at Melbourne), it's just that there are some problems that have been going on for a while and we're on the back of a bad season so things are bound to look rotten at this time.

You're band from 'Land effective immediately then @Chook.

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