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Training - Monday, 10th December 2018


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Dropped in to the Demons Shop for a birthday present for our "3" legged friend.  That photo is not a thank you smile. I have a feeling its a WTF have you done to me now. Anyway I love it. So does my son. My wife and daughter who are the dogs alpha and beta weren't impressed. Especially when they found out how much it cost. 



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11 minutes ago, It's Time said:

Had a good chat to Charlie Spargo at the end. He said he didn't expect to play so many games and to walk straight in and play finals after the teams been out of them for so long. 

I told him I read about him throwing up in the last session. He said some do some don't and he seems to be one that does. I gave him my secret tip on how to stop throwing up in intense exertion as I used to do it all the time bike riding at the top of hills. He liked it and said he's going to try it. So when he starts blitzing next year, you'll all secretly know why.   

What is the secret then? 

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2 minutes ago, Earl Hood said:

What is the secret then? 

I spent a night researching what makes you throw up in extreme exertion. It's a critical overload of acidic carbon dioxide in your stomach which you don't expel under exertion because you breath too fast and shallow to expel it all. The acid builds up in your stomach until it reaches a critical point and you have to throw up to get rid of it. 

I started breathing very deeply on major hill climbs. In order to do it I had to gulp air like a goldfish. Didn't look pretty but I've never thrown up again. I eventually adjusted to breath deeply without looking and feeling like a goldfish.  

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36 minutes ago, rumpole said:

Thanks to one and all for your training reports but I still can’t help but feel that there are one or two common denominators about all AFL clubs at this time of the year - blue skies and rose coloured glasses.

I’m not getting carried away just yet - especially in light of the number of our key players still in rehab.

Not at Carlton, Docherty has done his knee again the poor bugger. 

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Two injury issues which I really hope aren't significant. 

I turned up half an hour in from when they were due to start but Lever wasn't there. He was due to resume today after his "minor" procedure last week. Hope he's ok. 

Jack Viney was already finished by the time I arrived. Really hope there's not an issue here. The Club said he had "ankle" surgery. That seemed strange. Hope it wasn't more surgery on the foot. He's not able to do anything like the running yet of other rehabers. 

Does anyone have any info about either of these two.

Edited by It's Time
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6 hours ago, Petraccattack said:

He will be a special player.  Remember how dangerous he looked up forward before he ,moved to the wing / floating across half back?  I think he kicked 4 goals in one game earlier in the year.  He can play all over the ground.

I reckon Fritter will still be stinging from being dropped for the prelim final. I still can’t understand it myself.

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6 hours ago, Deespicable said:

The other thing was that T-Mac has taken his lack of fashion to a new level - he has added pink boots to his white sock repertoire. Not quite Warwick Capper, but a job in Richmond as a meter made awaits him when he retires.


Photographic proof. 


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4 hours ago, beelzebub said:

Looks like we're not just training the house down...but burning it to the ground .

Out of those ashes ???? The dream we dare ?

I'll not get to a session before '19. Much appreciate the words and images of those that have gone along.

How weird does THIS. feel.

We're the biz....the real thing.

Funny only listening to that Sat night...

Well, they're lucky were not down at the Junction then.   They would need a new building.

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3 hours ago, Deespicable said:

Yes, Joel's been the standout performer in the sessions I've been to.

The issue now is where he will play and today he played as a forward - albeit in a limited match simulation drill and with Melky, Trac, VDB and Brayshaw unavailable to take part today and play that role.

And he nailed it in the short drill - only lasted about 15 minutes - mega quick leads, one lovely mark and turn and another hang time spoil of a tall defender about to mark - ball spilled to ANB who goaled.

But he needs game time - he has barely played - not just with us but even before he came with his NBL aspirations.

I had him slated to play a Rampe-type defensive role, but I reckon he will start the season as our third tall up forward behind Weid and T-Mac.

I've altered my Rd 1 line-up - assumes everyone's available except Lever.

B: Jetta  May Hibberd

HB: Fritsch O-Mac Salem

C Jones Oliver Brayshaw

HF: Melky Weid J.Smith

F: ANB T.Mac Trac

Ru: Gawn Harmes Viney

Int: Frost (def), VDB (mid), KK (mid), Spargo (fwd)



If you right Dspcbl... Tracca is being shunted tighter into a one dimensional pocket .

I hope he hurries up and builds his tank, or he might go the way of wattshisface,  & Dom.


This club is taking no prisoners these days.   players have to give it all and improve, or seeya.


1 hour ago, Earl Hood said:

I have high aspirations for Joel. Can he play the running game on the wing a la Isaac Smith? 

So do I EH...  I've been wondering now with his supposed bigger size and frame, his natural hands for in close,,, plus his dash, that he might get a look in with th inside mids.  We can never have enough skilled options around the team.

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10 hours ago, It's Time said:

I’m unexpectedly here. Down from Sydney and the timing worked out nicely. 

You can read about training but it’s something else being here. The main group are doing repeat 150metre sprints over and over. As they finish they jog back through a group of trainers who throw balls at them or ground balls which they pick up and  pass back. Or at other times they go straight into shots on goal but very rapid and then jog back for the next 150. When you are right next to them you see just how brutal the running is. A lot of the running is in pairs with equally matched runners. 

I love what I’m seeing. They are clearly training them to execute skills straight off maximum exertion. It’s real game simulation rather than just running around recovering then do some gentle kicking. 

As you’d expect nowadays it’s super organised. 

No particular standouts in the running. However I did see ANB kick a goal straight through the middle. Halle bloody lujah. 

Preuss and Gawn were doing their own run throughs. I hope they get on they’re spending a lot of one on one time together. Preussy is a monster. 

Now running shoes off and footy boots on. The whole group have gone into a tight huddle in the middle. Someone has started up a chant and the whole group repeats the chant as one. Different phrases over and over. Finished by chanting I have no fear and jumping up and down on the spot. 

Incredible sense of commeraderie. 

Got there with Mrs Worship and a semi regular training watcher whose opinion I respect and who doesn't post here. The huddle was a big thing for me in that it is so obviously player driven. The coaches and support staff just stand back with grins on their faces. 

For those of you who cannot attend/ or have attended sparsely over the years, I can say that I've had my rose coloured glasses on over the last 7yrs I've been able to get to training (usually 2 or 3 times a year). The difference now is amazing and the level at which they are training prior to Xmas is so, so different to the past. Mrs Worship thought she would be bored after 45mins but couldn't believe how good it was to watch for 2 hrs. That was largely because there was always something different happening and the skill level was very sharp even when they had been deliberately fatigued. What a wonderful change from bygone years.

Some particular highlights for me;

* at some stage, under the new rules, Preuss will grab the ball out of the centre ruck ball up and kick an 80m torp for a goal (did this 2 or 3 times while we were there).

* Our friend who has been to a number of earlier sessions said it has been amazing seeing May, KK and Preuss come on as they had really struggled with the fitness and to some extent skill level in the early sessions. This bodes well for their commitment and our staffs ability to get them up to speed quickly. This also left me with the feeling we can get more out of them than their previous clubs.

* Max and Preuss really look like they get on well together however Max is enjoying showing who is top dog. Preuss may have some comeback in the long accurate kicking department however.

* Near the end of the session it was big boy marking/spoiling one on ones between Max, Weid, Preuss and May with Jade Rawlings sending maybe 20 sky balls in their direction. Frustration was evident as anyone teamed up against May lost the contest. (cannot wait to see Tomahawk have the smirk consigned to history when playing against us in the future). Oh and Ben Brown might be in for a shock also.

Not so highlights and in some cases awaiting further and better particulars;

* Maynard was getting a bit of work on his groin near the end of the session (hopefully just tightness)

* TMac was very quick to get his kicking boots off and walk back barefoot at the end.

* Hannan still wasn't sighted.

Other random obs, anyone in rehab doesn't wear a number, the only exception to this appears to be Preuss but we think they haven't been able to supply training tops big enough yet.

Chandler really looks like he could be something. Likewise thought Bedford will really benefit from the program and may contribute earlier than some might expect.

The other new faces really didn't look out of place without being outstanding. Having said that KK really does look classy.

Pretty much agree with the other comments from those who attended.

Edited by dworship
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53 minutes ago, It's Time said:

Two injury issues which I really hope aren't significant. 

I turned up half an hour in from when they were due to start but Lever wasn't there. He was due to resume today after his "minor" procedure last week. Hope he's ok. 

Jack Viney was already finished by the time I arrived. Really hope there's not an issue here. The Club said he had "ankle" surgery. That seemed strange. Hope it wasn't more surgery on the foot. He's not able to do anything like the running yet of other rehabers. 

Does anyone have any info about either of these two.

I imagine they will unload Lever a tad, and start him back with some distance running around the TAN, to get the knee settled down after the cleanup.???

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9 hours ago, It's Time said:

Training just finished.  Dashing to the airport now. Can answer questions later. Will try to post some picks but will be of players running and kicking. Nothing special there. 

Thanks for the reports IT... where in Sydney are you located (if you don’t mind me asking)?

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I watch my footy from the top deck of the stands at the 'G. Love getting the overall look and watching plays evolve and play out.

So when I attend training it is mostly a blur from the boundary with too many concurrent activities for my old eyes and brain to resolve (I am a survivor from '64). I am therefore hugely impressed with and grateful for the training reports from close to the action.

Thanks to all the posters who stick to recording observations and facts and eschew speculation and gratuitous comments about our team. The reports make it clear that all the players are pushing themselves as hard as they can depending on their individual circumstances, their needs and the training programme set for each of them.

Of course it's all through rose coloured glasses. But if we can't praise our players and show confidence now we never will.

It's the fix I need to make it through the summer months.


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I'm going to the last session on Friday I promise no appointments. Does anybody know what's happened to Hannan?

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1 hour ago, dworship said:

Got there with Mrs Worship and a semi regular training watcher whose opinion I respect and who doesn't post here. The huddle was a big thing for me in that it is so obviously player driven. The coaches and support staff just stand back with grins on their faces. 

For those of you who cannot attend/ or have attended sparsely over the years, I can say that I've had my rose coloured glasses on over the last 7yrs I've been able to get to training (usually 2 or 3 times a year). The difference now is amazing and the level at which they are training prior to Xmas is so, so different to the past. Mrs Worship thought she would be bored after 45mins but couldn't believe how good it was to watch for 2 hrs. That was largely because there was always something different happening and the skill level was very sharp even when they had been deliberately fatigued. What a wonderful change from bygone years.

Some particular highlights for me;

* at some stage, under the new rules, Preuss will grab the ball out of the centre ruck ball up and kick an 80m torp for a goal (did this 2 or 3 times while we were there).

* Our friend who has been to a number of earlier sessions said it has been amazing seeing May, KK and Preuss come on as they had really struggled with the fitness and to some extent skill level in the early sessions. This bodes well for their commitment and our staffs ability to get them up to speed quickly. This also left me with the feeling we can get more out of them than their previous clubs.

* Max and Preuss really look like they get on well together however Max is enjoying showing who is top dog. Preuss may have some comeback in the long accurate kicking department however.

* Near the end of the session it was big boy marking/spoiling one on ones between Max, Weid, Preuss and May with Jade Rawlings sending maybe 20 sky balls in their direction. Frustration was evident as anyone teamed up against May lost the contest. (cannot wait to see Tomahawk have the smirk consigned to history when playing against us in the future). Oh and Ben Brown might be in for a shock also.

Not so highlights and in some cases awaiting further and better particulars;

* Maynard was getting a bit of work on his groin near the end of the session (hopefully just tightness)

* TMac was very quick to get his kicking boots off and walk back barefoot at the end.

* Hannan still wasn't sighted.

Other random obs, anyone in rehab doesn't wear a number, the only exception to this appears to be Preuss but we think they haven't been able to supply training tops big enough yet.

Chandler really looks like he could be something. Likewise thought Bedford will really benefit from the program and may contribute earlier than some might expect.

The other new faces really didn't look out of place without being outstanding. Having said that KK really does look classy.

Pretty much agree with the other comments from those who attended.

Great report @dworship

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1 hour ago, hardtack said:

Thanks for the reports IT... where in Sydney are you located (if you don’t mind me asking)?

Rose Bay. We actually met on a tour of the AAMI facilities some years ago. From memory your son played junior footy at Newtown and mine played for Easts Bulldogs and I coached there up to U17's. Hopefully your son's fully recovered from his ACL. 

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8 hours ago, DeeSpencer said:

I think the players get 3 weeks over Christmas break now. Whether they take the 3rd week now or in early Jan I'm not sure. My guess is they spend at least part of next week training either in closed sessions at Gosch's or at another more private location or they hold something beginning with c that rhymes with damp.

Why would our players be holding a clamp? And what would they use it for?

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29 minutes ago, La Dee-vina Comedia said:

Why would our players be holding a clamp? And what would they use it for?

They’re helping build the new facilities at Yarra Park. New on the job, job training for any budding builders, sparkies or plumbers in the group.

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7 hours ago, DV8 said:

I hope he hurries up and builds his tank, or he might go the way of wattshisface,  & Dom.


This club is taking no prisoners these days.   players have to give it all and improve, or seeya.


Trac's not going anywhere and can't be compared to the other 2 mentioned.

I know you don't see it but he has improved each season.

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Goody clearly rates smith very highly, given the decision to play him round 1 2017 and bring him in for wc.

Looks likely they will use him as a defensive forward, which I think is very clever. His kicking is not so exposed up forward, his leap means he can play tall and bring the ball to ground and his athleticism makes him a dangerous match up in his own right. Might see some hangers next season from sos.

Might be competing with hannan? Though i think there is room for both. 


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