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Colin Garland


Colin Garland - Keep or Let go?  

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Colin is a quality person committed to the MFC and for that I applaud him. Leadership comes in many forms and he has bucked the system that says anyone putting of contract negotiations to seasons end is gone. I hope he has a fantastic season next year and there after to silence his critics.

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Colin has his moments on the field, but i'm really happy he is staying, seems like a bloke who has his head screwed on, and in a time of few one club players it's good to see that he values loyalty over personal glory.

Next year he will need to step up his game if he wants to stay in the best 22. His best footy as that utility type who can rebound of defence all while shutting down a dangerous medium, small or 3rd tall forward, will certainly see him cement his spot throughout next year. Easier said than done though.

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I reckon Col is gonna have a great 3 years ahead of him, getting back to his best, having a lot more fun & excitement than the last 8 years combined. Love how Jesse acknowledged his spoil in the highlight package. He was better in 2015, now he needs to play with 2013 confidence again.

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I wanted him gone, but after watching his interview one can only be immensely proud we have such a character-laden representative of the Melbourne Football Club.

And I thought they were simply cattle to you H. You're getting a little sentimental in your old age. I like it. Seriously though, that was one impressive interview. His conviction regarding our future is genuine. We've dined on the scraps and false promises of our presidents, coaches and players for a long, long time but this does feel different. The young core that Garland speaks of has that enticing combination of talent, character and hardness.

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And I thought they were simply cattle to you H. You're getting a little sentimental in your old age. I like it. Seriously though, that was one impressive interview. His conviction regarding our future is genuine. We've dined on the scraps and false promises of our presidents, coaches and players for a long, long time but this does feel different. The young core that Garland speaks of has that enticing combination of talent, character and hardness.

I have a healthy diet, which includes beef.

Preferably Angus.

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ooooh got me ouch

pack of sycophantic lightweights around here

I for one want to see the club move somewhere towards fielding 22 AFL quality footballers and decisions like this get in the way of that

but you enjoy your little press piece - hopefully, if only for a moment, it takes your mind off the fact we haven't played finals for 9 years

go ahead and ask a Hawthorn supporter about it, they probably have no idea who Garland even is

Couldn't care less what Hawthorn supporters think and also couldn't give a stuff about how they retain players. They are at a different point in their development and can handle things very differently. Your way of thinking where you throw a bloke out who clearly loves the club and will do what ever it takes for the club is damaging to the culture of the club. He is AFL standard, he has finished well in B&F for the last few years, he is clearly rated by the club yet you would prefer him either gone or on a one year contract where he would be available as a free agent at the end of next year, and then the year after, and then the year after.

He is also one of the few footballers who appears to be somewhat intelligent and articulate, people like that are generally very well respected and very effective leaders without all the fanfare or boys club rubbish that goes on. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he is very well thought of by the group and if the young boys especially listen when he speaks.

Glad you aren't in charge.

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Couldn't care less what Hawthorn supporters think and also couldn't give a stuff about how they retain players. They are at a different point in their development and can handle things very differently. Your way of thinking where you throw a bloke out who clearly loves the club and will do what ever it takes for the club is damaging to the culture of the club. He is AFL standard, he has finished well in B&F for the last few years, he is clearly rated by the club yet you would prefer him either gone or on a one year contract where he would be available as a free agent at the end of next year, and then the year after, and then the year after.

He is also one of the few footballers who appears to be somewhat intelligent and articulate, people like that are generally very well respected and very effective leaders without all the fanfare or boys club rubbish that goes on. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he is very well thought of by the group and if the young boys especially listen when he speaks.

Glad you aren't in charge.

It's a bit rich to be talking about premierships after the last few weeks of our season. This current crop of players has quite a number who don't give a toss whether they win or lose games. Talking of premierships reminds me of some of the stupid comments made by Dawes before the Hawthorn game this year. Big talk in the off season means nothing.
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love ya work col g. I love loyalty. The best of luck to you this year mate. And don't $%ck about with the footy when you get it in your hands. Kick the &ucking thing long and hard from wherever you get your hands on it. Don't worry about what the coaches say or the game plan or switching it or anything stupid like that. just clear that footy out of defence with absolute haste. i couldn't give a rats arse about modern day 'game plans' and 'brands'. it's a simple game. It's like cereal. Whats the best cereal? Corn Flakes! get it out of defence and move it forward. And whilst I've touched on loyalty might I add another note to Jeremy Howe: Jezza, you clown, who's the better man? Is it Colin Garland, or is it James Frawley? Oh and one more question for you Jezza: Metricon stadium or the MCG? Fair dinkum mate. give us all a break.

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It's a bit rich to be talking about premierships after the last few weeks of our season. This current crop of players has quite a number who don't give a toss whether they win or lose games. Talking of premierships reminds me of some of the stupid comments made by Dawes before the Hawthorn game this year. Big talk in the off season means nothing.

Depends on the time frame you are talking about. Garland certainly wasn't talking about next year, he was talking about our young players being in a premiership, that could be 8 years away. The point he was making was clear that up until now the club hasn't been going anywhere near a premiership and didn't have players that were upto it, but now it is on the right path.

If we aren't talking about a premiership in the life of our current young players then what the hell are we doing even playing.

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love ya work col g. I love loyalty. The best of luck to you this year mate. And don't $%ck about with the footy when you get it in your hands. Kick the &ucking thing long and hard from wherever you get your hands on it. Don't worry about what the coaches say or the game plan or switching it or anything stupid like that. just clear that footy out of defence with absolute haste. i couldn't give a rats arse about modern day 'game plans' and 'brands'. it's a simple game. It's like cereal. Whats the best cereal? Corn Flakes! get it out of defence and move it forward. And whilst I've touched on loyalty might I add another note to Jeremy Howe: Jezza, you clown, who's the better man? Is it Colin Garland, or is it James Frawley? Oh and one more question for you Jezza: Metricon stadium or the MCG? Fair dinkum mate. give us all a break.

Hmmm..don't listen to the coaches...there is a novel idea...

( and on Frawley vs Garland - it is obvious what we supports demand - it is loyalty however if you step into the professional sportsman shoes it may well be that at the end of their careers Frawley has a premiership medal to his name and Garland doesn't. Some footballers would prefer saying that they were one club players - others are happier to say they reached the pinnacle of playing in a premiership side - different folks, different strokes - however I think you find that many players will opt for the premiership shot)

Edited by nutbean
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Hmmm..don't listen to the coaches...there is a novel idea...

( and on Frawley vs Garland - it is obvious what we supports demand - it is loyalty however if you step into the professional sportsman shoes it may well be that at the end of their careers Frawley has a premiership medal to his name and Garland doesn't. Some footballers would prefer saying that they were one club players - others are happier to say they reached the pinnacle of playing in a premiership side - different folks, different strokes - however I think you find that many players will opt for the premiership shot)

only joking about the listening to the coaches bit nut and bean. i think i might have been venting whilst i thought about some of the decisions col made this year with footy in hand. don't take me to seriously.

As for your point on one club players versus premiership shooters: maybe some want to be both.

As Banjo Patterson's Clancey of the Overflow said to the Man from the Snowy River: 'A man can be hard to find in the mountains... but you're welcome at my fire anytime'

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it's all well and good to say you love the club and blahblahblah but it could be a case of nobody came a-knocking

I don't know why I'm bothering, but I can think of 4 clubs off the top of my head who would snap him up if he was open to leaving, including teams that will likely have more success than us in the next 3 years.

Seasoned defenders are very hard to come by, particularly defenders who can play tall and small and have good pace.

It's quite pathetic that someone who just confessed their undying love for our club is being potted by a [censored] who says he loves this footy club.

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only joking about the listening to the coaches bit nut and bean. i think i might have been venting whilst i thought about some of the decisions col made this year with footy in hand. don't take me to seriously.

As for your point on one club players versus premiership shooters: maybe some want to be both.

As Banjo Patterson's Clancey of the Overflow said to the Man from the Snowy River: 'A man can be hard to find in the mountains... but you're welcome at my fire anytime'

I use Rivers as the example - he believed that there was very little chance of Melbourne playing finals in the short term and he was coming into the twilight of his career - he opted to go to Geelong where he played into two final series before retiring at the end of the season. I bear him no ill will.

So what about the likes of a Frawley - he is 27 - he gets an offer to play in a team that is in premiership window ( and ultimately won the flag) and is almost guaranteed of playing finals for at least a season or two as opposed to staying at Melbourne where we MAY play finals during his career. What would you do ? Many would say - stick fat as Garland is doing - many others choose to take the Frawley path.

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I'm wondering how supporters are feeling about him.

Let's say it was the choice of the coach and you being the coach had a decision to make about retaining him or releasing him. All things considered, what would you do for the betterment of the club?

I've watched him closely this year and I know there are some fans of his who are sick of hearing me go on about it but I genuinely believe he is a problem player who is part of this NQR group of long time serving MFC players. I believe he is a 'nothing' player. For his age and games experience I expect more from him in terms of on-field leadership, competitiveness and football smarts during game day. Never have I seen someone who plays so within themselves. I implore people to go back and just look at the way he plays and what he's actually offering us presently. Go and have a look at the beginning of the doggies game and tell me that he's providing something for this club that someone else couldn't do.

I've used him before as an example, but Frawley has been extremely underwhelming in his first year at Hawthorn in all capacities. This isn't only my view. Several Hawthorn supporting mates that I speak to share the same view. They believe his decision making, football smarts and skills are very average and that he looks genuinely lost on the field for them. A boy amongst men. Now, obviously I'm aware that he's playing in an unbelievably skilled side who happen to be the cream of the crop but I am talking more about the leadership qualities he supposedly had.

This is a guy who was in our leadership group last year and who is now looking like a school boy playing in a different side. For those who excuse this by saying things like 'he's learning a new system' etc etc, I am talking about basic body language and general intensity and energy shown whilst playing the game. Frawley doesn't show this. Garland doesn't show this and I strongly believe that this kind of lack of general intensity shown by players like that filters through and breeds bad habits and is almost certainly part of why we have such unbelievably poor drop offs in games still, regardless of the areas people believe that we have improved in.

When I think of that, and remember that Frawley was in the leadership group last year, it makes me feel a little bit sick. It's no wonder Neeld tried to bring in so many older, experienced heads from other clubs whom he thought would make a more positive and genuine culture change at the club. It was a failed experiment for various reasons but Roos' attempt has proven a success. Cross for example.

Let's look at him and let's look at the Bulldogs. They had the luxury of letting a player like him go and I bet your bottom dollar that he has been far more influential, sped up the development and provided far more knowledge than Garland, Dunn and Frawley combined. He plays and carries himself in a way that leaders and senior figures must. He competes and fights nail and tooth at all times and the tragic part of it all is that he is still getting games for us because we lack this kind of psychology and energy. His skills and speed are awful but he provides what players like Garland and Frawley should have provided.

Coming back to Garland. What is it that supporters get so hung up about when pondering his value to the side? Given what has just been said.

When I look at Jed Adcock, I think wow, here's another opportunity to bring in another player who possesses the same type of leadership qualities that players like Cross possess and he's played a big part in developing some of those younger leaders at Brisbane. Here's an opportunity to fill that 'games experience' void that supporters would worry about in losing him and it also provides an opportunity for us to put someone back there who will provide more attacking drive and better foot-skills and decision making skills which is something our back six are screaming out for.

Frankly, I can't understand any argument that is pro keeping Garland other than sentimental feeling or bias for him as an individual.

The whole Garland/Frawley/Jamar/Dunn debate is only one of several problems that our club has experienced. But I strongly believe we need to continue to weed the list and proactively and aggressively add to our list so that this core group or Hogan, Viney, Brayshaw, Salem etc continue to grow, continue to be inspired by their leaders and most importantly want to stay the course to take us to our first finals series in almost ten years.

Him along with Jamar are two more I'd like seen gone by the end of the season.

STMJ, I want to keep him because I'm hopeful that he can recapture the form he was in prior to injury (ankle wasn't it? and I know it's a while back now). I'm not completely sold on Col since return but I also think he enables younger defensive players to come into the side and learn without being eaten alive.

Edited by Return to Glory
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I use Rivers as the example - he believed that there was very little chance of Melbourne playing finals in the short term and he was coming into the twilight of his career - he opted to go to Geelong where he played into two final series before retiring at the end of the season. I bear him no ill will.

So what about the likes of a Frawley - he is 27 - he gets an offer to play in a team that is in premiership window ( and ultimately won the flag) and is almost guaranteed of playing finals for at least a season or two as opposed to staying at Melbourne where we MAY play finals during his career. What would you do ? Many would say - stick fat as Garland is doing - many others choose to take the Frawley path.

I hear you nut and bean and I certainly get your point. But in ten years time Colin Garland can rock into the Melbourne Footy club and he'll have universal respect from every single person in the building (premiership player or not). Frawley will not be able to do that at Melbourne. (In fact, I'd lock the door and tell him to p*&^ off.) At Hawthorn, Frawley will be looked upon as a mercenary, a hired gun. Deep down, loyal Hawks players and staffers will see him as this as well - a bloke who left his mates to chase the dollar and fame elsewhere. And good on him, he achieved what he wanted. Lots of people do. But I know whose shoes I would rather walk in.

I do loyalty. I do Melbourne. Forever.

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...Your way of thinking where you throw a bloke out who clearly loves the club and will do what ever it takes for the club is damaging to the culture of the club. He is AFL standard, he has finished well in B&F for the last few years, he is clearly rated by the club ...

He is also one of the few footballers who appears to be somewhat intelligent and articulate, people like that are generally very well respected and very effective leaders without all the fanfare or boys club rubbish that goes on. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he is very well thought of by the group and if the young boys especially listen when he speaks.

Seriously, I am not just being a pr1ck for the sake of it (I'm a pr1ck generally speaking, but on this occasion not just for the sake of it). Can you answer me this? Of what REAL value is a player with the attributes you have described above? You are saying, basically, that he is a good bloke. I am saying that the contribution of his on-field performances is less than OUR best 22. Extend that to the top 4 and you are nowhere near. Add three years of age and you are having a laugh. This is one of those arguments that cannot be resolved but I would argue that a player's positive contribution to club culture (read: 'good blokeism') is far, far, far less important than what that player contributes on the field. If the opposite were true, the MFC would have ME on their list, cos despite the fact I am a horrible footballer, I truly am a fantastic bloke and therefore deserve a 3 year contract for what I bring to the table as a bloke. My opponent would kick 30 but I would have some choice words in the changerooms don't worry about that.

How is the rest of the list somehow bolstered by the fact that Garland is supposedly some great clubman? Not that I have seen a SCINTILLA of evidence to suggest that he actually IS, by the way. I see a very ordinary footballer with the demeanor of someone waiting a bus stop, who has been instrumental in leaking goals that have led to massive beltings over the last 10 years. With every 50 points we lose by his seeming ability to 'give a rat's' does not change. You know how it has been discussed that our horrific recent past has left 'scars' and 'damage' on our players? THIS is the guy. This is him. You can see it on his face the way he is about to cry when he gets the ball, and refuses to do anything positive or creative with it. The amount of times per season where I have said 'great work Garlo' is less than the amount of times you are able to watch a full eclipse of the moon. If he is so positive for 'culture' can you please weigh that up for me against the negatives associated with his direct opponent, whoever that may be, having a goal bonanza on any given (probably) Sunday, and us losing yet another football match?

Now before you label me the FWit that I am, please read my post carefully and tell me which part of it is inaccurate. Thank you.

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I don't know why I'm bothering, but I can think of 4 clubs off the top of my head who would snap him up if he was open to leaving, including teams that will likely have more success than us in the next 3 years.

Seasoned defenders are very hard to come by, particularly defenders who can play tall and small and have good pace.

It's quite pathetic that someone who just confessed their undying love for our club is being potted by a [censored] who says he loves this footy club.

Oh really can you show me the evidence that anybody at all was after his signature with his out of contract status please. Anything at all. Thanks.

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Seriously, I am not just being a pr1ck for the sake of it (I'm a pr1ck generally speaking, but on this occasion not just for the sake of it). Can you answer me this? Of what REAL value is a player with the attributes you have described above? You are saying, basically, that he is a good bloke. I am saying that the contribution of his on-field performances is less than OUR best 22. Extend that to the top 4 and you are nowhere near. Add three years of age and you are having a laugh. This is one of those arguments that cannot be resolved but I would argue that a player's positive contribution to club culture (read: 'good blokeism') is far, far, far less important than what that player contributes on the field. If the opposite were true, the MFC would have ME on their list, cos despite the fact I am a horrible footballer, I truly am a fantastic bloke and therefore deserve a 3 year contract for what I bring to the table as a bloke. My opponent would kick 30 but I would have some choice words in the changerooms don't worry about that.

How is the rest of the list somehow bolstered by the fact that Garland is supposedly some great clubman? Not that I have seen a SCINTILLA of evidence to suggest that he actually IS, by the way. I see a very ordinary footballer with the demeanor of someone waiting a bus stop, who has been instrumental in leaking goals that have led to massive beltings over the last 10 years. With every 50 points we lose by his seeming ability to 'give a rat's' does not change. You know how it has been discussed that our horrific recent past has left 'scars' and 'damage' on our players? THIS is the guy. This is him. You can see it on his face the way he is about to cry when he gets the ball, and refuses to do anything positive or creative with it. The amount of times per season where I have said 'great work Garlo' is less than the amount of times you are able to watch a full eclipse of the moon. If he is so positive for 'culture' can you please weigh that up for me against the negatives associated with his direct opponent, whoever that may be, having a goal bonanza on any given (probably) Sunday, and us losing yet another football match?

Now before you label me the FWit that I am, please read my post carefully and tell me which part of it is inaccurate. Thank you.

Soooo, are you a [censored] or a fantastic bloke?

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Seriously, I am not just being a pr1ck for the sake of it (I'm a pr1ck generally speaking, but on this occasion not just for the sake of it). Can you answer me this? Of what REAL value is a player with the attributes you have described above? You are saying, basically, that he is a good bloke. I am saying that the contribution of his on-field performances is less than OUR best 22. Extend that to the top 4 and you are nowhere near. Add three years of age and you are having a laugh. This is one of those arguments that cannot be resolved but I would argue that a player's positive contribution to club culture (read: 'good blokeism') is far, far, far less important than what that player contributes on the field. If the opposite were true, the MFC would have ME on their list, cos despite the fact I am a horrible footballer, I truly am a fantastic bloke and therefore deserve a 3 year contract for what I bring to the table as a bloke. My opponent would kick 30 but I would have some choice words in the changerooms don't worry about that.

How is the rest of the list somehow bolstered by the fact that Garland is supposedly some great clubman? Not that I have seen a SCINTILLA of evidence to suggest that he actually IS, by the way. I see a very ordinary footballer with the demeanor of someone waiting a bus stop, who has been instrumental in leaking goals that have led to massive beltings over the last 10 years. With every 50 points we lose by his seeming ability to 'give a rat's' does not change. You know how it has been discussed that our horrific recent past has left 'scars' and 'damage' on our players? THIS is the guy. This is him. You can see it on his face the way he is about to cry when he gets the ball, and refuses to do anything positive or creative with it. The amount of times per season where I have said 'great work Garlo' is less than the amount of times you are able to watch a full eclipse of the moon. If he is so positive for 'culture' can you please weigh that up for me against the negatives associated with his direct opponent, whoever that may be, having a goal bonanza on any given (probably) Sunday, and us losing yet another football match?

Now before you label me the FWit that I am, please read my post carefully and tell me which part of it is inaccurate. Thank you.

Can play - multiple top ten in the B&F finishes (yes, cr@p era). 7th in 2015 in an improving year.

Versatile - tall and small in the back half and can pinch hit forward.

Robust - rarely misses through injury.

Passionate about the club and thoughtful about his leadership and legacy.

Oozes loyalty which should be a great influence on the younger team members.

Not to mention he is the first in demand free agent that we have had stay.

Great clubs are built on true-believers like Col.

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it's all well and good to say you love the club and blahblahblah but it could be a case of nobody came a-knocking

Harley Bennell chooses Freo as his club of choice after being sacked by his former club and having no offers from 16 others.
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