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Would it not however raise a red flag somewhere. Thats a large amount of money being spent on a program. Id expect that this must occur somewhere in the ledgers even if en-coded.

Would ASADA have had the powers to Forensically investigate EFC's books ? If it was done ex-facto ( sts ) and as a dark op ( of sots) that must only enforce the notion it was something untoward.

You might think though that the ATO having been alerted to some nefarious doings might want to have a close look at the club ?

All this is the caan of worms that Demitriou did not want opened.

All clubs have some nefarious doings.

The Mfc was scapegoated to highlight the list management (read tanking) that was altering betting outcomes,

Essendon were warned about their pharmacological experimentation which was affecting results (read performance enhancing, unfair advantage, betting agency)

The next cabs off the rank may well be free agency, father son, drafting (read employment contracts, restraint of trade) which impact on results (read gambling)

Gill and the AFL are trying to retain control of their industry but it is now subject to greater external scrutiny.

Essendon are still relying on the past of blind adherence to an omnipotent leader.They have managed to delay and this will allow greater transition strategies with less short term disruption to results (read gambling).

There has been no market set to date on the odds of players involved in the programs and their future health outcomes (read workcover investigations)

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Capital gains will suck up a fair whack of that I'd expect?

yes, plus the stamp duty on purchase, then the considerable remodelling/reburbishment i understand tania undertook, then the real estate commission, plus capital holding costs, plus interest on any mortgage.

the 1.5M "profit" would be substantially less i'd hazard

Edited by daisycutter
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Seriously can't believe they wouldn't live in it for twelve months so they can avoid capital gains tax.

What are they thinking ?!?!!??

Or maybe this is one of the ways they have chosen to repay their debt to society ?

Er they have another huge house in Toorak. And only 1 is CGT free....

The one that you see on TV when Tarnia does her 'doorstops'

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Well if any more proof needed to present in order for this whole debacle to show itself no more than a Cirque du fou then here it be.

Again these nonsensical despots ( and now i refer to the players instead of the club's lunatic shepherds) seem to think they are hard done by victims and that they therefore occupy some high moral position by such default. It's hilarious. They are certainly delusional if they think they can somehow hide behind a veil of abstinence on the part of the greater numbers. ASADA are playing hard ball. Good. This bodes well for some form of deserved punishment being handed down. That the AFL are now grasping the reality that they are a player and not the governor in these events is also an educational step forward for this outfit.

The temerity of these clowns that they should boast the ability to withdraw their services should in all honesty be met with fervent agreement and lets allow them to NEVER compete again, EVER. That would surely appease their twisted sense of outrage.

The criminals want to set the agenda ? Those that have transgressed the rules ( ones they signed to btw ) ought to be met with an iron fist. Australian Sport is about to be dealt a very decisive readjustment of position.

In a fashion I concur with the idea that possibly EFC oughtn't be represented at the NAB cup. In this matter and I address the players ( that is the association dérangée de tricheurs disposés pareils ) I feel it only reasonable to accede to their wishes and allow them to removed from competition completely :)

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Honestly theres more spin coming from essendon than from shane warne to gatting.

They cant field a team as they dont have enough players because 20 of them are suspended.

Because they stand accused of participating in a systematic doping regime.

Thats the bottom line.

All this other crap is just spin.

"We want to protect their privacy"

"We'll boycott unless they arent suspended"

"We can't play v vfl players because health and safety" (this is the funniest thing ive ever heard. Vfl players arent good enough to play but the drugs we gave our players but we dont know what they were are so safe they cure cancer. I mean, honestly)

Anything to make asada and the afl look like the bad guys while poor little essendon havent done anything wrong.

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The saddest thing biggestred is the essendon supporters who will buy every word of it and defend it aggressively, I feel for them a bit, when they axe does fall they will feel very silly.

Mind you I find it ridiculous that AFL officials are still in discussions with essendon but haven't clarified the situation to the public.

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Here's a weird thought I had this morning after reading that.....

Ess, the club, can't be seen to be fighting tooth and nail to delay this whole saga. They are too beholden to the AFL with TV rights money, fixtures, draft etc. It's to easy for the AFL to whack them. But they do want a delay so they can turn their list over. They do want to fight because they have massive egos etc

So maybe they have done a deal with T(h)ird (silent 'h'). You fight it. We'll back you. We'll sign you to a huge contract extension, We'll pay your legal bills. You wear the heat but you'll be our hero forever. And wealthy. And you can do it under the guise of 'fighting for the little guys' fighting for the players' etc etc

The money is nothing to Little. He's a corporate rottweiller so winning is what counts to him.

If they win the legal battle they are sweet.

If they delay it 3 yrs they will have turned their list over. They are sweet

They won't care if they have trashed their repoutation in the eyes of the football and wider public. It makes sense to me that this is their ploy. Because any other explanation as to why they are backing Tird to the hilt doesn't make sense. And why they re-signed him etc etc.....

Just a thought...

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Here's a weird thought I had this morning after reading that.....

Ess, the club, can't be seen to be fighting tooth and nail to delay this whole saga. They are too beholden to the AFL with TV rights money, fixtures, draft etc. It's to easy for the AFL to whack them. But they do want a delay so they can turn their list over. They do want to fight because they have massive egos etc

So maybe they have done a deal with T(h)ird (silent 'h'). You fight it. We'll back you. We'll sign you to a huge contract extension, We'll pay your legal bills. You wear the heat but you'll be our hero forever. And wealthy. And you can do it under the guise of 'fighting for the little guys' fighting for the players' etc etc

The money is nothing to Little. He's a corporate rottweiller so winning is what counts to him.

If they win the legal battle they are sweet.

If they delay it 3 yrs they will have turned their list over. They are sweet

They won't care if they have trashed their repoutation in the eyes of the football and wider public. It makes sense to me that this is their ploy. Because any other explanation as to why they are backing Tird to the hilt doesn't make sense. And why they re-signed him etc etc.....

Just a thought...

Possibly...but then that would require an understanding on Golden Boy's part that he is actually in the wrong.

I dont think he would ever concede that as Im pretty sure now he thinks he's done none.....also a thought :)

edit:..but as you allude...its always seemed to me about time. If they could delay they could minimise impact they could roll on. The only impediment to this ideal would be wholesale suspension and big BIG fines and penalties. I still think EFC ( indeed the AFL ) are in for one hell of a 'correction". AD understood from the beginning it was opening Pandoras Box but even he got caught off guard with the potential enormity of this...until he saw it grow legs....and then so did he !!! :)

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Here's a weird thought I had this morning after reading that.....

Ess, the club, can't be seen to be fighting tooth and nail to delay this whole saga. They are too beholden to the AFL with TV rights money, fixtures, draft etc. It's to easy for the AFL to whack them. But they do want a delay so they can turn their list over. They do want to fight because they have massive egos etc

So maybe they have done a deal with T(h)ird (silent 'h'). You fight it. We'll back you. We'll sign you to a huge contract extension, We'll pay your legal bills. You wear the heat but you'll be our hero forever. And wealthy. And you can do it under the guise of 'fighting for the little guys' fighting for the players' etc etc

The money is nothing to Little. He's a corporate rottweiller so winning is what counts to him.

If they win the legal battle they are sweet.

If they delay it 3 yrs they will have turned their list over. They are sweet

They won't care if they have trashed their repoutation in the eyes of the football and wider public. It makes sense to me that this is their ploy. Because any other explanation as to why they are backing Tird to the hilt doesn't make sense. And why they re-signed him etc etc.....

Just a thought...

Turning over the list before entering the fire has always been priority one for Ess i believe

To them this is what it is all about

The drug issue is small potatoes to them


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Here's a weird thought I had this morning after reading that.....

Ess, the club, can't be seen to be fighting tooth and nail to delay this whole saga. They are too beholden to the AFL with TV rights money, fixtures, draft etc. It's to easy for the AFL to whack them. But they do want a delay so they can turn their list over. They do want to fight because they have massive egos etc

So maybe they have done a deal with T(h)ird (silent 'h'). You fight it. We'll back you. We'll sign you to a huge contract extension, We'll pay your legal bills. You wear the heat but you'll be our hero forever. And wealthy. And you can do it under the guise of 'fighting for the little guys' fighting for the players' etc etc

The money is nothing to Little. He's a corporate rottweiller so winning is what counts to him.

If they win the legal battle they are sweet.

If they delay it 3 yrs they will have turned their list over. They are sweet

They won't care if they have trashed their repoutation in the eyes of the football and wider public. It makes sense to me that this is their ploy. Because any other explanation as to why they are backing Tird to the hilt doesn't make sense. And why they re-signed him etc etc.....

Just a thought...

Not a weird thought at all junior, entirely possible. Certainly delay, obfuscation, turning over the list has been their intent all along. And Hird is protected under the Little regime.

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Hird a rumour that Essundone are sick to death of the AFL and ADADA interruption to their plans of world dominance whatever it takes.

They are going to tell the AFL and ASADA to shove it and they are going to start their own competition. In this new competition much like in the AFL, Essendone can do whatever they like and ignore the rules of the land. Apparently the name is already registered and they believe that they will dominate, this may take a Toll on their competitors and it is called the Little League. Hahaha

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Here's a weird thought I had this morning after reading that.....

Ess, the club, can't be seen to be fighting tooth and nail to delay this whole saga. They are too beholden to the AFL with TV rights money, fixtures, draft etc. It's to easy for the AFL to whack them. But they do want a delay so they can turn their list over. They do want to fight because they have massive egos etc

So maybe they have done a deal with T(h)ird (silent 'h'). You fight it. We'll back you. We'll sign you to a huge contract extension, We'll pay your legal bills. You wear the heat but you'll be our hero forever. And wealthy. And you can do it under the guise of 'fighting for the little guys' fighting for the players' etc etc

The money is nothing to Little. He's a corporate rottweiller so winning is what counts to him.

If they win the legal battle they are sweet.

If they delay it 3 yrs they will have turned their list over. They are sweet

They won't care if they have trashed their repoutation in the eyes of the football and wider public. It makes sense to me that this is their ploy. Because any other explanation as to why they are backing Tird to the hilt doesn't make sense. And why they re-signed him etc etc.....

Just a thought...

Makes a lot of sense!

Little was interviewed by Robbo in Nov soon after they had lost the case against ASADA. They no longer had a dog in the fight given they weren't a party to the players tribunal and were not going to appeal the ASADA decision, but Little ended the interview with this quote:

"There will be noise along the way. Journalists I don’t like, presidents whose comments I don’t like, the AFL alluding to certain things, that’s noise in my opinion. The main game is getting these players off and that’s where my focus is".

By what means was he going to achieve this?

Edited by deefrag
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I have said it before and I'll say it again that I sincerely believe there is so much more to come out of this matrix.

Essendon and AFL Footy is just the entrée....

Whether we will ever know or not is another question....

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Turning over the list before entering the fire has always been priority one for Ess i believe

To them this is what it is all about

The drug issue is small potatoes to them


I don't give a sheet.

Hope they drown financially defending themselves.


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What also irks me is the pretense that this in some fashion is about protecting the anonymity of the transgressors. That's plainly rubbish.

Why cant they even bat straight here and say its only about some far flung hope that in some fashion suspensions/bans will apply from last game last season. i.e we cant afford to play as that will add months to their absence !! They also allude to issues of OH& S.....further hilarity..as thats always been a major consideration at Windy Hill pfffftttt !!!

Easy to tell when Essendon are lying........lips are moving !!

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Just Had a delusional essendon supporter ask me " why did the club spend so much money going to court if they are guilty" I just wanted to slap him.

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Just Had a delusional essendon supporter ask me " why did the club spend so much money going to court if they are guilty" I just wanted to slap him.

i like it - a new way of judging guilt and innocence - how much money do you have?..................oh wait, that's not new

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