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Worried and disgruntled about Roos' limited tenure

Curry & Beer

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I find it strange that people can accept that Roos (and Jackson) are vital cogs in the machinery now, but won't be in 2 years time.

Another way of putting it is that I've got early onset of the MFCSS which many on here will be suffering in the summer of 2016/2017. ;)

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odd response. Do you go around to every comment on every thread and point out we should only be discussing things that we have control over?

Newsflash buddy - not one topic on this board is under ANY control by ANYONE on this forum - but we talk about it

bizarre response

To begin with many of the other threads on this board at the moment are ones for proper discussion - scrapping the sub rule, our theme song etc. Things that are yet to happen and are open to debate and discussion. Same as the trade ideas and what picks we get and why Mitch Clark the worst human being on earth etc. etc. etc.

Your post is a waste of time. You are worried about something that has been done and there is no way around it. I guess I can turn to the wife and tell her that I feel better knowing Curry and Beer is worried and disgruntled about something that's already happened, but what else is there for it? Why waste time whipping ourselves into a frenzy over it? I just don't get the point of your post at all. Roos is here until the end of 2016 and then Goodwin takes over. That's the way it is.

But it's not just that. It's your rubbish comments about how Roos has only made a 'half arse' commitment to the club and that we have rats deserting a sinking ship (even though Tyson, Vince, Cross, Michie, Lumumba etc were and are all keen on coming to the club...). It's simply untrue and founded on nothing.

Roos was always brought into the club NOT to coach us to our next premiership but to set us up for the next one. That includes changing the list, changing the culture and overhauling the structures that have kept us a mile behind all the other clubs. His job was to help select the successor who would hold those values and then take over - Simon Goodwin is the man who will be charged with taking us to our next flag, and I have no doubt that Roos will still be around the club giving his support to that push.

who has coached a better season at the MFC (with a worse list mind you)

Bailey or Roos

And let's not even start with this. I love posters who will hold on to any piece of evidence and claim it supports their point.

Bailey might have won a few more games but he oversaw the worst defeat in our history and oversaw a side that had no idea how to train, no idea how to play defence and no idea how to improve themselves. He allowed players far too much freedom, to the point of cancelling the odd session, and he allowed some like Prendergast to make some of the worst draft selections in our history, which I have no doubt he had a hand in.

Roos may not have won as many matches this year, but he ticks WAY more columns on the overall list than Bailey ever did. Bailey was all short term. Roos sees the bigger picture and aren't we the better for it.

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instead of parroting what others have said why don't you answer the question - 4 wins 2014, 6 wins 2015, 8 wins 14 losses in 2016 then Goodwin has his debut season as a head coach in the AFL - will you be happy with that ?

4 wins in 2014, 8 wins in 2015, finals in 2016 with Goodwin pulling the strings in the box and Dangerfield our new free agent. Perfect, don't know what you're worried about.

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The brief for getting Roos and Jackson in was to help get the club off the mat at 9 count. Not for just continuation of business as usually done. It was a matter of survival or extinction. The first year was always most likely to be a painful grind because we were starting again at year Zero. Most critics are looking at it as if we were like any other club having a downer without appreciating the chronic malaise existing at the club at all levels. We were nearly dead. No other club has been in this situation since the Swans and Fitzroy. But they were left to die. And unlike Port who had a brief decline we have been steadily sinking for half a century. We needed a radical approach. Leadership at the club was effectively non existent. I think critics should hold off a little because a settled structure and tangible signs of real improvement will take another season or two more to show itself. The main game now is survival. If we don't improve by the end of Roos tenure then it will be the time to ask prickly questions. Effectively we are still under AFL administration.

Edited by america de cali
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Roos will be on the payroll as a consultant. This will allow him to contribute from abroad and remain involved in footy.

PJ is the guy I would really like to keep around longer. If he can get this club up and running at a higher level then the club is going to be well set up for the future.

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This period of governance under Roos and PJ is going to be nothing more than a sloight levelling out in a terminal death spiral. For one main reason.

The club has been so poor for so long that the membership and supporter base is miniscule and will only contract further as the generation who grew up during the Clubs glory era pass on. MFC has the oldest supporter base in the league. How many supporters has it collected since the early 60s compared to other clubs do you think?

That is no the full issue however. If it was a purely 'arrses on seat" issue it could be resolved through marleting and alternative revenue streams. The real and ultimatley terminal issue is the truly pitiful pool of talent among the MFC supporter base from which to draw the power brokers from.

The talent around the board room table at MFC has been truly very very ordinary when compared to other clubs. A club like Collingwood wwith a huge support base has so many highly talented people within the business and leadership community from which to draw top end decision makers.

The MFC 'elite' supporter base is just ordinary. Our boards are weak and stuck in stuffy and conservative ways of thinking. That pool of talent doesnt change just because Roos and co come on board for a few years. With bugger all supporters where do we find a large pool of talented community and business leaders to come and volunteer their time to lead this club effectively.

This is what will be the demise of the club. There is just no quality leadership among the group of people whio call themselves Melbourne supporters.

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This period of governance under Roos and PJ is going to be nothing more than a sloight levelling out in a terminal death spiral. For one main reason.

The club has been so poor for so long that the membership and supporter base is miniscule and will only contract further as the generation who grew up during the Clubs glory era pass on. MFC has the oldest supporter base in the league. How many supporters has it collected since the early 60s compared to other clubs do you think?

That is no the full issue however. If it was a purely 'arrses on seat" issue it could be resolved through marleting and alternative revenue streams. The real and ultimatley terminal issue is the truly pitiful pool of talent among the MFC supporter base from which to draw the power brokers from.

The talent around the board room table at MFC has been truly very very ordinary when compared to other clubs. A club like Collingwood wwith a huge support base has so many highly talented people within the business and leadership community from which to draw top end decision makers.

The MFC 'elite' supporter base is just ordinary. Our boards are weak and stuck in stuffy and conservative ways of thinking. That pool of talent doesnt change just because Roos and co come on board for a few years. With bugger all supporters where do we find a large pool of talented community and business leaders to come and volunteer their time to lead this club effectively.

This is what will be the demise of the club. There is just no quality leadership among the group of people whio call themselves Melbourne supporters.

Maybe time for you to choose a new club or sport to follow. Clearly wasting your energies now if you have no hope. Edited by america de cali
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Maybe time for you to choose a new club or sport to follow. Clearly wasting your energies now if you have no hope.

That's what I thought, too. I had to force myself to read beyond his first line, and spent the rest of the time just wondering why this guy still bothers.

Munga, if it's all over, walk away now and spare yourself the heartache.

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What "next premiership" Wiseblood?

You're kidding yourself .

I didn't say we will win one you peanut. I said that the goal is for Goodwin to be the man who will take us to our next premiership - Roos to start it, Goodwin to finish it off. Of course that may not come to fruition, but that is clearly the plan.

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This period of governance under Roos and PJ is going to be nothing more than a sloight levelling out in a terminal death spiral. For one main reason.

The club has been so poor for so long that the membership and supporter base is miniscule and will only contract further as the generation who grew up during the Clubs glory era pass on. MFC has the oldest supporter base in the league. How many supporters has it collected since the early 60s compared to other clubs do you think?

That is no the full issue however. If it was a purely 'arrses on seat" issue it could be resolved through marleting and alternative revenue streams. The real and ultimatley terminal issue is the truly pitiful pool of talent among the MFC supporter base from which to draw the power brokers from.

The talent around the board room table at MFC has been truly very very ordinary when compared to other clubs. A club like Collingwood wwith a huge support base has so many highly talented people within the business and leadership community from which to draw top end decision makers.

The MFC 'elite' supporter base is just ordinary. Our boards are weak and stuck in stuffy and conservative ways of thinking. That pool of talent doesnt change just because Roos and co come on board for a few years. With bugger all supporters where do we find a large pool of talented community and business leaders to come and volunteer their time to lead this club effectively.

This is what will be the demise of the club. There is just no quality leadership among the group of people whio call themselves Melbourne supporters.

I tend to agree with you. Am concerned once the AFL administration leaves then we will revert to old ways and the debt, disastrously poor decision making, and amateur approach to all things MFC will return and threaten to finish the club off.

Having veins that pump red and blue in the few of us that there are won't save us.

Love to be wrong but history tells a different story.

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Exactly Melbman. Ive been a paid up member since the early 80s so dont doubt my passion for the Club. I am a realist however and my blunt rhetoric is more a response to all these people that seem to be of the opinion that we are all ok now, Roos and Co have put us on the right path.

That is a very very dangerous way to think.

Administration is everything. Ask any player associated with a strong club about what brought the team success. It starts with a strong admin.

We dont have the people for a strong admin. Look at the boards just in my time. It has been amateur hour continuously.

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Just like the liberals of this world seem to think that because the SILENT majority of Muslims are moderate that there is nothing to worry about. But thats another issue.

We cant sit back and assume everything will be ok because we have roos and PJ. Our power base is pathetic. I just shake my head every time the nominations come up for board elections.

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Just like the liberals of this world seem to think that because the SILENT majority of Muslims are moderate that there is nothing to worry about. But thats another issue.

We cant sit back and assume everything will be ok because we have roos and PJ. Our power base is pathetic. I just shake my head every time the nominations come up for board elections.


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FFS.... The club is trying to create stability & build strong foundations for the future.... Goodwin was appointed so he can work under Roos for 2 yrs & take over.... This will ensure to the same message is continued & the players become accustomed to their new head coach.... The strategy cannot continue to change every 2-3yrs... I would think our history since 08-13 says it all...

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This subject has been done to death in prior threads.

We should shut it down if for no other reason than C&B was just amusing himself with this thread...throw a contentious 'grenade' out to DL and sit back and watch the fray. Lets not humour him any longer!

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Maybe time for you to choose a new club or sport to follow. Clearly wasting your energies now if you have no hope.

If Munga is actually anything like his / her avatar, I doubt if he / she will see out another year regardless

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With you there 'pitchfork'. Firstly we get the ignorant hyperbole about the terminal uselessness of the entire MFC supporter base, and then to raise the juvenile generalisations and fear baited paranoia to even greater levels, the Muslims get a mention. Wow.

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I'm with you C&B, this succession thing is BS.

Not happy we've locked in Goodwin either.

Who knows who will be available in a year or 2?

Reakon Roos is overrated too.

He was in the right place at the right time at the Swans.

Inherited Eades list.

Used Lyons game plan.

Handed over to Longmire when the list aged and become time to rebuild.

So you are not happy with Roos and you think he is overrated. Fair enough.

You're also not happy with Goodwin and succession plans.

So what's your solution?

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With you there 'pitchfork'. Firstly we get the ignorant hyperbole about the terminal uselessness of the entire MFC supporter base, and then to raise the juvenile generalisations and fear baited paranoia to even greater levels, the Muslims get a mention. Wow.

So you dont agree that a small and ever declining supporter base affects the ability to fill the board room with top quality leaders? ok

I dont quite understand how could argue otherwise, especially with history as evidence to the contrary, but thats the beauty of forums., all opinions are heard

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Administration is everything. Ask any player associated with a strong club about what brought the team success. It starts with a strong admin.


Leigh Matthews says that the ultimate ingredient for premiership success is 90% the talent on your list. The rest of the ingredients including coaching, admin and a touch of luck at times makes up the remaining 10%.

Strong and competent club admin is important but it is not everything.

You are right in that MFC have been badly hamstrung by incompetent administrations. But that only been part of our problems.

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