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Tom Boyd

Travis Boots

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Blind Freddy can see that we are in desperate need of quality midfielders. However....

Does anyone else think that should we be given a priority pick after our first selection we should try to draft Tom Boyd if GWS pass on him? With Jamar looking a shadow of his former self i wouldnt mind Mitch being moved into the permanent ruck role ( provided he can get back on the park on a permanent basis) with Gawn being back up/playing the roaming tall role around the ground.

The flexibility this would provide us with could see us having a potential elite spine down the track. The only fallback i could see is too many talls (Hogan, Boyd, Dawes) playing in the forward line but with the amount of injuries to so far to Clark and Dawes it would be a problem i'd be happy to deal with and work around

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I've said it in other threads: if he is the best available when we get our pick then we take him. If he isn't we take another.

No drawbacks in bringing the best to the club.

Plenty of drawbacks in trying to pick a kid that we think should or might fill a role we hope they can fill.

Edited by Carrot Top
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The way we are going at the moment I don't think we will have to be worried about GWS passing on him and a priority pick would make the choice all the more easy. If Boyd is best available we take him.

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Blind Freddy can see that we are in desperate need of quality midfielders. However....

Does anyone else think that should we be given a priority pick after our first selection we should try to draft Tom Boyd if GWS pass on him? With Jamar looking a shadow of his former self i wouldnt mind Mitch being moved into the permanent ruck role ( provided he can get back on the park on a permanent basis) with Gawn being back up/playing the roaming tall role around the ground.

The flexibility this would provide us with could see us having a potential elite spine down the track. The only fallback i could see is too many talls (Hogan, Boyd, Dawes) playing in the forward line but with the amount of injuries to so far to Clark and Dawes it would be a problem i'd be happy to deal with and work around

With all the problems Mitch has had with his foot, I would keep him key position rather than risking him in the ruck!

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Blind Freddy can see that we are in desperate need of quality midfielders. However....

Does anyone else think that should we be given a priority pick after our first selection we should try to draft Tom Boyd if GWS pass on him? With Jamar looking a shadow of his former self i wouldnt mind Mitch being moved into the permanent ruck role ( provided he can get back on the park on a permanent basis) with Gawn being back up/playing the roaming tall role around the ground.

The flexibility this would provide us with could see us having a potential elite spine down the track. The only fallback i could see is too many talls (Hogan, Boyd, Dawes) playing in the forward line but with the amount of injuries to so far to Clark and Dawes it would be a problem i'd be happy to deal with and work around

I just saw some footage of him on the tv... he looks interesting, all the rage... we have to take best available... if that means him, then yes.

If theres a standout, take them.

this is a bit like 2007 again, re the draft position... we missed out on the Kreuzemeister, & the Cotchin.... & we took the cale, & not even the hooker variety.

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With all the problems Mitch has had with his foot, I would keep him key position rather than risking him in the ruck!

If he can't play ruck then he is a risk anywhere, Mitch only knows how to play one way. See ball, get ball and or clean up anyone in his way. Forward, back or ruck, the risk will be the same for Mitch, it was as a forward that he got these injuries and also tried to kill himself landing on his head.

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If we get priority pick its dunstan and Boyd. Mitch might even make it this year and Hogan we all dont even know if he will sign the five year deal. And Dawes has four or five years left in him.

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Nope not unless he is head and shoulders above the rest. We need mids, mids and more mids! Key forwards is something we have (provided Clark pulls up - Clark, Dawes, Hogan and maybe Watts?)

We need to use our first 3 picks on mids - we improve our midfield and I think our performances wil improve tenfold!

We have a backline in Frawley, Garland, Mcdonald, Watts etc. if they weren't under constant pressure due to our crap midfield they could work well together.

It is in the center of the ground where we get dominated and that drags the rest of the team down. (Tom won't be any use if we can't get the ball to him)

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Nope not unless he is head and shoulders above the rest. We need mids, mids and more mids! Key forwards is something we have (provided Clark pulls up - Clark, Dawes, Hogan and maybe Watts?)

We need to use our first 3 picks on mids - we improve our midfield and I think our performances wil improve tenfold!

We have a backline in Frawley, Garland, Mcdonald, Watts etc. if they weren't under constant pressure due to our crap midfield they could work well together.

It is in the center of the ground where we get dominated and that drags the rest of the team down. (Tom won't be any use if we can't get the ball to him)

We can always target a restricted free agent (aged 25) or someone like a Taylor Adams with a very big contract for his age (400-450k)in the psd. Not as if we owe gws any favours. We need to start becoming ruthless with our dealings. We've been too soft as a whole in recent years. Things need to change. I hate Carlton supporters the most but at least their supporters expect success regardless of circumstances

I get so [censored] off with the reaction of some of our fans, the apologists etc. a change in mindset is required or we run the major risk of having an even smaller supporter base 20 years from now which can only result in a gradual decline/extinction. Enough is enough. Would it be far to say that we probably had the highest amount of supporters back in our heyday? (Top 3 at the least) We now languish at the bottom with the kangaroos at around 23000-25000 supporters. That won't improve until change and new culture is implemented. You have men calling Sen saying their kids want to change teams.doesnt bode well... ( apologies for the leftfield rant, I love the club and am depressed with our current fortunes)

Edited by Sweet Puff
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agreed with sweet puff.

we should absolutely be throwing big bikkies at daisy thomas as a free agent, at taylor adams to hold out for the psd rather than re-contracting with gws.

then if we are so poor that we finish stone motherless, it's got to be best available with pick #1, and best available with pick #2 (if we are granted a priority pick), and best available with pick #20, and so on and so forth.

i look back at the 09 draft where we had the opportunity to get luke ball in with pick #18 instead of luke tapscott, and just shake my head. i understand that he only wanted to go to collingwood but, quite frankly, tough. he'd be our captain now, i believe.

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agreed with sweet puff.

we should absolutely be throwing big bikkies at daisy thomas as a free agent, at taylor adams to hold out for the psd rather than re-contracting with gws.

then if we are so poor that we finish stone motherless, it's got to be best available with pick #1, and best available with pick #2 (if we are granted a priority pick), and best available with pick #20, and so on and so forth.

i look back at the 09 draft where we had the opportunity to get luke ball in with pick #18 instead of luke tapscott, and just shake my head. i understand that he only wanted to go to collingwood but, quite frankly, tough. he'd be our captain now, i believe.

I think, could be wrong, but he categorically stated that he'd walk away from footy if he couldn't go the Pies. I'm not too worried about Tapscott's selection too much....I'm still annoyed about how we stuffed up our high picks.

FWIW, Gawn needs to step up, allow a forward line of Dawes, Clark, Hogan, Watts, Barry/Davey, Howe, Byrne etc to function.

I'd be taking a mid, then another mid, then to top it up, another mid.

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I posted this in another thread yesterday... so I agree entirely with the sentiments in this thread. We have to pick this kid if he is available with our pick (so long as we have a priority pick as well):

I want a priority pick in this draft just so we can pick up Tom Boyd from Eastern Ranges... as well as a gun midfielder. With Clark's future uncertain, I would love to have this kid on the list. Absolutely anhilating defenders in the TAC Cup and Under 18 National Championships (he has kicked 9 goals in the 3 1/2 quarters he has played at the National Championships). Hogan and Boyd would be the most dominant forward line combination in the competition within 3yrs. If Clark gets over his foot problems then we have ourselves a ready-made replacement for Jamar.

2013 Ideal Draft/Trade/Free Agency Period:

National Draft

Pick 1/2 - Tom Boyd (Best available)

Pick 2/3 - Best available midfielder

Pick 10-15 - Best available midfielder (Trade out for this pick)

Free agency - A 26-28yr old 'A' Grade midfielder and throw the kitchen sink at them. Give them an offer they can't refuse (e.g. Dale Thomas)

Pre-season Draft

Best available out-of-contract midfielder (e.g. Taylor Adams)

I know that some may not agree with picking a forward, but Boyd is TOO GOOD to not pick. A forward-line of Hogan and Boyd (plus Dawes) will scare opposition defenders for the next 10 years. Throw in Thomas, Adams, and best midfielder at Pick 2, and we then start to have something more competitive in the middle when you also throw Jones, Grimes, Trengove, Viney, and Toumpas into that lot as well. My mouth waters at the prospect of a competitive midfield core looking up field to see these 3 monsters in the Forward 50.

Edited by mfcrox
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Do what Hawthorn has done to B.Hodge,convert a stronger ( use the term loosely ) player into a midfielder.

Forget Jamar,Watts to be used as a ruck-rover style of player resting in the forward pocket.Garland and Pedersen may also be tried.

Gawn should be 1st ruck resting in defence. With Hogan available next year either him or M.Clark to play centre half back,forget about rucking.

Sorry to those who don't have the vision ( mental capacity ) to think outside the square. I have kept this response simple!!! suppose to appease word nazis and grammar freaks (naturally this

is crap).......Perhaps I need a Sly col o gist.

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This is very early to be deciding on who we draft and we don't even know our picks.

However, I have given this some thought and while we desperately need mids, if Boyd is far and away the best player, IMO then you take him. Boyd and Hogan can give you your forward line for years to come.

That would still allow you to take a top mid if you had the PP. You could also get a free agent mid. You could also trade for a mid, by for example sending Jamar to GWS, who will lose Brogan and only really have Giles. If Leuenberger stays at the Lions, Jamar becomes an for GWS.

The rest of the draft would also allow you to pick up several mids and maybe a small forward or two.

The PSD could be another option for a mid, who wants out of his club.

We don't know what the future holds. Hogan may choose to leave. Clark may not come up. I don't think he will ever be a full time ruckman again, unless his foot completely heals. Dawes may have injuries. We could even trade Watts for a mid. Would we consider Watts for Yarran? If we had Boyd I think you would. You might even get a Bell in the deal who is not in favour at Carlton. There are many options to consider.

Having Hogan and Boyd as your two main forwards could really set this club up. Then you get the mids needed with trades, free agents and your other picks.

One thing I know for sure, if we overlook Boyd he will be a star and if we take a mid instead, he will be average. Taking the best player has a certain symmetry that is hard to argue against.

Anyway, as I said earlier, it is early days.

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I wouldn't put Mitch anywhere near the ruck, he is ability to get a goal out of nothing and be a key forward is his best asset.

We'll have most likely Gawn and Fitzpatrick to ruck, and also Hogan, Dawes, Clark, Davey/Byrnes, How/Watts forward next year so I can't really see why would should change our set up.

I thought we learnt this year that there is no point in having a good forward line if you don't have a good midfield to get it to them! Preferably a tall utility and a smaller mid.

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It is all very subjective. Who is the best available this year in any given pick of the draft.

A lot of these kids just don't make the grade.

We don't usually know who is best in any particular draft until until 2 or 3 years down the track.

I'd love to have the fore thought of hindsight.

Look at Geelongs recruiting and development, you can't tell me they had picks of the best available.

But they were smart enough to develop players that they thought had the right attributes to make good players.

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MIDFIELDERS are required to move ball from centre square to forward line.... Next year Clark/Dawes/Hogan will be waiting and smiling... If we can 'get' it to them

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Mitch to CHB could be amazing as well, especially if his foot hampers his ability to any point.

Hogan, Boyd and Dawes (with watts/resting ruckman) as well up forward.

Frawley, clark and Tom mc, releasing garland to play the maxwell/fisher role with aplomb

Trading Jamar could be an option also, meaning Clark/Dawes/?? To support gawn in ruck

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Nope. Mids, mids and more mids.

If we take Boyd, move Mitch to ruck and Boyd is forward with Dawes and Hogan then who plays as 2nd ruck??? We recruited Dawes on the back of telling him he wont have to play 2nd ruck so we can't turn around and say we take it back.

If we have either the first 2 or 2 of the first three picks we've got to use them on one of the following combinations. Aish/Dunstan (1 & 2), Aish/Billings (1 & 3 if GWS take Dunstan at 2),

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Nope. Mids, mids and more mids.

If we take Boyd, move Mitch to ruck and Boyd is forward with Dawes and Hogan then who plays as 2nd ruck??? We recruited Dawes on the back of telling him he wont have to play 2nd ruck so we can't turn around and say we take it back.

If we have either the first 2 or 2 of the first three picks we've got to use them on one of the following combinations. Aish/Dunstan (1 & 2), Aish/Billings (1 & 3 if GWS take Dunstan at 2),

Boyd is 200cm isn't he so I couldn't see why he couldn't be the second ruck to Clark with Dawes and Hogan the key forwards. However that means we'd be wasting Gawn in the 2's.

However the thing about Boyd we should remember is to not even expect him to be best 22 for the first 2 years at least. So we could go with Jamar/Gawn as ruck, Clark (2nd ruck), Hogan and Dawes and wait it out.

If this guy is going to be a star and the mids look average then we have to take him. We can't afford to have Tambling whilst GWS have the next Franklin. I've got full confidence that Hogan could easily play CHB.

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Ill admit if we were to get a priorty pick it would be tempting to take him.

But we need to look an one more midfielder and not an outside midfielder like Toumpas. Another Jack Viney, Ollie Wines, someone who is inside and wins the hard footy because in that area of the midfield we are lacking it. As much as i really love Sylvia and Trengove they are not good enough (trengove might be in the future) to be in the centre of the ground and go head to head with Pendles, Swanny, Gazza, Boyd in clearances.

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